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[Music] [Applause] hey we found phil cornelius how you doing today sir hi andrew how's it going excellent thank you this is an absolutely stunning coach we're looking at here what's going on sir well this is a 2022 show coach uh that was originally designed to be a show coach but uh we've already got a buyer for it that doesn't surprise me i hear you guys have a little bit of a backlog here on your new coaches at newell what's your current situation well uh we are about uh 18 months out now uh if you were to order a coach today uh you'd be about 18 months out we have a two or three spots uh in there that you could probably grab uh in the next year three months or so but uh basically 18 months out what's causing uh this backlog well there's a number of things that that i think contribute to it people are becoming more familiar with the newell for the last i'd say 10 or 12 years newell has not been a company that toots its own horn so to speak as much as we probably could or could have but with the uh advent of of youtube videos and people like yourself that are able to to help us get the word out what we've been able to do with these videos is is help the consumer have a better understanding of our product and the uh features and benefits that it offers as compared to say the conversion industry or the class a market uh so we've we've benefited from that a lot of times uh in in the sales profession we spend more time straightening out misinformation about our product that we don't even know exists uh our competitors are all too uh willing to put information out there that may not be completely accurate so these videos have allowed us to allow customers to again see the the coach for what it is what really closes the deal for us is when the customer actually comes and takes a look at uh not just the final product but how we build the product as compared to uh other products in the industry yeah and this is uh this coach is this paint job as your talk and my eye keeps drawing to this paint job here your paint schemes have been really just going over the top lately what's uh what's going on on your paint department we've been able to incorporate um some really cool designs uh by ryan lautz who has just done a fantastic job with us he uh he's he's well known in the industry as well and uh he's he's working exclusively for us uh now and it's been a great relationship and our guys are just more than eager to be challenged by what he designs and they've done a fantastic job of delivering on that yeah i'm really looking forward to looking more in depth at this coach now earlier in the day you were talking a little bit about you know the cummins engine you want to show us the engine bay in this coach talked a little bit about that one of the things that is very important for well with any product is access access to the engine and if you take a look at let me go ahead and open this bay for us when you take a look at the amount of of space that's still available to access the engine to do routine maintenance on the engine it it's quite a quite a difference from what you're going to see maybe in the bus conversion industry or the class a industry where the engine has not got a lot of room around it again we build from the ground up so we're able to design the coach so that it's easily serviced as well you've got good access here and also from the side over here and we have it installed on this one the pressure washer and that pressure washer also connects to a di water system as well but access to the chassis batteries if we needed to get into the the side of the engine we'd be able to remove this reel and easily get inside of it in the back we do have the air supply that goes all the way around the coach front to back and then we have a multiplier on the uh on the system so that we can double the air pressure uh to really be able to air the tires up well yeah now you were telling me earlier today that you know cummins has a pretty incredible network set up now obviously folks can get their coaches serviced here in miami oklahoma but what type of a network do you have set up if folks need service on their cummins engine uh when they're you know down the road well that's a that's a good point uh cummins for decades has pursued the the motorhome industry and i can remember i've been doing this for over 30 some odd years and um cummins was was aggressively pursuing the motorhome industry as early as the late 80s and they did a fantastic job obviously they they kind of own the market now and part of that part of the reason for that is the service and support that they provide you can look on their website and they've got like 3 700 locations as compared to you know the bus conversions have like 430 locations in north america but there's another thing that that cummins has done because they kind of own this motorhome industry they have what they call coach care facilities also on their website you can see they've got like 170 of those locations around the country and they do more than just engine work they'll do generator work and but they're they're basically appealing to the motor home owner you don't just pull into any truck facility if you have a motor home you don't want a guy that's covered in grease getting in your motorhome you want to go to a place where they understand that this is a different market than the truck drivers or the bus drivers this is a a market where you know people are proud of their product and they want to keep it clean and they want to receive a different level of support than what you'd normally receive that definitely makes a lot of sense and i i can understand why cummins is the leader uh definitely i see more cummins than any other engine in the industry well and and the the size of the engine and the performance of the engine is a big deal too yeah what's the horsepower and torque on this end this is a 605 horsepower uh engine and then it's got 1950 pounds of torque as compared to the engine used in the the bus conversions that are like 500 horsepower and i think 1750 pounds of torque we've talked about this before uh our our owners uh our guys have egos and they'd like to be able to to move down the road faster and they sure don't want to be passed up by their buddies that have the bigger engines but uh you know that it's a it's a good it's a good product uh good service good support it's the whole package that that makes the cummins a far more attractive option yes sir well let's take a little bit more of an in-depth look at this uh 22 bunk model what uh what's the coach number on this coach uh this is coach number 1729 yeah well i'm really excited about it let's look at this uh this paint scheme a little bit closer so now did newell coach design this paint scheme or uh no uh this was this was ryan laux that that