Touring Your Builds in The Sims 4 (Simsie's Shell Challenge Winners)

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today is Judgment Day my friends today we are touring the winners of my shell challenge that I posted like a month ago I had finals I was traveling I gave you guys like a month to post your builds it took me longer to judge them than I expected because I knew they'd be hundreds of entries I didn't anticipate how many hundreds of entries there'd be and there were a lot of entries and so I spent a long time looking at the builds I'm picking out winners and stuff and I decided on 10 they're not in any order except for the first one but in case you missed the challenge or didn't catch what was going on I posted a video where I built this weird shell basically and I was like okay you guys here's my shell turn this into a house you can add roofing you could add landscaping you can paint it out of windows whatever you just can't add any additional walls there's some weird things here like there for example was this little box thingy right there there was this box in the middle kind of is like a thing like how are you gonna use these funky boxes to make something cool and I judged all of you I picked some options and I'm gonna tour some of the coolest ones I saw just so we're on the same page here there were hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of entries okay there were so many more than I anticipated I promise that I'll give out ten stuff packs to the ten houses they chose as winners there are so many entries so if you didn't win please don't feel bad because again there are so many entries like the chances of me picking your build out of all of these is just there I'm still scrolling like do you see this do you see how I'm still scroll it like these are all on the Sims II challenge hashtag so I could keep going if I wanted to I said earlier that only the first one was in order the other ten all you know just random order you know just just ten winners total but the first one is by far the best one a hundred percent hands-down no competition the absolute best entry again by far no one even compared to how good this bill was is this one I just think it's absolutely stunning as you can see it's a beautiful sort of Craftsman style home I love the backyard the interior it's fabulous it looks like this person turned that weird box thing into a funky bathroom air yeah there's a laundry part it's just like I said look at this kitchen look with the pig and everything it's beautiful it's stunning the upstairs fabulous a nursery even this one was made by it looks like little little slimy little little smin Zee smut Smiths my lil little mimes I'm not sure what the name says I can't really read it that well but you absolutely won this challenge you did so well genius a genius again these are an absolutely no order I picked 10 it's so hard to really I'm not gonna try and rank those even these 10 there's so many more good ones than the ones that I picked like I just there are too many good builds okay is there a mailbox in this lot by any chance that I could change the weather mmm yes okay one moment please it's cloudy and gross this sucks Willow Creek sucks all right but this is the first winter I'm showing you guys this one is so cool like when I first saw this I saw a person tweet this to me and I was so beyond impressed because for one the the terrain tools the use of these greenhouses the funky stuff up here I'll show you guys the roofing in a second but like this is just a genuinely so cool build like I want to play in this house look at this with oh man it's really good this bill is really really good but you can see and each of these breath green houses they've put this one into like a little kid's playroom area and then over here just like an actual that's nope that's a swing set and then over here there's like an actual greenhouse with you know like a flower arrangement table and stuff I love the lighting hanging down and everything that's so pretty and then you have the actual house itself which is beyond impressive look at this like the whole exterior is so cool with like the various I don't know like this overhang thing with the plants it's so good I like this back area so much and then you go actually into the house right and you have in the living room this fireplace okay they've got beautiful plants and lights everywhere we have this amazing dining room a desk area we've got the kitchen we should look at this it's oh it's so pretty in here I just want to live in this house yeah this is what I had that weird box they turned it into an actual like fireplace feature of the builds over here there's like a little crafts sort of rec room they've got upstairs a bunch of bedrooms you can see there's a nursery we've got a master bedroom we have another kid's room it's so good it's so good and then upstairs like probably the I'm gonna call it the best part of the pills they did this thing where they made it with glass roofs to look like there was windows that had been opened in the roof and then there's like a fun like funky fresh cool area up here and the detail with like the paintings and it's just man it's so good this was done by Penn Apple and they have a youtube channel so I'll link it down below in the description box please check them out they're incredibly talented builder you like I just it makes me feel bad about myself as do all of these builds because I made a shell and then my house was like haha cutesy family home and then they went out and they did that and it's like wow um how is that possible I don't know but it makes me feel sad this next build also beyond impressive when I first saw it I was like how did you how does your brain like come up with this like how did you look at my stupid shell and think that because this is so cool like look at this amazing alien paradise where am i okay to be fair I probably place this on a poor a lot because like you can't actually get inside from here but that's okay not my problem but look they've got this fun area outside by the I was gonna call it a lake