THE CLARK SISTERS, pt. 1 (that's it...that's the title)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up everybody is your boy - well welcome back to my channel thank you so much for being here listen unless Jesus himself comes and sit next to me on this blue wall bit about to be the most sanctified episode of the Tyrell show the - I've ever seen huh I cannot believe and get ready to say this I feel so gentle right now this feel so gentle because everybody knows when I grew up I was not allowed to listen to no secular music it was nothing but a bunch of other gospel grace but the Clark Sisters was only agenda Sunday through Sunday so I'm so honored for all of you to be here and and and shout out to Twinkie who cannot be here today but we have Dorinda Jacqui and Karen here today and when I tell y'all I'm gonna talk talk in a second but there's just so many things there's like kids who watch my show okay hey kids are you doing you may not know who these beautiful ladies are today but after you finish watching this you will be caught up because some of y'all's faves consider these wonderful voices as their major inspiration Wow oh yeah Beyonce Faith Evans and some oh I don't know Allah have said something about you okay one of the or the best-selling female gospel group of all time and I came up together I don't even know where to start because you're a big part of my child and my adulthood and I know you guys hear stuff like this all the time and it's just like yes we're fabulous I know but personally you know not only are you wonderful singers and pioneers you're beautiful mothers like oh my god I think your daughter just it works with you guys is doing her thing and I'm sure yogi sings with you like on tour in Suffolk so you're beautiful mothers because you were raised by a beautiful [Music] together illustrious individual careers as well legendary is what's happening right here and and you're also I would give you the credit of your sound and your blend your harmonies the iconic harmonies that has inspired the contemporary gospel of the world today - I know earlier I mentioned beyond saying faith but these contemporaries are here - yes for the gospel they're looking at y'all to like blueprint need that want that gotta have that so yes I think to piggyback off of what you said about our harmony wait speaking of my mother she used to always make it in fatik I don't want you all to sound like individual ones I want you to sound like one voice and you know to have that bling yes home ad and actually dude that's make sense I know she had to because you know the first time I heard so I said that those 15 people sound really good and do you guys always sing the same part of the hall maybe you switch it up sometimes I do most of the switching okay so when she's singing I sing out oh gosh you and Twinkie sing and I sing tenor got you I'm the best I love you they don't have time to switch their Oh Jackie you better tell it like it is tell them that if it wasn't if it wasn't for me there would be no the wound made what can I say here I got a game playoff okay this game I'm not ready for this game okay game here I'll give you all see how much of a supporter you are you ain't don't get me in the street you ain't gonna get me in these streets all the way ready listen here I'm gonna give you all the words this should not be - oh okay you guys think you gotta sing the first song that comes to your mind that has this word in the lyrics or the title of the song okay so for example if the word is love you know here we go first word easy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] happy is the word yeah you know God's been good to you because I'm happy [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] you know you know to do it change is the word Jesus twinky gives us a tool right you know if you don't already know where to go she just going on on and some don't know no orders given to her James my god [Music] me never walk on the green though you know what ladies ladies the word is sunshine I don't know what something oh sorry we say you are my sunshine they watch faces always hang in you bro no nothing you say any song you can lord have mercy okay okay this is this was still in the morning we're still in the morgue [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] iconic song okay if you don't know that song ooh don't tell me that in pebbly because we're gonna have a whole sit down and we gonna play the whole disagree but listen to that song that's such a great song it's one of their like biggest songs isn't it now twinky wrote a lot of this stuff right she wrote most of it most of it yeah sweetie shout-out to you for that pin and she's playing everybody Twinkie oh my I miss you I wish you were here today oh my god lyrics and just how you just those lyrics are still gonna be so perfect for whatever maximally blessing us wow you just said you was 27 years yes right and for you to remember these songs and to pass it down yeah to the the other generation and you're sharing that so that they know because there's people like you that put us on that next platform yeah and introducing us to people who don't go no appreciate you literally I I mean I love music in general but I just grew up on gospel you know and then gospel then I got to R&B that I heard pop I was like oh my god there's so many levels to this thing but be my origin I can't forget that that's like my rock that's where I come from and every other genre makes sense because I started in gospel yeah there's certain things that all these genres they're kind of intertwined that is talking to things in a different way you know what I mean you can talk about pain in terms of Jesus getting me through it or and then rock I'm in pain maybe she wrapped one more time let me see rock it is one more of it so yeah it's my pleasure I I think it's important for us to never forget where we come from and also to I just like going back they know I'm one of my favorite channels on TV I'm it's embarrassing but I'm gonna tell my business anyway I watch The History Channel every day okay so we're here now and 2019 behind me gear back up right and I was so interested back up back up yeah I mean so yeah yes I love y'all keep loving me go see what word it is sweet is the word sweet you know christmas is coming little holy time and they didn't know why y'all had to end like hmm mom would get us up in the wee hours of the morning we'd get ready to go to school