COCO JONES Talks Almost Giving Up Acting, T & Coco, and Sings Her Favorite Gospel Song | Part 2 of 2

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wait a minute wait a minute doing what drummer boy boy hey my bad man down this is a mess [Music] now coco last time you were on the show uh you played the game and you were doing so well you were doing so well until a few words tripped you up okay and she has never forgotten about it y'all we will be in a random conversation and she'll go back and she'd be like begging for points she's like tbt remember when y'all didn't let me eat that up and you didn't cut it out of the attic when i put it in there i was so sure you were gonna cut that out no because of how seriously i was like cut that out when i saw it i was like do you remember how the rules work you can go ahead and refresh my memory coco i'm going to give you a word and in 11 seconds you have to sing a song that has this word in the lyrics or the title of the song this is the way that when she looks up at me she's focusing and she's trying to concentrate first word rocks the 11 segments are on the clock the word is hold um hold on hold hold hold me hold me close hold hold on hold hold hold hold you hold you down i hold it down no that's not that's not released um um [Music] what hold i don't coco you can stop trying to guess you don't have no time i need to know [Music] um you guys obviously you know everyone in here knows we're starting up everyone in here no listen too many things have happened the ac cut off i didn't know we were starting or not we're obviously starting over everyone in here is aware of that right we're all aware i'm not laughing guys don't do this we have spent time investing into our friendships guys i can't breathe guys the ac is still going i thought we weren't going to use that because of the sound matt you didn't say anything and you were supposed to say if the ac is on you start over guys coco guys no no no no we cannot proceed until this has mutually been agreed once no no tyrell the ac is on that's going to over bleed on the sound no it doesn't yeah he's always on no because y'all cut the ac off for my performance because that was your performance because it's on the mic it'll bleed through i'm vouching for myself here i'm fighting for my life right now i'm literally on my knees bro y'all never let the acb on i know i know so i assumed when i heard it oh they won't be using this help me so it looks like goku a second time what are you saying no you're not even gonna say that cause this isn't in there you already missed one okay we're gonna start over okay yes we are happy because y'all had the ac on ac meant we weren't starting yet and somebody was like who left the ac on we're going to cut it off because of our friendship i'm going to give coco a mulligan okay that's the second chance thank you okay thank you macaulay culkin my nerves are bad okay okay is the so we're fine with the ac that's yeah we're fine with the xc psa now the ac can be on yeah and it won't bleed into this exactly into this mic wow okay if i happen to use that last word that you missed in the edit you're going to be fine no your next word no this is my first word okay the word is you ready i mean my nursery really shocked that night i feel like i'm about to cry boy back into it here we go guys if i see hold on on there i'm i'm pulling up i'm right outside your door i'm right outside your door i almost fell off this door the word is time okay um um [Music] time time and now coco girl girl now you know me [Applause] you know me you watch my show all the time what is you doing yeah who got one for tom i'm really sure it's the time i want it all after time time after time when i tell y'all my nerves are shot you can keep that in mind i'm just crying in the club tonight it's decided i am crying in the club tonight okay that was a warm up okay it's because it's be i don't know what it's because i don't know but i don't know you're gonna get this one okay the word is hide h-i-d-e oh my god hide i can't hide i don't i don't know this is hilarious to me i am because we do this right now all the time hide whether you're not here i come you can't hide that's a good one that's a good one that's a good one i know that's all you got do i know what the word is how how tell me how am i supposed to live without you how am i supposed to live with myself after this interview i do not know that was good crap for her the audience watching is like and i also am like that just know you only missed the first three that happens sometimes yeah it happens oh easy the word is two t-w-o the number um um one you make a dream come true and i didn't know repeat steps one through three repeat them all over again no four repeats that's one two oh of course yes you fall in you i love that yes giving me the energy but you know i'm screaming inside i know coco so well right now her heartbeat is racing and it's running straight to me you are so mad my inner critic right now and my inner critic is like shut up tyrell your word is you nobody's gonna love me better i must stick with you forever nobody's gonna take me higher i'm gonna stick with you yes yes yeah nobody's gonna make me feel this way i'm gonna stick with you that's her i heard a song who's saying that pussycat dolls do they yeah why did i think it was ashanti or something no a shiny no what the word is like coco why you gonna do me like that why you gonna keep that thing from me why you gonna do me like that but you gonna act like you don't know baby don't do me like that girl come feed me don't be stingy why you gonna do me like that why are you going to me like that do i need to give an afro beat so long on the album don't feed me girl you you know what's so funny i used to do this thing i would pretend to be what what what what resonates so much with me and when you say if you just said that i would thought of christmas first [Applause] wait a minute wait a minute doing what drummer boy man down this is a mess brianna stop biting off of the little drummer boy did you send him a check he needed a change the word is always always and forever why is that something yes that's uh uh luther no i'm sorry that's not luther what song is that i don't know