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hey guys it's Jackson the squad and we're here reacting to hammer Nation again [Music] [Applause] [Music] he has a whole bunch of cool videos give them a subscribe let's go ahead and choose a video [Music] um which one school oh okay all right school it is I've had all kinds of experiences sometimes you get a great teacher who can make you excited about learning and can clearly explain the content to you I had this one science teacher who let me hold her snake on the first day of school oh my gosh keep that snake away from me what are you talking about it's not hurting anybody it's okay she was strict yet nice also she played the band just at a professional level so did anyone have a teacher that they actually liked when they were a kid I had one oh he liked us he liked to throw things at us when we fell asleep in class and since I never fell asleep in class it was really funny for me to watch him throw stress balls at kids sure they are it worked I guess sometimes teachers are pretty bad the worst teacher I ever had was my ninth grade science teacher we'll call him Mr stupid idiot Sora are you related well she would throw a packet at us tell us the answers without explaining why the answers were the way they were and then he would throw was at us while he sat at his desk doing nothing it was literally regurgitating information followed by forgetting it all since it was so unexplained one time I was in class and literally everybody was on their phone since the teacher couldn't teach with crap as we all know and since I was not learning anything I pulled out my phone and texted my mom yeah and then Bryson give me your phone oh oh I looked up at Mr stupid idiot you do see how literally everyone else in here is on their phone and you single me out he just said give me your phone again I was so mad literally everyone else there was on their phone how hecking dare you everyone else is on their hecking phone yet you decide to hecking take my hecking phone a few minutes later did you really hecking read all this heck my friend Dallin worked as a janitor after school there and he was cleaning by the main office when he overheard a counselor yelling at that teacher why do I have so many people complaining to me about how they aren't learning anything in your class I don't know why I give them comprehensive study guides before tests I have interactive class lectures with class participation and I always ask does anyone have any questions someone called The Lion which are all things that he did not do but it also proves that he knew how to actually teach but was choosing not to it just doesn't work wow laziness at its finest why does this happen to me at the same school in eighth grade I I took a Ceramics class Ceramics was working with clay and stuff and that teacher was so nice we'll call her Miss Ceramics teacher she would have lessons on how to work with Clay combined two pieces of clay together without it falling apart it was so interesting and fun and I learned so much so in ninth grade I decided to take her class again however the class was only one semester and I had her class in second semester I had been hearing from my friend who had her in first semester talk about all the great projects they got to do so I was so excited to get to work with Clay again I walked into class sat down and waited with anticipation then a substitute I had never seen before came walking in and started to give them an assignment um where's Mrs Ceramics teacher oh yeah she had a stroke what the week before I got into Ceramics the teacher had had a stroke and wouldn't be back for the rest of the semester and so basically that class was just substitute after substitute and they all knew nothing about clay but they saved the worst one for last no his name was Mr Salazar just like Salazar Slytherin from the Harry Potter books he always had this blank expression on his face no emotion and one day he came into class with a laptop looked at Mrs Ceramics teacher's heavily decorated desk and thought Oh I'll just shove my laptop on here to make room so like an idiot he just shoved his laptop into all her friends Mrs Ceramics teacher's favorite vase teetered and then shattered into a million he had a stroke she didn't go through enough that was her favorite vase nothing and him and then he just started teaching a lesson and didn't even acknowledge what he had just destroyed what the heck even are you so that class basically sucked this next one was on me I was laying on my desk like this while taking notes on the lecture the teacher was giving but I started to fall asleep I would blink and it was like 2 minutes later okay class now when Christopher Columbus discovered America the Declaration of Independence not to invade any more territories but he lied Martin Luther King Jr was super rap then Donald Trump was elected president oh no that's what you need to know for the test Bryson can you please summarize the lecture we just had the whole lecture uh can you repeat the question now my handwriting is already barely legible but I looked at the notes I took while falling asleep here look this part doesn't even follow the line worse than that as you can see my superpower of falling asleep really fast is like a blessing that's how I write when the lights are off and a curse part two oh wait there's a part two Jacks load up part two part two I am just realizing that I'm a senior this year and my high school career is coming to a place now I gotta go to college and all that big boys not that seniors