before the day before we go to school she would get us up and she would have a song on her mind this was how she was inspired to write but it was always at two three o'clock in the morning so she would get us up girls that got a song that got song and he trying to get up cuz I need to it I got a hold it here cuz I need try to get up she would get us up we go down to the piano she give us our parts and while we were sleeping of course look wait we were awake but you know still giving us our parts she give us our parts while I was singing we remember that but I never forget those days so that's why the blend is so tight because we would do it unknowingly that you know it was even done in to us two or three o'clock in the morning you know Roman people that's what people we've got to be about a tower is God would inspire her he would wake her up her best music I asked her one day what was her most you know how was she inspired she said she wrote her best songs when she was going through her greatest trials so whatever God imparted in her in her sleep she would wake up and when she would wake up she would get us up because back then she couldn't afford a tape recorder because they had reel-to-reel then and so until she could get a tape recorder that was reel-to-reel she only had us and so she would give us the part so that she could hear her choirs singing it with the three-part harmony her mercy and that's how it was really birthed she couldn't we wanted we had at that point you know once she played the music right you know we was just there we it was it was embedded in us so we would go to rehearsal and give everybody their part that's really a big point that she's saying cuz I've never really thought about it who said it now about mama not having her tape recorders and we were her tape recorders when she got to rehearsal she couldn't remember some of the parts so we would have to say it right at the rehearsal for the choir thank God for so many interesting stories and so much history and in terms of like how this all happened there's got to be okay so now throughout this 40 plus year journey there had to have been like some times where it's like man I don't know this might be our last out of my last show for whatever you know things happen even though you're you know you're singing for Jesus is still the music industry is crazy has there ever been a time where it's like I don't know this might this might be it this might be the time you guys Twinkie oh she has gotten so weary doing maybe the last five or six years and she felt like you know I'm think I'm done I don't think I can go any further and we have to kind of really kind of push it and doing a lot of things because she just felt like you know I'm just done and I'm sure most writers get like that because they've exhausted so much during their time of writing until now it seems like okay I've done and I see all these other wonderful people come we don't let them do it like like Karen and you know she said I'll just give no let Karen do it you know but we just now starting to encourage her and it's just a blessing that the last album which my brother-in-law he was the one that was behind the bishops ear and he told us he said yeah I got to do y'all got to do one last time yes and because he was the president over the the chairman over the aim convention and then of course I was a part of the music department we wanted to pull that together and so they made the last recording at that ain't convention that he was over and we were able to record the one last time and then they get you out their guns yeah yeah the word is vain okay listen this is just what's on the card you're so bang song is about you you're so bad game okay here's the addendum see what you want and then sing what I want point five on the board now you get two point five I'm gonna be the word again you got another chance now the word is I'm gonna get your friends this time the phrase is and living in is another phrase you pick [Applause] this by giving in vain [Music] ready [Applause] if I give it a name if my name is my fast feeding me of course no no no no no it's not all [Applause] gasps no that's it what was wrong with you listen listen all the royalty of it all baby oh lord have mercy I cannot believe I just heard y'all saying this next to me oh I totally forgot before Karen I wore just regular glasses and I got so mad at these reflections Karen so many years ago oh my god I'm not gonna get emotional saying this but did it just hit my brain so in 2012 my grandfather passed away okay 2012 yes I was in college I went to college in Florida and I flew back to South Carolina to attend his funeral and I was when I when I was saying that I just heard this loud I was like wait no no I heard something else you pastored at a church in Dillon South Carolina maybe this is what eight years ago I had no idea you were gonna be there but I I didn't want to be home so after the service I went with my friend to her church and it was a church in the middle of nowhere I don't even know how you get and what's happening why is she in here we're in the middle of nowhere and you were leaving and you were getting in your car and just very quickly I just told you like what my day was I said yeah I had I had to go to a funeral today my grandfather and you prayed for me in your car I was standing out of your car you were in your backseat and I I didn't mean I knew y'all was coming for weeks and I'd never thought about to this jessamine I was like I'd met you before yeah thank you for that I know you don't remember but that's fine I do and I'm just reminding you that that was a moment that was really important for me that day like that that that helps us keep going and keep it moving by hearing testimonies of people remembering the moment of saying a prayer to someone you know so that's encouraging to me and that's why we have to always not shun away in and many of the artists today they night I'm little enough to stop and say a prayer for somebody else you gotta have that moment you never know who you shine in a way that's really might be holding somebody hostage just because you didn't pray Jesus okay we'll fix it laughter Wow laughter y'all gonna come on and give them a round clap them around
Channel: TERRELL
Views: 1,299,807
Rating: 4.9666719 out of 5
Keywords: TERRELL, Terrell Grice
Id: aXbMUyypL20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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