Tornado Chasers, S2 Episode 7: "Home, Part 1" 4K

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so taking a live look out it's very humid and it's totally cloudy for now we are still primed and ready for another round of severe weather it's going to feel quite sticky later on this afternoon dew point which is the measure of moisture in the atmosphere last time so we will be tracking it for you today we'll have our crews out once again crews including our very own Reed Timmer from Foreman Storm Team Dominator for a great job yesterday covering the storms you too you let the Today Show Wow yeah just honey yeah big deal okay so we're gonna show some of your incredible video here well right here you can see it forming just near Edmond that's just west of i-35 we're on the bridge about 35 and you can see the debris flying around and it became violent really fast I mean even the small tornadoes can be very strong across 535 right there you can see there's no cars in the path thankfully and it continued east debris flying around and this is we're going east and you can see this tree just rocket sky rock it up at like 200 miles an hour and that's that updraft inside the tornado and there are suction vortices going around the back behind us as well explain that what that is - the viewers suction vortices those are the miniature tornadoes that will spin around inside the main circulation so above us there is a cone and that's one of those suction vortices in front of us that's ripping the trees out of the ground you can see the circulation the main circulation above right there and here we're a little bit behind the tornado right there probably a couple hundred yards I would say I mean it was vibrating felt like I was gonna lift off the ground any second but that's just the instinct that tells you to get out of there well great job today and I know we're gearing up for round two so you can find some rest somewhere I think you said like no sleep yeah I think we both have pride a little amped up Julie brought me Starbucks all right we'll have more coming up in the next half hour good job right something that makes sense yeah I probably two and a half hours I don't know I can't go to sleep after that else yeah yeah yeah I had about to nap actually dude yeah yeah but no it's I'm not yeah used to it and I got into the studio and realize my fly was down all morning but you have issues of that yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] if the stream doesn't work today then we're all fired oh well we're all getting asked bestest poisoning from the breaks anyways got to get the gear prepped prep for the chasing and Dom one that includes a trash bag all luggage in the backpack because it's usually soaked afterwards a [Applause] lot of storm chasing convergence already we haven't even gotten out there haven't seen read in a while it should be fun you be Kim Tory is he here - no yeah you better hurry yeah look at the guys gone south yeah oh yeah no we want to be with you then we want to we want part of the circus hey sure sure you want part of this there's even a lady two doors down there just for random that came in and started cleaning that's counter to the future of storm chasing tornadoes at age 21 now right started at 14 when you start chasing 14 what only touched her we gotta get a really good oh very good good Tory here knowing listen a homeowner's association calls remain like they think I'm somebody I am nobody but they call me and they always ask me about it guys next door so I always protect them we'll take care of that and so I try to protect you I'm thinking PhD students just trying to do the right thing in my are you taking the poppy oh no no but I love every always did sweetheart yeah she's so cute your fingers out like a drop it what's going on what a day yesterday you missed all the fun we're up there in Kansas or something right I hope there was going they trying to get world news done yeah so you don't have any Jason with us today Oh kinda weird idea oh thank you so much for all your help though I have a cleaning service too so I'm doing good yeah yeah I mean how good can it be after an hour and a half asleep up through television 5:00 a.m. yeah Oh Jim kid Tori hello my hands yeah you know I've had a lot of woman tell me that I don't know what it is about this morning and I was like I'm doing zero early thirty and I thought I'd never see him I don't watch channel 4 much but oh so they had us on do they can do some manis anybody knows iPhone this is hey guys who's visiting an iPhone it's a complete circus here we need to get on the road have these people I don't even know who they are this circus it has a purpose right warning yeah getting the getting the word out yeah right now we're heading south and the whole purpose of heading south today is not only for research but to stream video and keep people warned in the path the storms and that's what we do best if you're gonna chase tornadoes you better be in a vehicle that can keep you safe so this is what we call the Dominator here it's an f-350 pickup what they've essentially done to this thing is both with armor that stops the blind where ginger Zee and Jim Cantore both chasing with us today so it's kind of crazy that we're having all these big news and weather personalities out with us thank you for letting us be with you no thanks for coming yeah your your good luck charm every time you come we get a tornado in the Ozarks we're not yes we're not in the not in the Ozarks today yeah it's happening the d2 have air