Tragic Transformation of Nikocado Avocado (From 155 to 352 lbs) | A͏s͏mongold Reacts to SunnyV2

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i'm actually gonna watch this today yep give me a minute uh we're gonna watch it i'm ready tragic transformation of nakado avocado i have never actually watched any of this guy's content but i feel like this guy is like the personification of a train wreck that everybody on the internet is just watching waiting to see what happens it's like the reasons why people watch nascar here we go so without further ado let's make some mac and cheese oh boy why does he have a bird i have gained weight and i don't even know why i don't know why guys know my weight spent spiraling out of control because my life is a disaster there's no cure this food's right in your brain i miss the old nick yeah [Music] [Music] while sitting in his 2.3 million dollar penthouse apartment avocado avocado would upload a video weighing himself to his channel with over 2.5 million subscribers 352 i think not his weight of 350 i think not in stark contrast to his beginning weight of between 150 and 160 pounds when i started mukbangs i was 150 pounds maybe 160. damn when he was a modest vegan living a fairly simple life in colombia he'd moved there way back in 2014 after meeting his then boyfriend orlan in a vegan facebook group for men but look here's the thing if you make videos about eating [ __ ] food all the time you're going to get fat like that's just it is what it is problematically nicocado avocado didn't have much to do in colombia so he began to upload videos about himself to the youtube website playing violin and discussing the many aspects of veganism this is my first ever mukbang mukbang mukbang i actually don't know how to pronounce it but anyways um where he would state that prior to becoming a vegan he considered himself somewhat overweight most people that watch my channel know them vegan i've been vegan for almost four years like another month or two would be like four year mark totally changed my life i used to be opeso i used to be like like this well it was certainly a benefit that organism helped nicaragua lose weight and was assisting him in staying thin as he continued to maintain the vegan diet it would go from a blessing to a curse i rotted a tooth i had low b12 b12 deficiency i developed hypoglycemia i don't know if it's directly related to the veganism but i never had that before at a later date nico carto explained that being vegan had resulted in numerous immediate health issues in addition to this nicocado explained that he found the 2016 online vegan community to be extremely toxic why do vegans have to make everything about veganism why there's damn that is crazy so this is even one of their own can you believe that he's right good question oh my god but the thing is i i don't really i'll be honest everybody that i know who's a vegan doesn't do this i i feel like this is one of those examples where you have like basically 5 000 or 10 000 of the biggest [ __ ] that are vegan that everybody just goes and assumes that everybody is like this uh yeah i i know multiple people that are vegan i never hear about it i don't even know not everyone can do the vegan diet i i don't want to i like eating much more delicious and as a result he ended up renouncing his vegan status and leaving it of vegan youtubers no other community have i ever seen it like this i thought it was the raw vegans but it's just vegans in general on youtube yeah i gotta leave you guys after a one month break the first of many non-vegan mukbang videos would shop on the nicardo avocado channel and while he had made the decision to begin eating meat he would still maintain a relatively clean diet often inclusive of vegetables and rice onion carrots minus that green one which we don't use broccoli cauliflower fresh peas nicocado avocado stuck out like a sore thumb i don't understand the appeal to people that watch other people eat food the only thing that i can assume that like makes sense out of it is that they do it because they are like eating food at the same time and it makes them feel less lonely that's what makes that's the only way it makes sense to me as a mukbang because in the beginning the video type was almost entirely dominated by females additionally nickacada would almost always have his pet parrot sit on his shoulder while he ate the absurdity of which assisting him in standing out from the crowd yeah we're discussing his first mukbang video nicara avocado would state my very first mukbang got like 50 000 views in a couple of weeks which was a lot for me at the time and everyone was asking when's the next mukbang which ultimately resulted in the continuation of the series right however as mukbangs became the dominant video type on his channel his weight would begin to steadily increase in the psychology of mukbang watching published in january 2020. a study found that the viewers vicarious pleasure demanded a large quantity of unhealthy food to be consumed and so it's literally the viewers that are making him fat yeah look there it is it's that simple a lot of people can't understand why people would watch someone play a game yeah oh my god so they just want to see him eat as much food as possible eat it fatty come on come on you could do it eat it oh my god from a relatively uninformed outsiders perspective the meta seems to be the bigger the better no one wants to spend two minutes watching someone eat a bowl of cereal the most popular videos go for more than half an hour and include ridiculously oversized portions the reason for which being because it creates connection and possibly even a guilt-free environment seeing other people eat very large portions other females who are eating very large portions of unhealthily food messily oh my god holy [ __ ] how is this in a this [ __ ] is wild holy [ __ ] we are in decline yes that's right guys holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this