Trading PERMANENT KITSUNE for 24 Hours in Blox Fruits

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in this video we're going to be trading perun for 24 hours of blo through so if you guys enjoyed this video make sure like subscribe to watch a good video guys by the way guys I will be doing a giveaway throughout this video for permanent katune so if you guys want to be in that make sure to watch the end of the video and subscribe with notifications on let's get right into it all right guys so we are officially starting off with the first permanent consun fruit you know what I'm going to buy it right here look at this permanent consun look at that bad fruit right there that bad boy fruit consun 4,000 robu roonies very expensive so we got cool man forever Dad right here Bo slap it in per to cude by the way I'm also giving away a permanent Mammoth so make sure to watch throughout the video for that as well this guy's going to be putting in gravity barrier Rubber and life for per to consum day for 4,000 Robux this guy puts in gravity Berry Rubber and light bro I bet I oh I just I just flung myself up in the air I bet I could roll something better than that right now bro look at this oh yeah look how much better that this fruit is than all the fruits you rolled bro here you need it you you need diam you need the diamond fruit congratulations bro why don't you want to trade with me yellow man bro someone peed on you it doesn't mean that you need to not trade he put the diamond fruit down look what a what a mean person man dude literally just slapped the diamond fruit on the ground was like I don't want that ain't nobody want that Fruit by the way if you guys are unaware this game pass is almost $50 it's almost $50 real dollars to get permanent cons just it's just crazy to me this guy is named Rip imra he's a rip indra's lost lost redheaded stepchild you know what I mean rip imra this guy put in spirit man with control of Venom honestly not that bad of fruits but for a 4,000 Robux game pass that just came out this is pretty bad you might be able to get a permanent for that but definitely not going to be getting any permanent for me man no permanent cude for you bro we got dark par 1350 right here bro what you got for perp cude what you got for the wait is this the same guy cuz he immediately put in Mammoth again does everybody just have Mammoth now Mammoth was like kind of rare before because it it's kind of hard to get new mythical fruits but there seems to be a lot of mammoths floating around so I'm hoping there's going to be a lot of katun floating around as well also by the way if you guys see any Trading rocket to cune videos those are fake nobody could do that right now it's it's impossible because people want like three leopards for it so basically it's it will take a very long time to actually bro this guy's like begging right now this guy was like please please please no bro I'm not trading you man and then we got another rip imra fellow all right we're in the next server let's see if we get some juicy trades for my my permanent cude fruit they don't know what I have they're like they're over there they're like oh my goodness gracious man variety J nope I am not variety J I'm the I'm the blizzard man why can't I sit down bro look at this nobody can sit in that chair it's broken the chair is broke it's not chairing the chair is not chairing dude what the heck it isn't even chairing right now bro I can't believe the chair is broke I've never seen a chair breaking bloxs frots that's so dumb man the chair is literally broken all right we're in the next server let's see if the chair is chairing today and in fact is so we got new B Bond right here slapping in that per cud fruit what you got man boy got spider Buddha what else you got bro spider Buddha quake and magma oh Mr Commander col also God NB Noob Bond 2 this is not it for permanent katsune man it's it's not even close man I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry bro you do not in fact have the juicy fruits that I need for Perman katune ain't no way bro now comes sit down Mr mean meano bxs blue skull by the way he like this fancy crew name by the way putting in a barrier you got that fancy crew name and you put in barrier and rubber for per kude bro I think you need I think you need to spend less time crude hunting and more time fruit hunting man bro he's like glitched out the chair man BR bro literally just immediately sat back down give me this chair we got bloxs fruit 107 totally not an Al by the way this this this account is 100% not an all with this free hats free body and the name bloxs fruit 107 totally not an all by the way we got gravity spider love and Quake and this is the dude there's not there's usually a lot more good fruits than this I mean we've seen Mammoth wise so I guess you know there's that but what is rard going to put in oh my goodness the bad fruits did not stop at the last trade he oh and then he just just hit a se he literally didn't even put in any of his bad fruits this guy literally just hit immediately hit a SE what the heck man I'm not going to lie to you guys I kind of really really want a katsune in the trade for permanent katune I want at least one normal katsune fruit for now I plan on trading all of my leopards to katsune oh hey look h hn a i n right here man putting in dragon leopard control and Venom best trade of the video so far but you know how the you know what I say man still not good enough for that permanent katun F but you know what hen you could definitely get a permanent fruit for this this is definitely enough value for permanent just not this one man not this $50 game pass by the way absolutely crazy that it's 4,000 Robux like that is insane katun is really good like I like I'll equip it right now look at this boom katune fruit like it's a good fruit oh yeah look I have a tail I have a little tail oh my goodness gracious