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hi everyone i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today i'm going to show you how to make a quilt this is called title crossing this is from the quilt factory and it's got these nice diagonal lines in it i've been really wanting to try this pattern out i've had it for a couple years and now i have some fabrics that i think will look really good in it now the best thing about the pattern you can use either a layer cake or you can use charm squares so i love that and the only other things we need we need an accent that's for those nice lines to show up there and we need a background which i'm going to use solid white so let's go ahead and get started if you're using charm squares like i am you're going to need four packages this is called lovelily these these squares are from moda and they're nice bright cheerful floral prints and i think that'll make a really happy quilt the first step is to get these charms cut up into the sizes we need now some of the squares will stay five inches and some get cut to some other sizes and i can't give you all the sizes because it's not my pattern but i've made a lot from the quilt factory and they're always very easy to follow [Music] that's all the cutting we needed to do with the charms next is the background we need 3 and 3 8 yards and it's going to get cut into a few different sizes that is all we need cut out of the background fabric the last thing we need is some accent pieces the pattern calls for one and three quarters yards that is enough to get our accent pieces and there will be enough to do the binding so those two figures are included in that one and three quarters yard now that all the cutting is done we're ready to start making our blocks so we're going to take the biggest background squares and the biggest print squares and we're going to make half square triangles with them so take the light fabric take the background and draw a line from corner to corner right across a diagonal now i like to use a light pencil line just dark enough so i can see it to make the half square triangles take one printed block one of your backgrounds with that line and we're going to stitch down both sides of the line so you want to stitch a quarter inch away now my presser foot is a quarter inch wide most of them are so i can go down this side and then pull it around and go down the other side once they're all stitched all we have to do is cut them right along that drawn line so i'm going to put my ruler right along that line and it is corner to corner cut them in half take them to the ironing board and put them down put the background down put that side down because then we can peel this open toward the dark the seam allowances are going toward the dark same thing with this one so i peel it open so that i can keep that seam nice and straight and it doesn't get distorted next step is to trim them down to four and a half inches exact here's a good way to get these trimmed to size take a plastic ruler that has a diagonal line in the corner and we're going to put that line right on that seam allowance and i'm going to scooch it up really close to the edge there and trim away just the excess here now i'm going to turn it around and i'm going to put the diagonal line again right on that seam and i'm going to slide this up until the four and a half inch lines there's two of them one here one here so those are right on the edge of the block it's lined up there and i'm going to cut off this little bit of extra now my square is exactly four and a half inches the dog ears are trimmed off and that seam goes from corner to corner okay the next step is to take our two long strips over to the machine take one background and one accent and i think it works best if you put the accent fabric on the top because that will make it easier to finger press once they're stitched and stitch them right along the edge with a quarter inch seam and don't stretch either one just make sure they're laying right on top of themselves stitch all the way down now i'm going to open it up and i want my seam allowance to go away from that background i want it going that way so i've got it pressed that way right now and i'm going to pull these open hold it steady with this finger here and then draw my fingernail or even the pad of my finger right down that seam and i'm going to continue to pull these open and finger press down the seam this makes ironing it much much easier the strip sets do need to be ironed even though we finger press them the finger pressing helps keep that seam going the direction we want but the iron makes it really flat the strip sets need to get sub cut and the best way to do this is with two of them so i'm going to take a second one and i'm going to turn it upside down on top of this and i'm going to line them up exactly and the seam allowances are going in opposite directions so they kind of nest and i'm going to cut them both at the same time and the reason i'm going to do this is because the next step is to take these and to stitch them back together so we're going to be stitching these two together but look they're already laying exactly where they're going to need to go so when we take them over to the sewing machine they're not going to move very much and it's going to make the sewing the lining up for sewing go really fast so they're almost exactly lined up just where you want so you can double check that the intersection is lining up there and i like to chain piece these so i'm going to leave that one there pick up the next one make sure it's matched and i can do all of them in a jiffy these are very easy to iron even without finger pressing i'm just going to open it up give it a little steam [Music] okay let's go ahead and take the background rectangles and the printed rectangles to the machine all we're going to do is take one of each and stitch them together along the long side here [Music] i went ahead and ironed these up so that the seam allowance is heading towards the dark print and at this point we have all the components so that we can start making our first official block there's only two blocks in the whole quilt so let's make the first one we've got one of these in the center four of these around it and then we've got some of these rectangle ones here and right now i'm just trying to get different colors i'm not worrying about which color is going where but i'm going to try to get four different colors there add four more of these blocks and you can see that the little guys here the little accents are making lines already next two half square triangles with the color pointing toward the middle and again don't worry too much about what color goes where just try to grab a nice variety of prints now i'm not just grabbing things at random the pattern has a great diagram that will show you exactly what goes where now these last four holes they get a background square so that's block one all we have to do is sew it into rows and then sew those rows together and we're gonna make four of these blocks so instead of trying to pin all the