designed it in fact uh you can see it was a custom series number five yeah so this is custom series number five i know this you know was a show coach position i know ryan was the the graphic designer but did the customer influence that design or was this all a ball by new one no when whenever we sell a show coach again they have to let us do the design work because because we're going to we're going to show it maybe a particular area and we have a an idea of what we want to showcase this this being a bunk bed model that kind of narrows the market a little bit for who's going to buy it uh but we we we chose the uh interior next year and we provide that we provide the samples to the customer before they purchase it that hey this is what the coach is going to look like these are the materials that are going to be used and then they sign off on it if that's the if that's acceptable to them yeah well you guys did a great job at designing this and i just want to point out a couple things that i'm seeing in the background here as i as i look at this coach that you know there's these little fine details like this white pinstripe right here that you don't necessarily see it but it really breaks up the design and then when you look at the edge of these big blue stripes too you've got those white pins and then this uh you know this pattern that that you use and then there's some some fades on it got like some real subtle details uh like if you follow this pattern right here it's almost a pewter color but then if you just continue to to follow it it changing changes into a different shade champagne color yeah almost a champagne and then when you look back here back to that pewter color with that white pinstripe and then it's got that drop shadow right there which there's all these little small effects in the paint that you don't necessarily see and you know that same like i was talking about that fade we're going from a black right here but then if you follow the black it just slowly fades into that champagne color and then it's got that drop shadow right there and it's just just incredible at how it all comes together and when you see it from 10 or 15 feet away as opposed to you know five feet away you just notice all these different stuff and then you know like this white pinstripe starts here and then it splits out and then you've got that second pin stripe starting and splitting out and then it goes all the way to the top but just giving it a really cool look and i'm just really impressed with with the design work uh your paint department and teaming up with ryan laux they're just knocking it out of the park yeah and if you'll notice also we're um it costs a little more to do this quite a bit more but the patio awnings are on the very top and we've we've done a good job with the new body style that came out back in 2018 we're able to make those uh awning boxes kind of disappear yeah and we're able to bring the paint up into those to where it really looks like it's just part of the part of the coach rather than a separate awning yeah yeah no i totally understand and there's even fades going on way up there in the paint that i can't get much of a close-up up because it's 13 feet up in the air but uh yeah i definitely understand what you're saying you really it's hard to tell where you know where the awnings start and stop and and uh really makes those awnings uh look like a part of the coach with that pattern uh you know going through the awnings very impressive and you as you mentioned the further away you get from the coach we're pretty close right now but the drop shadows really do their job whenever you get further away and there's several places in here that it just kind of makes the graphic look like it's lifting off the coach and then this there's a lot of stenciling that goes on as well when they uh when they do some of these paint schemes that ryan has has developed for us yeah well they're doing a great job well why don't we look through the basement base in this coach here i'm looking forward to seeing what's going on here this uh this coach also is uh is finishing up production uh the the owner is gonna take delivery uh here in a couple of weeks and uh we'll be we'll be all done it's still in the detail phase uh right now yeah but this uh this has got our our slide-out trays as we've seen before with that remote we've talked about that in the past yeah you can put it you can put it anywhere some people like to put it inside some people like to put it on the side of the bay uh you can you can stick it anywhere and if if you lose it or the batteries go dead uh you've always got the manual switch that'll allow you to to pull it in and out i really think you know newell coach has storage figured out here you've got you know plenty of room and then these bays have a little lip here uh see so your stuff is gonna stay in place there and you can only stack your stuff so high so i think this is really the perfect height yeah andrew the the amount of space is uh very important for storage and we've got two full pass-through bays you'll notice that we don't have any of the gussets that you'll find in the bus conversions that interfere with the amount of storage that you can get those are usually designed or those are designed uh because the the the bus shell is not strong enough to support the slide on its own we we've built it from the ground up to be able to support it so we don't have those those gussets on the the back side that are going to interfere with your storage the other thing is you don't need most of the time you don't need all of that height i've seen situations where people don't use all the storage they have in some of these taller storage bays because they've got to stack things on top of it and when they do that they end up kind of playing a game of django where they're you know pulling stuff out and things are falling over you know most people are going to use about this much storage to stack whatever they need to stack bins are usually about that tall that they put in the storage as well so storage has not really been a an issue with us the other thing about this this bay that we have we do have these boxes but if you want to create a little bit more storage these boxes come off completely okay yeah yeah so they come off and you can you can get yourself a little bit more width if you need it a little more height just a a slight a bit more height you don't have to have the box in there so but i think that box really helps keep all of your stuff in place and right yeah you've really if you've got a lot of small items in particular that are up against the edge you you want to you want to have the lip but if you've got mainly large items and you want to get a little more width another couple inches then you can do that as well okay so the first uh the first two bays here are