Traditional Beef Sausages. Sausage Making Masterclass. #SRP #sausagemaking

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[Music] well hello there my dear friends and a very warm welcome back and I mean a warm welcome back to the scot-free project it's been some time in these crazy crazy times I have been absolutely flat out but it seems to be stabilizing a bit now so back to the jar of the SRP so what we're going to be doing today then is a very very very old school classic sausage recipe good old beef bangers now years ago searches for tis very very popular sausage I think it's lost a little bit of its sexiness why I don't know cuz I absolutely love these the flavor is amazing yeah they're just absolutely that's all I can say they are absolutely stunning so to make these beef sausages we're using the best cut as you can see here I got Chuck or brazen state whatever you want to call it and as you can see plenty of fat plenty of marbling if there isn't enough of my recipe I will add some beef fat which I cut off this morning some beautiful fat off the top side and there's a bit off a sirloin so it should be a good'n so we're back alley SR phq I've got some new lights I've got some new kit so first thing we need to do is spin round go over to the sausage making table yes or posh and weigh the ingredients out some nice new bits of kit then Wow secondhand over in the corner you can see there that's my latest requisition the planetary mixer now I always mix my sausages by hand but I thought maybe try a mixer obviously they do in butcher shops just to see if it changes the texture it's in a hell of a beast that bad boy then here I got a new sausage stuffer and Wow one hell of a mincer from the absolutely brilliant Western powder and of course you've seen my lovely vintage scales so what we need to do then is weigh out these ingredients so follow me down so exploding an absolute gale outside today as you can see creepily often the blinds so what I need then is three and a half pounds of beef only goes up to two pounds so you put the weights on the back there's two pound on there so as soon as that reads one-and-a-half pounds we're in business now like I said I might add a little bit more fat so we got three pound of Chuck there so cut a little bit off see where we are with that yeah and then I can add just a little bit of this fat just that to me is absolutely perfect so get back to the block in a minute chop that up before we get through the mincer give this a wipeout so the binding the risk I need half a pound another beautiful vintage bit of kit here this scoop is what we used to use years ago so I've chopped the weights off the back and it will just read normally so half a pound 8 ounces nearly there just over that'll do me so the first thing we need to do then is get our Rusk so Kim get our bowl now as I've said many many times Rusk can take two three it'll push tons its weight but what I'm going to do is I'm just going to start with twelve ounces so that's one and a half times its weight though ice cold water into my tray and then always add in your Rusk to the water not the water to the Rusk to get there more even distribution so simple as that now that ice water there was obviously ice cold soon as you add it to that Rusk you could feel the heat coming off it so it's imperative you put it in the fridge which will do as we prepare the meat right there's our Wade out meat and fat stay there a a receptacle to put it in and of course the sausage seasoning so I'm using a beef sausage seasoning you can get this from Western fodder or go online and you may find some other ones but don't bother they're the best so what we need to do then is cut up this means this beautiful beautiful Chuck big enough to go down the mincer absolutely fantastic cut a meat chuck steak braising steak does exactly what it says on the tin if you want to cook this you need to braise it or put it in stews or casseroles but it's absolutely ideal for sausages in fact it's one of the best this may be some flank meat some brisket but we're just gonna dice it real quick bearing in mind you know this is going in the minster so don't be too fussy let's get this fat sorted those imps get rid of that right so get my meat into the bowl and then sprinkle on the seasoning like I said the beef seasoned and this is beef sausage seasoning this is 2 ounces so 3 and a half of meat two ounces of sausage seasoning 8 ounces of that Rusk and then like I said we'll put a pound in weight in which is basically a pint that I've just started with 12 ounces 3/4 of a pound now this is what I like about these sausage seasonings really old-school it's got the pigment in so immediately it's turned at that color you know you're gonna have a cracking looking end product so just put that on chill for a while along with the risk look at that and we'll be back so on to this magnificent Beast this lovely new minster of mine so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put the fat to one side and then just put the meat through and then I will put the fat on top and give it a good mix beautiful color beautiful color now years ago they'd have made a beef sausage or a beef and tomato I mean what's not to like it's beautiful and just get our meat through you now you'll notice I never the seasoning on the fat surely because but does not take on the seasoning very old school so we just put our beats through once and then let's get our back through [Applause] you so there's a start of our beautiful sausage and as you can see I put that fat in you see the nice white specks there next we need to add our risk so if you have a look at our brush then it's nice and inflated it's not absolutely soaking wet so we can add a bit