TOXIC GROUP in Roblox Saitama Battlegrounds Only Lets NOOBs In.. So I Went Undercover!

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all right guys now we're playing Battlegrounds yo get off me die all right anyways though I saw this new movie here trying to get people for his noobs only Clan looking for a new member oh my God wait what did someone say they said okay no you are a noob you free ugly oh my gosh that is crazy okay hold up I have an idea I kind of want to go undercover and like dress up as a noob and see if we can get into this secret group he has oh well this guy's gonna die definitely a noob well if I want the kill did we get him oh that hurt I didn't ask I'm still only trying to figure out my outfit but I noticed this guy put his Discord in the chat guys so I'm gonna add him and ask him how do I join the group okay um okay I have the weirdest looking disguise I don't know if they're gonna fall for this if I'm honest but guys the noob dm'd me back he says why do you want to join us Noob so bad and I said because I am also Noob oh he sent me a VIP sir he says join here to learn the way of the new their VIP server we got wait what the heck is that with that guy Noob nerd no hi guys we got a creepy Noob definitely creepy that's the guy I saw earlier we got the big Noob hi guys I'll say hey it's me from this and nuzzles creepy Noob I'm shy what's up what is wrong with that guy oh hello there welcome I think on an Xbox controller XD I bet it'll be another and everyone anyways okay I'll be thank you but yeah yeah I'm a block Noob yeah that's a good name block noob's the name sniffs why are you sniffing me bro are you good hide behind creepy Noob nice name and thank you he says all right noobs time to teach you how to play yes wait I need to double check wait what double check what controllers aim hacked by the way that's why I use it on you bro what the heck everyone here has never played this game before correct oh uh correct right right right I'm I'm a Noob I'm a Noob I've never played making sure I don't have to ban oh I just started I'm like completely lying though how do they not see I have 330 kills okay wink face one okay so I guess it's the master new he wants to teach us noobs to learn this game I want to troll him so bad but I'm not gonna do it yet three is shove oh my God I'll be like did I shove it wait what was that oh wait am I not allowed to have the ninja class I'll say some free class that seems Advanced no it's free I think they actually made that free recently so we should be good noobs don't have that what do you mean no news only use borrowed hero oh my bad okay can I oh my God I'm trying to switch the ball hero what is happening the dude has the ninja class what does he mean noobs don't have it he literally has it okay I can't even reset this guy is just killing me what do you think of my hacks as Noob nerd that's the guy who had that stupid ninja class who just attacked good boy Whoa what though oh it's because he switched his glass I guess they told him to take it off he is resetting okay I feel like it's just time to troll like this guy clearly doesn't want new players in his game so we need to learn to fight I'll be like like this attack this man hold up there we go he just stopped Hold Up Wait wait we're killing him Hold Up Hold Up We're not gonna stop there oh wait what he doesn't even have the bald Noob character or the bald character I mean you know saitama whatever what the heck he's getting mad oh there he's almost dead hold up oh wait we'll go for the wrong one creepy snoop's a leader oh my they all look the same to me like that just sucks hold up there we go why we're fighting the dummy I'm just gonna try to kill him and then just pretend I thought that was a dummy oh oh my god get this Noob get off me get off me you go in serious mode um where is okay you know what that's a tail flip come on come on come on he says yes yes we got him oh my gosh wait I want to kill this guy too no get off of me oh my gosh this new nerd is such a sweat all right there let's throw him over there wait where is he there he is let's see what he has to say what was that I'll be like I don't know I just spammed clicked there we go and and buttons that isn't something a new would ever ever ever ever ever ever never do that again never what [Music] so he's basically saying noobs would never do that that is so funny sorry bro you're sweating so much LOL why is he not like concerned about Noob nerd that guy was actually wrecking me like what he starts sweating why is he sweating and three shoved that's it oh we only three ability we can only use one in three abilities what uh okay that's the rules bro I don't like these rules these rules suck and we fight that dummy who's doing that okay that wasn't me who attacked him this time like come on bro next person to kill me gets tested to see if there are actually a noob you already know what has to happen I'm not in a friendly mood don't test me [Applause] stop he's definitely losing it does this guy got a problem with me stop looking at me bro like what oh that guy just had serious mode wait what the oh heck no bro what is he doing oh my nah he missed he missed that bro hold up I'm gonna punch him one last time you're making me mad I don't care guys he hit me wait what he's telling on me bro I'm telling on you LOL no way this guy's snitching yo he attacked me for no reason what I didn't do anything all he did was stare at me he's saying and then I just randomly hit me okay I didn't even notice he was staring at me what is the truth is this true uh what I