gonna be all storage and then we're going into this third bay and i see the n1 system here uh we've uh talked about that in some other videos with james from engineering this is really exciting uh the technology and i'll make sure to leave the video in the description below where james and the engineering team explain how the n1 system works right one a couple of features real quick compared to what we were using before we're still using spider systems or spider controls and they they've been a fantastic vendor for us for years for decades in fact and the fuse panel that was traditionally down here uh has been replaced with with a system that is going to allow us to have resettable fuses uh remotely inside or out here at the electronics bay or electrical bay yeah and then the nice thing about this too is you can take that bay out and slide in and out we have demonstrated that in previous videos oh yeah yeah there's plenty of plenty of room there even for our big boys here in oklahoma yes sir yes sir uh bay four is going to be our entertainment bay uh with you've got the uh entertainment bay we've got the ability to just uh bring the the tv out to whatever angle that you want you have a sound bar up above the tv and you got the dust cover for the tv here okay and then behind that tv houses the aqua hot 675 here and i love how newell finishes everything off with these compartment bays but very easy to access you can see how much room is around this bay here so that you can get to everything yeah they're uh like i said they're still doing some things on this coach but we also have the macerator on this side uh most people use the gravity fill because we have a single tank we're not separating it out so the gravity fill works great but we do have a macerator option as well if you decide you want to pump the contents of the waste tank somewhere else yes sir and then going into the fuel bay here i love this feature newell coach has the camera right here we've demonstrated this in a lot of videos how you can align your diesel fuel tank uh with the fuel pump when pulling up to fuel stations right and we've got easy access one of the one of the things that we we've done you know a lot of a lot of products have the fuel fill on the outside of the coach and typically that's going to have to be a a plastic or a composite piece that that's inserted into the side of the coach we prefer to clean it up and not have any of that showing on the outside of the coach also it prevents uh you know if you did have somebody that wanted to try to siphon off your fuel if your bait door is locked they can't get to the fuel fill yes sir and then you know i don't point it out enough but one thing i like that new coach does is these wheels are chromed actually so a lot of the other wheels in the market are going to be either a durabrite or an aluminum the aluminum have to be polished over and over these chrome wheels are the easiest to maintain and clean and then they give you the highest shine and the highest luster i don't know anyone else doing that in the industry but i think that's a great idea yeah we we offer the the chrome wheels as an option and and most people are choosing it you know a little bit about the tailing chrome wheels don't you one or two things yes siren chrome wheels are going to make the detailer's life a lot easier and they just always look a lot better with that high luster and almost every i didn't realize it was an option because almost everybody chooses it yeah for the most part yeah for the most part that's what we'll see uh you can see it i don't know if you can see it in here but we've talked about the suspension system zf is a partner of ours and we've got these hydraulic dampers part of the continuous damping control that's an exclusive with newell nobody else in the industry has it we've got a new feature that maybe i'll talk to you about inside but it's called smart drive yes sir we're going to at about 50 miles an hour we're going to lower the center of gravity by softening up the airbags and when when you have that in combination with the continuous damping control you've got something that's really unbeatable the continuous damping control outperforms the normal systems that you see on class a's and bus conversions by itself but this new smart drive is really going to enhance the the ride for the uh the end user yes sir yes sir i did have a chance to test drive a newel with the new smart drive yesterday too it's an incredible system as we're walking around here i've noticed you've got a 50 amp plug hooked up but then there's also an air hose hooked up to the coach what's going on here sir that's uh if you'll notice where it says shop air in yes sir um what that what that allows us to do like i said we're still working on this we're performing some tests look making sure we don't have any air leaks or anything like that on the coach and this allows us to pressurize the system without having the engine running so if it's whether it's us doing it or if you're at a facility somewhere they want to have the air system aired up without having to run the engine and we can do it we also have two auxiliary air compressors as well that we have on board it only uses one at a time but we have a spare and i'll show you that when we get up to the front as well yeah and then as far as i know too inside of the coach when you have that set up there is another air outlet where you can hook up an air hose inside of the coach so that technicians don't have to drag dirty air hoses from the coach right yeah it depends on the floor plan where it's located we also have releases throughout the coach where you can take the air pressure off of the system for an emergency if you needed to open a door or something that there was a problem but normally don't have a problem but but we want to have those safety measures in place just in case yeah there's all kinds of redundancy built into this coach and then if you ever do have a problem too you guys have the 24 7 customer care hotline you want to let everyone know a little bit about that yeah absolutely the you have a 800 number that you can call anytime regardless of the age of your coach you can give give us a call you'll be connected to an actual technician that works for renewal once they determine what your coach number is what your issue is you'll be put with a technician that's going to be able to help you walk you through it and if and if you need additional support if it's going to require something from a say a service center somewhere we'll get that taken care of for you as well but what's going on here i see a few different switches here it looks like maybe a buddy plug or what's going on the actual buddy plug is in here and it's a 50 amp uh supply so that if you let's say you've got a trailer that that you need to power you can use the 50 amp buddy