yes what are you saying what are you i think the luther song is what you're referencing but you're changing the melody of it yeah on top of that that's called free stuff whatever that is has different words because luther's is um always and forever that i said the same thing you say no no no no you said the same thing that is not what that's not your melody i said the same thing as you what you was doing in your way burger king have it your way i had it my way did you see how she's trying to talk coy out of this she knows there are several survival tactics that you guys are witnessing right now one is called coping one is called deflection okay you'll see more stay tuned enjoy this episode wrong i call buzzer on that and that'll be your fourth one always always i will always love you when i tell y'all i'm crying in the club tonight i'm adding it to my calendar it is a scheduled cry yeah wow yeah all right well we're gonna switch games okay what coco does not know what she's doing and we're going to this one oh my god oh my god roxy made this game this is a game within the game okay okay there's the show uh an older show i'm not even sure it might still have new episodes it's called the one hundred thousand dollar pyramid have you ever heard that show uh or you saw your parents watch it back in the day grandparents no okay so all it is there's categories on the card and you have to give the other person clues so they say the phrase on the card oh it's giving like you know charades without the movement you can be verbal oh okay okay okay you do taste it do you smell it no i'm gonna say no so that way you'll give me a point i'm gonna say anything you want here that's called bargaining bible tactic three when you pick up the card read your phrase and then uh say words to try to get me to say that phrase on the card you're trying to give me clues okay yes okay so for example if my card says um things that are bright right so you say the sun a light bulb tyrell grice things like that your forehead after these interviews [Music] that was survival four it's called comedy you wanna laugh with me [Music] all right here we go um um secrets um um gossip girl money oh no no no no no secrets um um your spare key your spare i lost it it's lost no no no no okay okay your spare key under the rug um or your secret hidden hidden hidden treasure hidden treasure she got it so she got what you say was things that you hide or things are too high yes she okay books things you read hello that's it yeah easy that's the type of words you should have gave all right um um people in a burning building um um uh somebody on the side of the street who had a flat tire um um things that have a bad day no uh kanye west um the first one is really dramatic somebody on the side of the street with the flat tires that need help yes yes help them [Music] yes this pollen is pollening should we make some honey today should we make things that bee [Music] [Music] why did you look back i don't know but it helped it helped i was just talking to the colony in there they'll be able to see in the back so he was like we should we should make money today um your back um um a walnut hold up things and crap period yes what synchronicity this is good this is there's less tears that are happening tonight as we win more they're soaking benjamin buttoning themselves back into your eyes being soaked up okay here we go um my keys my phone things you lose yes babes like exactly too easy at this point it's really giving um a movie like a movie showing uh an amusement park um you pay to get in the things you pay to get in they're exclusive it's very close um um to get to to get on a ride um you get a ticket let's let's let's really eat eat eat the sun the stove the hot comb oh i hope it's not things that are hot these things are hot i just thought about when i got burnt the other day on this lace ride okay ready oh my god come on what do you think about this one the red button um congress um um the the the oval office things in a president's things that a president uses oh my god we're so insane is ridiculous but it really does it's really things oppress used by the president you got all mine all right let's come on let's come on what oh no come on perfect score um um um come on um oh no um because it requires knowledge of geography and i don't have a knowledge of geography and say something okay um it's not this but minnesota um um but you were right though and i messed up with minnesota i meant new jersey i might have got that the way she screamed i was like yes no i was like that's not what that says i said i heard states with two and then i was like that's exactly what it says but it was only because you bounce with it mina soda i'm like and i did do that and then i said new jersey so and that wasn't right that was a good game though watch you make that game up lori it was your idea to put it on the show come on i liked that honestly coco missed the first three words and that's the important thing to remember oh dear okay my happiness back to it your next word easy word the word is off um off cause i'm off of you walker money is the word it's a whole lot of money in them it's a and don't leave me on no bro no bro and i know you need to have more lyrics oh man [Laughter] [Applause] all she had to do was get the other game to warm up her brains maybe that's what it was because you know what it's also you know the girl has been outdoors this girl i will call coco at i don't know 10 a.m somebody with a brush in her face hello where you going now i got this i got this next day i'll try like 4 p.m okay maybe she's in the middle of the day hello i gotta go to sleep i gotta do this event tonight i'm gonna be asleep in 10 minutes but i don't want to miss your call when i open and i don't want to hang up because this is an interesting conversation but i got it what is man man can't raise a man men and take any of them and add them to my overall final score coco if i give you the word scared sorry if i sound so filled with blue you say you care and i know you do come on but this is from my experience and my conclusion only makes sense just cause i love you and you love me it doesn't mean that a woman to be fly across the ocean sing for the queen but