Bosses | Gangster Crime Thriller | Full Movie | Black Cinema

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[Music Playing] Gentlemen. Good evening. Take a seat. Every man is driven by something. Money, cars, women. What motivates me? Power. But it does not give it gentlemen, it is taken. The entire Midwest and East Coast belongs to us. And today... We're going to take it with this. This... here my friends, is the future. I brought you all together here, to let you know, that you will no longer be getting your drugs... directly from us. I want to make things simple, moving forward in the future. I will deal with only one person, and him only. Heavy... he's your supplier now. So what does this mean? It means life will be easier pendejo. I mean, that's easier for you, but not for me. Price remains the same. Risks go down. Yeah but let me tell you something man. When I'm dealing with him, it's something else. [laughing] Big bad ass Country Cane. You know, I remember when you were standing on the street corners begging for food. I brought you into this game. Now you got the balls to sit there, and question me? What is it? You don't trust me or something? I didn't say that. Mira papa, you either deal with Heavy or you get nothing. The key here men, is that we can sell this cheaper... than all our competitors. Huh, and we have an endless supply. What? Wait, so we selling lean now instead of heroin and coke? We don't sell lean, we don't have a customer base for lean. Junkies will be junkies. The thing about a drug addict is that one drug is never good enough. Make it happen. You will continue your usual supply of drugs. With the lean included, it just means more money. Last week... ...the Commission took a big hit. One of our trade routes, was compromised. We lost a lot of product. Millions of dollars gone. I ask questions, no answers. When I get answers, they're excuses. Did I get upset? I remained calm. No more... ...excuses. Chingado me mancho. Entendido? Got you jefe, jefe got you. Cool Cool. Let's get to work. Cool. Cool. We're about to make some serious cash. And we don't want any, and I mean any, interruptions. Trust me... have nothing to worry about jefe. What do you think about the syrup? I'm in. Whatever you want. That's why I put you in charge. I need a man with balls. Cojones... ...and a vision. And most of all... Loyalty. Unfortunately, everyone doesn't feel the mutual. LOPEZ: Ah, don't worry about 'em. We might even have to step on some toes. LOPEZ: That's never been a problem before. No, it hasn't. You don't have anything to worry about. LOPEZ: Good good. LOPEZ: Let's get to work. [intro music] [Music Playing] FLOW: Mook, who dat? Where Southside at? Shit he couldn't make he sent me. Couldn't make it? Yeah, yeah, yeah he sent me instead. Damn nigga you gonna get the fuck outta the way? Shit Flow what's happening? Shit you early nigga. Yea I had to get in front of traffic. You know I brought that thing. Alright you know you gotta wait though? Ain't no thang, ain't no thang it's cool, it's cool. Shit Slim what's happening? It's all in here? Yeah it's all there. Kick back I'll count it. Alright bet say no more. Hould up, what you doing? Don't you motherfucking move. Put your hands up I don't want to talk to you nigga, put your hands up against the wall nigga. Don't motherfucking move nigga. Bitch don't even much breathe. Nigga don't look at me nigga keep ya eyes closed. SLIM: Y'all give him what he want, what he want. - Keep smiling think it’s a game. Shut up nigga, you know what the fuck going on. Nigga aye nigga didn't I tell you not to motherfucking move nigga. Y'all hurry up. Hurry up. Let's go nigga, let's go. SLIM: Yea y'all better enjoy that goddam money. SLIM: That's as much money as Y'all are going to fucking see. SLIM: Yea I'm going to be on y'all motherfucking ass. Nigga Let's go. Look like a nigger don't wanna try... ...move again nigga. What's on your motherfucking mind, nigga? - Nigga let’s go. I'm ready to shoot one of y'all niggas. I feel like shooting one y'all niggas man. Bruh, let's go. We come here for all that. Nigga move. - We got what we got, let's get. SLIM: Don’t say nothing Mook. Move nigga, I want you to move one time act like you're going to do something. Nigga fuck that, pussy ass nigga. Yeah, and we coming back nigga. - Let’s go nigg, let’s go. Don’t you motherfucking breathe. Fuck! Damn y’all niggas can’t lock the door? [kids playing] [kids screaming] [gunshots] Let’s go. [kids crying] I'm sorry. What are you drinking sugar? I'll have a cup of that mud you got brewing. How do you take it? Black. All right, cowboy. How's your day going? Not too bad. That's good. I came here a couple of years ago, and... ...I don't recall your pretty smile. So what brings you back? Hi there what you're getting. Water and 'roc. Okay coming right up. So what brings you back? Hey What's up man how you doing? What's going on what’s good? I got a customer. Oh I ain't no customer? - Well not now. I’m your number one customer. - Wait you leaving us already? I Left you a tip. OK, well, you have a good evening and... - Yo Slim, get your ass back here. ...Don't be a stranger. Yes, sir. Go, I got work to do. You got work. I wanna work you huh? Stop. Now! - Go, Heavy's calling you. Dont go no where I'll gonna be right back. So how everything's on the street? Business is good, you know, it's like a well oiled machine, right Hakeem? Quiet machine. Yeah, that's good. So we need to make up for all that money we lost. Boss, I told you, man, to worry about me. I'm going to pay. I'm gonna get all that money back. Don't worry about... Slim, listen to me, man. It ain't about the money. I lost a few colleagues behind that shoot out shit that you had last year. How many goddam times. I got to tell you, man, if the streets are quiet, they need to stay quiet. Look, man, I told you, Flow ain't have shit to do with that, it was the other niggas out there shooting. SLIM: We talked about this remember? Damn. Yeah. Hey, man, I just don't want this shit to come up again. You feel me? I gotcha. Ancient history. Good. Well that's that on that. I'm going to get back to the bar. Big country should be here shortly. Meanwhile, you fellows enjoy yourself. Alright. What I tell you about going through my mail? What the fuck are you doing? But it isn't mail. You got my money. That's mine. Do you want anything else? No, we're good. Thank you so much. Thank you. Porsha, who left this for you? The old man did, but he left, so, ow! Let go. Ow! Heavy stop! Ow! Stop. Heavy. Ow. What did the old man say to you before he left? Nothing, he just left. Listen. Listen. You can tell me what he said, OK. I'm not going to be mad at you. Just tell me what he said. I swear he didn't say anything Heavy. You're scaring me. Well, what's $100 for? Nothing. He just left. Heavy what's wrong? Nothing. Sure don't seem like nothing. Look, I'm sorry, OK? I'm sorry for grabbing your arm like that. Can I go back to work? Yeah, I think that will be best. And Porsha, stop messing around with Slim. He's no good for you. OK. All right. Porsha I'm serious. Yeah all right Heavy. I don't give a fuck what none of y'all say. A hyena get his jaws on a tiger... it's a wrap. Man who gives a shit? Ain't like a a nigga in the jungle anyway. What y'all talking about is... Dholes. Dholes in Asia hyenas in Africa. Tiger's weigh over 700 Bruh. They can take on a hyena without getting a scratch. Tiger king... crocodile hunter head ass nigga get the Fuck outta here. Crazy man. What's this I hear about a little boy getting shot over some fucked up drug deal? Man ain't nothing come out of that. Man I had to be told this when I'm getting out the can. By somebody else other than my lieutenant. I had to hear this shit from Jug. Jug need to keep his fucking mouth shut. Damn. Look, man, I'm telling you, it wasn't us. P I just got home. I don't need his heat on me right now P. But I'm going to tell you what, we going to rap later. But we got party tonight. Alright Country. Yo, so that meeting that I set up with John Avery the other day, were you able to make that? I fucking forgot to tell you. Relentless Records just signed ya boy. Get the fuck out of here, man. Are you serious? Ha, ha. Congratulations, baby. Oh, man. Yo man. This calls for fucking celebration. You hear me? - Ya boy on his way. Get my shit baby. Pour me some stuff for the fellows, man. Yo, y'all bringing it in man. You hear me, bring this shit in. Yo, yo pour em up baby. Yo, this right here. A celebration, this what I'm talking about. Do the honors for me Slim. To success. Success. