Tord ISN'T Evil??

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okay i know what you're thinking uh duh tord is evil have you not watched the end but hear me out for a few minutes so in case you don't know who the hell tord is he's a character from ed's world he's the guy with the weird hair horns you should probably watch ed's world if you haven't already so everything makes sense and with that out of the way let's begin before we tackle if he's evil or not first we must ask who is toured i mean we know what he looks like red hoodie white shirt pumpkin or inspired hair black pants and shoes but what is he like there isn't many episodes we can really go off of to get a grasp of his personality that's considerably early in the show's run specifically in the beginning of 25 feet under the seat well what if i told you he actually had a pretty solid character before he even left while he doesn't often have many lines in ed's world there are a few defining episodes that give him a character that stands out let's start with one of the most obvious traits gun and zombie atta is it zombie zombie whatever in zombie attack one matt gets his arm bitten off by a zombie and toward tom and ed run away in fear while matt is left to presumably die the remaining three do their best together weapons defend for themselves tord initially chooses a gun but because of peer pressure from ed and tommy instead chooses a spoon and a fork as his weapon of choice here we already see a defining trait toward having an affinity for guns we even see in the very next scene toward looking at a gun rack in thought seeming to want one still in zombie attack 2 this is continued with towards weapon of choice still being the gun when he fights alongside ed against the horde of zombies it's carried throughout the series into spares multiple times as well when all the clones are at the arcade two torque clones pull out a gun when another clone confronts them with a problem he pulls one out when ed is having trouble with the shooting game and he pulls one out when tom tries to show off his strength with donkey punch this is seen again later when ed is attacked by a group of clones one of the clones is shot by a gun that tord is holding at point blank and he uses it after to combat the remaining army of clones successfully alongside his friends in xantha clause 1 when xanta is trying to think of reasons for why the crew are on the naughty list he points at tord and says you participated in a game of paintball using real guns to which torres smile is fondly about well some people think that this event has been retconned with comic 291 from ed's world beyond by making tord shocked rather than gleeful i'd argue otherwise it's far more likely that tord accidentally used the real gun initially was shocked when he severely injured another participant afterward he likely didn't care and continue to participate with a real gun in fun dead there's even a brief glimpse of towards shadow holding what's presumed to be a gun with this we could conclude that tor's weapon of choice is preferably anything he can shoot with something important to note though is that in a poster featuring all four tord is shown with a knife instead of a gun he could potentially have a preference for knives as well but we've only seen it once so it's hard to tell alongside his preference in weapons he is also shown to have violent tendencies while this isn't out of the ordinary considering ed it's something worth noting in breakfast upon learning that ed has the last piece of bacon in the house tord gets incredibly pissed and hits the bacon out of the window eddie gets violent after being informed that was the last piece and they both engage in a fight after getting hit by a large bacon truck they're put in the hospital when tord wakes up in his ass what he wants he asks for bacon however he's informed that once again ed has the last piece and one of the final shots is toured with an incredibly angry expression aside from having a shared affinity of bacon with ed he's also shown to resort to violence when things go horribly wrong for him this is reflected in the end part 2 where right before matt hits the big red button tord grabs him and punches him in the face something interesting to note though is here he quickly realizes the mistake and promptly tries to correct it even if it's just to cover up to what the button did he hasn't really shown that kind of restraint previously even in 25 feet under the seat where upon tom saying good riddance tord hits him with the back of his car before departing it's also important to note that in moving targets his last appearance before leaving tord is often shown with a smile when participating in military activities the only time he's not shown smiling and having fun is the part where the edcrew recite a parody of the classic i don't know but i've been told or when a military activity ends up not going as expected with this we can conclude that tord has violent tendencies and a weapon preference for guns in zombie nation matt gets trapped in a mall by zombies and calls ed tord and tom for help on their way to rescue matt they too get cornered by zombies in an old house's bathroom here we see one of towards defining traits he's able to stay calm and think of the next logical step to get everyone out of a dire situation while tom is the one who comes up with the plan tort is what prompted him to think at the plane at all in zombie attack 2 he comes to ed's house as a zombie asking for help to find the necronomicon while matt is also searching for it he doesn't know that there's three books but tord does because he selects the correct book and is able to lift the curse from his corpse one could argue that he made a lucky guess but i'm more willing to bet he knew more about the necronomicon than matt in the 2007 halloween special when the axe wielding maniac that looks a lot like stanley decker from zombies ate my neighbors searching for toward tom and matt he almost passes by what seems to be toured however it's shown that this is a clever decoy as the real