Topper Returns (1941) ROLAND YOUNG

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey you all right down there stay where you are don't move keep calm don't get excited i'll get you out of there right away just keep calm now wait a minute i want to help there you are what did we hit nothing we had a blowout i don't understand it either there was a brand new tire this morning what's that are you sure you're all right oh i'm a little shaky i guess come on would you sit down over here what am i an orphan come on any man that drives as fast as you do ought to be right out of this country you tell me all about it sometime thanks for the lift buddy oh say i'm awfully sorry about all this you're sorry how about us we can't stay here all night well you won't have to i said i'll get you to carrington hall and i will how we're gonna fly us there on a brew uh get help we passed the garage about two miles back now you take it easy and don't worry about a thing i'll be back in a flash with a tow car why it's as simple as falling off the log huh comfortable don't go away now [Applause] must have been his wife with him [Music] [Music] oh danger ahead two of them oh thanks it was awfully sweet of you to stop for us by diary you get the backseat tell seat can you manage the bags yes i think so yeah here are mine there now mind if i sit on your lap oh well really my dear young lady sorry to inconvenience you but we had a blowout oh this is comfortable well what are we waiting for oh very well eddie drive on yes sir would you mind telling me where you ladies are taking me to the carrington estate oh is there anything wrong with the carrington place yes ma'am if there wasn't anybody living there at the haunted house my my cosmos late he's usually home by now oh nice chilly isn't it emily remind me to send this coat back doesn't keep me warm at all mrs topper you haven't got it on oh silly on me my strange how it's usually cold in the winter and warm in summer isn't it oh there's cosmo now [Music] oh look someone's waving to us it's a lady it's worse than that boss is mrs topper emily look he's got a car load of women and one of them one of them sitting on his lap [Music] well here it is are you sure this is the carrington place yeah that's what they call it cheerful little isn't it thanks for the lift mr topper don't mention it hurry up with those bags did he yes sir i waste no time around here i'd like to invite you in but oh no thanks that's very much we've got to be getting home we sure do goodbye goodbye bye good evening why don't you knock before you come out i'm the bottler miss carrington oh i'm not miss carrington there she is how do you do won't you please step in [Music] miss carrington yes i'm lillian the housekeeper well how do you do this is my friend miss richards howdy your father's waiting miss thank you would you mind waiting here this way please one moment please miss carrington this is dr jerry's your father's physician how do you do dr jairus i'd like a few words with you miss carrington before you see your father of course i'll be as brief as possible your father's far from being a well man was carrington yes i know seeing you for the first time may be something of a shock to him i think i understand doctor he's been looking forward to your arrival with great eagerness i hope there'll never be any occasion for you to be separated from him again come with me please [Music] mr carrington mr carrington hmm this is your daughter [Music] and i i don't know quite what to do or say oh do i except to tell you anne you're beautiful you're the image of her mother when she was young [Music] perhaps you better sit down yes i i know you must think it very strange seeing your own father for the first time on the eve of your 21st birthday well naturally i've wondered why you never said for me your mother loved the far east hand her last wish was that you'll be brought up in the land she loved so well i wanted to send for you many times but i had to respect your mother's wishes and of course my own health wouldn't permit me to visit you i understand father i hope you had a pleasant trip yes we we had a wonderful trip we oh i brought a friend along with me an american girl named gail richards her father's the head of an exporting company in shanghai richards you say [Music] why i hope you don't mind my bringing her of course not besides the house belongs to you now no father to us now my dear by the terms of your mother's will everything belongs to you after tomorrow what else do you do around here beside wine clocks [Music] been here long 20 years 20 years looks like it might turn out to be a steady job huh ah your mother wanted you to have these and they're exactly as she wore them 20 years ago oh dad they're they're beautiful they'll look every bit as beautiful for you as they did upon your mother that i i never did know just how mother died some sort of an accident wasn't it yes dear my mind came in [Music] i met your mother in singapore after you were born we decided to move to sumatra where i had an interest in a tungsten mine my partner was a man named walter harberg one day he was showing her mother through the mine and suddenly there was an earthquake the tunnel collapsed you've talked enough mr carrington i'm sorry to interrupt but we mustn't tire your father oh of course not okay i hope you'll like your room dear well i'm sure i will lillian will show you where it is i i'm supposed to conserve my strengths it's