He Pretended to be me in Roblox Saitama Battlegrounds.. So I Got REVENGE!

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okay guys I was playing Battlegrounds but I found this fake me kid you're so bad stop please the real Zach is his name you gotta be kidding me you'll never be good like me bruh what the I thought you were nice I've been a fan for years now hold up hold up let me get rid of this fake for a minute hold up this guy's annoying as heck dude why are you pretending to be me like what is this and expectually him to think mean to a fan like bruh okay the Fan's confused what's happening I love cats sure what do you mean I'm the real Zach like I'm the real Zach is this guy dumb I'm Zachary bruh no you're not what the hold up hold up I gotta catch this guy in 4k hold up there we go look at him in 4k saying that he swung around so quick he's just staring okay he just went right back to looking at this guy hold on hold on we're gonna do that one more time bro hold up [Music] bro instant swing around bro what are you doing what do you mean so freaking weird huh third time's a chart oh he's mad oh my God okay dude why is everyone hate getting emoted on in this game what the fight me fake bro what the hold up hold up wait wait bro he needs to calm down I'm not fighting him yet okay hold up hold up he wants to fight me okay hold up hold up let me just calm him down for a second bro wait 1v1 but oh my is he gonna attack me again what dude can he chill I'm literally just gonna get him again with this hold up dude we'll chill out oh my God he's that mad over an emote guys like dude needs to chill out all right finally I told him what the deal is if he loses guys he has to wear an outfit I choose I'm gonna choose the most ridiculous looking outfit to embarrass this guy okay but if I win you have to admit you're fake what and you owe me 10K Roblox whoa what oh okay fine bet best out even talk this guy always attacks me he's so annoying he says okay Bet okay guys it is time to fight this fake hold up let's just get with one of these really quick he's so annoying though my gosh okay can he chill oh my okay hold up hold up this guy is actually so annoying hold up let me just get rid of him for a second he's actually starting to trigger me bro wait hold up what does he want dude we're healing though you're hacking so won't be what wait what is he wait is my bro doing here dude what the heck so it gets to be a 2V1 wait is that even wait hold up that's not even my bro James Minecraft who is this guy you ready for the Juggernaut what oh dude it's a fake okay hold up now all these are a fake me guys but there's someone impersonating my little bro okay and the little bro is helping me wait I think the little bro doesn't know who his friend is because he's literally just attacking the wrong guy bro stop that's the real one I mean Faith dude this guy looks so confused bro Oh my he said I'm sorry okay so these guys are trying to cheat now in this 1v1 this guy really wants 10K Roblox hold up you know what they're cheating I'm cheating Cricket guys I already had my ultimate saved up so you know what it's over for this guy yeah he already knew he tried to run but it's too late oh what the okay hold on hold up you know what we're taking down the fake little bro you know what hold up this guy's dead no no he's running oh you gotta be kidding he's so low though hold up yes come on come on can we kill him right here oh my gosh bro hold up hold up he's solo I'm not giving up we gotta go for the little bro guys no one fakes being my little bro except my little bro if he wants to for some reason yeah this guy's dead there we go dropped him for a second he's not oh my God how is this man breathing right now hold up hold up there we go we got him and hit him with one of these there we go finally we got the fake little bro God what the freak the fake if he just killed his fake little bro I thought I'd kill him I don't know how that guy was surviving that long though oh my gosh bro no way okay hold up I gotta kill this fake though really quick we gotta win the first round at least hold up this guy's dead hold up and then we're gonna hit him with one of these there we go throw him over there and hit him with one oh I missed no oh my hold up hold up can I just like not keep falling down please please let me go oh my God this guy's crazy hold up hold up okay there we go hold up oh my God this guy's actually so annoying come on come on yes there finally oh my dude that guy was getting annoying like I'm actually kind of low on health hold up the jump right there just come on can we oh my we keep missing that is actually horrible hold up hold up we just like oh my no come on come on can we just hit him with one of those thank you oh I missed that you gotta be kidding oh no way no way I gotta I got dip I gotta dip for a bit nah leave me alone fake leave me alone okay there we're gonna fling him for a minute and it's him with one oh my gosh this guy is so annoying he's do the same class as me well not the last character you guys got mad at me in the last episode for saying that but come on how was I supposed to know it was my first well third time actually playing this or something like that oh my gosh we are destroying him there's no way he wins this there's no way there's no way come on no dude it is just so annoying he's using the same character could he just like maybe not okay hold up be gone with one of these and he's dead it's a wrap there we go GG one to zero like he just got completely wrecked he says bro you're hacking how am I hacking what lol GG um okay I got I got hacker now guys hold up you know what just gonna just gonna you know what I'm a hacker does that mean everything I've done up to now is pointless man that sucks bro stop hacking oh my god dude hates emotes like he literally hates him out so bad all right hold up you know what we're just gonna Bop on this man there we go bro dude he won't chill out every time I emote he gets so mad oh my okay this is the second round the second round guys we gotta destroy this guy because this guy not realize he's attacking his friend again oh my dude he's dumb he's attacking the wrong one bro please bro stop you're attacking the wrong one he doesn't believe him bro eat the dirt oh my God wait oh he realized he finally realized oh my I'm so sorry ah dude he is such a dumb teammate okay he lowered the fake knees hold up oh my no no no okay I just want to kill this man can we just like oh oh oh what the what just happened to his like calendar I don't understand what I just saw but it