but like strong word choice but as you can see this is so cool down in the in the water they've turned it all funky and glowy and pink and blue they put all the alien plants and crystals down like this is just so cool there's so much detail and it's so weird and it looks so good like I wouldn't think this was just a regular old Sims build like this looks like something that EA would put in the world not like at EA house I'm not talking an EA house I'm talking like this looks like it came straight out of like the I don't know like one of these like drawings of a house like it seems to exceed the capabilities of the game does that make sense what I'm trying to say it doesn't look real how but like all the detail with even like these fountains and I don't know it's so cool and then you come inside and they've got all this stuff like there are so many items that I've just never used in the game that they got to use because they made this really crazy funky alien house and like the kitchen is adorable I don't know I don't know how they did this it makes me feel bad about myself again because I'm not this talented like look at all of this isn't that so cool and then you go upstairs all these like fun glass roof areas and windows everywhere and I just don't get it the landscaping is amazing I I don't know how to do that I don't know how to landscape and I think that this area with like the little I don't know this is really cool I like this this is you a lot like look at that look at that like I hate aliens I want to make an alien 7 planet now this is a called aquatic accommodations built by an on the gallery amazing so amazing so check out her built as well but we have like I said like eight more builds to look at so we gotta like SnipSnap let's go now the level of detail in this build is so beyond amazing okay so step one the how the plane has like fully crashed all the way through the house and they've just kept living in it which is crazy enough as it is but we have this plane crash house and like I said the attention to detail with everything in here even like these lights hanging off the sides of this little green house cover thing the tires full of plants what even is that oh my god stranger fell hadded tires sorry I don't even know we had those in debug but later like I said the attention to detail within this build I don't even think I could point out all the things because there's just so much going on in such a good way the landscaping is incredible I love this like funky scary fence kind of like blocking it in it's just this is such a cool house and that's just the outside that's cool but when you actually go I don't know where the front door is supposed to be there's a door right there where it where's the front door oh it's there okay we're in folks we're in you walk into the house okay through this no aliens allowed okay never mind I can't go in but you walk in there's a giant crack in the floor obviously because there's a plane through half the house it looks so like dirty and old and just weird and like all like I said all the detail in here they raised up these things and put it on top of the fridge like you could just this is one of those things where you just stare at it and look at it for a long time and you're like what how did you even how did you do that look at this oh my god I get so excited looking at it and thinking about it and then you go upstairs right and look I loved this idea how it was kind of open upstairs like that I thought that was really really cool but you have like a sitting area you've got a few bedrooms there's look up here on this there's a clothesline on the patio nice touch you got some bathrooms we got a master bedroom we got a little gym area and then what is this what's this room I don't I don't know what this room is this is a raccoon bedroom if you read the description and then check her gallery for the Sims she took George the guy who is his name George well the plane-crash guy from stranger Ville she took him gave him a pet raccoon and then moved him in here so the raccoon has a bedroom look there's like liquid stains on the wall by the litter box it's all torn up in here like like I said the level of detail and the raccoon bedroom really sold it for me on this one it's Concord catastrophe by Brooke on the gallery he's George I was right I'm a genius okay sorry but her name was actually smart a choke now she's changed the username and stuff she's actually a mod at my twitch streams and there was she messaged me that she wished she built this and she was like I just want your challenge Kayla and I was like okay Brooke whatever and I didn't even like look at the build at the time and then I came in and I was scrolling and I saw this one again and I was like wait a minute Brooke she actually did win my challenge what's going on here it's really cool she did a really good job oh and she's very popular on the gallery could you so they're fine look at this look at this the raccoons name is spatula that oh it's so good it's everything about it is so good she also has some interesting other creations in the gallery for example these bees and chip skylark but you know whatever this next one I have literally no idea how they've done it they did to separate this creator separately without knowing I saved and favorited two of their builds to win the challenge didn't know as the same guy until after I win and I was like wait a minute you can't win twice but they were so good that I I just I don't know I can't relate to the level of talent here but this is the one I actually chose I'm not gonna let them win twice but the one I decided upon was this magical Beach I don't glorious amazing how did you do this house because obviously terrain tools play a big role in this they've took my shell and turned into a beach house but they also went and created a beach the the level of detail with this public pool turned into like an actual ocean they've got over here like beach stuff you know like they have like these towels down with a umbrella we've got this little like tiki bar area who has ever had a chance