is a [ __ ] fetish it can be yeah but i think it's also like do you think maybe it's like how is this like chris chan for women i think we're on to something here oh my god of unhealthy food messily and open to public for this reason nicocado avocado began to eat more and more in every single video posted there's 45 here we're going to see how many we can eat bro i could not even probably eat one i probably eat two of those at the most how the bro like every time i'm gonna be honest like any time i go out to like a restaurant i most of the time can't even finish my meal i'm not a big [ __ ] eater like i'm not like by the time i finish eating i am just like completely full i'm not gonna do fat but i could not even do probably two of these like yeah maybe two probably just like one not be good american meals are huge to be honest well americans are huge to be honest so makes sense so here we go let's start in addition to this he will begin to swap out many of the clean relatively healthy meals in exchange for fast food seen in examples such as ex vegan ates burger for the first time in 10 years which was followed by three other fast food mukbangs and a 10 000 calorie challenge seven months after switching to full-time mukbang videos nikita avocado seemed to naively believe that it maintained his original weight of 160 pounds right however while doing a mukbang at the heart attack grill in las vegas nicaragua avocados on their scale at which point he would be confronted with reality so let's see how much i weigh i don't even know i think 160 maybe 160. weigh yourself here that has to be wrong you guys i'm 200 pounds oh my god when are you visiting the oh like if if the thing is there's always the chance that this is just a person who is like they have completely embraced the meme and like they they basically view their life as like a shakespearean tragedy and like they know what they're doing they know how bad it is and they're playing into it just to make it even worse for the audience just to fully like to like fully become the character right basically mental disease yeah it's like they know that it's horrible they know why people are watching they know that they're killing themselves but the attention and the love from the audience is too much and they have to keep dying but i don't know i like that's the thing is like i don't know if this is a legitimate thing or not it's money as well the show must go on yes article discussing the psychology of mukbang watching the authors also claim that mukbang videos affect viewers perception of food consumption and thinness because mukbangers who are very thin and slim consumed very large portions of food and did not gain weight oh he broke the mold which is without a doubt the spell that nicocado avocado had found himself under being a naturally skinny guy who had seen others doing large mukbangs without gaining any weight might have convinced him that he was immune to growing his very own belly but when you're at the point of eating ten thousand calorie meals for your channel your quote-unquote fast metabolism isn't going to be there to save jesus the problem was that rather than seeing this as a genuine issue and an indication that he might want to slow down on the insane portion sizes nikita avocado would simply integrate it into his content with the goal of gaining more views he would upload two videos shortly after becoming conscious of his weight stating i'm getting fat and i don't know oh my god i want to let you guys know this is what the internet was made for it wasn't made to share scientific discoveries it was not made to play video games with each other this is what it was really made for the world is his stage and he's the main event you know this is incredible like i i wow why as well as a cockpit yes chin where he would unironically state that he thought it was just stress or water weight and that food wasn't the problem that's true i'm praying that this is just water weight yeah yeah that this is water weight and it comes off yeah like a week of just not being so stressed that's true the stress is our number one killer that's not our number one killer no chips no no number one killer stress also believing that his weight gain was some kind of medical mystery there is a medical this guy um probably uh watches dr oz mystery going on there is something chemically imbalanced you need to take the weight loss i should probably go get my thyroid checked which were both pathetic justifications for the reality being that he was simply eating too much food nikita avocado concluded the video by stating you better enjoy it while it lasts because i tell you it will not last i i'm gonna find a way to lose this weight however with the same diet the mindset that it was stress or water weight or a medical mystery and yet another 10 000 calorie challenge only three videos later obviously i feel like in 30 years either if this guy dies or if he changes his life around or anything somebody will make a movie of this and it will be nominated for an oscar like this is a black mirror episode except it's real this is incredible wow weight gain continued but it wasn't only his weight that was causing him health problems nicotto avocado would upload a video simply titled i'm too scared to go to the hospital which in true nature of the 2017 youtube algorithm would gain a whopping 21 million what's that how did this video further assist in making nicocado avocado somewhat of a household name but it also showed him that drama and talking about subjects other than mukbanging would still garner an audience as long as they involve drama yeah i would create a playlist or channel subsection literally titled upset feelings it's just him crying oh my god this is insane what [ __ ] who watches this [ __ ] oh my god dramatic videos displaying the apparent problems he was having such a specific article his boyfriend often gained substantial view counts i'm getting deported i've uploaded videos such