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about Im loving that. Oh, shit Look who just came in, Big Country. What's up baby? Heavy what's goin on my man? Glad you could make it out. All right, man wouldn't miss it for the world. My motherfucking dude. I see brought your entourage with you. -Man you know how I roll. Shinning, I like that. Check this out. I need to holler at you later. No time like the present. No somewhere quiet. Let's do this. Holler at you later alright? Dam Heavy. I noticed you be riding deep nowadays. What's on your mind Country? What nigga, spit it out. OK, I know exactly what you thinking now. You think just because you didn't rat me out... I owe you something, Huh? Owe? No... I just want what I earned. I tell you what... this how we going to play this. You keep what you got... and I'll lower the price on the bricks. Hell, I even cut you in on midtown. Fity-fity. Aight? Business that good? We aight. And my money? Got you. As matter of fact I'll have two of my guys drop it off to you first thing in the morning. Cool? My man. Cool. A guy I was locked up with wants to go into business with me. But what about the price of the brick? For you... I can go as low as 15. You promise to introduce me to your connect? That's not gonna happen. Why? Listen man... that is never going to happen. See I recall we were distribution and a piece of the pie. Things change. Thing change. That's all I'm going to say about it. Now... what about this business partner you talking about and what kind of business you talking about going into? Man you looking at the new owner of the Platinum Club? Well, Old Platinum Club I'm gonna rename it. But you know me, I got a fresh set of hoes ready to work that pole and everything. You hear me? But you know how, you know how I roll. You feel me now? - Yea. I hear you. I got you, I got you. - You going be there. I like that. But what about my offer? My man. And after this we square, Aight. Oh, no doubt. Let's go back inside, man. Get us a few drinks. Get our party on. Heavy, man, I got business I got to take care of, man. You know, I got to go make some rounds. The fuck are you talking about Country? I got ladies waiting on me. You know how I roll. Look here man all of this shit we doing for you. We got a balloons. We got banners we got hoes on the inside. Let's go get our party on and let's drink and be merry man. What the fuck are you doing, man? I know you're not going embarrass me like that. Just one drink. All right, all right, all right. That’s what I'm talking about baby. -Go ahead... Come on. I'm right behind you. Party baby. Country so what's the deal? Same as before... plus half of midtown. And the connect? That fat, greedy bitch Heavy done starved us all out while you was locked up. Whoa whoa. Man we don't need him. - Whoa! Who the fuck are you fucking talking to? Don't you ever tell me what we need to do. I'm just saying, man like... Just saying is what bitches do, look P. Don't ever let a motherfucker’s ideas coincide with yours. Don't always react from the hip every time. We still can use Heavy. But you learn how to have patience. You feel me? Fell you. You want a drink? Yeah man. Well let's go. Uh, I feel like dancing, dancing... I feel like shit. [knocking] Dee open up baby it's Heavy. I know you in there baby. [knocking] Don't do... I mean, I. Hey, hey hey. [knocking] Dee. It’s your it's your it's your knight in shining armor, baby. Opening up. Yeah. What’s up baby? - Do you know what time it is? Yeah, I know what time it is. You gonna let me in or what? God damn it. You're so fucking full of shit. No! Heavy God, Heavy get the fuck... - Come on baby. Get out of my house. - Come on baby. OK? - Ok. OK. All right. Damn, baby. Look We've been through this shit I've talked to you about. No, no. - All right I'm sorry. It's late. I understand. So when can I see you? Again baby? Hows about me you? OK, I'll call you tomorrow, ok? And we'll talk about it. - Okay. God, you gonna break my goddamn fucking door. All right, all right. All right, ok. I'll call you tomorrow, ok? And we'll talk about it, ok? No, no, no, no. I'll call you tomorrow, ok? Tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. Don't make me come back over here woman. Good night Heavy. Yeah. Hey. Tomorrow Dee. I love you. I love you. What are you doing here Heavy? Your blocking my driveway. Dee... I told you I wasn't going anywhere until I see you. What the fuck man? Are you fucking serious? Because you've seen me. Now move your fucking shit. I got to go. I don't even know why you would even be at my house right now after the conversation we just fucking had. First of all, that was no conversation. A conversation is an oral communication between two individuals. We talked. You called me, you called me. You cursed me out. You hung up the phone on me without even let me explain myself bae. Look, man, I was just passing through the neighborhood. Aight I was thinking about you, so I stopped by. I mean, it's this so fucking wrong for me to care about you. I miss you, Dee is that what you want to hear? I miss you. Oh my God... You're in trouble. You're in trouble again, aren't you? I don't have time for this shit Heavy. But why I got to be in trouble? Dee... Why I got to be in trouble? I miss you. All right. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Listen to me, Dee I want to apologize for my being rude last night. All right? Let me make it up to you. Let me take you to breakfast. No, no, I don't have time for this. I got to go to the gym... I'll take you to you to your favorite spot. I'm late to the gym. I got to go to the gym. I can't. I can't miss the gym again. Come on Dee. I like it's been like it'll be the third time this week. I'll take you to your favorite spot, grits and gravy little eggs on the side. Grits and gravy... little eggs on the side grits... Yeah. Come on, baby. You know you like that? Come on, now. Don't be mad at me, OK? I miss you, baby. Please. I hate you. I cannot believe you showed up at my house like that. All late in the middle of the night again. Oh, yeah. Hey, I apologize, hey I really don't even remember. I was just that drunk, so accept my most humble apology. And after all, Dee were only human right? So why haven't I seen you around lately? I recall, you're the one who kicked me out of your house and told me not to come back. You remember? I mean, what difference does that make? I mean, how many times I kicked you out, and you always seem to come back. What's this? Just read it. This is a joke, right? I mean, come on, who'd write this? So you think it's nothing? I mean, it sounds like some sort of religious mumbo jumbo kind of thing, like seven days or you die, like. All right, all right, all right. I can’t believe someone has you spooked over this. - Enough, enough. Enough is enough. Come on, give it back. Detective Williams. Yes, ma'am. I have court today. Thank you. Goodbye. So, is everything OK? Yeah, it's good, why? All right, so I got a meeting that I got to go to. Wait a minute. I promise you. I promise you. If it's OK with you, I'm going to leave you go do what you do, because it seems like you kind of got some business to take care of yourself and... Go to the gym and get your workout on, and I'll talk to you later OK? There you go again. Dee... can I call you tonight? Chris, I just got my detective's shield. I can't be risking my career anymore getting messed up in your shit. Dee it’s like I said before... I just wanted to see you. Catch up a little know what I'm saying? Can I call you tonight? Don't answer that. I'll call you tonight. And I promise you, things are going to be totally different. Just got to give me a little bit more time, OK? Be sweet. The last time Chris. Bye Dee. So after this... We gonna go and going get some pizza and stuff.. Have some good ice creams. Whoa whoa. You want to speak to Happy, you need to make an appointment. Man get yo motherfucking hands off of me. You see, I'm wearing white. And