to use this tiki bar not me but Tristan did they have like a fun little fire pit I don't know everything about this is so good and that's just the outside then you come into the house and it's furnished like a beachy dream okay like I love the color scheme with the blues and the whites and like the baiji colors mmm it's so nice I've never used this like yellowy toned anything like ever I think it looks so bad but they pulled it off so well look at this kitchen I love the idea of using this as like a fake island cuz your Sims don't try and sit there and it's really small so you can put it and lick any kitchen it's so cute and the living room the color scheme is so nice and the boats and just oh this I never use either of these two objects that look so good there and they took a pot and put another plant in it so it looks like a fancier potted plant I don't know it just everything about this is so beyond well-done they turned that weird box that I built into a pantry area upstairs even cuter they've got a ton of bedrooms obviously really nicely done bedrooms that are very detailed and just it's so cute look at these kids rooms the toddler shares a room with oh my god sorry oh this is a nice color scheme I've never used this shade on the bed see see what I'm talking about they're so talented I just can't relate to that at all and this balcony belongs like exclusively to the kids it looks like can you imagine the two kids rooms have this amazing balcony area I don't know it's just this is a really really really nice house and obviously the land I can't get over this like you jet how did you do that listen I'm just really really really impressed by this it was built by Tristan here on the gallery mmm so good I just look at this picture on it too everything about this is so so good I'm so jealous also it might be placing improperly I should clarify I've got move objects on but sometimes that like messes things up still so if any objects are missing which it looks like maybe there's like some lights missing here I did place with move objects but I don't games kind of dumb sometimes I don't know still amazing house it's so cool also the different styles everyone chose to do I feel like every winter that I picked out shows a vastly different style of house and it's really impressive I think that they were able to pull that off because like these houses were all done with the same shell this house has the same shell as that beach house we just looked at what what also can I just point out that this has given me so many ideas what you've done here with this like round bit clipped in to a gable roof I had never considered this in my life this is genius you just saved me I like I had never thought till because I always have issues with like my my rounded roof it's like looking stupid when I try and put it for 11 if I wanted to put it like there it like clips all funky you put it with a gabled roof and then it looks good put it back I don't know that was really smart and I'm gonna steal your idea so thank you for that but look at this house it's so cool so for what I left a little the birdhouse and the well and all that but like all the detail on the outside as far as objects go for one and like look at the backyard isn't this so nice and the roofing is so cool I guess everything about this house is so nice and then you come inside it just gets better like I don't I don't know how they did that but look so when you first walked into the house we have an amazing amazing living area they actually placed objects on this man's tray table thing they had their sim set the table in the dining room I just this it's so cool okay it's so cool they turned this little hallway I was talking about into a wine cellar area and a laundry room a lot of people did this with laundry or wine cellar type stuff they've got an amazing living room I just it's so cute and like I this I picture this like a recipe book that they've got out I don't know I thought that was kind of cool huh but the kitchen is so nice I never used this color swatch but I thought it was really clever that they did that so I'm just saying not to like I don't know come on not about this again but like I thought this build was really really cool and then upstairs they've got a really nice living area I love this use of the brick underneath the fireplaces and they have this cool like I don't know study rec room type thing I like how the desk looks all fancy too because they've got like the built-in bookshelves I loved the playroom like kids room area they've got here and also look they put like toys on a little patio oh it's so nice it's so cute and the master bedroom is amazing and there's a built a balcony just for the master like that's the dream isn't it absolutely it is I like the layered rug this is two different rugs and layered on top of each other I'm not it's just there's a lot of clever ideas here and the outside is so beyond impressive I don't know how they did this this is the european-style villa by AM sell two three five on the gallery and I just wow is it nice I wonder I want to make a house this style and I want to steal this idea with the rounded bit not to be dramatic or anything but like I'm gonna take it such a cool build this next one has so many like it's the small it's the small attention to details that I think is the most clever thing in the world because I I don't think to do this sort of thing and then people do it and it makes me feel bad about myself and this is one of those builds like genuinely how is this the same shell as is this house over here this is the same house it's the exact same shape but look what this house was also posted on the sims fours Instagram the Sims kind of plug this one a little bit cuz obviously it's so beyond impressive but look what they've done with all the glass roofs and like the domes and stuff I don't get it and the fountains and like these vines hanging down there are so many things to point out but I'm gonna point out this window bit here because they've made these windows look all fancy and pained and really cool and they look like open