you get a permanent tail on your body so everyone knows that you have kude so you get targeted all right we're in the next server we got some traders in here and the chair is chering today look at this the chair is definitely not broken right now let me just grab these chests real quick I guess I mean I wish that the katsune event was in the secondy as well every all these people are missing out we got hore 6 man what are you going to what are you going to put into the trade Mr hals this guy said wow I know I know sir I'd be flabbergasted too if someone just put in a mythical permanent katune like this dude like this deserves like a different Rarity for how expensive it is by the way like that is absolutely crazy 4,000 Robux like it should get like like exotic tier or something like that like like just a new tier for how expensive this is this guy said trade Buddha well sir I'm not trading budha right now I'm trading that that mythical perent katune we got Hawks 6 right here putting in control portal spider and love definitely not it for the perun fruit let's see if we got any more people in here Alexander a16 what do you got man oh this is this was the guy holding Spirit I bet this guy rolled spirit and was immediately like I'm going to trade today well unfortunately sir you definitely need to get a little bit more fruits everybody's following me around cuz I have this katsune tail on me all right man you you you could go ahead you go ahead and sit there I I'll go talk to Dre zero over here man what you got bro bro put in Buddha and barrier and hit a sep listen man Buddha may be a very good fruit but it's definitely not worth pering conse oh my gosh oh look at this I didn't even know that there was like a cool Dash attack attached to it look at this oh my goodness gracious look at this oh oh I'm so fast oh my gosh all right it's time to hop all right we're in the next server let's see if we got some Gucci trades over here man go ahead and sit down right we got Papu games Papu gos by the way this guy's name is Papu goam all right right all right Mr 1.2 million Bounty sir we got dough pain Rumble and pain we got two pain listen man the only thing pain is going to be getting you is pain cuz I'm receiving Pain by you putting pain into the trade whenever I see pain I just get immediate pain in my my mental front lobe of my brain it just hurts so bad whenever someone puts in pain fruit man I'm hoping pain gets a rework because pain is a ain't nobody like the pain pain fruit do not trade for Pain by the way it's Paul in case you guys are unaware do not get scammed for pain it is not worth anything right now we got Spirit grab gravity goes to barrier definitely not worth peric cons either bad look at this guy he's saying please man that's an instant instant no you know get the perun sir let's see if we got let's see if we got someone else wanted to trade me wait is the chair not chairing anymore I think the chair is broke look the chair sto chairing it's broke oh wait it's not broke he just can't sit down what the heck he just reset come sit down katakuri all right he he he managed to learn how to sit again his legs are properly working and his butt is properly sitting we got katakuri here the immortal being we got control Shadow what else you got bro control Shadow Phoenix and what else you got man what else you got katakuri is that it we got control Shadow Phoenix and ghost He put in ghost fruit you know what man better than pain I'd rather take ghost than pain dude like wait someone just dropped a dark fruit on the ground here you here Papu here you go sir all right we're in the next server let's see if we get let's see if we get any really good trades man we got Bara Blanca kind of an odd name and is look look guys his crew is Bara Blanca God so his name he his crew is just him it's just him and he's saying that he's a God but he's Trading Fenix love quake and go so he's definitely not and he's using Quake oh you know what he's using the Quake blade so that's pretty cool I don't think that makes you a god though barbar Blanca Barber's triand I do not want to trade you sir why is he chasing me all right sit down all right we got Matt right here these guys are dressed exactly the same by the way look at this right here they're like twinning over here they're they're twinsies all right so we got Matt 8 right here putting in dough Sound by the way this guy has no face it's just freckles with no face he's like an anime protagonist we got do sound spider what else you got man is that that's his I mean these fruits are honestly not that bad all things considered I definitely don't think it's worth perping katune but these fruits are quite frankly they're not that bad I mean you could definitely get much worse as I've seen previously when someone put in pain all right you got rip Taco what you got man the sad sponges is this guy's Crew putting in magma barrier Rubber and Diamond come on rip Taco the only thing rip right now is your fruit count man anded he said please oh man that's ultimate rip no begging allowed bro sorry man instant decline all right looks like we got some Traders man come sit down bro we all right we got Minka oh hey dude the core we're breaching the factory in 30 seconds let's do a factory raid real quick with the kude let's see if he let's see if kude is actually good at factory cuz I'm not sure honestly cuz I don't have the transformation and katune itself doesn't really do that much damage oh my goodness gracious I'm a fish user man what are you going to do what are you going to do chase me you're going to chase katsune man look at this now you're missing out on the core cuz you're trying to kill me how's that feel man well I don't think I'm doing the most damage here I am doing a lot though yeah I didn't get a fruit all right unfortunate man it's time wait I got got to activate this dang dude I'm not even fighting back and you