Happy is waiting to see me. So get the fuck out of my way. Hey, Happy. Let them through. Fucking jerk. Have a seat, son. Dad will be right back. Yo Happy... fuck are you man? Happy... Oye. What's up man? Catch you at a bad fucking time or something chico. No. We need to talk. I would shake your hands but... Yeah, man. And what's up with your fucking new guy? He's one of Lopez's men to show him around Atlanta. Get him familiar with the layout. Whatever, man. But look, you said you wanted to see me. I'm here. So what the fuck is up? You need to call the meet with the Commission. What for? New product. When? As soon as possible. I told Lopez you'll call the meeting for Friday. Nah, Friday... it's no good for me. Bad timing, sorry. Que carajo is more important than this? Jefe put you in charge. What's the product? Fentanyl. Fentanyl? Apache. Chinagirl. China White, Dance Fever, Jackpot, Murder Inc, TNT. Whatever the fuck you want to call it it's coming. So let me get this straight. You want me, to ask the Commission, to sell the number one drug on the DEA fucking hit list? Are you crazy? Are you smoking fentanyl? The fuck is wrong with this dude man? Oye. Who said anything about asking? Make it happen. If they're not in, you know what to do. What's my boy? Shit at the barbershop bout to git a lil trim. Hold on. Bruh, y'all still open? Yea I got one for you. I'm sitting right here. Yeah, bout to get me a trim real quick. Count this for me my boy. Rackets, you know what I'm sayin? Rackets. You know what I'm saying? I'm gonna push up on you my boy. Oh shit. Yo let's bounce it's done. Let's go. He gonna scratch, I know he is. Watch. Just watch. Fuck y'all man. I’m taking that shot over. Hold up man this Mook calling. What up, man? Y'all on y’all way? Slim, Slim, they shot Flow. He dead somebody... I can’t hear you. What did you just say to me? They... Flow got shot. Slim, Slim, Slim you there? Lieutenant. Jones. Cover him up. Did you get the call? Yes, ma'am. So what do you have? Witnesses say a black male entered through the door, wearing dark shades and a ball cap. He immediately began firing at the victim. He was getting a trim at the time, hitting three times in the arm, not giving him a chance to go for his pistol. Pop, pop, pop. He shoots at the victim's friend in the next chair. But get this. One of the witnesses say he then calmly walks, stands in front of the victim and unloads in his sternum... and then finishes the hit with a head shot. And you sure it was just one shooter. One shooter, two pistols. This is definitely a hit. So what about the friend? He hightailed it out through the back door, even left his pistol. So who's looking for him? I was just on my way out. Take Owens with you. Yes ma'am. Radio: One twelve. [Music Playing] I want you fuckers to wait on me and don’t do shit. You understand me? You do what I tell you, I understand me? Just get it fucking done. What you got? Well, good morning to you, too. I'm sorry Dee. I had a long, long fucking night. You know, you're a real piece of work. Oh Yeah? Yeah. What you mean by that? Yeah, like one minute you're Prince Charming. All sweet to me. Next minute, you act like I don't mean anything to you. You forgot... I just lost a good friend yesterday. Not to mention, I was up all fucking night long... with a grieving mother who just lost her baby boy. So forgive me if I come across like an asshole. So again Dee. What you got? We found the black van that the shooter drove off in. It's all burned up underneath an overpass on 285. Not a trace of evidence. No witnesses, no leads, nothing. You don't think had to do something that warning from the guy at the bar? I don't know. But we're still looking for the guy that was with him. I know where he is Dee. He's at my place. Damn it, heavy. If you want my help, You need to be like, straight with me. - Calm down. He's our only witness. Calm down. Dee, all right? He don't know shit. The guy's still fucking shook from seeing his best friend murdered right in front of his face. Besides, that I think he's more scared of Slim. And, you know, Slim wants him to answer for Flow. I just... You remember Flow and Slim's older brother James? Yeah, what about him? James used to be the leader of a robbing crew back in the day. Got arrested for attempted murder. Anyway he's home now after doing 15 years. And this shit right here Dee... is not going to sit well with him. And if I catch the shooter? If you catch the shooter, you bring that motherfucker to me. Not this time Heavy if I catch the shooter, I bring him in. Dee you know that's not normally how we do things, right? Well, if you want my help, that's the deal. What's good boss? Where he at? He inside. Send him in. So what the fuck happened? Some dude, wearing a mask came in the barbershop made a straight line to Flow and just started shooting. So where the fuck were you when all this shit was going on? Shit, I was still in the car, had just pulled up. Just seen JJ running out the shop. So you mean to tell me, and all of this shit was going on... you didn't see anybody... coming out the fucking barbershop holding a gun? People running everywhere. Aight. Get the fuck out of here. I need to talk to Hakeem. Look, man... shit is starting to get thick. Yo... I need you to go... take this money to Big Country. And take Mook with you. I need to keep him out of Slim sight, til this shit blows over fell me? Yeah. Another thing, Hakeem. I've been watching how you move. And I like it. Keep doing what you do. Pretty soon, I'll be expanding and making other moves feel me? Kind of starting to be a little bit more behind the scenes, and I'm a need a front man felling that? Shit. Don't know what to say Heavy. Been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. You know that right? Don't say nothing, nigga. Just a motherfucking thought. Get your ass out of here. Go take Big Country his fucking money. Show me you can do that. Aight. Got you. Yo boss. Who you think killed Flow? You know I've been pondering that shit all night long, man. I really don't know. Can get my... I can't even wrap my head around it. You know what I'm saying? But if you hear anything or you see anything, let me know ASAP. Aight. Got you. [Music Playing] [guns loading I don't give a fuck what he said. All I know is I'm a murder ever motherfucker, that ever said anything about Flow... and you see them the rap niggas he beefing with... they're going to get their motherfucking issue too you heard me Yeah. Now what's happening? BIG MIKE: Aye bruh it's time to turn heat up on these niggas you feel me? JAMES: You're fucking right. Fuck that shit... somebody's gonna die about this shit. JAMES: Better be with it nigga talking talking that shit. You know fuck I'm about. [inaudible dialogue] You down with it or what? [inaudible dialogue] Handle your motherfucking, business nigga talking shit. You already know what the fuck I’m gonna do. - too nigga. Where the fuck's Mook at? I thought I told you to call Mook? I did he's with Hakeem. SLIM: Call that motherfucker back. I want his ass here right now. Mook has some goddamn fucking explaining to do. BIG MIKE: I think they meeting with Big Country right now. Do, that drop for Heavy. Fuck Country. Yea I said it. Now what nigga? Look bruh. I'm down with the murder game and all that shit my nigga. But don't you don't we should wait on Heavy? Man what the fuck this nigga talking about? Heavy ain’t got nothing do with this shit, right here. Fuck Heavy nigga. Oh, he going to know about it, especially you talking about killing off half our customers. Hey! What the fuck is going on in here? Oh so, ain't nobody got shit to say now, huh? Well, I got words for you, Slim. So, you little niggas, y'all got to get the fuck out. Slim. What are you doing here? I'm here for you. I heard about Flow... No, no, you need to leave go. Slim. I'll talk to you later. - HEAVY: you motherfuckers heard me, I said get the fuck out. SLIM: Atabei. HEAVY: Now, bitch. What the fuck is going on with you, Slim? This ain't you. This is just a bunch of drunk... high drug indeuced motherfuckers, who don't know what the fuck they doing. Listen to me, bro. I know what's going through your mind right now. I mean, I ain't never lost a brother. Hell ain't even got a brother. But Flow was just like a brother to me too. And all I'm saying is we got to think about what we getting ready to do here, man. Do? No it's what we ain't doing. OK. Fine. So who are we killing? I mean I'm in. Just this time, make sure that we shoot the right person. See you bullshiting. No, no, no, wait. You said that you were ready to ride, right? So I'm ready to ride, too. So again, nigga, who we killing. Big Country. Big Country? HEAVY: So Big Country killed Flow? HEAVY: And you know this how? This motherfucker listen to me Slim. We can't start a fucking war based on your suspicion Slim. This is not how the game is played. 