right there right you know how they did that you won't believe this so this is just a regular standard clear glass window like base game that big tall clear glass regular boring old window now this stuff the little panes if this but all size down and fancy placed inside of the window there on both sides they all placed it to make it look like fancy panes on the windows how have you done that like the level of detail with that for all the windows this must have taken them forever and linked the signs in the garden area I just this house honestly is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my entire life like this area the kitchen in here I don't know how they did this it's so cool like this looks open and I look at that it's not beautiful don't you just want to live here and the kitchen is so pretty oh hello I love the wood tones inside they turned this little like open area into a fun little garden they've got like a greenhouse type area and the entryway there they split-level with the living room which I thought was so cool basically they took the foundation and they deleted it and so the room was open to the ground so this is just like the actual ground they put floor tiles on so this is level with the outside floor do you see how it's out here but oh my god it looks so good and like the idea of putting the TV in this like built-in area there makes so much sense and just this is really like the floor plan is so impressive here look at that dining room I don't know you guys I just everything about this house it continues to shock me like I don't know how they did this and obviously like all the way up through the middle of the house they've got this like greeny grass area and then it comes up onto the roof where it turns into like a fun dome thing so I don't know how they did that they've got this big open hallway with a beautiful lake living area space they've got a few bedrooms like look at how this is furnished it's so good I wish that we had these windows for real in the game like these windows they've made are really cool and I want them for real but like look at all the oh my god it makes me feel so bad about myself because I am NOT this talented I just want to look at it like I just want to sit here and like appreciate this and all its glory because think about how much time this must have taken and like this roof area on top of the greenhouse like it looks kind of like solar panels to me I don't know if that's the goal but it looks so cool what even are those the games kind of long I've got a lot of objects placed if a games like emic Games lagging oh there's no shade awnings see it's those awnings from good together but they've usually they can be glass but they're a little bit darker they look like solar panels oh my god it's so good this house is so good this one is called eco paradise by a winged llama on the gallery which I just it's so nice it's so cool I'm so beyond impressed by these you guys these people are so talented and we're not even done yet we're still going it's gonna be a long video I'm sorry this one can we just take a moment to appreciate this because Wow okay this house is so cool I love the log features like this oh my god this is like one of my like favorite styles of houses in real life like this kind of cool with like the exposed beams and stuff like that look they made it look like those exposed beams in the ceiling ha I don't know how you've done this like I just this is one of the coolest houses never seen in my entire life and like again this is the same shell they didn't change the shell this is what I built but they had to go and one-up me though clearly cuz I could never pull this off but the landscaping is amazing with the ponds and stuff I just want to look at it like that outside of this house is so cool look at the backyard and I don't know okay let's tour the inside really fast too because the inside is just as amazing there's like a fun entryway super fun there's a nice dining room area I love all the detail with like the wood and the the decorations on it there's a little cat tree which is always fun they have this sort of study area I love the use of this bookshelf as a divider too by the way they have a fun nice living room I like the purple color scheme inside it looks really cool like that's I never used that color with anything they pulled it off really well the kitchen is adorable I love the shape of this I never feel like I can make kitchens that are this shape work but somehow they did this and they did it so well the box that I had has been turned into a staircase that leads straight upstairs where they have three bedrooms and they're really nice I love all use of balconies on these houses to like look at and also the bedrooms look how cutely they are decorated like look how much personality is in this house all of the houses I picked have so much personality inside like you can imagine the Sims that live here and I just I love the purple like I said it's really nice I also really like how they've made headboards what is that made out of because I like to make headboards for this bed too because I think this bed looks sort of dumb like without a real headboard what's the sign I'm stealing that too yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna take that I'm gonna take that and you're little exposed to beam trick up here because look these are those log seats from outdoor retreat I was gonna say get to retreat that's not what it's called exposed little seats from outdoor retreat they've got all of like the column bits and stuff from different games these are sized up and raised up columns just race up not sized up sorry these columns are raised up to look taller and then they go into the glass roof so you can see the exposed beams oh my god it's so cool like I've wanted to do a thing like this in The Sims forever and somehow they did it like it and they have like the beams all shown off other places it's just it's so good and the landscaping it I don't know this house I'm like in awe of all of these builds I just want to look at them this one's by Sarah Amina