think I saw big Noob do that yeah I'm just gonna try to switch the blame on this guy instead I'm sorry to question you two nerd and Zach uh oh all right guys I think the leader of these noobs forgot I even like did anything because he just isn't paying attention he's wanting to just train everyone and like kill his dummy but you know what hold up I got beef with this guy we're gonna get our serious mode really quick while they're not looking guys and then uh we're gonna kill the guy with the one shot hopefully there we go this guy really thought he was gonna get us like bro what are you doing this Noob nerd is actually so annoying like could he not just for like a second bro just die please oh there we go just dropped him again over here trash can just knock him down with that and we got serious mode nice all right it's time creepy nuke no has no idea but his death is near his death and all his friends are near look he's not even paying attention he doesn't even know what the hell oh my God we just killed all three of them look at this guys creepy noobs alive no way who did that oh no oh bro he definitely saw that was me oh we definitely saw look he's mad wait what is he say in the chat oh the big Noob says the club's really confused what happened what is that face who did that oh he's so mad he is so mad I'm like I don't know hold on hold up we gotta Play Dub we don't know who did that right guys everyone looks the same and I didn't see your name he didn't actually see me tell me now now now now now now oh foreign I think it was Noob nerd I'm going I'm targeting that guy he was the one attacking me in the beginning whatever spins in circles I told you it was one three only really only wants two of these abilities technically I killed him with the one ability though you're not taking this seriously slaps oh wow it was him not me slapped her head slapped his back I guess you're not a good Noob you're acting out too strong I feel like we should just reveal to them soon we're not a noob like you know what I think I'm just gonna do it now hold up let me get this new head off all right let's see I don't want this new head anymore here we go we're taking that off how do we look um all right I just reset my character I took the noob head off it's time to reveal I I'm just bored you know what it is what it is it's time to see what happens we're just gonna walk up and see how long it takes him to notice oh my God you noticed instantly dude that was actually kind of scary who was that oh my gosh it's me uh blocking Noob it's always been me hey yo screams guess what this isn't a noob code red oh kill him what the oh my gosh dude he's black yo oh yeah okay they're actually mad what the heck okay let's just throw them over there I'm gonna challenge them to 1v3 1v3 you're gonna die I just challenged him to a 1v3 though if I win I stay if you die then you're banned oh snap okay this guy is very mad right now oh my okay this is not looking good no I don't want to get trapped in a combo leave me alone okay there stop hey please oh my gosh well if we can totally get this we have saitama right now I hope we could actually get this hole bro okay hold on I'm going this way I saw that nah leave you alone please just go just die oh my I need serious mode I'm actually so low right now hold up I'm going for the dummy dummy help me out here man I need some serious mode points there we go drop that guy dang oh we'll get this oh my bro no what is happening Noob nerd leave me alone okay hold up hold up we just there we just dropped both of them oh my gosh and guys we now have serious mode I'm just gonna back up and get that really quick there we go and you know what uh I kind of want to do the new ability no it is what it is we're doing it oh my we said doing this flying dang okay one of these noobs is dead who did we get although it's a lot is um which one did I get I don't know oh we got the boss of the noobs oh he's gonna be mad oh no way he's chill about that what the look up but he saw me just take down their boss I just need to kill them already oh my please just die oh no he says what they're so confused of what just happened as long as I kill these two I win no get off me what is happening can they please just die already there we go and oh he's so close it's hard it's literally a double team like get off of me already there we killed that guy oh he's not coming down anymore oh my okay we're like a one shot I gotta be really careful no no no no please I just got dropped I'm just gonna lie and say they kill me hold up I win two e's he's dead what how dare you how did you let him win you're done in a dead rat dead man you noobs don't even help I'm the only strong one what dude got completely confused I won he's so confused you're banned no way he bans him both of you wait what Oh my he actually banned them guys he banned them bro [Music] he's just staring at me okay this is awkward
Channel: ZacharyZaxor
Views: 615,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zacharyzaxor, zach roblox, zach saitama battle grounds, roblox the strongest battlegrounds, saitama battlegrounds, roblox saitama battlegrounds, saitama battlegrounds roblox, roblox, roblox saitama, garou saitama battlegrounds, saitama battle grounds, saitama battle grounds trolling, roblox saitama battlegrounds toxic player, saitama battleground roblox, saitama, roblox saitama battleground, metal bat, saitama battlegrounds update leaks, metal bat saitama battlegrounds
Id: PVjX4rn6RXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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