30 days Starving and building a cabin. Hungry Alaskan lessons

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oh [Music] my God [Music] [Music] home [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hiding's over here all right so today went good it rained all last night and this morning we got everything plotted out for the foundation he even dug some holes it's looking up can't get tired of rice and beans just yet so could get tired of the company myself included [Music] day four Fallen trees they go down quick you want to put a couple whacks we can put a couple wax in these trees yeah see if it takes it down oh Timber yes yeah foreign it's raining cats and dogs today it's pretty miserable not gonna lie we made a tool shed down here so we have more space back up at base camp um also made some Hammers and our plans went to crap because we went to fell all these trees and it's a lot harder work to cut up these birch trees than we expected so probably just gonna lay where they are next summer we'll have a chainsaw here no we're going down this journey look at our houses it was thank you oh come on girl [Music] that's talking about open up the canopy huh Cat Dragged In hello there forest kings just chopping down trees and cut them by hand now clay the clay [Music] let's fly away a little bit [Applause] foreign [Applause] pouring down rain it's coming back [Music] and that's how you move logs in the bush oh another half inch Maybe out a little redneck Ingenuity yes sir eight inches deeper and then like three two on the on the log yeah all right foreign how do you look no we're delirium's real man all right hello again today started good we got the floor joists on um and then both of us at the same time Tanked just not enough calories despair is the name of the game today the caloric deficit has finally set in we have enough food to make it through the rest of our trip but rationed we have and we must we took a long lunch and then after lunch decided to head to the lake to try and fish I waited out no luck eventful but unyielding tomorrow we're gonna we'll be able to get out into deeper water uh so we're hopeful we can get some fish get some calories back heartache grid is earned I mean we have no one else to blame but ourselves we had enough experience to make the right decisions but anxious nerves prevailed hopefully tomorrow when we go to the lake again and catch some fish so we can get our caloric deficit we can regain what we have calorically lost otherwise it's going to be a little bit of The Struggle Bus the whole way as we build the rest of this cabin so hopefully tomorrow I'm a big smile with a plate of fish or big frown a big big sad face no fish nature he shall provide still good with the north with the pike we caught today a little cranberry Jamboree okay thank you [Music] I barely made that one really foreign foreign okay it is Day what day is it 13 13 I would like to show you all our lunch we each get one half tortilla loaded with peanut butter and jelly and a light glaze of honey followed by a we each get half a Nature Valley bar and we each split like one of those small fruit uh gummy things it's about four fruit gummies what is it if you're gonna be dumb you better be hard is that it or hungry it's gonna be yeah that's it all right oh hello I got four trees down one of them got caught huh what did I tell you about that what did you tell me about that oh no all right day 15. I think it's been like two or three days since we've done this 16. oh one day closer to to our relief let me just tell you show you what our breakfast consists of it's oatmeal right but it's mainly water it's a quarter serving with protein powder and amino acids it's not much yesterday we went to go fish and get water we caught zero fish there all day we got water and then it proceeds to rain all night so we almost didn't need to do that however our rain bucket which holds about five gallons of water fell over so that's great Josh left his rain jacket outside because Famous Last Words as we look up in the sky about nine o'clock it's like should I put my jacket away hmm no it looks like clear skies it is pouring rain yeah we're operating on about 800 calories a day uh mental fortitude is every time we figure we have Alaska figured out she starts throwing us curveballs [Music] maybe Los fortivo will sponsor us too foreign [Music] [Music] thank you yeah meatballs with rice in it and then a sausage gravy over the the meatballs with rice in the meatball yeah so she like formed them with rice in it called them porcupine meatballs and then covered them in sausage gravy oh foreign [Music] [Music] all right foreign hard right okay all right who's gonna carry the logs who's gonna make the logs foreign [Music] due to Newton's Theory relativity I'm relatively hungry relatively tired and relatively almost have a cabin with a roof soon to be on it but first are two running beams for the trusses for the roof yes chisel caveman hammer ah the great necessities of life can I say the bare necessities oh the the necessities thank you foreign how you doing there bud oh you know just uh film The Homestead if you're a little Homestead way out here yeah you know me and Marge We wanted to just get out in the country enjoy the open air oh gosh darn you city Folk don't move out here very much no Ontario is just too much for us too too much we had to get out in the open country get away