can't kill me that's unfortunate look he even activated his fish Haya man that's that's too funny though that actually is look at this damage by the way yeah you dude look at the speed look at this man you cannot catch katune cuz look how fast it is while running look at this oh my gosh all right guys let me know if you guys think this trade is a w or an L in my opinion I think it's I I think it will be very hard to get a W for permanent katsune until katsune is more available because I honestly think for 4,000 Robux you should be able to get three katsun very easily for permanent katsune if not four but I will say for now I do think that this is a pretty good trade considering katsun is extremely rare because not that many people have it so everyone's looking for katune right now so we got inra King right here permanent katsune right here for inra King right the commander serpent Slayer let's see what he's going to put in look how much value katune has in game 8 million he's going to be katun two leopards and D going to go ahead and hit accept I think that this is a pretty good trade overall if I'm going to be honest let me know if you guys think this is W or L of course katun is very expensive but normal katun is so rare and so valuable so there's the first trade down I'm going to go ahead and buy another one I'm actually going to buy two katun real quick one for the giveaway and one for the actual next trade cuz of course we're not doing only one permanent katun trade in this video who do you think I am so yeah this guy just got permanent cune for that pretty good deal for him but for now I do think that it's a pretty good trade look at this katune fruit man oh my goodness gracious I want to look at it I want to look at the katune fruit oh my God gosh looks so Majestic might actually be my favorite looking fruit in the game now onto the next few trades all right it's time to trade the next katun all right so we we're the next publ Ser here we got Ryan Z 69 right here let's see what Ryan is actually going to be trading me man let's see Ryan's going to put in blizzard I just got cude it's just such a big difference in value cud is 8 million Ryan putting in blizzard it's not honestly a terrible fruit but it's not worth any permanent you know I am of course the blizzard man so I'm a little impartial to Blizzard I do love my blizzard fruit we got ozaro 253 right here man let me slap it permanent cons let's see what this guy has to trade man let's see what ozaro Mr ozaro has to trade he's putting in pain what else you got bro look we got L's Morado oh no he bro just put in dark and Flame it's so over man it's so J this guy put in pain dark flame in Spring I love flame fruit man I definitely think it should be worth a lot more and get a rework but it is what it is we got Levi right here what this guy who get cun you buy it perb I did buy it permanent Levi as you can see permanent kude boom Levi is putting in leopard dough and portal what what else you got man Levi Sir Mr Demon King what else do you have bro I'm guessing this is all this guy has sir unfortunately you do definitely do not have enough value to get peric katsune you might be able to get normal katsune after the value calms down a bit but I definitely think per katune is definitely out of your price range man pero Samurai panen this guy said does anyone trade does anyone trade portal fruit well guess what bro I'm trading the Perman cune which is better than portal it's not as fast but it's pretty fast we got Shadow Quake magma and ghost unfortunately sir definitely not worth perp cune whatsoever oh do we have another Trader another Trader wanting to wanting to offer no it's just Levi again unfortunate we got ninja eduado we're in the next server by the way just so you guys know we got Phoenix Quake what else you got oh my gosh bro man all these all these really really terrible trades man let's see what Leo roxo okay you know what considering the trades I've just seen this is definitely not the worst trade in the world but we got Dragon spe control of Venom unfortunately definitely not wor perun but I will say that these block fruits are honestly not that bad overall I mean like you could get a lot worse in this game as we've seen multiple times throughout this video man this guy oh I think he's saying please I don't know what that means though oh my gosh I'm in the wrong server all right I think we're in an English speaking no all right you know what it is what it is man just because they don't speak English doesn't mean that they don't have good fruits let's see what these guy these guys have actually I think they're just over there just chatting staring into each other's eyes talking about their their future and their past and this guy this guy looks very God what all right we're the next server now let's see if we can let's see if we can get good trades I I'm yet to see a katsune other than the actual trade I just did this guy just put in blizzard is this another blizzard Andy you know what blizzard great fruit but unfortunately not worth that much we got blizzard ghost Rubber and light not worth it bro I'm sorry and I'm taking your chair we got sap fkx 4 let's see what this guy has to offer man we got do fruit what else we got this guy's name is me yes sir this guy's crew is me yes sir and there's actually someone else in the crew too it's not just him what the heck bro bro just jumped out of the trade for perck ande all right you know what it is what it is man he knows he doesn't have enough value it's all right we got the do Commander title let's see what this guy has he's a commander that's a do Commander what the heck we got portal ghost to barrier and rubber yet again bro that's not it that's not what I'm looking for what is up with all these servers with nobody in it man there's nothing to do with the second SE just trade trade trade bro my game isn't loading look at this