is what it is oh my well this guy's so dead hold up we just hit him with one I missed oh we're gonna Dodge out really quick nah get out of here bro what does that guy try to do is this guy just running bro why is he running for me bro fight me dude he's so scared okay no I guess we'll take him down the fake bro first dude does he not realize who's who again there's no way this guy's that dumb oh my God he's actually stupid LOL he's running um wait does he he thinks I'm his friend I got bro I'll say good job not me him he's getting so mad oh he realized he realized oh my bro it was shocked to not know who's who like bro that guy should just not impersonate me bro he's confusing even his friend right now like this just sucks to be that oh oh nah nah hold up hold up oh is he running bro what is he doing no no no just fight me bro okay there we go hit him with the combo oh I don't have my abilities charged oh whoops that happened oh oh oh oh oh my gosh dude these guys need to chill out no way I thought for a minute he was going for his friend but I'm not even gonna care cause like we're about to kill this guy hold up oh my no no no no oh wait is he does he know who's who anymore oh he does okay he does I thought for a minute he forgot again but nope this time he actually knows well that sucks there we go we are destroying this fake right now and I keep missing my ability okay hold on let me just dodge there let's just take down the fake really quick he's so close to dying there we go throw him away oh he didn't go far at all okay what he's about to kill his fake friend like you gotta be kidding me dude he's trying so hard to get me off of him nah bro he's dead he's dead it's a wrap it's a wrap out of here there we go we just dropped that fake we are about to win the second round guys hold up we're killing the fake little bro we have to we have to it's over for him it's over oh my gosh no he's not escaping that wait what the do I just have him in my head what was that oh my okay I don't even know but he's dead oh my gosh um GG two out of zero like I have one more round to win you were like holding me like a baby what you're so weird bro LOL Bro you think I wanted to do that don't lie what is this guy saying bro um that was not what I even like guys let me know if that was actually a move and I accidentally just did it to grab him I guess but like I don't know what I'm doing again new game I think that was a glitch but prank me if I'm wrong like what why is he bullying that kid again he's like actually not like what is up with so many bullies in this game dude he's still going for the guy like what is happening right here can he like actually not could he actually chill out for a minute oh dude they're literally just trying to kill him wait is this actually our third fight I think this is our third fight third fight like I I think this is it yep he tried to kill me oh oh okay I'm dodging I'm dodging hold up no I missed I'm just trying to kill the other fake bro nah I'm gonna run I'm running till that's over heck no bro leave you alone with that miss me with that get out of here with that like what you trying to do oh dude literally misses chance like bro okay well oh he tried he tried guys I might actually die it's a wrap okay they actually got a point off me guys oh my he's attacking the fake me again he is so bad at this game tuna two now LOL that wasn't me what he's trying to cheat right now actually it was you what you're cheating now hold up these guys are straight up cheating I saw now you're the one with ax wait what hello you're cheating quick ending bro nah I'm low are they serious right now nah okay they're actually cheating right now you gotta be kidding me well if I need I need a dip for me I gotta dip for a minute these guys need to leave me alone I'm out I'm out bro okay you know what domini's not giving us enough Rampage I think we're gonna have to do this without it guys okay we just gotta actually take him out but like oh my the fake bro just keeps just trying to help like can he not like you know what I've always take him out because he had that range of ability it's just so annoying you know I gotta be careful though I'm actually on such low Health right now can I not miss that shot I miss flowing water like every time today like what is up with that hold up we're just gonna take his friend down we're taking his friend down he's so close to dying hold up throw him over there it's over it's over it's a wrap oh my God he's trying to protect his friend now hold up hold up he just killed his friend on accident no way bro Jesus bro he's so mad hold up now I'm winning this now he says you killed him bro what do you mean how dare you freaking kill him dude he's so mad right now like he's the one who killed the guy though like what is he talking about like actually this guy's insane I'm going sicko mode oh that sucks oh oh come on oh my dude it's so slow to attack I can't even counter we're so close with the Rampage we're so close can we get it can we please get it yes yes we have it it's over for him and now yes we just caught him in that he's so dead he's so dead there's no way he survives surely he does it he's alive somehow you know what not for long there we go three to two even though they didn't get his second kill like what was that they just cheated we won wait what dude thinks that they won we have three that was me who won wrong one hold up I don't think he realized that was me who just won dude there's a fake he's so bad he's running up right now oh my he's gonna be so mad bro you're so dumb oh my gosh you have no freaking brain cells we lost I didn't even wear my glasses today I'm sorry I'll never do it again okay time for a new out filled up time for a new outfit for the fake guys let's do it okay guys bad news he didn't even do the outfit he's saying that the site is glitching out I think he's capping though he left the game bro oh my
Channel: ZacharyZaxor
Views: 723,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zacharyzaxor, zach roblox, zach saitama battle grounds, roblox the strongest battlegrounds, saitama battlegrounds, saitama battlegrounds toxic, roblox saitama battlegrounds, saitama battlegrounds roblox, roblox, roblox saitama, roblox saitama battlegrounds script, garou saitama battlegrounds, saitama battle grounds, saitama battle grounds trolling, roblox saitama battlegrounds toxic player, saitama battleground roblox, saitama, roblox saitama battleground
Id: oIEK7dzZKm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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