8 hours. 8 hours my goddam brother been dead. What have we done Heavy? Nothing. We looking weak, bro. Looking like bitches right now. Listen to me, man. All I'm saying is, we sit tight until we got proof, that Country is the motherfucker that killed Flow. That's all I'm asking. Until then we wait for them to hit us again? Nah. Fuck it man. A guy came by the club the other night. He told me I had a week to leave town or fucking die. Leave town? And he walked out alive. He didn't tell me to my goddamn face Slim. The motherfucker left a note. I think somebody is trying to make a move on us, man. And you just now telling me this? I got Dee, and she she worked on trying to find the motherfuckas... More time wasting man. More time wasting. What? Hold on hold on Slim. Heavy I respect you for looking out for my little brother while I was locked up... and because of that, I’m gonna give your girl 48hrs to give us the killer. But if not... we're going to start with Country, and we going go down the motherfucking line you heard me? Need some help? Help? Man I'm here to see Country, man. What's your business? My bus... man I'm Hakeem. Heavy sent me. Follow me. Put your hands up. Pick up your briefcase and follow me. I see you. I see her too. Alright -Hey bro ask her if she got a Girlfriend? Young lady, my man P wants to know if you got a girlfriend. Whoo, I take that as a yes my nigga. So, yes sir. I've been waiting on you. Hope that's my cash in that case. What else would it be? Un huh, You going to drop it like this bitch, nigga? You going to open it? Some bitch. Fuck ‘em. I trust us all here. That's all Heavy gave me. Sorry to hear about Flow. It’s unfortunate what happened to him. Send everyone my regards. I'll do that. Hold one second. You uh you the one they call Hakeem right? Yeah that's me. Well, how long you been with Heavy? Because you sure wasn't five years ago when I got a locked up. That's around the time I started working for him. Okay I see. Where you from? Damn what the hell this is an interview? Mutherfucka I ain't got to answer to you. You, motherfucker. You come up in here into my shit. Carrying a quarter mill? That's enough money to put away forever. Hell no. All I want to see is a familiar face but me and Heavy we going to talk about this shit. Fine. I'm from. Philly. What part of the country you from Country. That's Big Country to you motherfucker? If you must know, I'm from all over, that's why they call me Big Country. I'm known in every state from the hills to the big city. And if you wasn't Heavy's man your brain would be all over that damn stage. Now, let's try this one more again. How the fuck you know Heavy? Chill boss. It's all good. Speak nigga. Naw, he right We met in ClayCo. Man that's County you ain’t do no real time. Well... time behind bars, is still time behind bars my G. You right. Never thought of that way. I'll see myself out. Yeah, you do that. Hold up, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. Man, I want you come on back by now you hear. What? Our club Open up at 5:00. Drinks half off, $5 lap dances. $5 $5 I don't like him man. Man you got to keep your enemies close. [music playing] [inaudible dialogue] Okay I'll get back with you. Okay. No footage at all? All right, I'll get back with you. OK? I said I'll get back with you. What's up? This case is going from cold to ice. The owners store said there's no video footage. He just has the cameras up to scare people. Can you believe that? Lieutenant. What's going on? Anything new on the barbershop shooting? The story just keeps changing up. I mean, first it's one shooter, two pistols. Now we're one pistol. I mean, I don't know. Everybody's lying. Trying to get the reward money. Same old bullshit. Similar to the case on the west side. The young man that was hit by a stray bullet. No witnesses came forward. JILES: Oh, yeah. I remember that now. Yeah, I remember. You know, this thug had it coming to him. The world's a better place without him. JILES: Yeah, but y'all you know we still got a job to do. Yeah, but maybe it was payback. OWENS: Who would have the audacity to put a hit on these guys. Cartel? They run Atlanta. Detective Williams, A word please. Now that man at the crime scene was your informant, and you knew it. You said nothing. So what are you hiding. DEE: Ma'am I didn't know... - Bull. Ma'am... If I knew anything, I swear I would tell you. Look. Who had your back, when IAD wanted to take your number as a detective? You. And who also put in a good word to the chief even get you in this unit? You did ma’am... - Me and only me. So I'm telling you what I'm going to do. Since you're not being straight with me, you are being temporarily reassigned until you get your shit together. Lieutenant, you can't do this. I need this case. Figure it out. I need this, Lieutenant. [car horns] You want us to sell what? CANE: Hey, you heard the man. JG: Man we just want to make sure we hear the new boss correctly. SLIM: Something wrong with your ears motherfucka you heard him. Risk go down, profits go up. It's the new deal. - Risk go down? JG: Nigga the got federal task to handle this shit. JULIO: Over dosed bodies popping up all over New York. JULIO: It's bad business, man. Fuck that shit ain't selling that shit to no black people. Hey, listen. Listen, fellas. Lopez ain't asking. Now, you all knew what the fuck you were getting into, before we started taking this man's product. Now, if we want to keep this connect, then is all in and nothing. Feel me? Man I'ma tell you now I'm not feeling the new changes. Then you cut off, and now you competition. And you know what we do with competition right? Good. HEAVY: Shit ain’t hard. The goal has always been for us to sale less product and make more money. And now you motherfuckers are in here bitching and complaining, like you getting cold feet or something. What the fuck is that about? Bruh, fentanyl that's... that's a different beast, man. JG: Right, right, right, right. I'm an old school hustler. I happen to just moving coke? We still selling blow and heroin. You know what I’m saying, just the cherry on top now. And what the fuck are you talking about, huh nigga? You got the whole motherfucking northeast. Boston, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware. Italians. You forgot about them? Every time I make a move, I got to pay them motherfuckers, man. It's too much heat. HEAVY: You talking about the mafia? Who the fuck are they? Nobody care nothing about no mafia. Nigga they ancient history. This is a new day. Lopez got men too New York, Chicago, Milwaukee. The fuck is wrong with you man? Nobody give a fuck about no Mafia. Man this this... I don't know if this shit is a good thing or a bad thing. Boss the fuck up. You ain’t got shit to worry about, but right now, we in this shit. You feel me? JULIO: I'm with that. JG: Oh now you with that. CANE: Listen cause the way I understand this shit. Bruh listen. Them rich college kids bruh they love that shit man. If that's the case, I'm fucking in. SLIM: Old school nigga don’t know that shit. JG: Look man, I’m in. But I'm only dealing with you. Good. From now on out, if any of you, got any motherfucking problems, it becomes a commission problem. And this is how this family... is going to move forward from now on. That's my word. Any motherfucking concerns? Any questions? Good. The Shipment is going to be in this Tuesday. And I need each and every one of you, here in the city. Slim is going to give you a call with the location and the time. Slim? Who the fuck is Slim? HEAVY: Yeah Motherfucka. HEAVY: Slim is going to give you a call with the time, and the location for the drop. We good? Cool. Meeting's