Tornado Chasers, S2 Episode 8: "Home, Part 2" 4K

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] drop south deterrence pranks we're too far south to catch up with the one to the north what our our storm is going to do the exact same thing hopefully it stays out in the open country will drive Jim into another tornado today it's going to hit the New Castle Casino that's where it is right there it's folks this is heading into more this is heading into more this tornado is heading into more from the New Castle Casino heading into more now great here's the warnings it's what we're going after we're a drop south on this road see what New Castle looks like oh yeah how tight is it yeah there's a tornado there yeah yeah large tornado wow look I'm looking at this storm that's coming into more huge hook it was looks terrible I don't have my signal that one just I mean that's in major population center was reported near Newcastle and that makes total sense so now it'll be on top of more any second and we've got traffic definitely Westmore high school if you live on Indian Hill 164 South 19th there it is crossing I 44 that is the New Castle casino right there stop sign up here old God gate it's going to go through populated areas stop sign stop sign Wow right there I see a debris ball on radar John Welsh had a look at the size of the debris cloud coming up folks this is extremely dangerous this is very dangerous but doesn't lift it's going to go into more wide debris ball this is it this is exactly the May 3rd track mile wide debris ball it is a mile wide tornado wedge violent f4 + tornado no sign of it lifting what yeah gotta be kidding me unfortunately did you hear that counter it's a wedge focus this is this is essentially you never want to say it but we're going to say it right now this is May 3rd all over again as far as the intensity of this tornado where it is heading it is shrouded in debris Mather did the same thing you see you see the black that is heavy debris 149 164 south of highway 37 heading for West Moore and the Warren theater and I fixed I got a better shot of it and this thing is it's huge keep going left Travis keep going left right there boom there it is there it is Mike on the ground [Music] [Music] [Music] it's coming about right at us oh my gosh that's violent debris it's throwing it the West item big pieces debris lots of debris this is a rape unum 1/3 99 this is a repeat of May 3rd 99 dear God please keep these people sure but as you can see just a huge tornado that is definitely growing and every second we're on the air it's getting bigger Mike ok let's go to the storm tracker tornado emergency now in effect for more tornado emergency and more yeah we thought face hunters down it thought to hit my house serious about to hit my head I mean right near my house how often have you missed tornadoes within 10 miles your house buddy quite a lot yeah happens all the time man it's really strange more as a tornado magnet it is it really is a mini tornado alley up there there's some big ones too 98 99 s twice in 2003 look at that debris ball oh that's not good big proud of that look at that yeah this is not good we need to get somebody in position to get get on this thing ace ASAP across the 19th right now guys it just missed my house the north yeah it seems to be priority stat one stat one on this big problems out there get out you know now is located at between Penn and Western it's a mile wide and it covers the whole area between Penn and Western at South 19th Street oh my God we're getting hit with the breach okay I know OOP here and it's not good she's taken from team I am oh my god didn't hit my stuff and stuff my fallen vehicle all my garbage enough five okay right here you keep saying I just need to say it we're totally fine we're getting hit by the brain I played mercy that's tomorrow we got to go see it spinning so hard to the surface yes I've never seen a tornado this violent my entire ride this is the most violent tornado I have ever seen by far is going to our doors [Music] go ahead where's Seidel by the way you wanna completely wrapped in rain all right let that thing let that thing go through there and tell them to come in behind it and they should be able to go lie that's gonna be a huge priority for all all NBC networks all right that's the live picture of the tornado that's going near Moore had to have a friend send it to me from Ohio actually our signal is pretty bad here that's nuts that's a beast in 3:15 in the afternoon a violent tornado going through South Oklahoma City Metro it is in central more right now exactly at Western Avenue and Santa Fe Avenue on 19th Street kforce got it on the helicopter they do yes Northside it more right now north side of our dude this guy just said it's a mate third type tornado yeah yeah they they go crazy on the air here but you know you got to you have to right that structure up there is just so like heartbreaking I don't even know where we're at right now no idea yeah there's a large wall cloud back though you see it yeah could be down yeah it's they're selecting the road dangerous situation up there man yeah this isn't gonna be good guys you know you're gonna go over you got Eastern and Bryant a lot of housing conditions over here that are gonna get hit including my house which is right in the middle of the path that it's taken right now so I've called my family made sure they're in there tornado shelter only subtle stream John this is Emily Sutton here go Emily my brother dysphoria or dropping stone major major major wedge on the ground looks like this like 2 and 1/4 mile width wide 4 3 Solis my dear why did it breathe in the air from theater the theater of Warren theater this thing is sucking us in at about 47 50 miles an hour right now we're holding hover but it's just pulling it right to us or you can see those intense very intense power flashes and we're starting to hear some noise over the headset mic yeah this report came out of our National Weather Service tornado so large you may not even realize that the tornado also passed or near mile mines debris ball for a Doppler radar Oh Uranus path unsurvivable tornado must be underground to survive I don't feel I feel so crappy when that happens too close to where we're supposed to be yeah I mean we aren't they depend on us to be there I mean that's where we're from right and right there in the darkness in the center of the cloud you can see the power flashes that's your tornado still on the ground the debris ball and everything is so big from it but you can't see the you can't see the shape of it I'm gonna have to make a turn here I understand committing to a storm if you think it's good even if there's another one I just never really wanted to drop south on 35 and then 44 is I don't know Heidi was on it sounds like she was [Music] that's really bad it's heading right for Ken's house yeah it's bad