and I am not ready to be an adult yet so before I made the last video about how a lady thought I was a girl I'm not by the way I'm a boy I'm so how is everybody's weekends someone thought I was a girl that's my comedy Secrets it's my weekend oh it's just because you're so dainty Bryson well hey she's not wrong this other time after lunch me and my friends were playing a game called foot game or something you all stand within a big Square on the floor and try and step on the other player's feet to get them out what if you step off those then you are out if [Music] [Music] other two random girls came to play as well and we began to play oh wow then one of the girls who I didn't know cornered me uh-oh I waited for her to make a move and I don't know if she was confused but instead of stepping on my foot she violently kicked me in the shin apparently she didn't mean to kick me but like how do you mess up that accidentally dude okay we've got him cornered This is Our Moment Of Glory just gotta press the step button I think it's funny how easily some teachers can get into side tangents and get off topic okay so since the transformation is inside the parentheses it shifts the graph to the right by three is that a side tangent right now I was crying about this the other night because you got a 98 on a test right and I was like it's a test like why are you crying about that like if it's 98 it's a good thing but what about the 10 so I was on the boat and I got C6 so I ran to decide yum here's a picture of my dog isn't she cute in eighth grade I walked into class to show my friend Dylan a drawing I had made it was a sketch of a character in the anime style I showed it to Dallin and he thought it was cool then out of nowhere the guy sitting behind him asserted himself I hate anime I can see why you would think that I just like the art style no the art style of them too what really okay that guy who I wasn't even talking to just jumped into our conversation and shoved his unwanted one time in eighth grade I walked into history class and sat down then the kid next to me said hey have you seen those pens that change colors they're like really cool whoa how does it work just press the button the whole thing was just a gag to get me to press the pen and it shocked me gotcha he tricked me I have to get him back somehow the next day I walked into the class and the kid asked me hey have you ever seen one of those pens that change colors oh shoot he forgot that he tricked me yesterday this is my chance to get revenge oh this is cool how does it work just press the button then I flipped the pen in my hand and jabbed it into him and shocked him oh [Applause] I can't believe I forgot Avengers who are you one time it's me oh it's you health class with my friend Dallin and we had to calculate our BMI your BMI tells you if you're bigger or smaller than most people your age you have underweight hey Bryson I'm obese LOL [Music] [Applause] one day I took a walk with Bo and I sneezed and from that point on my back hurts after tolerating the pain for a week like a man I finally decided to have a chiropractor come help me I laid down and he touched my back for a few seconds yeah you threw out a rib what wait what it turns out that from sneezing I dislocated a room I didn't even know rib dislocation was a thing but he barely entered adulthood and my body is already deteriorating so he fixed the rib and He adjusted my whole body I've messed up my neck from sleeping wrong and I've thrown out of rib from sneezing so I'm probably just one big fart away from Death I want to see more about the dog the dog right here my dog b-o okay not what the tallest name is hi I'm here to adopt this dog sure thing but first you must face the adoption trial trial yes in order to adopt make sure you must conquer me and my dog in combat oh I'll do it oh come on I'll do it for him oh no no no no no no no no no no no that was a nightmare and I'm pretty sure I'm bleeding internally and punctured along but it was all worth it for you hi I'm Bryson and this is my dog Beau today we're going to talk about some of the joys and pains of owning a dog [Applause] I searched a bajillion animal shelters and met several dogs but when I met Beau it was seriously love at first sight his shiny lustrous coat his beefy head his vacant expression his muscular cheeks how could I resist but what really impressed you had some muscular cheeks high energy and Goofy at times but I could also get him to calm down red ball is a stupid name bo sic'em officially being my dog was kind of crazy on the drive home from adopting him I was trying to check my blind spot but all I could see was his big head in the way that was awesome I also didn't know how Beau acted around other dogs so I was very cautious one time I was taking him on a walk in the snow when all of a sudden we turned a corner and saw a dog bow bolted and I immediately slipped on ice falling right on my butt and dropping beau's leash in the process before I continue put yourself in the other dog owner's perspective a 70-pound Pit Bull is running full speed at you and the owner is incapacitated you are moments from Death it's time to drop oh nah I'm just kidding it turns out Bo is very friendly with strangers and other dogs but that would have been unfortunate if I had a murderer on my hands right I would have had to be all like sorry my dog destroyed your dog and bit you in the jugular oh this is kind of awkward um see you later another dog and initiated make a friend mode he started sprinting at full speed pulling me behind him and I was