ajourned. JG: Fucking chop my head off. JG: The fuck are you talking about, Slim? JULIO: Chill out man. JG: Who the fuck is Slim nigga? JULIO: Calm down nigga. You aint interstating with this shit. What the fuck? Good looking out baby. From now on it's money. It's all we give a fuck about. Them niggas may not last too much longer. BARBER: Another day, another dollar. CHANCE: Huh. Another phrase from the common folk people like me. My job don't stop you guys left me too much work. Everyone's leaving the neighborhood. It's a shame in Atlanta I got to come all the way to the south side to get a haircut. [inaudible] No offense to you and your fine establishment here. But it's time for black folks to stand up... take the neighborhood back. But 5 years from now, you watch the whites and hispanics. They'll be done pushed us out and you included. That's why I need you all to come out and vote on Tuesday. Good day. Vote on Tuesday. Councilman Allen. Would you elaborate on the recent allegations of sexual harassment against you? Oh, come on, Janice. All these old allegations from ten years ago. That were completely untrue, I might add. It’s the Mayor's way of changing the discussion from police brutality, and the recent wave of violence that has plagued the City of Atlanta. The mayor knows his time is up. He's getting desperate. What are your plans when you get into office to combat the violence? And exactly how do you plan to deal with. The corruption and the APD? Oh, that's very simple. Get rid of all the bad guys. As for the department... It's time to flush out the garbage. The Mayor has let corruption linger under his watch. Much too long. Excuse me Janice. Fucking reporters. How are we look on that thing? He didn't jump. It's business as usual. Have you been applying enough pressure? MALCOLM: Yeah, we took... I told you no details. Look, he just calling our bluff. It's obvious he doesn't take us seriously. Well, maybe you should have sent me as the messager instead of some stupid ass note. Oh, I think he got the point. No, he got the point the other day when we did things my way. Gentlemen, we're going to continue as planned. This was expected. Look, we have five days until the election. Let's bury the mayor. Then we concentrate on this. No, we have to do this now. Apply more pressure he'll break. [door knocking] Coming. Sup baby? Hi. I don't get a hug or nothing? Still looking good and shit. How are you? Okay. How's everything going, baby? Tired. Case, wearing you out huh? No. I was taken off the case. My boss found out that Flow was an informant of mine. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So... she wants me as far away from this case as possible. Let me ask you something, I thought this shit was, like, a long time ago. So what the fuck did this got to do with anything now? That's just the way she does things like, it would look really bad if my name comes up in some dirt and I'm the one investigating his murder case. I mean, that would be bad is what it is. Well, I hear you. If I know you Dee. And I do know you. You'll still find a way to get close baby so no sweat. [music playing] You know, what Heavy? I never really told you this before, but after that night, It's really bad... I was a mess. How so? Weeks before I got a decent night's sleep. Heavy I... I lost a part of my soul that night. Messed me up. Our relationship was never right after that. Everything was just... And you know, I don't know. Maybe I'm happy that he's gone. Mean, I know he's your boy and everything, but what if that was justice Heavy... what if it was? Hold on now. What the fuck are you talking about? Dee justice? If Flow shot that boy, and that's a big fucking if he didn't mean to do it. I mean, how many sleepless nights do you think he had behind this shit, huh? Awe, poor Flow. You know what? Slim was right. You don't give a fuck about nobody but yourself. Oh, wow. Slim. Really? OK. Yeah, that's right Slim. You with your fucking Buckhead ass home looking down on the rest of us like we a shit Dee. When I remember not too long ago, your ragedy ass was still eating peanut butter sandwiches. Now all of a sudden, you more than everybody else. The fuck happened to you, man? You know what Heavy I'm serious this time. Get the fuck out of my house and don't ever fucking come back. I'm out like, I'm done. What? Done with this shit. Like get the fuck out. Fine, man. Yo, that's him. That's him right there on the left. What the? - You just missed him. Come on, man. That's him right there. That's the guy... That's the guy that came by the bar the other day and left me that letter. Are you sure? 100% sure. Mutherfucka man. All right, I'll try to find out who he is tommorrow. Look, man, I gotta bounce aight? Aight? OK. If I find out who he is, what then? We find out who the fuck sent him. Call you tomorrow. [creepy music] All right. That's taking care of. All right, let's roll baby. Yo man. I said let's go. JOHNSON: What are you guys doing out here? Umm... Nothing officer. We're just waiting on somebody, that's all. JOHNSON: What's wrong with him? He just sleep that's all you know. Just a lil tired. Thank you, sir. Thank you so much, Officer. OWENS: Doesn't look like he should be driving. TV: Well, I will say it. Well, as, as, as somebody who has made money off of my looks and my body... Nah, nah, he good... he was just kind of resting up a little bit that's all. While we wait... JOHNSON: Is he drunk? Sir? Is he drunk? No, sir. No, sir. We'll be fine, sir. Thank you so much. JOHNSON: Hey wake him up. Hey you two. OWENS: Are you OK? DEE: How's it going? Yeah, great. DEE: What's up? JOHNSON: Officer Williams what's going on? Not much. JOHNSON: You know these two? Oh, yeah... Yeah, I know these two. That's my cousin. He's good. Here you go, cousin. This is actually the food I was going to get for you. OK. You guys staying out of trouble? OWENS: We are. Good. Well, Stay safe. JOHNSON: We have to get ready for this curfew tonight. JOHNSON: I’ll be glad when this shit is over. I know. Well, stay safe be good. Talk to you guys later. Thank you officer. Heavy... what the fuck, is going on? Shit. What's wrong with him? - I don't know. There's a whole lot of fucking blood. Oh, my God. Is he dead? Calm the fuck. Oh, my God, he's fucking dead. Shit. No. Oh, my God, no. Will you be quiet? What the fuck? I need your help. Getting rid of the body. So I need you to go inside, get dressed, you aight? What are you going to do? No, me? - Yeah. You help you. Or you can call 911. And maybe you can explain when boss get here, why there's another fucking dead man in the car in front of your house. Fuck! Come on man wait wait. Oh, my God. Heavy motherfucker, shit. Come on let's go. Come on man fuck. Help, shit. Oh, come on. Right here. Right here. Heavy, You know... Mook was there that day. You know Maybe whoever is doing this, whoever's killing everyone is killing everyone that's involved. Everyone that was there that day. I don't know. I don't know. You know what that 50,000 that you owe me. I want 100,000 now. That's it. And you know what? I'm out I'm done. You and I, we're done. This is it. Fuck! Now I'm fucking done. Unfucking believable. Look at this motherfucker right here. Yo what up Boss? You watching? What's up, Slim? Time's up Heavy. What's gonna be bruh? You gotta give me another day. Fuck that, bruh. You gave us your word. Subtle, that's the word for today. Feel me? Oh it's like that? [music playing] BIG COUNTRY: I see you. ATABEI: I told you. All right. BIG COUNTRY: I see what you working with. Yo Country everything out there looking good baby. Ya boy Tank got the bar rocking. He already complaining that he losing out on that cognac. And that situation about the fryer in the kitchen, I handled that so were good. Good, good, good, good, good. Just keep Jugg watching the register. I want constant eyes on my money. Say less. Is anything else you need me to do? No, no, no P you on it tonight. I just need to finish interviewing this young lady. SOUTHSIDE P: Aight man. SOUTHSIDE P: If you need me, I'll be right outside. You to tha man. SOUTHSIDE P: You to tha man. You da man. Young lady, when the last time you been appraised? When the value is this high, you don't need an appraisal. [music playing] SLIM: I went in