the most frightening thing is you and me i'm not scared of lions with tigers and bears yes but i'm scared of loving [Applause] okay and i i really i really do know all the lyrics they they hit my soul yes she meant that why does that song hit your soul like that like that because that's the t yeah i literally feel like i can perform in front of thousands i can have an intimate performance where it's just this i can go into an audition room with 12 executives and they're like whenever you're ready yeah but when i'm starting to feel something for a dude i'm like no now you're becoming important to me and that's not vibes because i can't control that hard word very very difficult word uh thirsty my soul is thirsty [Music] my soul is thirsty for you so as deer is thirsty for the water so does my soul long for thee my spirit needs refreshing father i'm thirsty thirsty for thee do you see is he giving water i'm crying you know why i love you listen now i'm going to roll my you kidding me you really kidding me you know what wow thank you that song surreal i discovered that song when i first got dropped from my first label and so when i hear it i literally go back to when i was just like desperate for comfort because i like was like what now you know what am i going to do now where is the opportunity going to come from now they were the last people well that's how i look at you i know when i created that what is that no for real like when you go back and you think about the things that were going through your mind the place that you were in the emotions that you felt when you did get dropped from your label when nobody was booking you like how in the hell i don't want to know how did you keep going because you couldn't see this moment with your eyes no no and honestly i even stopped praying for these for this moment because i was just like i would be like whatever god wants like god's plan for me yeah but i knew i wanted things i was just too scared to ask anymore um i don't know terrell i really i don't know i think i think a big chunk of it was i was so scared to give up because i was like what if i look back one day and if i would have just kept going something would have changed then i'm gonna live with that regret and then i was also like what does that look like what does that look like me giving up i go back to tennessee am i going to college i'm i'm done with college here all my girls have been graduating now so i'm going to be grown in college i was thinking about it yeah i just i i couldn't go that route yeah but like i could i could that was an option i didn't have to be there but i i couldn't do it i couldn't give up and i was like i'm just gonna literally ride till the wheels fall off like if that's what it's going to give that's what it's going to give and when i tell you the wheels we would be giving clothes to fall off and then something crazy would happen something that was like okay well obviously god wants me to be here i'm gonna keep going i would keep going i'll keep going and the wheels would get like they was about to fall off and something crazy would happen i'm talking crazy that you would stand here to ensure that i would stay here i'm talking crazy like fanta yeah i got a call to be one of the fantanas and they my i remember my manager at the time he emailed me he was like congratulations and i was like for what and i read the email and they were like they have chosen you i was like of all the people i'm not even hot right now yeah y'all want me to be the face of phantom wow wow like it was stuff like that yeah that was like wait and that was during the time where you were like i think i might have to make a life decision yeah it was giving i think i've cashed in on my chips and i think for my for my sake of my peace yeah i'm over it yeah i'm over it and i want one more audition i don't want one more no i'm done how far away from you were you from your piece at times like how how crazy did it get in your mind like man is this really not for me am i not going to make this i would have this thought like girl what if you're going to give one of those washed up girls and like you're like what if this is your sign this thought yeah like what if this is the sign and what if i would think like what if they're gonna do like where are they now remember that one girl from like i would have visions of this stuff and me being like 40 like hey ah you don't know how hard it was [Music] first of all it's all because i've been drinking since i left from la that's why i'm an old 40. okay it's been giving wine to michael's life my 40 year old fan no y'all aren't old i was i was sad that's why i'm the old 40. i'm this 40 and this is my coffee mug and there's tequila in it because that's what i've been doing since i left l.a it's not you you're a great 40 babes um yes yeah i don't know i would have thoughts like girl what if your window has literally shut yeah and you're over here just existing yeah and then i would just be like well then we're just gonna we're here we're here i'm not going home and then something would happen and then something to happen here and then the closest one of something happening besides bel air besides meeting my team and signing to def jam the the closest one was that tweet that was one of the ones that was one of the things the tweet where they were like where where um her account has been removed now so but i hope you're all right i tried to find her oh no no um she tweeted what happened to coco jones remember everything that much i'm telling you like that was another one of those moments where i was like i guess i'm staying okay yes literally that tweet so so when you came on my show you can say like a week before or a month before you were in a really bad spot i came on your show around august uh yes that tweet came out in like july yeah and i had made the music the the youtube video and everything right on after that so i would probably say maybe a couple months before i went on your show i was like maybe it's one of them times cash on in the chips man because i would i was having fun here it wasn't like i was sitting here like oh my god right i have my friends here like i know what i can turn up right i know i was like i would be in the club like