conditioning since I'm right in there yet am I gonna get it good good you'll get a good a good lather going in there in all these vehicles it'll be a glisten yeah always you guys ready now we're going to be good I go to your saying you know tell dominator to which i will be riding in just down there they have an anemometer we'll be doing research stop on i-35 I'm just happy read let me come along this is gonna be a lot of fun World News Nightline tonight got a lot to do in the next hour and a half hopefully storms too listen I'd love to play it we gotta go [Laughter] I know everybody says no but looking at this circus how could the HOA not be spying on us are you kidding me yeah you're only allowed to have one vehicle in your driveway and we got a circus here you can see the two tour vans down here too scared me rides with somebody with a warehouse yeah alright he makes some of the forensic you can go park the vehicle park these in there la loire [Music] steamy Becker they came for choppers interesting in the area of us going into the tornado and they can i zoom into the license plate that's love talkative people look watching the livestream at TV and weather calm good to hear the commotion of us driving into a tornado might not be a good thing yeah you know there's none of that usually I did a couple of people sweet vs the editors you ever ever get around to changing your pants and wait come on let's go to read Timur and Dominator for he's also down in that part of the state closing in on those storms read what do you have Blanche right now we've got some clouds too and that's gonna actually increase the wind shear ahead of these storms it's gonna keep the surface winds relatively weak but the winds just above the ground are very strong probably 45 knots and we should be on these storms early we'll have visual problems with about a half hour okay Reid appreciate that in the Dominator right there so here's the bottom line you're tuning in here's Oklahoma City right here there is a dry line just to our west and storms are now firing from the southeast side of Chickasha been rocked here you know when I bent knocked it off there read was the freaking shaken we did yesterday I'm telling you right now that this rock that thing round hey maybe my both my legs numb to the whole time so just forget chewing I know we see a big brands I just think I just feel like we have mojo right now in the last few days I've been doing so much driving compared to usual and you know a lot less forecasting on my own but that's what reading tumors for and I've been doing all forecasting making decisions well yesterday and then trying to do like logistics I hate that the two together is just not not for me it feels good to be back like you get to know these people so intimately when you're in the car with them for so long and it feels like you're back home it's kind of nice especially since I moved since then I don't really have a whole close-knit group of friends yet and this feels like it ginger don't do a quick picture okay quick picture we're gonna fix the door key email to me yeah can you yeah please all right hey now action shot all right we nailed it thanks we'll see you on the other side I don't know if I like to eat something that did you like under time for your control like a real gizzard later like a real taco and a real gizzard gizzard deep fried gizzard it's really chewy sure you don't want one yeah I'll try it really yeah sure each fish yourself down this is storm-chasing food fried gizzard I'm still chewing so good see storms are lining up now from East apakah City down to near Stillwater those are just now forming and then these are getting to be pretty big-time now south west of downtown Oklahoma City all the way back down into cotton County and we have three super cells here so we're just coming up on this cell right here they're all blowing up along the dry line and we can see them right overhead hello it's pretty good to up heading straight for Norman you want to take this one no it's just no sir watch it yeah it's coming right at us I did some in there but let's do that right now yeah let's do that standing thing we have a rain free base here that we're looking at right now you can go to our web site at TV and weather calm slash live it's a little bit high base right now but you could pull out a minute that's easier that good this is the exciting part where I get to stand and nod now see any rotation right time to go yeah you ready a photo Klaus been reported to yourself the one just to the south of us you can see the backside of it unless you think this one has a chance all right we go on this muddy road [Applause] this one is this one has been taking over there's no doubt about it still a big mid-level lock it's got a big big broad circulation on it and it is heading right into more we are under a tornado watch until 10:00 p.m. tonight there's a know where those guys going back to Norman they've got to be trying to stand but that cell I mean they're not gonna problem is the Front's can undercut that one pretty some of these North leaves behind it I need to see that front right here yeah it's gonna start chewing in that area right this is a supercell there's the middle of a lock there just right on the west northwest side of Bridge Creek this is going the wrong way in a huge hurry talking about Moore and Norman for this storm right here there's your time arrival on that let's jump back up to this storm up in the Newcastle area with Bob more chopper four go John yeah Mike there it is