on the gallery is just called Sims II she'll challenge but look at this it's such a like a casual like this is my entry but like how did you do this like I saw it on the gallery and I was like whoa I don't know it's really good everything about it is so good I saw a couple houses done in this style on the gallery this next one which I've never seen this style done and oh the rain is awful hang on bad bad don't rain but I've never seen this style done in the sims 4 at least not very often because it's kind of hard to pull off I think with what we have in the game but they made this amazing japanese-style house with a full-on river in the back of it with a bridge on top like this is so cool everything a bit like look at this is the Sims 4 this is in the game this is what how like that isn't that so cool and the actual shape of the house is amazing when they turned this fully into like this amazing Japanese house and I just I want to build this so badly I've been wanting to build the house at this forever felt like I couldn't do it because we had a lot of limitations as far as like the style of things we have in the game but I have been proven wrong because look I also look at this over here like it's just it's so good and then you inside and it's like furnish like an actual traditional house and I think that's so cool if the entryway here I don't know it's really not the lighting in the house is really good they've got like this sort of laundry room area and here at the long hallways look at this bathroom and they did a lot of split leveling which i think is really cool too because like who thinks two split-level a bathroom the bathroom is split-level look at this room like this oh my god it's so cool and oh sorry I didn't even notice this before that's a shelf area built in behind a window so it looks like glass cabinet for the shelves who thinks to do that and then the kitchen like also this wooden flooring done this way like the different directions this very traditional makes a lot of sense the kitchen is so cool and then I'd owe my god I'm getting so excited I'm sorry they have this room here I don't know you guys I think this is so impressive like I could I would have never thought to even try to do this and pull this off as well like I don't know I don't know how you did this I like how simple and small the rooms I just think this is like I said it's so cool I'm so beyond impressed by this house and the bathroom is split level they split the bathroom that's so cool I'm sorry I'm getting too excited I really enjoyed this one oh there's a rainbow today's a good day this almost like gray Harlequin on the gallery obviously there are a lot of like blue suburban types and like classic suburban family home type houses on the gallery like that the number of blue Suburbans I know I expected some blue Suburbans but I didn't expect as many blue Suburbans as there were but this one is like a pretty classic looking suburban house if you ask me but the level of detail with the landscaping I don't know how they pulled this off also the idea of sizing down trees sack like bushes genius these these shutters here those are blinds regular base game blinds size down to look like shutters I am absolutely gonna steal that like a hundred percent stealing that like right now the outside of the house is so cool there's lists down here is a staircase and some windows into the basement they've also got obviously like this gate looks like it's open they have some fun laundry stuff out here they've got some gardening going on I mean the outside of this place is so pretty like I just want to live here look they've got a swing set they have a treehouse that they built for the kids to play in look look I'm so jealous like that I'm getting like major high school musical vibes from that I'm just saying but they built a tree house for the kids there's a fun little carport here with a basketball hoop up there it just it looks so realistic to me and then you come actually inside the house and it just gets better I love the color scheme with like the dark wood floors and the sort of white walls and I do like the farmhouse kind of vibe I think it's amazing in like this bathroom slash laundry room it's so cool everything about it is so cool I love this living room with the rugs by the way like the size down rugs I think this is really good like such a well-done house I want to play in this look this is the kind of style that I would try and build but they did it way better than I could and look they put like the stuff on top of the fridge like that as if they had hung up things on the fridge just it makes me emotional okay I really like this house they have another wine cellar here it seems like wine cellars are a pretty common popular thing that people are doing which I didn't realize because I have never thought to put that in my house as ever they also have a in my little hallway area that I made that like empty box they had to do something with it's a staircase in the basement just like a rec room sort of area so they have you know just like it's not completely finished it looks like as in like the basement itself isn't finished the room is furnished completely but like it's not a finished basement you see they have like the exposed stone and stuff they just have like storage down here for things they've got like work benches and and I just this is a like a very realistic-looking basement to me for one like with this stuff isn't that cool and they have the laundry down here also very realistic it's just a very realistic house and they've got the staircase down so there's actually windows into the basement that way which I don't know it's really cool okay you go upstairs and they have a few bedrooms which I really like the color scheme out by the way this this kids what I think is really fun this is just so detailed and well done isn't it it looks so real like a real kid's bedroom this one does too of all their furniture and toys and stuff I just think it's really fun that was Sims II shell challenge by P no II know I think I hope I didn't say your name wrong but