quite all right father good night darling let's hear in the morning good night goodnight doctor jose good night miss carrington where's miss richards here i am pal [Applause] oh no i'm all right um what on earth happened well i don't know that was rather a close call close six more inches and we'd all be singing annie doesn't live here anymore how consciously happened please mr carrington you mustn't excite yourself i think you'd better show the young ladies to their rooms yeah pick us a couple without chandeliers will you this way please so look the chinese room will be yours miss richards oh you're a doll well this is just dandy i travel seven thousand miles to get away from [ __ ] and here i am with everything but a bowl of rice what's that sound it's the waves angry waves day after day night after night they beat with savage fury against the black rocks below for 20 years they've been calling calling calling to someone who never answers just like the pot of gold program will that be all miss no i'm starved you forgot we didn't have any dinner drama will bring you a tray oh any little thing i'll do lobster salad and beer but nothing heavy anything for you miss carrington no thank you rama i'm going to bed gail i'm all in i'm kind of baggy myself good night miss richards good night i hope you rest in peace thank you isn't that what they write on tombstones oh don't be silly go on to bed goodnight ellie your father had this room done especially for you it's lovely very sorry miss but we have no beard i brought you some wine one why that champagne yes miss oh put it down buddy will there be anything else oh that's all thank you champagne why hide it and yeah is that you yes it's me well open up let me in [Music] [Applause] gee where's the glass slipper that goes with it it is nice isn't it oh nice it's heaven compared to that chinese torture chamber i'm in she was a layup oh this is for me i've always wanted to sleep in one of these covered wagons it's almost too nice to sleep in say what do you have to do to get a bed like this rub a magic lamp or something you really like this room don't you ah this is right up my alley oh to catch measles and have to stay in a bed like this [Music] hey where you going i'm going to bed for tonight darling this room is yours oh no you don't i wouldn't dream of letting you do anything like that but it's a deal anything to keep out of china good night cinderella good night pal and i do mean pal say uh lock your door in case lady frankenstein walks in her sleep come in did you wish anything doctor are the young ladies comfortable quite that will be all then i don't mind if i do china was never like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] so um [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that kind of behavior is all right for a school boy but cara i've told you repeatedly and incessantly well i could get a word in edgewise that the whole thing was no fault of mine i think it's ridiculous for a man of your age to pursue young girls what will the neighbors think i didn't pursue them cara they forced themselves on me don't be absurd imagine girls pretty girls forcing themselves on a paunchy middle-aged man well i don't think i'm porchy don't try to change the subject at least you might have waved to me when you went by i've explained that darling i couldn't that girl was sitting on my lap i know she was i warn you cosmo if ever you do a thing like this again i'm going back to mama tell of course i don't intend to do a thing like that again besides i i couldn't very well set on her lap could i cosmo this is hard at the time for jokes that's peculiar i don't think it's so peculiar after all we've been married for 20 years and i have a pleasant right to be treated like a wife who who has been married for 20 years that's odd it's not hard at all cosmo do you realize what you're saying um i make up on you what well that's all the attention you're going to give me i may as well go to bed good night well i might be a little overweight but i'm certainly not punchy in fact i'm in pretty good shape for the shape i'm in after all i'm a banker not a grammar boy [Music] [Music] uh [Music] get your cold feet off my back you don't need all the covers do you here i am toffee remember me the girl that sat on your lap oh this is terrible what's terrible you're a ghost you're dead no kid okay you've got to get out of here i've had enough trouble with your kind of people well it's strange i should be dead i was young and healthy and i felt swell when i went to bed so why did i die i don't know but you can't say here you want to go back to the caddington house cosmo yeah you see cosmo quick do something vanish well all right taffy here i go [Music] oh oh julia cosmo who on earth were you talking to nobody there and nobody i was just talking in my sleep you know talking in your sleep but that's such a waste of time besides nobody can hear you oh well i'm not so sure about that cosmo i i'm sorry i was so mean i know you'd tell me if there was anything between you and that girl let's forget all about her well i'd like to dear but under the circumstances i'm afraid i can't oh well of course if that's the way you feel about it i'll talk to you in the morning when you're sober oh why don't you look where you're going why don't you be where you are now see what you've done that's nothing compared to what i'm going to do if you don't come with me come with you where back to the carrington house