plug here or somebody else's coach if for some reason you're parked in a remote location and you've got somebody that wants to borrow some of your power you can do that as well yeah with that 20kw generator there's plenty of power for that yeah absolutely and then we've got uh some useful uh tools here we've got a battery disconnect so uh whenever you uh if you if you need to disconnect the the 12 volt battery system you can do that just hit that button and it'll it'll disconnect the power but something that's really been useful since we developed the new body style is we have the generator on off switch back here yeah so that you can turn the generator on um before you unplug it's a generator priority and also we use a mechanical switch it's simple that's the way it needs to be because you're dealing with a lot of uh amperage you don't want to over complicate something that needs to be kept simple yes sir so we use a mechanical switch and then what's this other uh switch here looks like that's actually the uh so that you can charge the chassis batteries uh whenever you're plugged in somewhere for a long period of time instead of having to hook up a battery charger we've already got one on board and all you have to do is plug in your 110 volt here to your post and then you're good to go for keeping the batteries charged up okay you're going to store them for a while there's the other side of that diesel fuel bay and again you know the bay door is open but it has that camera that we talked about as well then your def uh reservoir as well right the the def uh reservoir is right beside the fuel rather than being located at some other location it's right beside the fuel and uh you got 200 gallons of diesel fuel 15 gallons of def and what that will do is give you about two to two and a half fills of fuel for every filling of the death awesome yeah we've uh we i think we've looked at this uh plumbing bay before lots of space in here to access the the plumbing um i noticed that when when you have a a platform that you're having to build the coach around the platform rather than building it from the ground up a lot of times in the plumbing area everything's so tight you can't get to it but here you can see how much space we've got even above the the water and waste tanks all of the connections are easily accessible we've got the manifold system and you'll notice if you come over here on the back side of that manifold system that's a braided stainless steel yes sir line that's coming right off of the the manifold and then going into uh the plumbing just behind it and i love how the team here at newell finishes out this plumbing bay uh with all the you know polished stainless you've got a faucet right there to wash your hands and then we've talked about that sewer hose that's built in before right with the yeah it's got the uh it's got the knife valve for example you can see there's some water in there it's all clear water uh but it's not leaking it's gonna you you're not gonna have to worry about the residual coming out of it there like i said they're still testing uh a few things on the system so yes coach so the other thing that we offer as an option and i we may have started making this standard but i'd have to take a look we have the gray water bypass so that let's say you're parked somewhere where you've got the ability to let you know gray water drain yes sir onto the ground if you're out in the field somewhere you can turn on this bypass and be able to just let it drain out of the shower or the the sink water and how big is the the i know the the black and gray tank are are one uh as we've talked about before how big is that uh waste tank it's 142 gallons the same as the fresh water so you've got the same amount of capacity in the fresh water and the wastewater we offer 180 gallon option but you would give up some storage if you did that again the 110 volt water pump but then a 12 volt backup we've also got a heater in the bay as well for cold weather and we've uh we talked about this in a couple of the other videos but it's it's an important feature the cooling system that you'll find on a lot of the generators out there they're smaller generators first of all but some of them even the larger generators just have a small radiator and a fan built into the generator it's typically not enough to handle some extreme temperatures as far as the heat what we do is put a separate cooling system for the generator uh back here so you see the the big radiator and the big cooling fan that uh is going to give you a higher ambient temperature uh rating yes you find if you just have the small newell coach definitely you know over builds everything to make it real industrial and then perfect spot to house those uh water filters there for your spot free water for when you're washing the the di system then you've got the the valves back there on the pressure washer so you can choose di versus uh regular water yes sir and then the two bays up front here this is just going to be the other side of what we're looking at of the the the storage bays here both pass through bays you can see newell coach 1729 uh there's that power washer wand uh that you can plug into that hose so you've got your onboard power washer system and this is an industrial style setup this is not a um this is not a home depot power washer system this is you know when i was in the business of power washing you'd have to go to a specialty store to get an industrial grade wand like this this is this is as industrial as it gets i'll tell you now i've mentioned this before um there's so many applications uh not just washing your coach but uh washing the patio furniture washing the patio washing your your lot off washing your car a big thing i wish i'd had one here in a recent trip washing the bugs off the windshield because uh this time of year uh it doesn't take much to to clutter it up yeah there's all kinds of uses sometimes even a lot of people don't think about it but one of my favorite uses of power washing is keep your shoes clean just power wash your shoes off let them dry out probably one of the best ways to clean your shoes if you haven't thought of it so i hadn't thought about that yeah yeah that's uh well when you work around them every day for about 12 years you think of all kinds of stuff you probably don't want to do that on your sandals so no sir no sir well if you take them off your feet it actually does work yes sir yes sir um this is a care package we include with uh with every new coach uh in a parts list a material uh list so that they do use any of them but you've got filters and balances belts uh hoses yeah clamps all kinds of just stuff that you're going to need to maintain your coach that's all part of you know rv ownership is right maintaining the coach and as we're going around the front here i'm really excited