as what my husband did to me and i'm getting deported stating later that whenever he found himself in a bad mood his first natural inclination was to grab the camera everyone already hates me or i'm marrying dramatic let me just grab the camera and just like film it so some of them are like really really real for me filming his low points became a regular occurrence on the nicocado avocado channel which unfortunately included his continual weight gain 12 months had passed since his last 206 pound weigh-in at the heart attack grill but it was visually clear that he was now substantially heavier so when asked about his weight in a mukbang q a the result was certainly anticipated how much do you weigh now well do you want to go should i weigh myself in front of you i gotta go get the scale last time i checked it was like 260 it was almost 270 pretty much 268 pounds this is the moment when you read the title and you realize he's not even halfway to the finish line he's at the top of the mountain but he's not even halfway there guys oh my god that's a lot of water weight i'll tell you that avocado was 110 pounds heavier than he had been at the start a weight gain equivalent to the size of an average adult leopard if you were to add another form he counts that his body weight would have doubled since the beginning however nickacada was positive that he would never cross the 300 pound mark and if he did he guaranteed everyone that he would officially make a change yeah that's right i don't think i'll ever be three three hundred if i am trust me we're gonna make major changes avocado but you have to understand like how how [ __ ] compelling this is right like this is like a shakespearean tragedy in real life and it's happening and nobody knows like there's not gonna be a point where like the script gets leaked on like reddit or something like that it's you don't you have no idea what's going to happen paintings eating habits whatsoever and with honey on the column yeah larger and larger quantities justifying his awful diet and overrating by stating that his body had some arbitrary stopping point where he apparently knew when he was eating too much yeah my body seems very comfortable eating the amount i do right of course this is a very strong stocking it looks comfortable and if i over i notice i don't get hungry until later in the next day which was obviously once again just another lie he told himself to deal with the reality of his own situation right to assist with his mukbangs as his weight grew nicara avocado would also purchase a chair rated to hold a person who weighed up to 400 pounds i got the ah that's good he's planning for the next year wow look at that he has a smart this guy plans ahead the chair for foreign life insurance pound people said okay it's gonna hold if it's holding up big people it's gonna hold me up definitely and nico carter avocados need this seat as less than 12 months after claiming he'd never get to 300 pounds he'd upload a video titled i'm 299.9 pounds well i finally reached 300. this video not only showed that all of nicara avocados previous claims about bro i could barely even eat one of these acapella give me one of these what do you mean oh my god what are those that's a number eight man what do you mean what is that's a number eight it's number seven oh yeah you're right yeah it's number seven because six is the six inch you can either get the uh the the chili cheese coney or the all-american hot dog and then number seven is the foot long coney you're right about that it's a number seven yeah you got me there the weight stress diets understanding his body etcetera etcetera holy [ __ ] but it also revealed a much darker reality he had accepted his size and saw his weight as a joke even going so far as to say that he now wanted to hit 300 pounds 294.2 pounds what why am i losing weight why can't i hit 300. in the process nikita avocado had done the actual calculations on how long it would take for him to get back to his starting weight let's do some math how long is it going to take me to lose my weight if i have to lose oh my god and i have to do five pounds a month this is so [ __ ] morbid i love it oh my god like i haven't seen anything this [ __ ] sick in years holy [ __ ] this is [ __ ] dude this is degenerate this is horrible wow is this why people watch yeah that's why people watch it yes it's like watching nascar you're not watching to see who finishes first you're watching to see who's gonna crash let's do 120 divided by five how many [Music] two years that's 24. i have to lose weight for two years i'm just not gonna do it yeah yeah how about i feel so much better concluding that hit pop so i wonder if people watch this do you think people that are like overweight watch this and they're like wow you go you gas queen don't let a scale tell you how to live your life yes oh my god and they watch somebody like this and it like makes them feel better about themselves holy [ __ ] man lost a point of no return and it was better for him to embrace his weight for the views as opposed to going to the effort of losing it i'm that and i don't care anymore i want to get to 300 and then 400 and then 500 and then 600. oh my god i'm in the women's rooms like who cares now too late i ain't going back this oh my god complications in his relationship he's fully [ __ ] embraced it it's like this is the moment you know like this this that was the video that's like you know in the joker where he's like uh you know [ __ ] shooting people or like dancing out he's like finally he's finally able to become himself yeah just one bad mukbang that's all it takes this unsurprisingly caused further complications in his relationships discrimination no one discriminates that thing out my way passage so what's next the card's fat phobic is the carpet i put it in an interview with her to explain that unsurprisingly his sex life had taken a hit after becoming a mukbanger additionally the amount of wow and all and