I'm in the server but it's just not loading me there we go thank you and we got some Traders so I'm glad I loaded man jeez I this game just randomly crashes sometimes it's kind of unreal but I guess it is just a Roblox game nobody wants to trade the katune user maybe I have ksun what do you guys know come trade me you guys don't want to trade me nobody everybody's too busy fighting oh hey look these guys actually jumped off from the trade all right come trade me man come sit down this guy's title is sea monster I'm guessing this guy does not have very good fruits Mr bacon Messi oh my gosh guys how did I know that this guy was immediately going to put in something like magma this guy said boot oh my gosh my throat almost just died stay hydrated guys drink water oh my gosh this guy's putting in magma spider love and ice for permanent katune man that is just that just isn't it man unfortunately all we got Alara right here man I'm going to be slapping in permanent katune what do you have to offer bro this guy said I have Buddha well guess what I have man I got permanent katune two leopards a dragon all right not bad this guy has a lot of value there is no doubting that this guy has a lot of value he has two leopards two dragons this guy has the value man he definitely has the value he's saying please too um so that instantly means I'm going to decline this trade but he has a lot of value he can get a good permanent fruit for this just not permanent cune permanent katun is a little bit out of this guy's league if I'm going to be honest all right we're in the next server we actually got some Traders too we got Luffy Sigma Kings of time this guy's crew is Kings of time are you really a king of time man let's see you got Quake ghost barrier and uh Mr Luffy Sigma I would say you're not a sigma based on these actual fruits I'm seeing Quake ghost barrier and Flame definitely not definitely not Sigma male energy right there bro I'm sorry bro let's see what Mr o4 lrh is going to trade me man we got magma Rumble all right not bad not a bad start whatsoever magma and Rubble I'm guessing that this is not just a start but it's also the start and finish of this this guy said what he's so flabbergasted by per katune that this guy is just he's just like oh my goodness gracious man we got magma Rumble and gravity for Perman cun definitely not worth it man unfortunately all right we're in the next server we got rip dayar Auda Auda we got spider love magma what else you got man rip dayar put in put in your last fruit bro I know I know it's not going to be good he said ooh yes I know someone with spider love and magma probably has never seen per cude before all right um sir this is not this is not a good trade man I I'll say that that that that's pretty that's pretty terrible it's not the worst trade I've received this video but it's pretty close it's pretty close quite frankly man it's really not that great all right so we got Juan 23 JP what you got bro what you got for the permanent consun fruit man this guy this guy is just so stunned by the fact I put in permanent cons that he's just not putting in anything at all permanent cud Juan what are you going to put in bro put in grab gravity all right you know what it is what it is man we got gravity and pain giving me pain immediately as soon as you put in that pain fruit I just started developing pain just pain pain pain pain pain and then we got sound this guy's putting in the fruits the slowest I've ever seen man gravity pain sounded spider definitely not worth it for me man I'm sorry all right we're in the next server let's see if we get some good trades man we got some people over here we got not gamre what you got man what you what you going to trade for my Perman Cuda fruit we got dragon all right we got dragon dragon magma magma come on man come on noton you know what honestly two dragons isn't even that bad overall two dragons and two magmas isn't even that bad it's just not very good either like two dragons you could get probably a OMG 4,000 Robux true dude so true it's it's a it's a lot of Roo man unfortunately for me it is it is in fact a lot of Robuck aronis if I'm going to be honest it it's it's a lot it's it's quite a lot of Robux it's probably it's probably too much if I'm going to be honest kind of overpriced but it is what it is man all right guys so I managed to find a trade for Perman katune it's going to be a lot like the old other one but it's a little bit better so of course I'm only taking katune and so we got katun leopard leopard and leopard for permanent katune let me know what you guys think about this trade is it a w or an L I would like to get two permanent cunes if I'm going to be honest for this but I mean two cunes for it but it is what it is man two out of five trades completed congratulations to this guy like I said there will be a giveaway so if you guys want to enter the giveaway all you guys have to do is like the video subscribe with notifications on hit that bell all notifications comment below what your favorite part of the video was and join my Discord Discord part is very important so make sure to join the Discord hope to see you in the next one guys there's going to be a lot more cune videos coming out so yeah peace
Channel: VarietyJay
Views: 672,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, dark blade, rip indra, blox fruits trading, trading blox fruits, blox fruit tier list, blox fruit, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit roblox, blox fruit trading, blox fruits trading 24 hours, blox fruits tier list, blox fruits update 20, blox fruits leviathan, blox fruits sanguine, sanguine blox fruits, rocket blox fruits, blox fruits super fruit box, blox fruits perm kitsune, perm kitsune blox fruits, blox fruits kitsune, kitsune blox fruits
Id: 9hNLTQ7Qy4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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