TORI KELLY sings Disney, Her Favorite Deep Cut From Her Albums & Tells How She Almost Quit Music!

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god please will you cuz I wanna so hey yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up everybody is your boy - well welcome back to my channel thank you so much for being here at the season premiere you guys focus on my lips okay focus very carefully because I'm only gonna say this once Tori Kelly is one of the greatest vocalists of our time okay can I say the truth welcome to the show you have had one of the best decades into into 2010 that was a good-ass decade for you thanks 2010 what were you doing I was on American Idol that year so yeah whenever I hear 2010 I'm like oh yeah like that was a big kind of marker for my career because before that I was you know I kind of went to the whole like being signed by a label room it was like everybody was kind of in the industry but kind of just you know none of that worked out yeah and I was kind of dabbling in guitar at the time but I still didn't know that that was like yeah gonna be a thing so I I just tried out and that didn't work out either but it like still it put this fire under me yeah like start writing even more and literally that year I just went hard with the YouTube videos yeah I got cut from that show I was like whatever I'm just gonna allowing anybody and just like throw it all out there you have one of the greatest stories of resilience like you are so you never gave up of course she probably almost did remains you are right here in the seat okay it's crazy congratulations you are like the kid shows the kid talent show yeah well they called Star Search all right I did Star Search 10 America's most talented kids yes oh my god when I was 12 uh-huh and yes and then well even before that when I was like six I was doing licensed like you know the local competition when did you play with play-doh in stone you said you almost gave up at one point so what was that point um it was probably I mean there was a couple times I think before the whole Idol thing when you know when I was I was 12 when I got signed to Wow to a major label so I felt like I had all these promises made to me and it was like you know you're gonna be the next big thing this and that and it was it was fun I met some amazing people and I got to like work with so many amazing producers and I think I soaked all that in like sponge but when all that you know shattered as a 12 year old kid was like devastated I was like it's over I'm never gonna make it like you know I didn't I didn't know like how how young I was cuz when you're that young you just think yeah it's just that but but yeah I think that was a point where I was like you know maybe this isn't for me kind of like I felt like maybe my shot had said that was it you know I got well yeah cuz they wants to know much like it was like 12 maybe like from 12 to 14 it was like because I add the time to I thought that was the only way to make it you know get signed to a label you record an album rely on them and that's that's definitely a way to do it but I think over not speaking of the last decade it's like that was the rise of this whole internet like who do I give credit to or what do I give credit to for you to keep going was it your faith with a family I would definitely say it was my faith for sure coming granted I look back in old journals like around that time of like you know getting you know dropped from the label and then like getting cut from Idol and set by journals the whole time and it was like prayers I was like whoa I was like really pouring out to God like just asking him for guidance and like what do you want to do and I'd say it's that and also just having like two parents that really supported my dream I think that was huge yeah well thank you parents and Jesus because if it had not been you would not be here today so we're gonna start this game first word for Tori Kelly the word is ever uh your praise well the person survives in my head Tori I need to pretend to try okay oh my god oh my god made made mm-hmm I actually don't know who's on but I didn't make it up she knows the song right is it a song plan alright so random what songs will pop in your head like I don't care no less time I heard that song and just say you know also wouldn't you agree our husband is here Andre would you agree that you were made for love oh my gosh this is the thing this is me I probably won't think of my own son okay really I'm so betting on the word time here we go my fans will not like they make fun of me all the time I don't know the words yeah even though I'm baby hoping it's hot you're a spaz and through every bone screaming that don't know what we should do all I know is darling I was made for loving you okay everybody just pretend asking that Iseman welcome you are welcome you are welcome because you are fantastic oh it's so beautiful you have to touch it like a such a perfect voice not out of place good is the word oh good wine I think of all what wears its own yeah good good why and I'm loved by you it's Who I am [Music] [Applause] because I love the Lord to be ready okay okay do what needs to be done okay was that supposed to be one of my songs - yep I will give you okay this is my favorite Tori Kelly song out of the 10 favorite Tori Kelly songs that I'm good is also in this song but I give you another word that is also in the same zone okay the word is dear oh yeah like my oldest funk so we get out there I swear to be good to you bound again for my future someone yeah cuz when the time is right you'll be here but for now there are no one this is your song did you like someone when did you want that gosh I was probably I was probably like 17 or 18 I think yeah yeah yeah no I wasn't looking you know I'm done looking oh you know yes yes like when the time is right right good for now you know I'm happy to suck up all you yeah yeah we it's great we kind of met through family like yes good you like wrote for like five months before we met so we were just kind of Oh pen pals at first oh it was a good time yes - while I'm up here on tinder swipe in my pictures I'm living through for now trying to remember all the good times our life was cutting through so loud memories are playing in my dull mind I hate this part paper hearts and I'll hold a piece of yours don't think I would just forget about it hoping that you won't forget can we talk about all of this music you've put out you have put out a lot of music you three EPs to to appease when you sleeping you know at the studio I feel that yeah it's been so fun oh I feel so thankful that I get ya know the first there's the first four projects were pop right and then you have people with a gospel one yeah yeah so know about that now that happened yeah I loved it but I was like thank you what I ya know me - it kind of like so I was in the process of actually writing my last album which is called inspired by true events