literally skating and slipping on the ice behind him surprisingly the one only coordination in my body made it so I didn't fall it was actually kind of cool Beau is also very nosy physically nosy if he could talk he would be like what you doing what's that where are you going what you got there what you doing what you doing what you doing oh so it's literally anywhere I go him and his big nose are there sometimes you think he's off laying down somewhere but then you open the door and he materializes behind you back in the middle so I have to Tetris my body in order to fit [Music] also he's a big fan of drinking stupid amounts of water sometimes I'll get out of the shower he will nose his way in and lick the water off my legs like a weird thing but one time I got out turn to get my towel and dead that's a SORA was a dog that no that's absora was Sora right now [Music] [Applause] oh is Bo here is he a special okay he's outside wow let him in hooker he's becoming more and more powerful and I can't stop him Bryson it's 4 P.M time for me to bathe you oh very muscular and strong and and you could use some work though I mean your cheeks don't even compare what also Beau is a plush now look in the description hey hey hey give me back give me back another thing about Bo is that he used to hate going in his crate several crates have died by his hand I seriously don't know how he does this because he's a very sweet family dog but when I wasn't around he used to just murder crates from the inside to the point where he broke a tooth off escaping so I paid to give him a metal tooth and now he looks like a gangster okay this next part gets a little heavy but I feel very strongly about it and I want to speak up against unjust hatred towards these dogs pitbulls are dogs that have awful reputations which I'm very against because I was raised with them and all of ours have been loyal loving family dogs obviously I'm biased so please do your own research but here's the conclusion I've come to any dog can be aggressive and any dog can be loving it all depends on the way you nurture and teach your dogs there you go although sometimes professional training is required please judge dogs on an individual basis not based on breed since I love Beau so much I also have a lot of nicknames for him here are some of my favorites bosif Bozo Bodacious Bojangles and baron Beauregard [Applause] he hits his head on everything you know how dogs are supposed to be able to see in the dark well one night I turned off the lights and started walking towards my room and I heard a big thunk from his head hitting the door he'll also hit his head on walls benches other dogs chairs anything man I mean how could he not with a head that big so I decided to get him a few in glasses so that was an awkward doctor's visit read off the letters you see yeah I think his prescription is a bit off after all the crates being destroyed me and my family decided it was probably really best for him to be professionally trained for a little while and I'm not gonna lie I was pretty depressed when I had to leave him for three weeks to be trained nothing like giving your dog to a professional that has the like has a hat that says dog on it dog hats I couldn't leave my dog for that long I would go with him oh yeah let's be honest I just I'm a professional and he needed some better obedience and I needed better things but I have him back now and he's better than ever and I'm never leaving him anywhere ever again okay well off to my wedding the best man speech well said perfect beautiful words though [Music] [Applause] he's my full-time best friend and I adore him and I would literally die for him and if I see any of you making mean comments about pitbulls then I will appear in your room tonight pimples are stupid vicious Monsters the only monster is me ah it's my turn all right okay all right chill my brother almost died 80 times 60 times okay hey Brenner if you jump off this Cliff right now I'll give you oh my gosh wow [Music] oh my gosh Sora I'll give you five bucks oh okay this is gonna be a long video because Brenner gets injured a lot I don't want to cut out good stories or do a part two so let's just sit down relax grab some popcorn and laugh at my brother's pain all right almost all of Brenner's injuries were self-inflicted however I think it's only right we start the video with Brenner's very first injury the one he got you feeling me Brenner had recently been born and my parents invited China I said hello to him he reached out his hand and scratched my chest now obviously Brenner was just a baby he had no control of his body and was just moving around my four-year-old brain could not let this slide oh my God dare you no first you come into my house take my spot as the cute youngest child and take all the attention my parents and now this I offered you my hand in friendship and you attacked me you must pay recompense for your action [Music] fig no stop just calm down don't do it my parents tried to stop me but it was too late okay in all seriousness I felt really bad for what I did even now I still regularly apologize to Brenner about it but he can't even remember it so he doesn't yeah he was a baby are you sure I feel like he did it on purpose that was 17 years 17. I love new jeeps yeah but apparently that experience runs in the family was sticking his fingers why and Brody slammed the door [Applause] uh not the door but I have a garage that goes up and it folds in so if you try to like pull it down by the creases I've gotten my fingers stuck in that just one time me