i'm not chasing my dreams at all i haven't been booked in x amount of months where's my next job coming from pour it out you know what i'm saying like yeah it wasn't fun fun because real time i'm not there to turn up i'm not in l.a separated from my family to like turn up i'm here to like make waves i'm here to like make the younger me proud yes and i would be like i would just just be coping you know and then you worked your ass off i remember we coco and i had so many conversations post my show during the during tea and coco and beyond about the next move about uh hunger and staying driven to do this we were either on four hour facetime phone calls or or eating crab legs and ramen whatever it was talking about this city is very weird it can really do something to you um that makes you feel like maybe you're not enough yeah or uh that you're not deserving or that you're just not working hard enough we have some conversations and that's why i'm so proud of you because um you would ask me for advice and ask everybody for advice and you internalized it and actually went there and got that back yeah i will say you did inspire me a lot because you're such a c e oh and you know i'm employee and i'm like gosh i need to tap into my ceo back because yes you have so much creative control and you have so much um that's yours yeah it's your name on it you know and you've built this amazing team and it's all like no one can take that away from you that's that's and i don't come from that background i come from auditioning and then you're you fit in the role of somebody else's thing you know but this is your thing yeah and you create opportunities for other people it was very inspiring it definitely made me feel like i need to just do more you know don't do this the word is first first of all get these come on i don't even care about your bridges you know i'm a different girl i come from a different world yes it ain't even worth a splitting if you know what i was intend on you never would have came at me like that you never would have tried blame me like that like you know that's a plain one like you don't have to give your own life the word is trust trust and believe me you're gonna need me trust and believe me she'll never be me and i'm all over you go get lost but who do you think that you are yeah jerk team coco season two and coco hey y'all want to know when tin coco season two coming out right uh-huh don't tell them well you put your right hand in you put your right hand down you put your right hand in and you that's not how that goes i don't know when the season 2 is coming on the road that's all i really know it's because i am definitely the ceo and i should be the one to answer the question me an intern i'm like what did he say okay so we're definitely gonna start shooting it once everything calms down yeah right yeah so she has to do a bunch of stuff for caliber and more right and then i gotta wind down this season of the show and then those roads are going to come like this here and you know what this is an intersection that's an intersection what this is an intersection it's a it's a cul-de-sac here here i'll help you okay there we go there this is where team coco is okay you have to turn it like that there okay flip it that way okay here's put it that way all right now it's giving delta phi b that is [Music] together hey together together walk together [Applause] insane it's coming back babes it's getting summer fall yeah because are we in spring now not yet what's getting in there this is still this is still winter i think it's almost like no we have to be in spring it's come on we're gonna be would say we haven't been [Applause] so we're going to go because literally we could be up here all day thank you so much i love you so much you you know this right yes i know you know this i'm not gonna i don't want to tell you again okay i fixed you because i messed you up okay but for real oh not stop i'll look at the camera okay i love her for real okay thank you for being such a good friend to me oh tyrells you know i can call her anytime that's true anytime and not it could be most the most random stuff or some real stuff we've talked about some real stuff too yeah that have been you know tough moments that are still evolving and happening in real time um and it's been really great and it's been really great to count on you yeah oh my god it's really great to count on you as a friend and as a fellow person navigating this world of hollywood industry entertainment because we share a lot of things in common as like almost like um we work here we do a great job what we do here but we're not we're not here we're not here this doesn't make us who we are um this just happens to be where our passion is but um we have connections outside of this this entertainment world that keeps us grounded um and that has our hearts so it's you're definitely a godsend in my life to have someone that you know i can share experiences with and really understand uh how i like to move in my life you know i don't have to be anything crazy with you i don't have to um try to be something that i'm not a performer exactly it's very much this is this is who i am and i feel like you do the same and i appreciate that and i'm sorry to be in this moment but it's true and i love you i love you too okay i feel all the same things and this is why we must end this episode because i'm going to shed a young tear not a young just a junior one it's just it's not a grown fully grown tear and i'm just residing here i feel safe here if you have not streamed caliber extreme caliber if you haven't watched belair please stream the absolute bleep out of bel air it's on peacock and yes get into it yeah okay bye y'all bye yes yeah go go yeah [Laughter] [Music] hello it's your girl coco thanks for watching the terrell show make sure to like comment and subscribe and this is my bestie for the rest so if you see that subscribe button you don't click then here's what you're gonna get here's what you're scoot over [Music]
Channel: TERRELL
Views: 1,450,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TERRELL, Terrell Grice
Id: GA87yIXoHyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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