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[Music] [Music] hole-in-one only you can only put the ball from the star all holes can be completed in one stroke or a hole in one a harder than odds make sure to check out my help me help it o responds no response you need to do my god Josh you still have any audience it gave me the sound alright I'm gonna restart resize No are you kidding me how how is this done in one oh wait anyway did you shoot it shoot straight just shoot straight Josh exactly like no that's straight there you go you almost did it almost no no no you know what we should do we should do we should restart it and put free resets on yeah you'll be good it'd be good no I just got to hole in ones come on Josh my god really think it'd be good I did time because then you don't hit each other it's a fun just we lost we leave a long video ok we don't want a three minute long video yeah but I also want to reset what if so no oh my god you almost Judy you understand it preaching us but like boy there we go ten as well feel the struggle oh yes so then one hole in one baby so close no we should do a challenge one day maybe like a stream where you have to do the whole thing in Halle Berry house in like in what do you want to see a stream yes Pauline - Teddy you could bounce overs to do it you gotta hit the back wall it'll bounce you right in what are you this when I secure the first place this is all you jelly go Josh you know first the one with the wooden part was tricky about this he's giving us tips when he did it by accident it's gonna climb it into the back wall Teddy doesn't do anything first of all little angry boy all right just trying to help brother out any of your help I could also laugh at you because you're anything you say look at those points Josh that's so embarrassing oh my goodness are you alright oh here we go this end like okay thirteen last shot right after he or at the bad news yeah you suck at games are you what oh my gosh well what now guys need to go a lot slower slower I just I just hit Jordy midair and I'm like no I went over the white part I went over it and all in three boogity boogity boogity boogity come on turn around babies okay Jess you want to go yes perfect Josh no it's not now I'm screwed take your time oh wait oh yeah cool this is good yes in six not bad angel ebo first place that's good wait letís d so [Laughter] cow okay how did you do it we can't see right spot right there yeah I did yes and seven on that bounce back that's good man guys ready for the cannon shot oh no it's easy this one's easy what's this I can't believe it Josh two chickens is an easy one I got it you suck so hard I wouldn't be Angus Babu who's the one in third place right now come on come on don't you almost got that or home sick and tired so unlucky I feel Josh I was on it I feel your pain Josh throw that mouse around your mousepad throw that mouse around the mouse pad does it not look good please someone just put me on my misery no this is crazy what oh my god you didn't touch the same Jenny just try bit harder aim it more in the middle no Amy probably aiming is really tough just like that this is why they call me the king go I did it cause a king of gold you're making it up you can't even pronounce king of golf king of go thank you that's me you don't make it so you didn't make it and it took me hospitable games 30 seconds jelly the game does not like me guys it's official join the club you even are at the sound I was in the hole Julie if you type free you get free shots even if you ever heard of that we read the time frees us to free if you type yet type fre fre e and freeze freedom 17-point le yes one more shot it's one more shot deserve that how the hell are we supposed to do this guy's it's a very fine line and you just have to make it it was a relief so I should I say relief jelly we're not that far away from each other we need to be aware oh they're so casual I'm so good at this game just go the easy way there is no easy way Jimmy this is literally this is life this is life this is life jillee is by far the best golfer out of all of us honestly happening to me that's not it's fake you cannot go there it's fake news you have to go around it it is right where the arrows great reset reset RTE this is dump I was rolling in there I want - doing after - EEE jelly is OTE the way hasn't it hold on what um okay you're gonna hit so much harder than that Josh did you get all the way oh no you gotta go fast what there we go oh my god you got a hit back to the cannon one right there you got it edge on it and Holly - that is the smallest hole I've ever seen look at this small wall I didn't even look at this look at this this is jelly it's jelly when he's trying oh wait it's not perfect it's outside of it that's jelly trying to get into his jeans in the morning all the same so relax okay alright we travel now we're right oh this is one of those random ones for now we ride boys come on bro and Nazi oh gosh I do I do but I covered my eyes yay you just make it alright good luck guys oh no you got it you go in the same destination I did yes yes yes it goes the same way for all of us I was a hog guys I got for only one so far Wow congratulations hard rod for skilled only right Josh : you wanna spend more oh he's not lying [Music] hey no no I didn't it says hole-in-one hit me it's a lighter Lisa no and jelly does it like that do anyway here's a hard time that was the easy what's that ok-ran basics easy targets whoa the weight control wait what what's going on there oh my god what are you guys doing what are you guys doing what I shot the little man so I don't go that way why not well you have to shoot them did you teleport the outside this is so sickening what the hell okay it says bum and then and then what else is there oh this is so annoying I hit the cannon didn't do anything so there goes that idea do you have to hit like the side of his face I am confused Rainbow six siege eliminate all targets okay maybe they hit the side of his face what's the teleporter outside Geordi it does nothing I won didn't I absolutely nothing just tell me what you out the map okay what are we doing right here I am confused maybe we need to hit the ball doesn't he ever cannon in his head when we tried to hit that oh they did it wait how do I do it I am I just like I just hit show that I made whites maybe it's just a tight I'm shooting at his face but maybe it's a tight hole I don't get the cannon I didn't do the cannon okay I don't really remember I was just slamming over and over and so who ever we should pay more attention hey Trudy tell me where you're gonna aim okay or jelly okay aim for his mouth all the time come on did you ever both hit jelly do you hear about him okay because you you you hit his feet yeah right now his mouth okay Wow well I do know the hole twice Josh complaining games dumb stupid a hole-in-one well I just got second place so thanks Kelly it's been great knowing you is your very second place you dummy well secured it you know like a course just like that [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,959,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, golf, golf it, kwebbelkop, jelly, hole in one, fail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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