and Levi were hanging out at he locked me out and then I slammed my shoulder into the door to get inside just as he was opening it and I slammed the door into his nose [Music] through a field trip to the zoo but before I got out of the car my mom slammed the car door on my fingers and I ice cream really loud and I don't remember the field trip Kane took all the memory away well what time I always try to brush my teeth I had the toothbrush I sticked it all the way through my throat and I gag it doesn't really match up with the other stories okay luckily Brenner's fingers didn't break and the doctors fixed him up feel better soon Buddy and don't get into any more trouble I will make no such promises and rather than be tagged by me he jumped into a busy street and a car barely avoided him oh my God would die a terrible death or definitely death wait you didn't hear the other objects I genuinely don't know why he is so accident prone but this next story was no accident you know how sometimes your mom has a really good friend so she decides to make you hang out with her friends when I was younger my mom sent me and Brenner to play with the neighbor kids Jake and Stephen the main reason I didn't like Jake must be home your sister is so hot icy stickers 18. Jake and I were eight Shenanigans but eventually I hid from him on the front porch and watched Brenner and Steven play in the front yard come here Brenner I want to show you something Brenner walked up to him Steven grabbed his hand reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of scissors and started cutting things oh my God his fingers were bleeding and he was crying by the arm and forced him inside to his mom hey Steven just cut Brenner's fingers with scissors hmm ah oh Steven whoa call my mom right now so she can pick us up we're leaving we left and Brenner's fingers healed just fine but still that reaction from the mom was not he's a good big one I never had to go to that family's house again and another boy was punching him my mom took the kid to his mom and told her that his son was hitting Brody and all she did was say soft hands Hunter I mean come on how about punishing your kid for hitting a stranger you clearly don't know how to discipline children here I'll show you how it's done by him wanting to grow up fast and to keep up with his older brothers shoes oh Bryson doesn't need training wheels on his bike so neither do I no you need training wheels okay I don't think training wheels would have fixed that truck easy on the trampoline come on I've done that that's gonna do it different but it's always the same and I always have decades maybe you should stop doing backflips no this is gonna be the time I could do it okay I'm honestly still surprised that Brenner survived this it was bad in our basement we had a tall exercise machine that looked like this we wanted to climb it and jump off it onto our bean bag for fun however that's a terrible idea horribly wrong Brenner pushed the bean bag close to the machine climbed up and jumped head first with the same regards oh one block of water foreign [Music] but his head slammed through the bean bag into the metal part and he split his forehead oh my God mom and Brittany came running into Brunner crying with blood all over oh my God he freaked out and dashed him out of the house to take him to the hospital they ran out but I could tell it was bad mom later told me that they could see Brenner's skull through the gash in his head my dad said to a friend's house so they could watch me while my parents took care of it now I remember sitting on their stairs terrified that I'd never see Brenner again God please hear my prayer if you make brown or be okay I promise I'll never be mean to him again no [Music] they kept pointing to cuts on his head that were from previous Shenanigans oh God this caught all the file for him this cut old or new is this old or new finally my sister was like this the gaping gash on his forehead that is new forget the rest of it fix that somehow the doctors patched him up I think they even had a plastic surgeon when I next stopped it was up on his feet 25 stitches I thought you were gonna die Brunner I'm so glad you're okay anyway [Music] laughs no oh no there's a massive scar across his forehead but thanks to the doctors he was okay Bronner can you please calm down on the injuries you're gonna die if you're not careful it's not hard to die I could do it like right now but like another time a young friend and found a bottle of painkill [Music] ers over and over and over and from sucking on the pills he got sick and passed out I'm a tired [Music] surrounded by pills what what and once again the doctors proved why it's good to go to college not for me though but as for you guys good for you I don't know how they saved him honestly I don't really know how doctors work for all I know they could have removed all of Brenner's arm which was tainted with drugs oh thrown it away then pumped him up with fresh blood I don't know another time he swallowed a bunch of coins and again my parents rushed him to the hospital where he was actually yeah throw them away get a new one he ate like three dollars in nickels only 275 came out we're scared parents to dig through waist yeah you gotta cut all the coins he but way more way more disgusting honestly with how often Brenner visited the hospital I'm surprised they didn't have a special section of the hospital the Brenner section surprisingly the only time the Brunner has ever broken a bone I oh [Applause] everyone was driving it and despite knowing that