it's a traditional farmhouse look beautiful family place it's so good so good and now last but certainly not least my friends we have this house which again no here by the way these are all amazing for different reasons I definitely couldn't order them at all I love them all they're so impressive this one I just can't believe the level of detail like look at what I'm looking at right now are you seeing this are you seeing this there's a river that flows through it there's bridges over the river so they have the car parked on this lake carpark sort of bridge area which by the way is led up with these a roof piece to make it look like a driveway which is so impressive the landscaping is unbelievable I don't know how they pulled that off in here in this little garage area they've actually made it into like a converted gym sort of thing with by the way exposed beams what did you use for this can I steal your idea I really want to expose to paint this oh these are like actually okay so this room is a bunch of tiny different rooms so they made it so that's like that and then the beam goes across so they probably took a fence made different rooms inside right and then deleted the fence so that they could put the beam up there cool okay I could do that easy I'm so smart but look they've got like a yoga sort of area down here underneath this fancy tree there's like a little gazebo thing where they've got an easel and stuff they have a pool they've got like an outdoor kitchen all the landscaping is so nice I don't know I really I don't know how they pulled this off it looks like the back has been renovated a little bit so there's an extension so it's a little bit more modern looking on the back very cool looking and then when you get inside it just keeps getting better look at that entry by the way isn't that really cool but then you come inside the actual house left the wreath up there there's a nice entryway with the stairs the kitchen is absolutely stunning like I would have never thought to use all three of these lights like size down and different colors and stuff that looks so good and look with it like the thingies above Oh Mike isn't this cool I just like I said the detail in this bill I don't know how they did it and I'm so beyond impressed I really wish that I was this talented I thought that this was really cool too how they had like the walkthrough area this is that empty box that I had in my shell and they turn into a wine cellar and hallway so when you walk through you look in there this door actually opens to store the juice bottles if you know what I mean but they've got this laundry room they have this room which is actually kind of open-air see these are like archways but it's got a hot tub in it like I just think this is so beyond cool I can't stop looking at all of it look at this living space how did they do this this looks amazing I just this is honestly one of the coolest Sims houses I've ever seen in my entire life and I can't believe that this is a shell this is my shell that I built how did you do this honestly how did you do this and then you go upstairs look at this there's like the open entryway with the fancy lights hanging down again they have in the nice hallway I love this little nook here that looks so cute they've got some bathrooms they've got the master bedroom here with the detail I can't get over got another bathroom here they have this like maybe a teens bedroom which again the detail is amazing in here and then they have a really cluttered very detailed kid's room which I love like this kid I just you can really picture the family that lives here can't you and I love that about it like this house for one looks very realistic but also it's it's magical okay it's magical look at it look oh my god I'm sorry this is by what I think is sin aid on the gallery but I couldn't pronounce their name I'm so sorry either way there are my streams all the time honestly one of the most talented builders ever seen in my entire life like this house is so beyond impressive so if you guys want to check out any of these builds I favorited them all so you can go into my favorites on my own gallery and you can see them that way by the way follow me on the sims 4 gallery but you pressed my favorites on my page you'll be able to see those houses plus some other ones but it might take some scrolling through to find them but they're all up there and I want to thank you guys really fast for all building those houses for this challenge because it's been so much fun to look at them and see your posts about them and just this is such a cool thing this challenge was so much fun I wanted to another shell challenge but I might not make it into a contest like this because it's fun to make a shell and see your post but like making it a contest is kind of stressful cuz I got a judge I don't want to judge I just want to like enjoy but if you want more shell stuff for me let me know because I'd love to do more shell built because it's really fun to like have you guys do this challenge with me by the way all those winners are winning a stuff pack of their choice I'm gonna DM you all on Twitter after I post this video and then let you all know and let you pick and I'll get you codes and stuff like that but on that note I'm gonna go ahead and cut off right here I hope that you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe and see all those fun YouTube things and in case you guys didn't know I post new videos every single day and so I will see you all tomorrow bye everybody I feel bad about myself because I'm not a good enough builder and I feel I'm just I'm quitting YouTube this is my announcement I'm done I'm just kidding but I need to get better cuz I've been put to shame to shame [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 676,047
Rating: 4.959372 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, shell challenge, sims 4 shell challenge, simsie shell, build, speed build, tour, house tour, sims 4 tour
Id: kvd8-cvcpqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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