tortoise scene in the background sneaking past without being detected granted stanley isn't shown to be very smart but clearly the decoy is convincing enough to fool him for a brief period of time before he hears tom and tord conversing it's of note that later on when trying to hide from stanley torton meant hide in the closet however tord pushes matt out at the last second this is presumably an act of selfishness but it's unclear as after matt kicks stanley in the crotch only to fall backwards on stairs and severely injure himself tord banks his head on the closet while annoyed this could have been implied to be another plan where his plan was to have matt distract stanley so tord could flee and retrieve a weapon to fight back but that's just a hypothetical in funded we see a brief glimpse of tord paul and patrick fighting against the zombies in the news segment where they're described as vigilantes fighting back it's important to note that they don't seem to be located anywhere near astavan during this part at the time but rather in the city while the episode mostly focuses on ed's crew we sometimes get a sneak peeks of torn and his team's efforts in the background in the arcade of acid of land we see patrick slumped up against the arcade machine with a red leader symbol presumably knocked out the mere presence of the red army around astoflane likely means that they moved focus from the city to the amusement park presumably because they were able to take care of the situation everywhere else this is backed up when ed tom and matt turned asiflan into a zombie-themed theme park and one of its guests say wow that was a short apocalypse torch show's leader characteristics and as such it makes sense on how he ends up as the red leader he's able to take charge and is an unflappable person to rely on because i'll be grilled if i don't mention this in christmas special 2005 he and tom make pornographic films and they do that next door he ended up trying to watch kim and katya and behind the scenes he says he really enjoys sentai and has a 90 gigabyte collection and in the end part 2 you can see a poster of a woman surrounded by tentacles and background of his life he's a bit of a sexual deviant okay that's the segment there's not a whole lot to go off of when it comes to why tord became the red leader but we do know that he's previously shown the desire to take over the world because in the 2005 christmas special he's described as taking over a part of norway and almost continued until he was arrested because of a lack of ed's presence people often portray tord as someone who's incredibly power hungry uncaring and an evil mastermind but i feel like that's a little inaccurate he's shown to care about ed madden arguably even tom in ruined when they enter the ruins under the house torta brought a life for the four of them to use when he partners up with matt to take an alternate pathway unlike ed he doesn't willingly put matt in danger troy and tom have a slight rivalry where tom's at first glad that that took him and taunts toured but later says you know next time you take it after the group reconnects in hello hellhole it opens up with all four about to watch a movie together after that torch suggests that they all go to hell with a smile on his face and everyone's willing to go they all leave hell with a smile on their face because they had a good time there together in the end part one and most of two he doesn't treat adam met horribly and spends a lot of time with him for taking recreations of past adventures he's a bit unfair and a bit exclusionary towards tom but that's because the relationship is a bit more complicated and behind the scenes towards says he and tom never really got along until recently and he looks back and laughs now well that last part about getting along may have been a lie i feel like if he really did hate tom he would have made it clear tom certainly did he had no issue cutting it the torch segment and saying tord doesn't have a real motivation to lie about him in tom's relationship however that's not to say the torah doesn't hold any resentment towards tom he still does considering in the end part 2 when he retrieves a giant robot the first thing he does is try to kill tom with a fistful of bullets he shoots a rocket at tom when the ladder calls him sunshine lollipops in reference to the song he hates with the consideration of towards history and character traits i think would be more accurate to say that he may have joined the red army in search of power he's trigger happy enjoys being violent and if moving targets has shown us anything is that he enjoys doing militaristic things some people think that being red leader came out of left field but i feel like this is a pretty natural progression of his character from what we know again he took over a part of norway as far back as 2005. obviously i think his character returning could have been handled a bit better in the end but from where it stands i think it's pretty solid after his robot gets destroyed there's a moment where tor looks longly at the destruction he caused on ed's house considering he used to live with everyone i don't doubt he's sad about the friendships he's lost after the stunt he pulled maybe he thought he finally found what he wanted in joining him leading the red army but after facing the destruction he caused upon his own friends maybe he regrets that but that's what i think i could be completely wrong i'm a sucker for redemption arcs and characters with a lot of depth what do you think comment down below if you want i'm honestly interested to see what people's thoughts about tord are thanks for watching i don't plan to upload regularly but um you're free to subscribe if you want i don't care see ya
Channel: SuperKirbylover
Views: 1,779,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eddsworld, tord, tord eddsworld, evil tord, tord evil, fnf tord, red leader, red leader eddsworld, red leader tord, tord red leader
Id: ofACTp-PDgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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