Trackmania Fall Campaign Discovery & Reactions - ALL TRACKS

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and we have ten nine eight seven six five four three two one and go we got update we got update we got update we got update happy new year all right all right one sec it's booting all right hold no spoilers chat no spoilers new menu wait oh [ __ ] okay well let's check out the campaign first and then let's go through the menus but that is very cool already a big fan because the the ui was one of the the worst features of uh the game in the past but now they're fixing that that's cool first map this one is um like we mentioned a remake of trek mania 2 stadiums 802 with more water tricks it looks like and this is probably not author since i released a lot it's gold so we need to go a little bit faster might even have to do uh water action keys i don't know it's probably just full speed though that should do it all right first map author let's go next 16 second map i'm missing this is a short one [Music] looks like i quite like it though like these are probably really good if you're just starting out the maps are not too difficult see map three here wait was that a remake too i was thinking like was that a ao2 remake [Music] a yo2 from tmnf it had some ao2 vibes gold i was releasing way too much here this does not look like anything i've seen before but it's a decent track third run should do it but it's all full speed this is a full speed track i wonder how close it will be for the records on this because this is not a complex track it's a very simple track map four this was sausage blocks last time looks like the same so map 4 was a nightmare for beginners last time let's see how it is now this already feels better to drive oh it's way better that's gold but yeah no if you're just starting out this is a lot easier than the other one the jumps are way more calculated you have time to set up everything and it almost looks full speed this this looks like a theme that the the white tracks are all full speed i've not had to drift or break really in any of the maps yeah to make them this is plastic okay bit of a wild start where to oh no yeah let's finish that curved water pool blocks wait are there new blocks on this like these look the same right i did not see anything insane here like any new blocks that i haven't seen i think these k these are the same [Music] all right we finished the y tracks again i'm just hoping for one bobsley track i think it'd have to be like in the middle somewhere beginners don't like ice so they're not gonna put them in the start but like blue tracks red tracks maybe there is uh one bobsley for me i saw two paths here oh this is clean i like the map god at first try i probably should have done another one here because that was really clean but i like the track uh more plastic okay oh let's restart that how did i stop molding and start to love ice uh knowledge people fear what they cannot understand but when i started understanding ice i could appreciate its true beauty oh this is a weird jump you jump here a little bit later okay yeah dude i am bad on plastic this is not gonna be my map like it's just everything i'm bad at in one map i think you want to like chain that turn into a drift somehow but i don't know i'll try to just get the altar medal and go uh next on this one not the most interesting map to me that's only gold i was actually expecting other metal but uh i'll do another one it had been this turned out so bad i'm actually not a lot faster don't make me play it again do not make me play it again thank you did not like that so map eight traditionally has been a troll map they kind of went away from that theme a while ago but there's a chance that we have a new troll map on eight doesn't look like it no this looks very normal very very normal [Music] oh that's very sure scenery yeah the scenery game has been stepped up i like that uh the spinning thing because you can see them all over the towers guys the sausage blocks are not that bad don't fear the sausage box just try to learn them these can be fun they're not that evil right now i'm picturing the meme sausage blocks aren't real they can't hurt you and then it's like uh fall 08 coming up on your screen i'm so far from the pace here though i think you need to full speed uh the corners it's like full speed here this track really flows am i missing something how am i a second slower you can skip the engine off water bounce okay you cannot skip the engine off [Music] all right i did not see that interesting cool hello nice to meet you my name is virtual and i like you oh there's more oh hello oh well in this uh cool track ah yuck water yuck because i didn't go into the water fast enough that was not author but how do you sing so fast eyes are just cold water ice is just the cooler version of water it's chad water i think this would have to be the line but then how do you sink see this this is what i needed i'm a bit tempted to do one more just to get the temporary world record here before we go next this is faster yeah oh very slow start in comparison to the previous one though so okay again interesting it's the one bobsley track i need to leave my mark oh no wait that was good wait that was really good do you go for now world record people are not hunting yet though but we got the world record we'll be back on that track later we'll we'll go back later we just wanted to get it for now we'll be back all right we are playing with lulu for the gold medal here this has to be a remake right this looks like a remake of something could be uh original um [Music] uh-huh i see the rest this loop is super difficult how do you control that you can do the diagonal approach for more speed yo evan thank you for uh gifting five subs i have alerts muted right now for the discovery but thank you so much all right this should be it i just gotta aim the wild ride exit here yes sir alright that was the green tracks let's go on to blue and we have sausage blocks okay um trying to understand but this is again not my strong suit like here i'm just uh author and next usually it's not really much more for me to take a look at but i want to learn this at some point so i might have to commit more time into it oh that's bad risky finish interesting i think you just do something like this and then on top you probably want to be outside before this turn as well here i have literally no clue here as well there's absolutely no clue what the intended line is by the mapper and then here a lot of speed of course so you can make that jump yeah next one plastic full speed no it's not full speed plastic track though oh okay we talked about how it would be cool if they use plastic more look at