there already it's opening night. So we're gonna catch these bitches off guard. Aight you feel me? Go in there make this shit clean and quick and make sure you tell that motherfucka this for Flow before you blow his brains out. RICO: Been ready. JAMES: Let's do this. [music playing] [crowd cheering] Un Ugh. Fuck that bitch. [screaming] What the hell is that damn noise? Step back lil momma. Bitch that's for Flow. Yeah. [police sirens] Niggas let's go! SLIM: Let's ride nigga get the fuck outta here. SLIM: Y'all cap him? JAMES: We knocked them bitch's head off in that motherfucking bitch. JAMES: And that bitch sucked my dick. JAMES: And I'ma fuck his momma when I get home. What the fuck? Boss what's good? What's good, man? TV: Breaking news right now. Joining us now to tell us what has been happening now. That's right, Jim. Investigators are still looking through evidence and talking with witnesses. As we look at the gentlemen's clubs. Front entrance. We can see investigators. Walking out with bags and pieces of evidence. The real crime scene is on the inside. The club where the owner was killed, execution style in the back dressing room. We confirm that the medical examiner's office that the victim is. 49 year old Darius Sabino. On the street, he was known as Big Country. Sabino was pronounced dead on the scene. Police have also yet to identify the shooters. Jim. I thought I told these motherfuckers to be quiet about this shit. [knocking] [doorbell ringing] We need to talk. Well, good morning to you, too. For the last time, Heavy, who knows about us and our business together? Nobody knows anything. What are you talking about? And why are you asking me this question? Two federal agents? Came to visit my boss earlier this morning to inform her that your crew is being investigated. Investigated? Oh, yes. No, no. Here's the best part. My name is being thrown around in some sort of conspiracy talk. This is bad Heavy. They're talking about taking my badge. Someone in your circle is not who they say they are. And I've been fucking telling you this for how long? And now look, it's come back on me. I've been saying it. First of all, calm down. Nobody in my crew is talking to cops. And whoever is saying your name, they don't have shit. They just tossing your name around, trying to throw off the cops. That's all. You ain't got shit to worry about Dee. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I got you. And you know, when I say that, I mean exactly what I say. OK. All right. Well, now that's out of the way. What I really came here to tell you is that I know where he will be this morning. Who? Chance Allen. You should probably change. Why the fuck you wasting my time, huh Dee? We've been sitting down here for an hour, and I still haven't seen anybody come in or go out of that church. Thist shit is ridiculous. Damn it. Heavy. You ask for my help, and I point you to the only guy who might possibly know who's behind those troubles. And you have more important things to do. What about for old times? Fuck off. DEACON ADAMS: Our young men have been shot down like dogs on these streets by this racist police officers, and nothing's been done about it. And the schools, schools are last in metro Atlanta. What's your plan? First of all, I'd like to thank you Pastor Evans for calling this meeting so I can talk to you about this very pressing matter. Gentlemen, I respect your concerns. I grew up here on the westside with most of you. Hell Pastor Evans. Me and you graduated from the same class, Deacon Addams. I respect what you did for my family in the past. My brother, we're just trying to do the work of God. Your work has fallen short lately of what God intended except for Pastor Evans here. He has the ear to youth. His message is just a little misguided. We've all done great things in the community. You all have failed our children. A year ago, this community suffered a tragedy. Little Derrick, gunned down by senseless gun violence. Sorry. It's okay. It's us. I owe you an apology. We have failed you. About a year ago, God spoke to me. Says someone important would be reaching out to me. So I waited. Then one night as I was get ready to go on stage to give a speech at a campaign rally. The phone rang. I was in tears. When I heard a cry for help on the other end of the phone. To lose two children. We all remember. It's time for change. This community needs change, and will get it. What you're gonna be just like Mayor Bradley? Mayor Bradley didn't care about this city. Selling out the people become the first black governor. That was his goal from the very get. Atlanta is my home. I'm not going nowhere. The people come first. Support my campaign. And you have a friend like you can never believe. You see? You see that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I see. You ain't fooling nobody. [distant chatter] What the fuck, man? See this shit? What type? Who the fuck is this guy, man? I pulled his file. He's an ex-cop. That explains a lot. So what's up? We ain't gonna follow them? No need. Now you know where to find him. And if you want to talk to him. This is definitely the safest place. What's good? What's good? What's good? - All family. You hear me? - Yes sir. All family all the time. Hakeem. What’s up bruh? Fuck took y'all so long man? Got us out of here, sweating, raining, and all of that shit. Everything's good, though, right? Everything's kosher. - Oh, I see. I see you looking good the same old Slim. So who is she? My cousin Atabei from back home. So why she here? She's here for Flow's funeral. You know, they were real, real close. You remember she was at the stash house. Na, na, na, na. Why is she here? Here? Just say she's... watching my back. Are you fucking? You hear that shit Keem? I hear that shit. Yo, Slim. Got a bitch protecting... HEAVY: Whoa. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Come on, baby. Wait a minute ma. Wait a minute. SLIM: Atabei... Yo Slim. Get this bitch, man. SLIM: We good! HAKEEM: Fuck that! Not until this nigga show me some motherfucking respect. HEAVY: Yo, yo, you got it. You got it aight, yo Keem. - We good, we good. HEAVY: Put the gun down aight. Who’s the bitch now? Yo Hakeem put the gun down. HAKEEM: You sure! We good. Put the gun down. - Who's the bitch now? Not you ma. Not you. Not you. Yo Hakeem. It's cool. Bitch crazy man. Calm down, man. We good aight. Everybody so fucking uptight these days. Shit. Yo I like her. I like her Slim. Fuck you find her man? He didn't... - Yo! You have to excuse her. Feel me? She still upset about Flow. Yeah I hear you. Hell we all are B you hear me? I thought you. I told you all to be quiet about that shit the other night you feel me? What the fuck was that all that about man? It had to be done that way, you know? Gets the point across. Slim listen, we don't need that heat right now. Aight. We don't need that shit. We have to show them niggas not the fuck with us. You know what I'm saying. If we don't show them niggas don't fucking know. You feel me? You don't fuck with us. I feel you man. So you and bruh good? We satisfied. Satisfied. Aight, it's time to get back to work. Bookeeper will be at the spot tomorrow. Just make sure that we got Lopez's money counted and transported by this time tomorrow. Aight? We don't need no fuck ups, Slim. None. Yo, let's go Hakeem. Get the fuck out here, man. So what you going to be doing all this time? Don't worry about what the fuck are we doing nigga. Just make sure the money count is right you hear me? I got you. Aight boss. - Yeah. And take your girl shopping, or get a massage or some shit man she too motherfucking stressed out. Uptight. She needs to relax, nigga. [laughing] I’d love to. I would fucking love to, yo... We keep it in the family. Don't get wet baby. [music playing] [phone ringing] Yeah, man what is it? SLIM: Yo man we got jacked again. What? SLIM: They hit the second stash spot, what the fuck goddam it! So where the fuck were you at? SLIM: What the fuck you mean where was I at? - Huh nigga? SLIM: I was right here? Where the fuck were you at? Man I know I aint hearing this shit nigga. - Yeah you heard me, right? Where the fuck were you? SLIM: Yea ok. Told you not to fuck this shit up Slim. You had one fucking job to do. SLIM: You know what, fuck this. Now, what