it's heading right for Ken's House we'll never get in there now mile two mile wide f5 they said two mile wide it's bad they said more high school and the theater with more lions and a hit the theater I have a feeling we're gonna have to go if I don't come back thank you yes you see you later got everything come on let me get this to make the switch oh that's in the wrong I mean make the switch all circuits are busy that's not good that means that CELTA cell search tell powers could be down [Applause] thank you guys thank you hey Jim good luck Joplin is that kind of devastation all right see Jim needs to be there anyway anyone it's not good they were going up there they say it looks like Joplin up and more just my hometown so right now we got a side brothers stay on this storm this thing produces the tornado and heads toward another community or do we head back try to help people I've got to wait for this one to produce I mean all the emergency vehicles are already gonna be up there so [Applause] it's bad es5 worse than May 3rd 99 our thoughts and prayers are with those guys down there it's gonna be rough everybody looking for people for days we're going good we got to go let's go [Applause] we got to do our job down yeah right now there was a devastating f5 probably ef5 tornado that went right through more right through central central more Ken's dad is missing so they're gonna break off everybody else is breaking off they're gonna head back check in with Ken I was just talked to my friend ray she's a teacher at elementary school and I said drop south now it's heading straight for you and the last text message I got was that no she's got to stay with her kids at our cleaner cleaner school and that elementary school got wiped out so uh that's the last I heard I can't get through to anybody in there but it looks like it's roping out a little bit there it is it's gone Mike so let's see we're gonna stay right here we're gonna see from recycles or its continuing to rope out as we speak right now and it looks like it's broken out at Air Depot Road and I'm gonna say 134th Street right in that area [Music] yeah my my dad lives in the path that I gotta lock down at four it's missing right now got to go back and just gotta be a you know not just for mages and walls award for [Music] Linda it's been an awful afternoon again weather-wise you have more it has been awful and we have a lot of people listening to the scanners we have crews on the scene but initial reports and let me say this is from scanner traffic only reports that Briarwood elementary may have been hit way worse damaged in May third homes on fire schools leveled way worse in May 3rd much wider gas leaks on fire two-mile wide to pre bomb bad I got Ken's sister and then see if we can get in through the damaged area to get to Ken's dad's house so probably we'd want to stay in 24th yeah yeah just as long as you can avoid 35 I'm pretty sure they've just shut it down completely to anybody that's not emergency services they have set up a virgin see kind of a point that the more war in the theater right and I think that's wrong I heard that that was destroyed that it's pretty much I think it's significant damage I don't know if it's like it's not to the ground destroy it but it's pretty significant damage we were first responders who I was on the crew and we went to Yazoo City after that we were the first ones in after that yeah see city I just remember like just I see bits and pieces of because we were just done a dead sprint all of us away from the car every different direction you I saw just money yeah I just just talked to my dad he seems to be okay he's like really shaken up though you can't really tell face I think he's so shaken up that he says he can stay there tonight which is kind of weird but you know if we want to calm we can bring food so he seems like he's probably just in shock right now it's like a massive accident we told to leave what I understand they were just telling people to be do you see that yep this was a really really intense one NATO annex this property right here they're putting a park in we're crossing the railroad tracks now we're still headed eastbound we're coming behind the military for we're coming behind the Neighborhood Market and we're fixing across Eastern just to the left is Eastern right there on the left side your screen is Eastern a 4th Street [Applause] probably safe to assume that none of these power lines that he'll be alive at this point yeah Terry can you tell us about this right now compared to other devastating tornadoes or what are we looking at the damage that I see right now is I think really comparable to what I saw yes I said what else seriously it's like every single house has a car laying on yeah you kinda wonder if they're like in the garage yeah how did they get there it's what I was just wondering I know it's like it's important to show people that the damage that tornadoes can do and stuff so it's important to have pictures out there this but I feel really awkward doing it in a situation like this I just feel bad [Music] and look at look at that school look at that school guys oh my god right there keep coming back to your left Travis keep going back to your left if if you guys can see this I don't know how to explain it how to describe it this is this is terrible this is warzone terrible this school is completely gone yes there used to be a tree here I'll be honest I wasn't even really quite expecting to see this when we heard that there had been a violent tornado that came through more I mean you hear about that a lot and sure I expected to see a lot of damage but this is really really it's a very wide very long swath you can see it extending all the way down to those hills over there and it keeps going all the way back no past 35 I don't even know where the tornado touched down but it just kind of had a loss for words you come here and you see people walking around is looking for other people trying to check on friends family pets they've just lost everything I mean here you can see a concrete slab with a car sitting on top of what used to be a house who knows if that was even that person's car it's not just a wall pushed over it's not just oh there's the roof here's the lobby there's not a pile you know it tugs at your heart and you know at the time this tornado occurred I mean it we lost our children we lost children and that is the hardest thing being a father to just stand here and tell you about [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reed Timmer
Views: 1,754,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tornado, storm, storm chasing, storm chasers, tornado alley, tornado chasers, intercept, moore, science, discovery, may 20, jim cantore, ginger zee, abc, weather channel
Id: ZaIhU2Fhz3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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