this look at this this i think i'm just gonna have to get more used to plastic as well since there are more tracks with that now that looks like a bug slide i think nadeo built an intentional bug slide ending there but i got the author so i'll find out but that looked so much like a bug slide i want to go back and try it wait i'm going to drive one of this and then we're going to go back and try it also full dirt i like that oh this is really cool scenery wise driving wise oh i love the aesthetics of this map the fall trees with the sunset and the dirt colors it really goes nice together like that's just an aesthetically pleasing map but i want to try the bug slide now that i saw it my brain can't stop thinking about it until i tried it it was here i think it's got to be faster i want to do another one i don't uh i don't think it's that much faster than voiceline oh well we tried it here my brain is working i feel like i've seen this but i don't know what it is is this a remake i8 f9 no it's not f9 too different but it has jumps good good action kira all right author i don't think the map is r34 i don't think that it is the campaign track r34 but good job oh what a map seems to be a slalom theme here so you're gonna see a lot of like left right left right stuff it's like going all through the map this uh left right left right there was a arrow okay are we playing bingo sometimes i was thinking like maybe these maps should have actual names you know like what if this was a deadly snake or something instead of fall 15 like if you made it a bit more uh personable with the track name but then i don't know how many names they'd actually like how long you keep naming tracks this is not a drift it's full speed oh we got it all right blue tracks done do you see the screenshot on this it's beautiful it's so beautiful i'm home i'm home chad throwback to um summer 19. how do you do this turn do you have to slow down it looks like because you still have icy i don't think it's a bug slide i think it's just that dirt thing okay oh my god oh my god yo whoever nadeau decided that this was a good idea i fully agree what an insane track all right let's learn this i think that corner for new players will be terribly difficult to understand oh [Music] okay so what i'm realizing is if you break tap uh before going into one of those turns you can then fully steer it i think yeah one break top and you're good for some reason no no no no no i'll just see what this dude this is so cool what a map let's see okay so what i'm getting is like land more straight and activate and top rick for it to work this is a lot of speed 40 let's keep playing this a little bit again very cool map oh this is good all right with 435 speed what do you even do that kind of worked but it's not fast you oh wait wait you know what you do you do that except you just have to keep the car in that angle without actually steering that's the big brain power move you angle the car down but you don't actually steer i'm either very stupid with this idea or very smart so you just just don't steer you see that you steer but then you you don't steer right okay great no close i'm not sure how to go faster guys i want to get the record here i wanna leave my mark on this always fast no let's go gets world record for now again uh we beat mikka again thankfully this probably won't last that long but guys let's go nice map enough time on 16. let's see what we have here i gotta save with two oh wow with two bobsley maps i'm already very happy with this campaign and now we have uh tony hawk pro skater two map just quarter pipe jumps totally wicked uh oh let's pretend i knew exactly where to go there gold we don't we haven't really had a flat ice map yet i i suspect there's gonna be one later on dude that's satisfying very satisfying track here and then there was a drum oh when you stay upper gear oh that's nice all right next map very close martin's here so far oh cool tricks there you go to reduce air time and then we have a waterboarding ending i think hoverboarding what do you call this waterboarding is something else no it's not waterboarding that's uh no uh a hoverboard you know you think of like water on a board waterboarding why do they make english such a complex language jet ski like that makes sense but i feel like waterboard makes a lot of sense like to board on water apparently it doesn't english needs an update when was the last time english got an update mom this patch has some floss so here i wanted to go high so i get lower air time and that is correct okay next map uh yeah i was i was gonna say like yeah ice so let's see how this place i've actually come to really enjoy uh flat ice tracks as well this looks uh cool already oh this looks really nice the thing you gotta remember is like this track will be in the campaign until january right so the christmas uh themes on this i really enjoy because we'll have this map during christmas that's a nice like holiday vibe to it with the red and white and the green trees oh let's just see this again upper gear any angle yeah makes sense all right i like it i think it's gonna be here had to release a lot followed by a long eye slide here if you can start one followed by one instantly to the left don't want to talk about it followed by one to the right that is kind of a nice slide it's a very small angle oh and then here you need to go very late let's go down yeah like there and then you can go very high here and try to time the approach down oh it flows you see that i think automatically here's probably like 50 seconds oh this this gear is super awkward because if you release that turn you slide out you cannot adjust your line in any way after starting it and it almost always goes to inside there we go [Music] there's a clean one okay more down [Music] okay we got it i want to hunt this later but let's just take the author for now go through the rest of the maps this has i'm guessing full tech i'm guessing this is just pure attack or maybe not yet doesn't look like it's pure attack [Music] also has anyone seen any shortcuts yet apart from like obvious and talented ones because i did not see any shortcuts so far the first maps i think were too basic to have shortcuts and these ones i haven't spotted anything because that's also something i want to take a look at if there are confirmed shortcuts i don't i don't like these pool uh parts because they usually make you use action keys to get them clean and they don't really add that much value to map this is grass full speed though so the crowd who uh really uh dislikes grass full speed this is not the map but uh i think it's pretty nice let's make it this one this be the run i don't need to hunt these yet like go for