i'm curious to know what happened to me go ahead oh no no i couldn't go alone i'm afraid i don't like that house it's spooky i won't go all right if that's the way you feel about it get out of my bed i won't not unless you come with me you get out of my bed or i'll tell mrs topper what'd you tell her until you're in my bed i oh no i i can't be able to do that not very well but i can oh but you wouldn't do that mr top i wouldn't understand are you coming with me or not i can all right then i'll give you three to make up your mind and then i'll scream oh one two three no no please please don't all right you win oh what do you want me to do now call your chauffeur and tell them to take us to the carrington house hello yes boss but it ain't daylight yet oh you know that huh yes sir right away [Music] what are you gaping at i wish i knew well come on get going yes sir where to mr tobin the carrington place pardon me boys but could i sort of inquire what are we going to carry the place for to look for a buddy better look for one for me too because the one i'm using now is numb come on eddie you want to help me you know with what boss with the body the but okay i'll go with you but kind of keep the one side cause i got a feeling some running's gonna be done toppy that's the bedroom i was in the one with the balcony how are we gonna get in through the window [Music] [Music] hello me [Music] [Applause] pardon me boss but could i get confidential for a moment what is it do i look as pale as i feel what's the matter with you i don't know but there's somebody here i can't account for oh come on come on give me your arm choppy [Music] oh i mean rabbit tree [Music] toppy here's a window let's see if we can get in we can't do that we'll wake up the house oh don't argue here i'll give you a boost put your foot up ready yes oh see daisy oh you want to go on a diet try the window [Music] now give me a hand where are you right here [Music] is this the room yes [Music] where were you well let me see oh yes i was sleeping in that bed and then it seems i got up to close a window there's the window and then i started back to bed and and that's all i remember oh my gosh there i am look right by the window this is positively horrible you've been scammed stabbed this is no time for champagne oh but it isn't every day a girl gets murdered look at me oh please please please because this is serious we'd better call the police yes i want to find out who did this to me where's the telephone downstairs hello operator operator operator this thing is dead hmm an epidemic where are you here i am sweetie i can't seem to get anybody maybe the wires have been cut i'll trace them operator operator put down that phone stay where you are phone's out of order who are you oh me i'm i'm cosmo topper i i'm your next-door neighbor not a nice place you've got here very nice uh and i i just dropped in the user's phone at 12 30 in the morning oh it is really as late as that one well i must be going no who are you calling the the police there's been a murder here don't look at me like that i i didn't kill the girl what on earth are you people doing i found this man trawling about the house this this gentleman says there's been a murder what are you talking about if you don't believe me go and see if yourself it's in that big room at the top of the stairs what why the chan's room come on [Applause] where is she right over there by the window well well there's no one here i saw it here a few minutes ago in my own eyes father what's the matter um you're safe you're all right well of course i am oh why well i'm miss carrington this gentleman has just been telling us that you'd be murdered well mr tapper whatever gave you that idea no it's not you it's the other girl i saw her a moment ago now really i did where is gail she wasn't downstairs was she of course not how could you be downstairs when she was murdered up here now mr topper please control yourself i think i found something that might explain matters it's addressed miss carrington darling sorry to run out on you so mysteriously we'll explain everything when i get back love gail mr tubber is evidently suffering from hallucinations mr tupper how old a man are you 46. just as i thought what do you mean just as you thought schizophrenia schizophrenia nothing i came here in my car your car yes it's right outside now waiting for me cosmo cosmo [Applause] edward yes ma'am what in the world is wrong with you it ain't me it's them things things doors closing by themselves people talking to nothing getting answers i'm going back back where to mr benny ain't nothing like this ever happened there oh stop all this fiddle paddle where's mr topper he's over to that camden place oh that girl again you mean the one that sat in his wife i'm afraid so emily get on your clothes we're going right over there excuse me ma'am but are you aiming to walk well certainly not you're going to drive us my my that's what i was afraid of normal as normal as you'd expect for this type of man i've lost the body i've lost my car if i don't get out of here very soon i'll lose my mind what he needs more than anything else is rest well when he feels better we'll send him home in my car and dear you better go to bed good night mr topper good night mr topper gayle's disappearance has me worried well look what he's done to me where did you last see her she was sitting on a table in the hall and she hung my hat on a chinaman's foot just take it easy