about this front end and just how the paint scheme comes up we're going to show you that pain in a second but i just i just had to show everybody a quick look at this i'm really excited about how you guys have stepped up your paint schemes yeah the this is one of the enhancements for the 22 model um if you if you look at some of our 21 models you'll see a little different front end but i think we did a really good job of bringing in this uh this lower area and creating the badge that has the newel the newel is actually backlit so at night you can you can light up your coach and promote new yes sir absolutely absolutely uh so going back into this uh this bay up front here you've got the dual uh air compressors there what else is going on up here sir well you've got uh some of the uh the fuses for the cockpit area are up here so they're easy to access um i'll go ahead and quickly show you what you've got there easy to identify uh what the the fuses are we've got the legend here so that you can understand what uh what fuses go where yeah and then we've got the the two air compressors instead of one um you know if you have one and it goes bad most coaches these days uh whether it's uh hours or bus conversions or class a's you're gonna have a lot of pneumatic systems on board it's good to have an auxiliary air compressor but if it ever were to have a problem you're stuck so if you have two you got backup you've got a backup and we recommend that you you know every six months or so just get the toggle switch so that uh you can exercise both of them yeah and one thing i want to point out before you close that bay door all these newer coach paint schemes i was talking about you know the white pinstripes and the drop shadows but they even bring this pinstripe up over the door here up top here just so that it gives it that fully finished look even when it's closed and so that pinstripe just lines up yeah yeah there's a lot of attention to detail on those those paint schemes we've got a lot of uh parts and pieces that we have to work around as well you know including the the light buckets these guys have really enjoyed working with with ryan of course but they've been challenged uh through the years and have really done a great job of incorporating some of those special effects there's a lot of hours involved it but that's what how many hours goes into your paint design process uh about 750 hours now i've heard of our competitors spending 1500 hours and i don't see how that's possible i do understand that uh because of the fact that uh they're receiving a shell that already has all the the exterior lights and uh chrome pieces and mirrors everything's installed so that they're gonna have to spend a lot of labor taking stuff off and putting it back on whereas with us when our coach goes to the paint shop it doesn't have any of those exterior pieces that have to be removed doors we're just we're a little more efficient just blowing away what our guys can do in 750 hours versus our competitors who are putting uh upwards of 1500 hours into a paint design it's it's clear that we can offer all those special effects and the quality level that is expected by our clientele looking up front here just all the detail work i've got to give everybody a close-up here you've got the drop shadows with the white pin stripes and just uh just kind of a mean looking front end i mean it's just just a beautiful piece of artwork so all right and they've got a uh if you're in a state that requires a license plate this can be removed for the license plate most people don't uh are not concerned about that but but it's there if you need it then the generator bay is located here as we've seen before you have the 20kw diesel generator that's a martin generator on airbags uh it's got the yanmar engine that martin uses yes sir our fire suppression system on board yes sir [Music] wow phil this is just absolutely stunning what's the story with the interior of this coach uh well this is a bunk bed model as we uh said earlier so it's it's going to be a little special as far as the floor plan goes with the two two full baths with two showers yeah two two full baths and uh two full showers uh because of uh the way we we build from the ground up and are able to get a lot more floor space than say some of your class a's and your bus conversions we've got enough room to do that kind of thing and still give you a lot of storage uh you're not going to have to sacrifice you know a lot of closet space for uh for the bunks and the bathroom this coach was designed uh by amber you've had a had a few videos with her but the uh she just does a fantastic job with every coach she does it's amazing what she can come up with and every coach is different and the people that bought this one love the interior they we sent them the the fabric samples and the materials uh and they were great with it this enabled them to get a show coach and not have to wait that 18 months for a coach again the people that buy the show coaches are uh in agreement that we'll get to use the coach to show um and that they'll uh accept what we're building uh both inside and outside yeah no i i love this it's almost like a modern farmhouse type of a style and i did uh get a chance to do a video with the design team talking about the design process now this is a show coach so a little different than that design process but i will leave a link in the description below uh to the video i did with amber and the design team explaining the entire design process now i've got to get the folks on youtube a quick look at the carpet here and then this flooring it's almost like a rustic wood type of a floor uh just they you they just come up with so many different designs it's really incredible oh it's it's uh like i said it's amazing uh that she can come up with something different every time that just uh kind of a knocking it out of the park so to speak true story now uh this floor plan you've got the opposing sofas um are these do these turns into beds as well or one of them has storage below okay you've got drawer storage and then it is a jackknife bed oh yeah look at that so it'll it'll come down and make a bed the opposing sofa is actually a sleeper sofa so it'll have a bed that actually comes out with an air mattress so we've got plenty of sleeping here you know if you've got kids that's that's why people get the bucks they usually want to bring somebody along so you need some more sleeping uh as well um real quick to while we're talking about the couches i want to get everybody a close-up of these fabrics and these materials the the camera doesn't do you know doesn't focus as well as the human eye does but a very high-end material and and the two-tone with the leather um and then and then this these two materials just break it up and give it a really cool look right yeah well a lot