mhm and during that process I was trying to find the sound and figure out what I wanted to do and then I had this song I was like you know I'd be cool to throw like just throw a gospel song on there you love gospel music on faith is super important to me so I threw the idea at my manager and he was like Franklin if you're gonna do gospel and I was like okay casual he says alright so I was like geeking out and so the whole plan was like let's just do a couple songs and then it'll you know go on this other problem and then we got in the studio and it you know they all said we had eight songs and it was like well we can't just like cut these alright well give it its own space and then yeah then I had a gospel album so and I it was so crazy because it just it happened just so seamlessly it kind of it felt like it just like fell in my lap and yeah cuz I always thought oh I'll do like a gospel project or something you know down the road yes whatever and and so the fact that those technically my second album yeah it was crazy but I think it you know it was all it was all meant to be and it's just I love how it turned out and like you know the next album after that it to me they kind of go together just because they're both so personal yeah and there's just a lot going on in that and that chunk of my life so yeah I think about looking back I'll be able to say like okay that really represented like this you know this time this thing I was going through so yeah it was really cool I know I said about two Grammys fell in her life I don't to gather the word is wind wind have you ever heard of the book on grinning grinning Bobcat yeah what he's been can you paint with all the voices of the mountain can you paint with all the colors of the wind those lyrics are so crazy I always forget the words did she just start talking out of that out of it just like it was asked the grinning Bobcat where he's been is it I think it's wacky grins why are you grinning oh that's that or you can ask them where in the world is talk stop yes I have a song called talk get it but I'd rather do they do can we just never felt like this before how we're going where we're going call call uh hey I just met - this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe and all the other boys try to chase me but here's my number so call me baby for you I'm just mad you doing Carly industry I'm sorry baby baby you're making me feel like I'll just do this yeah I [Music] cannot now you were talking only about Kirk yeah easy word the word is help help yes god help us love the way that you love me this world is we've been hurtin broken and beggin the change oh yeah but still we marching friggin Dagon and think stay say when will we see everyone's free and me I need to open your eyes open your eyes baby baby [Applause] all I'm trying to say is freaking high [Music] love it talking to the whole thing what Stan Ariana in this house what's your favorite re saw the kids love oh all right I think my favorite is a non single I know every song you're gonna know this one why not you will not stop me um it goes I looked Isis good as anyone another men and Jonas becomes better how could anyone forget that I can I can be only one no I can't believe this do look twice as good anyone I've ever met and Jenny straight sounds better how could anyone forget but I can't yeah like like music lovers like know that song that's like it's like a single in our minds okay what believe believe uh oh my gosh there can be miracle when you really you know hottest while words it's hard to kill who knows what miracles you can achieve when you believe somehow you will harmony he will win you not supported me yeah that was why I wanted you to do the the Whitney part you know I'm gonna split some riot Oh what is one of your songs that is really special to you and close to your heart you love it you wrote it I mean about it but you it's your song okay but it may not be what are your biggest songs oh that's a good okay that's a good don't want it I want to hear the story behind that I gotta keep myself and check sometimes yes cuz I attend a dream real big sometimes the fancy outfit in the sparkly Awards my name and lots of people learn about the doors but I gotta remember to take it one step at a time cuz people seem to think that you'll be happier once you reach the top you'll have it all but I'll living for right now cuz what if some my boat never comes I'm not waiting no I'm waiting for the confetti to fall um I'm overwhelmed I I'm I'm over if this season plays out like this the whole way this is the first episode I will we got twenty five cha I'm gonna make it through this is actually ridiculous this is actually like not even fair this is so good you're what you are one of the greatest singers of our time I don't care because somebody somebody watching they're like well this is my damn show and I said what I said the world is thinking thinking that's on native loosely don't Southern California much like Arizona my eyes don't shed tears before they fall and I'm thinking about you thinking about you no no no I've been thinking about you do you think about mr. Dooley do you not think so far ahead cause I've been thinkin bout forever oh she's done oh yeah kizomba think about for everything oh [Music] yeah they'll sit and wonder why just feeling I can not hide it ain't a question Oh read it slow yeah there you sit so wonder why this feeling I cannot hide it ain't a question Oh fries last word in the card language language how does my song go oh Jesus oh my gosh okay nominee faizon I can explain this so yeah I'm trying to learn your language sugar I just wanna love you love you love you girl hey we got issues so it's gonna be worth it when it's over I'm trying to learn your language sugar so I can love you love you love you good thank you so much for being here you are so fantastic your entire personality your or your spirit like what's coming up next for you what's what's on the horizon what do they need to know you know that I'm going on tour I'm going over I'm going to Europe and I'm going to Australia and Asia and like so many cities that I've never even stepped foot in so I'm like what's the name of the store does have a name yet yeah it's the it's the inspired by tour got it yeah yeah when does it start we know I'm in March it's not so much you can get tickets and what can I put the little information my website and get your ticket yeah if you're in what countries I'm going to Europe Australia Asia I'm I'm gonna be in Europe Australia okay okay I'm bringing 20 people through everything yeah I get it today hey guys Tori Kelly thank you so much for watching the Tyrell show and make sure you go like comment and subscribe and I will catch you next time love you guys [Music]
Channel: TERRELL
Views: 1,776,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TERRELL, Terrell Grice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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