the fuck we gonna do? [dialtone] Stupid motherfucker. ...I'm cutting throught the woods. Yo fam, how do we looking man? Shit like our last name goddamn Bezos. Nigga that shit was too easy. We sitting on at least a cool mill. Them motherfuckas, the motherfuckers didn't see uscoming. I love that shit. Don't celebrate too early. Easy almost gave us up with that little stunt he pulled. That dummy keep running on his mouth. This shit ain't personal. You keep your fucking mouth shut, we get in, we get out. [music playing] Yo bro... Yo bro... What the fuck this nigga doing man? - Ayo, ayo, ayo. Yo my man, What the fuck you doing? That's our fucking bread. Say word. Say word. Hey! Yo you drop that bread off? What's wrong with you? Hey. [church bells ringing] Men let him through. I've been looking for you. You a smart man. I knew you'd find me. You always had determination. You got to excuse my men. I got a lot of enemies these days. Yeah, well you know it ain't healthy to have too many enemies. Got a lot of friends, too. Like Cliff here, friends from the old days. Old friend. The generation that just wanted to go to heaven. I hope you there Cliff. Man look at me when I'm talking to you. I know who you are. You seen me on TV. Yeah. Other places too. You know who I am. See, I call it into question. You don't have a clue. Yeah. About what? About anything. We know you better than you know yourself. Sit. You know there's only one reason you're alive. Yeah. How so? And who the hell is he, man? I knew your father and mother, when I used to patrol the streets. Your father, just like you will respected in these streets. Your mother. The most beautiful woman in the world. But when smack hit the streets, it changed your father. You know, I heard it was a cop that killed him. Was it you? I was called out to your house one night for the fifth time in a week. I was tired this particular night. When your mother answered the door, I lost it. So why the hell you telling me all this right now, man? And who the hell is he? You and your mother moved in with me. A year later she gave birth to my son and your brother. Malcolm here. Whoa man. This is way too much. It's true. So where my mother at now, huh? Your mother ran off with you and left me and Malcolm one weekend saying she was going to visit some family and never returned. I didn't even know you were in foster care. Still have your son and live for Christopher. That's why you're alive. Man this is crazy. No, this is decision time. What family do you choose? You know I really never cared about dying before. Because when death comes... it’s going to be quick. But when it takes seven days to die, death takes on a whole new perspective. You feel me? But life is so beautiful. So why it gotta be like this? You wouldn't listen. You men would not listen. I don't have time for talking anymore. Time is up. Say man. Y'all got a hell of a way of notifying somebody. Would you believe me if I walked up to you and told you I was your brother? How long have you known man? Don't matter. Look, what matters is that you know now. Take this. This man? - Take it. Look it's for incoming calls only. We'll call you when we're ready. Heavy, I've been waiting to meet you for a really long time. For whatever that's worth, I know we laid a lot of shit on you in there. But there's just one more thing you got to know. Your man, Hakeem, he's a federal agent. Yeah. Just something I thought you should know. How, you know, this man? Got some people on the inside too. Fuck! So what the fuck am I supposed to do now, huh? You can leave town like we said. Your girlfriend cop, will go down in your place. What? Eventually, they'll find you wherever you're hidding. So you can stay here. You could face the matter at hand. Straight head on with no apprehension. Yo, Hakeem. Hey, man. I need you to meet me at Posha's house in 30 minutes. Aight. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything's cool. Yeah, no worries. I just need you to help me out with a small problem. You feel me. Yeah. Bet. What's good man? What's good boss? Got to pick up to make man. You hear me. Where we headed? Yo I got to go and pick up some cash you know what I'm saying. I had left from that last job that we did. I'ma used that to pay Lopez. But first, we need to go by my godfather's house, grab a couple of shovels... ‘ya mean? Shovels? Yeah nigga shovels. The money's burried. You mean like an emergency stash. Yeah. Yeah, something like that. Let's go man. Yo, man, let me ask you something. - What’s good? How's your old lady? She aight man ya know, was actually with her when you called me. Hey apologize to her for me aight. I mean, me dragging you out of the house this time of night, and shit I know she got to be fucking pissed. Yeah. You know what I was thinking man you talk a lot about your old lady, but you never let your boss meet her, what up with that? Think I'm trying to check up on your girl or something? Hell naw dog.. I know you ain't like that man. I mean you ain't never said. You know, you brought her to me and introduced her or nothing. I'm starting to think something. Nah, nah, nah. It's just. You know, I just don't like to mix my business with my personal life, you know? You know, women get man they get to asking too many questions and shit man. I hear you. I hear you. And I understand that. But still, you know, she got to be asking where all that money coming from, right? She do. So what you tell her? Man... Honestly, man, I told her. I'm a bodyguard. Yeah. A bodyguard? Yeah. What's the fuck out of here? Yo a bodyguard? I told her I'm a bodyguard for a Falcon's player. Yo man you crazy. [laughing] Shit yo ass look like you can play some football. That's crazy. You know. Bodyguard How a Avia doing anyway man? Yeah, She's aight man. I mean, but how good can you be doing know what I mean, locked up in fucking prison and shit B. I really need to take Lil Chris to go see her you feel me? Yeah. Yo, take this left up here, man. Yeah, this exit right here. [music playing] Yeah so, it's all good you fell me. Just a little bit further. Aight. Yo... Pull over right here to your right, man. Cool. Hit the lights B. Sit tight. Go inside, I’ma grab a couple of shovels. Be right back. Aight. [music playing] All right, let's go, man. Ready? Yeah let's go. [creepy music] Come on nigga grab the other one. HEAVY: Give me that can. Sure this shit gonna crank? It'll crank, trust me. Doubt it. Yeah. HAKEEM: Oh shit. Yeah baby! HAKEEM: OK. Come on man. Shit. Right here? - Right here yeah. HEAVY: Put your fucking back into man what you doing? Come on. We ain't got all night. Fuck That's what I'm talking about. Right here. HEAVY: That's it man. That's it right? Yeah. HEAVY: Come on. HEAVY: That's it right here. Didn't I tell you baby. HAKEEM: Oh, goddam! HEAVY: Didn't I tell you huh? See why they call you Heavy boy... Pockets fat. HEAVY: Get some more get some more of this shit. Hey. Hey. What the fuck is this boss? What is going on, man? You know what the fuck this is. How much do they know? What you talking about, boss? What the fuck you mean what they know? You slimy motherfucker. Don't boss me. How much do they know? And I'm not asking you again Hakeem. What the fuck are you talking about, man? All this motherfucking time right here beside me. I introduce you to my motherfucking family. I even brought you around my motherfucking son. And you do me like this? You slimy motherfucker? How much do they know? Everything. Ah! Ah! Ah! HEAVY: Get yo ass. Come here. Come here. Ugh! Come here! Come here! I trusted you I treated you like a fucking brother. Fucking brother. Agh! oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Agh! [music playing] Fucker. No, no! What the fuck you do? What the fuck? What the fuck? You just killed me. You just killed me, motherfucker. Now we even. Agh! Agh! Agh! Agh! You killed me. You killed me. Agh you killed me. [phone ringing] Yo, yo Big Mike. Did you find Heavy yet? What you sleep? Then what the fuck you doing, nigga? Last night. You still haven't found it yet? But you sleeping. No, no. You know what? Lay the fuck back down! I'll find him on my damn self. Yo, nigga, I'm just fucking with you. When I call back, you better be in them motherfucker streets looking for Heavy. Damn. Nigga, what