argued or broke up or fought publicly increased substantially you're the worst thing that ever happened to me that's okay with me i'll sleep just fine tonight with that notion i used to be so happy without you oh my god however despite the monstrous weight gain and crumbling relationship it was likely difficult to change his behavior as from a financial perspective his bank account was skyrocketing you know i sit up here in my tower and watch everyone struggle and be poor it's so different i love watching poor people oh my god this is so good i am just beside myself i am beside myself this is wow this man is this is he's going all in like there are very few times in life whenever somebody will put the the entertainment of the audience they will put everything on the line to become more than what a person can be you know this per yeah he's like he's a cartoon villain this is amazing i i i just wow struggle oh i just needed popcorn i could sit here watching all my fancy avocado would have now purchased a 2.3 million dollar penthouse apartment in las vegas after adding yet another 50 pounds to his bro because that's what makes people because people are going to see that and they're going to be mad and they're going to want him to eat more food so he dies this is just so [ __ ] morbid oh my god you know that's what it is because i guess you sold his soul yes he sold his soul for rock and roll i just or not rock and roll just rolls but [ __ ] oh my god this is just youtube self-harm policy is a joke i just man i i this is this is this is [ __ ] it's finding chairs that could hold my size was such a nightmare because i'm 350 almost a comment on the video stating enjoy your house bro you got not much time left perfectly encapsulates the conundrum of nicocado avocado it sums up the dilemma that nikikata avocado has found himself in being the exchange of health for money or on an even deeper level the exchange of health for meaning sure nicardo avocado could quit doing mukbangs tomorrow he'd probably lose a bunch of weight considering his weight gain is anchored to the work but really like what's he gonna do go back to busking with a violin in new york city it's not really realistic yet equally unrealistic mukbang every day without it eventually resulting in something that would take him out of the game altogether yeah yeah he can't stop now [ __ ] dude like we've come so far this is amazing i have just this dude is a genius yes this is i i i love it i just love that i i love that he's lost his mind that's the best part the see the best part is that you don't ever know what's real whenever you're watching a movie you have a willing suspension of disbelief and you know that the people in the movie are acting but you don't know how deep this rabbit hole goes is this all just a game to him is he actually delusional is he actually delusional and thinks that it's all a game to him is this actually happening to him and he's just processing things in the best way possible this is unbelievable he's always a step ahead i can't wait to see what happens next i can't wait to see this is unbelievable yes best thing you've seen all year yes this probably is literally the best thing i've seen all year wow oh my god i just wow it's just it's so good man it's just so good no he's just fat no this is something so much bigger and better than that this is beyond just being fat it's so toxic it's one of the most toxic things i've ever seen this is horrible and i love it man i'm just i'm gonna be thinking about this for days i am really i'm gonna be thinking about this is just so [ __ ] incredible he's popping off on youtube yes freud would have a field day bro this guy this guy is the he he like he's the real deal you know like he's actually like [ __ ] i tried like this person has descended into the depths of depravity for millions of dollars and he knows it and he says it and that just makes people want to watch even more yeah this is who the jailer wishes he could be this is the this is the real mastermind behind everything oh my god yeah this is the guy the bogan dogs call for his advice they're like what should we do should we shut it down i'm just i'm sorry like i i i i just this is so so good look at the comments i love watching poor people struggle you deserve everything coming to you he's playing right into it he's a textbook example what influencers shouldn't be paid the way they are oh my god this is amazing like it's real life yes it's it's real it's always heartbreaking and like the [ __ ] look at the the scope of the comments it's all an act it's quite heartbreaking i hope he dies look at this oh wow youtube only cares about monetization i i i want to see where this goes i do what's coming to him more money he's gonna die i mean you eat like this you're gonna die he's gonna die if he keeps doing it that'll be is that gonna be the final act i don't know where does this go it goes to the grave yeah he used to be so quiet and humble wanting to be healthy as soon it all went downhill it really is tragic as his weight went up his mental health hit rock bottom i feel like nakado's haters care more about his health than his actual fans the worst part is that's true it's like it has so many layers of [ __ ] depravity and degenerate behavior and just like this morbid fascination with i i oh my god it's so good wow this is amazing i just have to think about this i just have to sit here and think about this for hours it's kind of boring for you for me this is awesome i can't believe this oh wow it's more bedtime oh my god oh wow i i just i'm gonna link you guys this video again i am just wow that was good she's morbidity it's like the gladiators are you not entertained this is not what you're here for yes i i am just wow [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 673,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: rVIyZ15EV9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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