from all those Hooligans sorry for the bad language oh there's that traffic we keep hearing bloody traffic up here right about two or three planes a day almost too much I could deal with one but two oh my God good evening friends family internet viewers dear and near to our heart today is the end of a great Leaf yes but I was gonna say it's one of our festivals right Friday Festival which is Spam Friday this is our final can and our final Friday here next Friday at the diner so you're gonna come along us with this little journey which is the only pork's not really a red meat and spam even less so but are the only red meat we've had this entire time I hope you enjoy and you feel we will yeah impossible and maybe you'll get a few tips on how to cook a delicious pork dinner in the bush David Attenborough signing off signing off GoPro stop recording GoPro stop recording well spam night was Idaho instant mashed potatoes spam with olive oil seared in cast iron see and I can't wait oh my God I don't know how you get a pattern last time good huh foreign foreign could you bend that one down underneath that little Runner yeah or underneath yours actually like that yeah that was a long one you got yeah oh yeah don't you know about it it was pretty longy foreign [Applause] well we have four days left um the hunger throughout the day is diminished I think our bodies have pretty much gotten used to it now I only hunger for finishing the cabin and going to a restaurant um this is still an incredible experience so since the last Vlog we've also run into two larger shortcomings that we didn't foresee one being not enough Nails I think we came in with like 220 nails um and we used a lot on the ladder and to do the roof with all the roof bracings it would have used too much so now what we ended up doing is x-bracing kind of and then weaving sticks throughout that for strength because our main priority is just for the winter for when the snow falls on the tarp I think it will hold uh and then our our tarps didn't cover the full roof so we have about a five by five section covered in um just Pine branches just for temporary fix oh and then for the floor seeing as we're running out of time we don't have enough time and uh that would have also taken too many nails we're just going to dig into the clay at the bottom and create the floor right on the dirt that's how they did it back in the day and how how we'll do it today so yeah we'll be able to finish this trip so that's pretty exciting and yeah we'll have a cabin all right foreign you like a big mama foreign yeah it's going just wait hello open [Music] okay [Music] oh foreign foreign [Music] bye-bye now foreign day 29 finish the cabin today um within the last couple days of rations are pitifully small so even the very simple task of putting on a door and doing the backfill on the floor to get it sealed in was just about to the end of our capabilities we're completely run out of energy um so the enthusiasm and joy of completing the cabin wasn't there I'm still proud but I know that once we get a good meal Cracker Barrel in us we're gonna feel really good day 29 the cabin is done um I was hoping for more excitement out of that but I just want to eat um I know looking back at the footage though I'll be I'll be pretty ecstatic that about what we've accomplished here oh [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign Josh decided you know what I'm not even playing this game let's just go to expert level right from the start no chainsaw hand saws hand axes and hand screw hand drills um if you want to tell us why you made that decision Josh didn't want to the price 250 for a chainsaw and we got all this for 206. he did it because he's cheap and he wants to it would have been four it would have been six yeah so greatest urn we'll learn welcome back to our 30-day accelerated weight loss program I will be your instructor um today we have eight ounces of protein shake half half scoop protein chick um a cup filled to about here of chicken and beef broth a about half a spoon of peanut butter half spoon of jelly and half spoon of honey we have including this one five lunches to go oh I don't know what to say Alaskan Bush 31 days 56 pounds collectively lost a little bit of a rock to get out but we did it we built a cabin uh I'm fueled now by the the thought of cracker bro we've been trying to get there for 30 days Uber's here it's taking us to Cracker Barrel baby we're ready look at this Scenic Drive we get a go-to to commute to get a little breakfast it's been hard 30 days trying to find a little Cracker Barrel but I think we're nearly there oh I'm more tickled than a hound dog on a pork chop right now Yes siree Stay classy San Diego
Channel: Deadmen
Views: 2,102,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alaska, Cabin, Off-Grid, Off grid, 30 day, survival, hand tools, rural, log, bonafide, vibes, yancofilms, yanco, starving, moss, roof, build, building, friends, rugged, axe, only, alaskan, hunger, vibez, home, homestead, yukon, wild, grandfather, pioneer, land, Bonafidevibez, Minecraft, real life, craft, woods, forest, hardcore, backwoods, Deadmen, trapper, Dick, Proenneke, Starving, dead men, Grit, lumber, Chainsaw, saw, Survival, challenge, rough, simple, cabin, Back woods, off grid, veterans
Id: 4a8Fs2bDeoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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