of times we'll put uh leather on the arms and on the base and give a contrasting fabric we'll do all leather it's up to the customer what they want if they custom build one the other thing we did we've got two or three about three different ottoman choices in this particular one you are going to have generally more people in a bunk bed model so we've kind of split it up you've got you can have the ottoman this way and have a place for laptop or food with drink holders here or you can take the table off and separate them oh yeah look at that i have one over here and one over there and then we also have storage inside the yeah each ottoman and i love how newell just finishes every square inch you can see that piano hinge this is all lined with carpet and then it even has a couple of uh straps here uh just to make it a little bit easier if you need to move it around uh and and then as phil mentioned the cup holders with the new logo on the inside of it and i'm going to get everybody a close-up of this leather as well real high-end materials everywhere in this coach and then just the engineering and functionality it's just incredible also on the dinette as i mentioned if we're traveling with a family you're going to have more people so we have the ability to extend the dinette oh yeah and then i don't have them here they're they're underneath the bed right now but then you have uh the cushions for the the seat and the back so you've uh now got your you could seat six kids if you if you wanted and then we have a pedestal and a leaf for the dinette table so we'll be pulling the table out and put a pedestal in there i'm noticing a couple things in the galley area here i really like the the placement of this wine glass cabinet really utilizing that space and then just a beautiful laminate finish that they uh picked with a brew express coffee maker what else is going on in the galley well we've got of course you got the dishwasher and then you've got uh all the the drawer space here uh you mentioned the the coffee maker uh a place to put wine glasses and other glasses if you you need it you got storage above the above the sink with an adjustable shelf yes sir and then your pantry you have two pantries over here as well okay now some people that are traveling are not always going to be a trap traveling with their family so these bunks and we'll get to them in a minute it can also serve as additional pantry area you know for dry goods flats of water you know whatever whatever other staples you want to bring as well okay one thing i didn't point out we'll go ahead and do that is the projection projector yes so you've got the tv up front but now we've also got the projection screen over here i don't have anything in there to show right now because we're inside now do you know if this coach we've talked about in previous videos on the tampa show coach was the first one you did where you could have the x the projector go on the exterior of the coach does this coach have that option this is the screen that we would use for the projector oh yeah and we also we also give the option and you as you've mentioned um we've also got the option of reversing the image on the projector and being able to project it out through the window at night yeah so it becomes a big screen out there in addition to the tv that you have down below if you want yeah very very cool feature if you want to be uh known at the campground it's uh oh that's right yes sir yes you get a movie night super bowl sunday on the campground people are going to be all around your coach true story yes sir yes sir so going through this coach what else is going on um of course you have the ge monogram we've talked about how heavy duty those are yes sir lots of space yeah those hinges are just very industrial and then you've got the ice tray as well as the freezer i really like that option just to keep your eyes separated and then a very large pull out freezer drawer i really like this laminate too it's almost a matte finish or it is a matte finish it is a matte finish you know typically with kids you might get fingerprints so if you have a polished laminate they're going to show up more and uh we typically on the on the bunk coaches we're we're trying to make them kid-friendly yet elegant yeah and and with that new n1 system deleting all of those big switches really steps up the appearance as well i love the new the new n1 system so you you can see over here you just have one panel versus several panels throughout the the coach and we'll get a shot of of what we were doing before which is a good system it's still a spider system but this is uh really streamlined things for us yes sir so going back into the bunk area here you know a lot of people are excited to see what you guys are doing with the buns yeah the bunks are just uh it's it's a it's a great great floor plan we we have sold more bunk bed floor plans than i would have ever thought uh over the past uh three or four years especially with this new design with the the additional shower yeah this is uh this i gotta give them a quick sneak peek here of the bathroom here the the design work that newell does in their bathrooms it's just absolutely stunning and the you know everything from these tile floors uh to that that's tile work on the walls and all of the different finishes and i'm gonna give everyone a sneak peek of the shower as well uh you've got the seamless drain down there and the craftsman here at newell are second to none in all departments the tile department the woodwork you know just all around just just amazing yeah the artwork a lot of detail yes sir yeah now with the uh with the bunks um you've got you've got the ability to turn it into a closet yes sir what you can do you can see there's a wardrobe bar up there already right yeah it's real easy this is another area that you want to keep simple uh when you're using uh elec electrical motors and everything to try to convert it to a closet you're going to run the risk of it not working here it's just real simple just fold that up well you need to take the bedding off yeah now the cool thing about this too is now your your bunk gets a lot taller so um say you only have one person using this bunk space now they have a lot more headroom so it almost feels like a little bedroom for them there right yeah that's uh in addition to being a closet uh if you did want if have somebody that wanted more space they could they could do that approximately 72 inches long so it's gonna house just about anybody and i've heard that these newer bunks are extremely comfortable and of course you guys do all of the custom bedding even in the bunks like you do in every bed in the noodle exactly everything is uh custom made the sheets are custom made all the all the bed spreads and shams and everything are custom made here now when it becomes a closet