the fuck you got to say? What I got to say, nigga? What the fuck I got to say? Shit, seem like your boss man left you hanging out in this bitch. That's what I got to say. We riding up and down the motherfucking street looking for nothing. Don't nobody fucking leave me hanging, nigga. RICO: Might just be laying low. He ain't fucking laying low Rico. That niggas on the run. Know what? Remember what he said. Remember what Heavy said the other day about sombody making a move on us? JAMES: Un huh. Fuck that shit. I ain't gonna wait. Yo Hap. What up boricua? Yo, Poppy. Yo, I got to see you, dawg. I talked to you about something. Yeah You know I know where that's at. Yeah, I’ll be there in about 15, 15, 20 minutes. Aight on my way. I hope you know what you're doing little brother. [music playing] Aight man, look, man, we got this bitch. Don't say shit. Aight? Let me do all the talking you dig. Man fuck that shit lil bruh. You see this lil motherfucka right 'chere I'm gonna shake this bitch if everything don't go right you dig? Yo, bru this ain't that type of party man I'm good with Happy. Man you know I don't trust no motherfucking body man. Come on, man. We gonna go in here and do this thing right 'chere. And I'm telling you right now, if they act up, I'm gonna bake that cake on them bitches, right there you heard me? Just watch my back. I'ma bust one of these niggas. What is so important that you had to interrupt my breakfast? And what the fuck is this? Yo I can't find Heavy. Have you seen him? I don't keep up with Heavy. Why the fuck do I care? Where the fuck he's at? Must I remind you the shipment goes out tonight and if we can't find Heavy, we will have a problem with the Commission. Chucho. Get Heavy on the phone. [phone ringing] No answer. You see. This is not good. The shipment must go out today. That was Lopez's order. Just give me the opportunity to prove myself. What the fuck? All right. All right. Balls yours. And Lopez? Let me talk to Lopez. And you... You take care of Heavy. Meet me tonight at the warehouse. Cool. Just wait for the fourth ring. Then answer. If it only ring three times. Change of plans. You ditch that phone. Meet us here at this location. I won't let you down Happy. Better not. Let's get the fuck out of here. [music playing] Yo Mike what up? Aight. Cool. Aight. Aight bet. Yo, that was Mike. Go to Porsha's house. He said... Heavy had to meet Hakeem so that's where were going next. And if Heavy over there... Take care of that bitch. Let's ride. [TV inaudible] [doorbell] [creepy music] PORSHA: What the... Slim. What's goin on Slim? - Shhh. Get out of my house. Slim! Didn't I tell you to be quiet? Slim what's going on? Tell me what's going on now. Where's Heavy? I don't know. Hey! Don't lie to me. I swear. I don't know. What was Heavy doing over here? Did you fuck Heavy? Stop Slim. Huh? Where's Heavy Porsha? I swear I don't know. Huh? - Stop. I know you gave Heavy some of that sweet, hot pussy last night, huh? Huh? I bet you fuck Heavy and he told you all his little secrets. Stop. You got something you want to tell me? Huh? He told me you had to leave town, so he had Hakeem pick him up and they left. I swear that’s all I know. Let’s go. Heavy come back over here, we were never here you hear me? Don't make me come back over here Porsha. JAMES: What you doing? - Let’s go. JAMES: What about her? Let's go. Fuck! PEPE: Let's move now. It's the perfect time. Time is not right. PEPE: Come on, man. Timing is right. MALCOLM: Everything is not always what it seems Pepe we move when I say we move. PEPE: I'm ready to run down. Move when I say we move. This is it. Ay, qué bueno. SLIM: Yeah, Fucking right. Fuck you doing Happy? Want to try? Fuck nah I ain't no fucking fiend. How many boxes of this shit we got? 20 and it's just the first shipment. That's a lot of fucking product. Trust me. They'll fucking love it. Yeah Yeah Let's talk. You take care of Heavy yet? I got my boys. They combing the block for him right now. He'll show up. Heavy can be a big fucking problem. He has to disappear. Trust me, he won't be a problem. Don't fuck me on this Slim. Yo yall hurry this shit up it's getting cold out 'chere. Mike. What's up, man? What you doing here? Where everybody at? They all stepped out for food. You got CJ with you. Sup lil man? Give me five... Aight it's all right. That's cool, man. I'm glad to here, though. Let me I need your help on something. Let me run to the office. Right, quick, grab some things, and I'll be right back. Hey Heavy I think it's something you should know. So they didn't go out for food, huh? Sup Mike? Yo they probably at your place right now. Going through your shit. They told me to give them a call in case you showed up. So Slim's finally making his move, huh? Man... So why the fuck are you trying to help me? My loyalty is with you Heavy. Man Slim, James, they out of control right now, man. They not even thinking straight. Mike. I need your help, and I need your help to stop Slim. You feel me? Whatever you need me to do. Bet. Let me take CJ to my sister's, and I'll get back with you. Whoa. Y'all late. JG: Aye man where Heavy at? Yo he couldn't make it. We starting without him. I said I'm not talking to nobody but Heavy though. Yo, Heavy is out. I'm in, You got a problem with that? I'm the head of the fucking table now. Nah fuck this shit I'm out of here, let’s go. Oh, no. Oh, where the fuck you think you're going? Yo, Mike. Punk ass motherfucker. SLIM: Never liked your smart ass mouth anyway. BIG MIKE: Fuck em. Punk ass bitch. Get him the fuck out of here, Mike. Yo Lex. LEX: Yeah. You in charge now. LEX: Say no more. Damn. Got a problem with the changes? CANE: I'm cool with that man whatever, man. Let's make this money. Aight let's get this fucking shipment, come on. Yo. Come on. Yo wake the fuck up. Let's go. Come on. Come on. Aight Lex this you. Yeah here we go. Pendejo Si derramas solo un poco, pagaras con tu sangre. All right my man. Where's agent Harris? Come in. Wait here. FISCHER: Please have a seat. Where are we on the Chris Frost investigation? Oh I'm sorry John, Sonya, this is Agent Frank Martin from DC. DC? He was sent down by headquarters after Agent Harris said that Lopez was spotted on U.S. soil. That was three days ago. Lopez is in the wind by now. I wouldn't bet on that. Yeah, but the question is, where is Agent Harris? He was our only link to Lopez. Find Agent Harris. Get him in here. We need to know what he knows now. This case is closed. BOTH: Closed? - Sir. I think that would be a mistake. If we move in on them now, we could jeopardize five years of work. We have enough evidence on Happy Diaz to make him flip on his boss. If your agent seen Omar Lopez here in Atlanta, trust me, he's not leaving until this product hts the streets. And we need to make sure that that doesn't happen. There you have it. [phone ringing] Hello. Heavy... they're getting ready to move on you. You need to get out of town right now. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down, baby. What's wrong? Yo, don't worry. Listen, don't worry about shit. I've already taken care of our problem. Yo, I'll call you back. What's up Bruh? You sure you want to do this? Feds on my ass lil bro, I ain't got no other choice. I'm in a fucked up situation right about now. It's way past fucked up. But I can help you though. Bet that. But first. We need to take care of that bitch ass nigga Slim. Bet. So we do this my way, or you’re out. Whatever you say, lil bruh, you're the Boss. [Music playing]
Channel: Stash Movies
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Keywords: Crime, Betrayal, Politics, Black Cinema, gangster, violence, murder, urban, Cop, drugs, strip club, atlanta, guns, politics, drama, Corruption, Boss, police, detective, street, hood movies, hood movies 2024, hood movies 2024 full movies, black movies full movies, gangster movies, mafia, Tubi, Tubi Movies, Top Movies, Top Free Movies, Top Movies 2024, Movies Free, Full Movies, Free Full Movies, Movies Full Movie, Full Movie, Movie Free, YouTube Movies, Movies to Watch, HD Movies, 4K Movies
Id: yx2yP1osJZI
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Length: 142min 28sec (8548 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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