it's continued lower down a little bit more and it appears at this time that it's definitely getting better organized John John I need you to I need you to push in a little bit there's so much haze I just looked at radar it's gonna come down right now I guarantee it I get that whole thing is good I think it's already on the ground there suction spots can folks this is terrible terrible for Moore and Newcastle it I see a tornado now on the ground I think it is on the ground in these rotating rain bands let's go to the South Doppler and I can show you it is an absolute Saint drain sink drain right there that is a tornado it those rain curtains are rotating that's a vortex on the ground that is a tornado right there it's going to hit the Newcastle casino if it doesn't veer off what tornado warning on the norman storm I just asked my girlfriend to get on 35 and drive north to shoot some tornado video for us she's gonna be pissed yeah I can't get anything sorry man I can't get data for some reason this this stuff could line out to the north just like in like Wichita did yesterday Oklahoma City stuff exactly alright - tornado warnings tight up there Southwest and more could a statin reads backyard that's what I suggested yeah it's heading right for my house yeah it's going straight to north Norman and tenor effort to come right for it to come yeah we should have stayed home no worries all the storms will go crazy today Airy early yeah tornado warning from my own hometown right now heading straight for my house I'm gonna call in see if I call in channel 4 see if they have any updates weather Cavanaugh has important information very quickly police department says they're getting a lot of phone calls Oklahoma City they said they have no public shelters shelter in place as these storms approach also parents from mid Dell the buses are being held there until further notice your children will not be on buses at this moment Mike Linda appreciate that continuing to track what I believe is a tornado on the ground I wonder is he gonna stay south or see any go back north [Music] the decisions that I was having a hard time making yesterday logistical II you know it's just luck of the draw storm Jason's all luck mostly luck we're gonna have to call it pretty soon here that's just a bumpy road it's gonna happen don't worry we go their own way no not the wrong way there's not gonna be too many wrong ways today I just pretty salad hook on the one up to the north but I trust him you see the bass down there this the southern was the best one oh yeah without without a doubt without a doubt I haven't had a radar on Oh God I just got a new data man thank God Central Stevens County over into southern half a Garvin County and far northern Carter County let's go back up to Bob Moore chopper 4 with this what I think is a tornado on the ground no John yeah Mike right now we're kind of hovering and as you can see the the lowering hey Travis go to your right real quick Odie Wright's zoom in right there right there zoom in come back to your left iris up there it is Mike there it is if that is a tornado there it is it's right there on the ground that's the clearest define for definition that we've seen from the air a definite cone yeah on the ground law enforcement reporting tornado on the ground for sure between between Moore and Norman tornado on the ground yep that is literally the Yeah right over Newcastle high school that is a tight little thing man while schools in session right now it's a Monday it's not summertime yet for the high school earn good position there that's not good there's a water tower just north of me and I obviously can't make it out to sea exactly brief that is but that's where that's where your tornado is right there look at it Mike on the ground coming down there's you a lot better shot and man this dude we're getting pretty close to it it's gonna be just a couple miles north to the Bailey Turnpike right there on the ground folks this tornado has power this tornado has power let's let's go we got a breakaway go to the oh man let's not break away yet okay so we've seen many reports and I'm hearing from my people back in the newsroom that the tornado is definitely on the ground because it's live on a couple different other networks and it's up near Moore right now so basically in the backyard of where we were but we are still gonna head south it looks like maybe he goes north on the highway I don't know right now it's hard being back here because you don't really don't really know but I trust him again drop south to Darren Springs we're too far south to catch up with the one to the north but our storm is going to do the exact same thing hopefully it stays out in the open country will drive Jim into another tornado attack it's gonna hit the Newcastle casino it's a quarter mile west of i-44 right now only where it turns down south that's where it is right there it's folks this is heading into more this is heading into more this tornado is heading into more from the Newcastle Cassino tornado emergency and more right in their mouth this is May 3rd all over again CCP priority stat 1 [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reed Timmer
Views: 715,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tornado, storm, storm chasing, storm chasers, tornado alley, tornado chasers, intercept, moore, science, discovery, may 20, jim cantore, ginger zee, abc, weather channel
Id: FaZlhz5Lgu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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