Big Bertha had no suspension he decided to ride it off a curb the bike bounced Brenner swerved and lost control and he went head over handlebars oh I've done that before I've broken a wrist like that he landed on his arm and totally snapped his wrist One hospital trip later and Brenner had a cast he wanted his cast to be unique so he asked me to paint it to look like thanos's Gauntlet yeah okay like The Gauntlet it looked pretty cool but then later Brenner's arm got itchy the doctors told him that his arm would be itchy at first but that if he ignored it the itchiness would go away how do you ignore itchiness specifically told him to leave the cast alone and to not shove anything into the cast to try and scratch his itch however the itch got the better of Brenner so without consulting anyone he grabbed Brody's glasses and started shoving my Brody's glasses scratch his itch he pulled the glasses out only to realize that the little rubber covering had slipped off and it was now stuck Brenner somehow removed all of the soft wrappings underneath the cast leaving only the hard outer shell Brenner had scratched his itch and was satisfied then mom walked in and saw what Brenner had done that's not gonna do anything now they went back to the hospital and explained the situation can you imagine being a doctor and setting someone up with a nice cast to help you heal and the next thing you know they ruined it I feel like they're made I just cleaned up this mess can we keep it clean for for 10 minutes they had to cut off his Thanos cast and make another one for him Brenner got home and asked me to paint his new cast no I spent a lot of time painting that last one and you ruined it again come on man why should I be penalized because of your sloppiness rather than a cool Thanos cast a few months later the doctors took off the cast and they realized that Brenner's arm had healed crooked and the doctor said yeah well it's within the range of crookedness that we consider to be acceptable so or just gonna leave it like that you're not the one who has to live with a crooked arms are so the doctors explained that in order [Applause] but not without pain now you would think that after breaking his arm on Big Bertha that Brenner would never touch that thing again oh he's going back on it let me tell you what's that story one day me and Brenner got bored and decided to go for a ride him on Big Bertha and me and my go-kart we Chase each other around a parking lot but then I thought how can I make racing around in my mind what's my favorite racing game Mario Kart you know the game where you destroy your enemies by throwing items at them so I decided to drive by Brenner and throw my flip-flops at him we went back and forth throwing nothing balls at each other like green not the chocolate then I zoomed by and got a good flip-flop strike on Brenner no Brandon you swung the branch and I swerved out of the way but the branch was so heavy that swinging it threw Brenner off balance he swerved and flew over the hand this is why guys don't live longer than girls freaking again Runner was scraped and bruised but luckily nothing broke and he fine and he doesn't drive big birth anymore but I do foreign let's quickly get through some last stories lightning ground we visited a janky aquarium that let you swim with sharks and a bamboo shark bit from his finger Brenner went to his house attempted the stupid trick and landed on his head Brody went kayaking Brody tried to Splash Brenner with the paddle but it skipped off the water slammed face oh my God accidentally shot him in the forehead with a BB gun and his forehead still has a dent in conclusion Brenner's Guardian Angel is built different because yeah times than I can count and as much as I make fun of those lines of emotion let's hope it keeps going in that direction because I'm pretty sure he has used up all of his nine lives back to the living world so many times at this point that if Brenner shows up there again oh forget it and keep him well hey it could be worse at least his soul is going to heaven [Music] it really makes me glad to be Jax and not Brenner what's your G but you're no no Sarah Rex no well at least I'm not bright oh wait hang on his name actually works light and bright it's the same thing right all right we got one last one before we dip off this has uh this adds on to the one we just watched all right hi I'm Bryson and I just posted a video all about my brother Brenner who gets hurt all the time but I neglected to mention how my little brother now has his license the roads are no longer safe if you are within a five mile radius of him when he's in a car you are in grave danger and I can prove it here's a video of Brenner learning to drive oh stop stop stop there's a stop sign well guys I'm gonna have to ask you all to uh give him your license and your cards if you guys like this make sure to like comment subscribe tell us your favorite part your favorite video don't forget to subscribe to him too like comment and subscribe
Channel: InquisitorMaster
Views: 2,044,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, inquisitor master roblox, roblox inquisitor master, alex einstein, family friendly roblox, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, can you keep a secret, roblox roleplay, roblox story, the squad, alex, jade, light, levi, sora, charli, jax, inquisitormaster, alex roblox, princess alex, the squad youtube, the squad inquisitormaster, luca
Id: JtkJucKfGpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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