more liquid and of course more importantly it will retain all that beautiful fat which as you know is the flavor so we get that in there then get your hands in just give it a preliminary mix so just judge it for yourselves and a bit more liquid and mix I do apologize about the rustling of the apron so what we need to do then is send that through the mincer a second time [Applause] absolutely stunning machine so we'll give this a quick mix by hand and I think we'll put it in my new toy loader up still try to get used to where everything is now in the SRP HQ so before we fire this beauty up there's a little story about this Minister I bought this secondhand and I went to the house to pick it up and it belonged to a bloke who passed away you used to make sausages bless him and his son-in-law was selling it you know we got talking he said are what you're gonna do with it and I said well I'm going to make sausages with it he said oh that's what the father-in-law did and he had some more pieces to sell and I said well I'll come back tomorrow anyway I go back the following day and he says I've just figured out who you are he said you're Scott rent year and I went yeah he said my father-in-law used to watch your videos that's how we learnt to bank sausages and I just thought how cool and I said to him wow this will be put to good use it will be looked after right let's fire it up let's gonna let a spot more water that's just brilliant absolutely brilliant just stop it a minute see that beautiful give it another blast don't try to figure out how to work it scream if you want to go fast steps well that is done an absolutely wonderful job as I know it would you know in all the butchers they always use mixes save magically Danny's right I'm gonna get that on chill salt out the skins and we get these piped so I'm not to load it in the machine then I've got my skins here I always use sheeps casings when I'm making flavored sausage they are a bit more fiddly obviously a little bit more delicate and harder to get on the end I always prefer to have my flavored sausage in a thin casing but by all means if you want to make these use Hogg's casing it will taste exactly the same it's just preference like I said though these lands casing they take some getting used to they're not so forgiving as the hogs right now you've heard the saying a bad workman blames his tools well here's my take on it for years I have used a left hand cranked machine I have now got a beautiful right hand cranked machine so I'm still getting used to it but you know us Brits in the face of adversity or sausage making we just go with the flow baby I'm talking of the flow here it comes so trying not to fill these cases too full if it makes sense about two-thirds full obviously this is quite a stiffer mix this beef so just take your time and slowly slowly catch us with a monkey so if you can see I'm just steadying that skin just holding it back with my fingers here on the end of the nozzle just so it's not just firing away at those bad boy electric sausage makers you know which will shoot off about ten pound in there in a minute this is old school baby this is vintage I'm thinking that little bit there might have a little bit too much in so just throwing it down just give it a feel you I do believe we're coming to the end of the mix beautiful okay everyone's favorite part the tying of the linking those so we start measuring sausage how big do we want when do we want it no so we're making three trying not to twist the main body of the sausage song and then we just go along twist pull up now this is where you'll find out if you stuff them too tight cuz one they won't twist and two they'll burst on you so better to have them under stuffed then overstuffed and it's just practice you know so we go through look sausage pinch so there's one sausage we make - so we lift up the next one put it over pinch there's three so through twist bring up the main coil on the top under twist always tricky to get this on camera nice and there you have your beef sausages and what was left in the machine this cute little thing hopefully we may be able to cook that obviously these have got to be left at room temperature obviously where there's a little bit of breeze you know nice and cool just for about an hour just to come down to ambient temperature then overnight clang in your fridge about four degrees centigrade what will happen is they will swell fill the casings and bloom or that wonderful color will come to the front but yeah there is our beef sausage making masterclass still got it you well there you go my dear friends some of the finest beef sausages known to man and woman so it's really good to be back it's been a long long time and I hope you've enjoyed this episode of the SRP if you have please click Subscribe when my beautiful face comes down here in this corner ear also like this share it on your social media and all your friends oh my god what's that the ghost or cement also check me out on my social media on Facebook Twitter Instagram at the SKA tree project and if you feel generous I want to help the channel along please check out my patreon page and I will put a PayPal me link in the description along with the recipe honest so until next time my friends where the next video you will be very interested in it's about my latest book trying to flog your stuff take care and see you very soon all the best you
Channel: Scott Rea
Views: 132,173
Rating: 4.876071 out of 5
Keywords: THESCOTTREAPROJECT, #SRP, SCOTT REA, how to make sausages, beefsausages, making sausage, how to link sausages, how to tie sausages
Id: GBwVwFnFWkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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