you can close the door yes sir of course if the if the kids are rowdy we can put a lock on there but uh no if it's uh if you've got it as a closet you can close that door finish it off and then you've got storage more storage down below for all the kids things or additional pantry items oh yeah look at that very deep drawers as well and then i always like to point out these mechanisms that newell coach use i mean i see newell coaches that are 10 20 years old that we're using these mechanisms and they still hold up very well very industrial build and even when you open and close these doors you can really feel that quality and then there's that little pin in there that we've talked about before and that just locks it into place so you don't have to worry about those coming out it's magnetic it pops up locks it into place until you push the button and then it releases it when that bunk locks into place that's the little uh little slit that it locks into there yes yeah that's uh that it'll lock in and then then like i said you've got the the closet space at that point also with the bunks each bunk has a it's on tv yes sir so that kids can watch tv or adults that are that are using it stereo headphone wireless headphones to go with it uh in addition you've got back over here you can see the air conditioning vent yes sir that was going to come with i think i noticed that on both bunks as well yeah so you do have a air conditioning system in both bunks right right now are those um individually climate controlled or are those going to fall into this zone of the climate they're going to fall into this zone they'll both be the same sorry i put that on wrong there that's okay yeah now going into the bedroom here now it's just a queen-size bed i know usually when you've got the the bunk models you're gonna have to sacrifice some space somewhere what size bed is this this is still the junior king okay where we sacrifice a little bit of space is some of the closet area but uh what we've done with this floor plan to get some of that space back you can see how wide the closets are on this side oh yeah previously we would have to put a closet over here with uh with an alcove now we're able to get the deeper nightstands have a short hang closet or shelving whichever one you want yes sir in this area and then we added these closets on the side so you can have long hang or too short hang if you wanted and i want to point out too there's outlets here and then you know two you know you've got two different uh wardrobe bars there as well so you could double hang in this closet as well right right and then this uh and this one we went ahead and put it we don't always do it because it's uh it can be pretty loud if if you want to make it loud but we've got the surround sound in this uh oh yeah our bunk bed model yeah i'm noticing three of the gallows speakers up there right and then another two above head i bet you it gets rocking back here yeah yeah you've got the and the subwoofer oh yeah underneath oh yeah you've got a yeah those gallows speakers are incredible uh incredible sound um noticing with the fixed tv as well you've got six drawers that looks like yeah as i've mentioned before um we've we've seen kind of a trend toward this rather than having the televator the televator obviously is going to take up space for the tv and we find that most of our clients are not spending a whole lot of time in the bedroom enjoying the view and so as long as they can get some natural light to come in on this side they're fine we move the tv up make it stationary and creates a drawer space for us down below so that's another way we're getting back some of this storage that that you would lose maybe with the bunk bed model yeah i want to get everybody a close-up of this countertop i missed it in the in the kitchen but i really like this is this a stone or what type of stone is this i believe this is also a quartz a quartz okay yeah it's it's getting hard to tell the difference uh all these materials i'll tell you they've really come a long way the quartz products i used to you had a couple of choices but now we're seeing a lot more variety you've still got uh when you start looking all the little drawer space that you know it's real easy whenever you just look at pictures at a coach to to miss uh how much storage you might be losing in certain products yes sir here if we start if we open up all the drawers and you start counting the drawers and the closets and start measuring the actual space you're going to find the newel uh well exceeds what you're going to find and say the the bus conversions true story overhead storage here and this one we're putting the av equipment yes sir over in this side and over this side you have your marantz receiver okay as well you have the intrepid panel on this side as well so you've got that there and in the galley and on your uh ipad control so either side is going to have the the controls to the the rest of the kit yeah and you can take that ipad off and walk around with it right it's got that eye port there uh but then this intrepid uh panel is in fixed place there yeah so yeah just like the one in the front uh now also it's worth noting that um with the intrepid panel you can download an app that will allow you to have that same control remotely or if you're just outside and you've got your iphone and you want to take care of something inside you can do it oh very cool all right and it's connected two ways we have our own uh coach network and if you're you're within like 75 feet you can operate it uh directly using using the coach network but if you're at a remote location uh it'll um it'll connect via cell service oh very cool more more storage over here yes sir and more drawer storage on this side of the the bed very deep drawers as well yeah as well as the other side so for a bunk bed model where you've got these large bunks and a second bathroom you're still getting quite a bit of storage uh in the in the bedroom absolutely and and i've got a i'm just noticing while we're talking here the camera is not picking up the ceiling treatment but just the design work and even you know the the human eye just captures so much more of these textures and uh the combination of the different lighting uh and and how it all comes together and then oh yeah i like how you did that kind of setting more of like a mood lighting you can see back here you've got that under lit lighting uh and then you know i always like to point out you know the accessibility because this has what four roof air conditioners four roof air conditioners and uh in the last couple of years we've redesigned it to get even more use out of the the air conditioners i may have talked about this before but one of the biggest challenges in the rv industry is getting the full capacity of the air conditioners some some companies are