rows together i'm just taking the whole cutting mat over next to my machine here and you can put this on the floor next to your machine anywhere that it's easy for you to see all the pieces so here's the first row and i'm going to pick it up and not spin it around and take it right to the machine so i like to take this row turn it upside down because i know that piece is going to go over on my left so i'm going to flip that one over the next piece will get flipped over and go right next to it so we'll put it right on top there now they're all exactly the same size so let's just stitch it up open it up and again this next piece it would get flipped over but of course it's the same on both sides so it doesn't matter stitch that one on the next piece right there put them right sides together and you may find that you like to pin the pieces together it doesn't matter it just all that matters is what is the best for you what is the best method that will help you make sure that the pieces get put together in the right order i went ahead and pressed all those seam allowances to the right on the next row i will go to the left then i'll just keep alternating so let me go ahead and get those stitched up real quick there's the fifth row now to stitch them together i'm just going to take these first two right to the machine and the intersection seam allowance seam allowances here they're all nesting they're all going in opposite directions so it's very easy to match those up you can feel with your fingers if they're matching up right here then just match the next intersection they're nice big pieces so it's really easy to stitch this together this seam allowance will get pressed towards the right all of the seam allowances in this block here in this section will get pressed to the right and now i'm going to add the next few rows and there is the first block all right that's the last block i know i said earlier that there were four of these there's actually eight but now that those eight are done we're ready to make the second block that makes up the quilt so we just have to use these three pieces and i'm going to get it laid out and show you what it looks like we've still got a five by five block patchwork here we're just only using half square triangles and solid squares so that is what the block looks like so i'm going to use the same method to sew these together make the rows sew the rows together alternate the directions of the seam allowances and we're going to make eight of these and once those are done we can lay out the quilt okay i have eight of each block done now we can lay out the quilt top it's very easy because all we're going to do is alternate these two blocks so we've got the first block the second block another one of the first blocks there another one of the second blocks then we'll alternate going up that is the whole quilt it's just a four by four block quilt and i haven't even turned anything around because there's so many different colors it's very easy to lay it out and get the colors balanced so i'm going to stitch the blocks together that will be real easy then there's a couple of borders we're going to have this teeny tiny border so that's going to go let me put it up here that's going to go around the edge then there's going to be a bigger border out of a print and we had a few patchwork pieces left over that the pattern had us cut and that's going to be a cornerstone that's going to go right in the corner all four corners very easy to sew together so i'm going to get everything stitched up and loaded onto the quilting machine the quilt is all loaded up we do need to pick a thread color my main consideration is that i don't get something that will fight with all of the patchwork the patrick is light and happy so i need to keep the thread light so that it will recede into the background now i thought i might want to use this one here because it's almost exactly the same color as the accent but i'm a little worried it's going to be a little too dark there it's going to show a little too much this is a pretty color this nice light peach now that's going to blend in you're not going to see that there is some lavender and purple in the patchwork that blends in the pink of course would work doesn't show much but i think our best choice is going to be this really really light aqua so this it echoes the color that's in our accent gonna blend right into the white there so let's use this one i'm going to use a pattern called rose meander for the quilting these roses look just like the roses that are in the prints so it'll be perfect [Music] the title crossing quilt is all done and it's really really big 94 by 94 inches so this would fit on my queen size bed and it would hang down quite a bit you can see those pathways of accent squares that really ties in all the patchwork the quilting you can't even see the quilting you probably can't see it at all from there you can just see little shadows of that really light aqua thread and that is similar to the color that we used in these accent squares and that's exactly the same fabric that i used here on the inner border i also used that on the binding i think that little dark binding frames it nicely with this nice flowery light colored outside border i don't often use a light colored outside border because i want something to frame it but the inside and the binding those act as the bind as the framework here the back side it's got just this little teeny flower print all over it and you again you can't see much of the quilting you can just see the little bits of shadows so a very very fast quilt to make i was surprised at how quickly it stitched together and i think that's because the blocks are pretty big because we used charms and you could also use the layer cake to make the same quilt thanks everyone for watching our video today we really hope you enjoy watching them as much as we enjoy making them now at the end of each video we do a giveaway today's giveaway this is called twirling stars and this is also a pattern from the quilt factory now we did this in a video to show you how to make it but today you can win it so this is a nice throw size quilt and all you have to do to enter is click the link below the video that says giveaway and you just have to enter your name and your email address and we can send this to a winner anywhere in the world so good luck now if you like our videos and you want to support us the best thing you can do is subscribe to our youtube channel that really helps us out happy quilting foreign
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 320,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, sew, sewing, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, free, pattern, make, build, stitch, ;layer, layer, cake, cakes, cut, chop, needle, thread, threads, machine, contest, win, winner, giveaway, donna, donna's, star, charm, square, squares, checkered, checker, factory, criss, cross, easy, learn, howto, fun, at home, decor
Id: qb0504xQejs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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