fast times i kind of just need to survive one clean one and uh it should be enough for author and i don't really see myself hunting this track either it's not really my style that was a very sharp turn all right they did 48 here which is crazy 47 fall 21 are we again going to have speed sack yes we are okay speed tech map for fall21 this track was very heavily technical last time too and now we see it again i think it's very cool that they have one super old school speedtech mapping because this map style exists back from like 2006 people were building stuff like this so this is what the boomers enjoy i never really got into it too much myself but uh it's really cool to watch when good players play it this is not intended there's a jump yeah and then finish this might be a tough author we saw gold was 58 so authors probably 55. i think 55 seconds is what i'm gonna have to uh aim for to get the medal it's a lot just about like full committing every turn even though you don't know where you're committing to just never stop steering is how to survive these tracks think you drift early here and then let it carry over to this yeah uh i released a little bit okay cool map it has corian written all over it it really does that's a caring map cargin sander these types of players ah they're gonna do walnut 22. okay i like the colors is this folder again if so very hype looks to be fuller oh my god what happened to that guy okay we need to water bounce earlier so here early okay oh so much water in this campaign as a whole but good usage of it for the most part there are some parts i've found kind of questionable but majority i like it let's see 23. uh oh plastic attack scary turn i trust this mapper with my heart now that this map is just calculated like he knows what players will most likely do there's no shot do you have to go here i go here okay i fear people might use that moving block this is a safe finish now hear me out last checkpoint yeah clip the road border go through the checkpoint bouncing to the finish pause champ probably not necessary for the author time but it's there small shortcut i think okay wait it's way too far i don't think you'll make it i do not think you'll make it gold wow okay so this is a difficult author time think this one for the new people in the game is going to be a tough tough time be it [Music] yeah no no no drift goes a little wide let me try the new line i'll try the approach i had in mind so you go here into [Music] here which might be better i think it is okay 24 one minute hmm [Music] i think i saw a screenshot of this on um softy's twitter color wise it looks like the map in his tweets this is very much like a full obstacle track that's pretty nice couple of those two this is tough though to remember [Music] and we're not close to the finish yet okay that works silver so gold is 107 i think like 103 one yeah one of three i had one big crash in that one but if i fix that we should be on pace i can jump over that yeah let's try it very funny chat pure comedy the one bush on the track and i crashed it insane and now we're cooking cooking up a fast one here [Music] then just avoid the broccoli and we're good okay thank god that should be enough if this author time is a 103 flat i'll be so sad that's a 1026 wow i thought that was it dude i lost so much here in the start by having low speed i need to gain four tanks that's one tenth right there let's try to do this a little bit better two times three times six tenths oh my god what happened who is this guy oh no anyways uh all right uh donnie we can just remove that part from the discovery video all right let's just rewind oh we need one ah we need four more times yeah i thought i can okay we gain a ton we gain two without drift three at bad speed here though about six tons ago and this should be it yeah okay we have one map left to go fall 25 in the campaign let's see it trackmania turbo 200 yeah this is trackmania turbo hmm okay i like the choice if you're gonna do a like a final nap this one has everything now i have never played turbo those i don't know the map except from from videos but let's see you did that there was some trends downhill stuff followed by a very sharp is this just a wobbling okay intentional wallet uh luke i do not remember this i might die here slalom yes wall ride and then loop right and finish oh that was unnecessary they could have just made a longer turn gassy it let's go so overall impressions of the campaign a lot of cool tracks i love the fact that they had two bobsleighs they had full dirt full tack even a kind of full speed map i wish maybe they'd done like something even more pure than what they did because the map they made wasn't like yeah i wasn't pure pure full speed cool themes on all the tracks too don't like the force camera here drop down loop and then it was the annoying thing yeah that was very blind what's the time 104.6 okay 104.6 to be i thought i had it solid author time dude where should i gain the time i'm getting uh confused now is it here uh with a more precise line there yeah you gain a lot and then it's probably the remaining time just by going sharp here the the force cameras again i can't see but i i have it now next one i have it watch the plastic bands from world record dude watching world records before playing the map and getting author yourself is like looking at the solution to a math quest before taking it you know you wanna actually solve the puzzle and then you can check what a better solution might be i'd get no satisfaction from just like ah that's it and then i do it it's about figuring it out okay i was gonna say i was gonna have my closing speech we have the song we had everything my god man all right memes aside let's uh let's end this now i think we've gotten enough uh enough throws in there enough fast runs we just need the ending it's obviously all for content i'm not this bad at the game you guys knew that right the game i've played for eight years surely i'm not that bad it's just content copy [Music] okay hey let's go let's go let's go ggs we are done with the campaign there it is all 25 ultra metals in the fall campaign took us about an hour but i gotta say cool campaign i really enjoyed it especially map nine map 16 was it or 19 yeah 9 16 19 are probably going to be my favorite tracks here that's just about seeing uh how they stack up might hunt them [Music] you
Channel: WirtualTV
Views: 628,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wirtual, Trackmania, Shortcut, World Record, Highlight, Best, Pro, Player, Tricks, Tips, Tutorial, How To, Coaching, Cup of the day
Id: yEA5nz6oPbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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