operating at like 30 40 capacity well we've we've changed some of the ways that we have we are exhausting the air to give us a lot more of that capacity uh and the front end in particular we're really cooling down the cockpit area now and making good use of uh what's available from these roof airs yes sir yeah i just want to point you know point out how accessible these panels are um i don't want to just start pulling on stuff no there you go yeah so you can manually there's a switch right here you can manually turn this air condition and on and off if for some reason you know something's not functioning right yeah that's we want to always have the ability to run those air conditioners if uh for some reason the switching uh within the intrepid system is not operating we typically don't have any problems but every once in a while if there's a programming issue or something we have to deal with and they can operate it manually yeah i love how you guys hide the smoke detectors but then make it just so easy to get to i mean as you saw you just in one second you pop that panel down you got access to your roof ac unit and that smoke detector yeah it's easy easy to change the filters and clean them yeah just every little detail gets thought out and you and the team at newell coach just continues to improve with every coach right and uh you can't see it here but uh we we leave the insulation in the or we we spray the insulation in the the roof i know that when i was working for one of the conversion companies because they're so challenged as far as the height they would remove the insulation in order to get more airflow for the air conditioner uh well that kind of defeats the purpose because you're you're heating up the coach more because you don't have the insulation in there so we we don't do that it's it's fully insulated all the insulation is blown in and then we have the air conditioners that were able to duct because of the extra height we have this rear bathroom here is catching my eye here as we're chatting here it just glows back here and the design work that they do just never ceases to amaze me what's the story with this rear bathroom this floor plan offers some more privacy for mom and dad in the back because it has a full bathroom for the uh the kids yeah or the guests depending on how you're using it so you've got a shower and a toilet and sink in the mid bath which is going to make this one a little bit smaller but it's still plenty plenty big for uh for the parents yeah let me i'm six too phil you want to be my cameraman in here and uh let me show off i mean look at how much with a hat on i'm 6'2 you know just plenty of room here and uh the finish is just incredible here uh yeah uh the the shower well i've got to point out the tile work on the floor here just incredible and then that same tile work continues onto the floor and the shower here and again that seamless drain like we've talked about in other coaches and then a different type of tile to give it a contrast and then another surface here so you've got three different finishes that all tie together very well and a good size shower here i'm going to step in here just to show everybody i'm 6'2 plenty of room here you want to yeah if you back up here a little bit you got you guys can see uh you know plenty of room and i like little stuff like this like this is so important you know just just a squeegee so your shower always stays really clean gotta have one of these new coaches thinking of everything here and then of course as we talked about in other videos they don't place the shower head until you know the owner chooses exactly because different people are different heights or may want it in different locations yeah anytime it's a custom built coach or in this case a show coach that a customer's buying we we hold off you can also see the drain instead of a a square drain in the middle we sloped it down toward the front and you have the drain uh up here at the front of the shower as well yeah we've got a a towel warmer also oh yeah heated towel bar yeah yeah and storage up above so you're still still picking up all those little uh little places of storage and on this one because we're we're going all the way across we've got three drawers for storage and closets on both sides oh yeah look at that now we've got got these hinges that allow us to push push this in on each side and i like how it's separated and split sometimes it's just one big bar across the back but this makes it real nice for his and hers and just everything kind of everyone's got their own little space right right usually it's hers hers and his exactly true story yes sir uh but uh but anyway we've got the uh breaker box over here as well and this uh this is the leaf i was telling you about uh for the dinette table yes sir as well as the pedestal that would go underneath and we offer some safety uh you've got the a glass breaker here as well that would if you had an emergency it needed to get out but we've also got the the emergency hatch yes sir up here as well and these will yeah i think the big reason for this is if for some reason the coach was to tip over and you weren't able to get out of the door you've got a escape hatch exactly yeah out of the door or windows and you can get out i don't don't hear that happening but uh it's always good to be prepared just in case yes sir now you can cut out all of the light in here or have a screen if you want to uh increase the ventilation and open the hatch uh you can pull the screen keep all the bugs out yeah three different options there i like that and then behind this beautiful matte laminate i'm assuming uh the washer and dryer washer and dryer as well yeah whirlpool with the uh you know top loading uh down here makes it just really easy to use from what i've heard yeah yeah that's uh keep it simple yes sir bill i can't thank you enough for the opportunity to see this beautiful newer bunk model with two full baths if someone is thinking about purchasing or ordering a new newell coach or maybe purchasing a pre-owned product who should they get a hold of yeah just contact me through email at phil c newell or you can call or text at 541-953-3113 our order bank is filling up so give me a call as soon as possible and we'll get you in as early as possible phil i can't thank you and the team at newell coach enough for this opportunity i also greatly appreciate all of you out there on youtube that are subscribing to the channel and liking these videos i hope you're all having a great day thanks again thank you for watching have a great day
Channel: RVing with Andrew Steele
Views: 674,458
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Id: 2jlYkjCmRFg
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Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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