mr topper and carl be long in a few minutes [Music] oh you remember me yes of course but what are you doing here well i hate to be commercial lady but somebody owes me 2680. that's right i'm sorry i forgot you also forgot to say goodbye it was a cute disappearing act you and your partner pulled you you didn't by chance see her you didn't pass her on the road no what is she sleepwalker i don't know but she's gone oh disappeared again say she must have been raised a magician's hat i'll get your money for you oh what's the matter [Music] anything wrong i hate to go up those stairs would you mind coming with me upstairs with you i better come back in the morning please won't you come say are you in a jam or something just nervous i guess nervous why well i can't explain but well things have been happening and well you can stop worrying honey nothing's gonna happen to you come on i'd hate to pay the light build a joint like this oh this is my room well if you don't mind i'll just wait here [Music] uh [Music] miss carrington the skeleton what's going on here who's that guy in the black coat what happened to her who are you i'm the housekeeper find a way to keep house women screaming boogeymen jumping out of windows by the house like this i wouldn't want to keep it i'm scared miss carrington it's carrington what's going on here i just said that who are you and don't tell me you're this girl's rich uncle oh don't be silly i'm her father well that's close enough um and she spent it i'll bet you the first thing she says when she opens her eyes is where am i what happened say what are you doing here all right so i'll explain it to you this young lady owes me for a taxicab ride i came here to collect it she asked me up to this room i heard a scream and walked into the middle of an orson welles broadcast the man was standing over me with a knife there it is there where did you get that knife oh i found another window in the next room perhaps tucker's story was right he said they'd murdered the other girl now they've tried to murder anne bronner call the police oh now wait a minute you don't think i had anything to do with this or do you certainly not andy you better get your clothes on i'm afraid you're going to remain here young man but good heavens why should anybody want to kill miss calling well they killed me didn't they yes i can understand that but miss kennedy oh don't worry about her anymore she's got a nice handsome bodyguard he's a taxi driver maybe he's the ones doing all the killing nonsense he didn't bring his cab in the house with him well then if she's safe there's no reason for me to stay good night i've had a lovely time oh toppy don't run out now we've got to find out who killed me then we'll know who's threatening anne but i don't want my wife threatening me you see and she will if she finds out no i'm going home oh madam i'm quite sure you're mistaken i'm not mistaken i know i'm not i'm mrs tupper aren't i edward yes ma'am but i don't think that's what the gentleman means i certainly do know what i mean don't i frankly madame i don't know who does what do you say we start from the beginning that's a good idea where is my husband but madame i don't know this is a private home private it looks more like a parade ground can i help you you certainly can do you live here yes i do hi mrs tuffa i'm looking for my husband mr topper oh where's that friend of yours the one that goes around sitting on people's laps well uh she's been murdered according to your husband don't change the subject if you won't help us we'll find him ourselves come along emily i think he'll find him in the sitting room the city room maybe she's still sitting on his lap sitting on his lap good heavens you mean you've got a room just for that wait is it right this way come on come on here she comes you've got to go i don't trust you bunny you tried to run out on me how can i run out with her there and how can i face her with you here well sounds logical okay here we go come on fella [Music] [Applause] he was here a few minutes ago rama what happened to him i don't know sir but i'm positive he hasn't left the house and he won't until i find him and give him a piece of my mind do you mind not at all where's the telephone right this way come along emily edwards operator operator i want to report a missing husband edward you look for him down that way this awful dog down there darkness never hurt anyone you think the darkness mrs topper is what's in it don't be silly there's no difference between light and dark except the lights are out run along i'll go but every hair in my coat is standing on in cosmo tapa well what's he look like like a banker of course that's because he is a banker well can you describe him well he wears a size 15 shirt with a 33 sleeve a nine and a half sock liar and he's slightly bald oh yes there's something else let me see i paid the milk man that luncheon's been changed from thursday to friday oh yes there's been a murder murder yes murder capital m-u-r murder trying to make these policemen understand something is harder than doing it yourself [Music] mr tavern hey eddie got a cigarette give me a match [Music] uh [Music] mr thomas mr timer mr tobin all this time [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where [Music] what are you doing here oh where are you behind the screen getting dressed little sassy face didn't your mom ever tell you to knock on a lady's bedroom door before you barge in this is most embarrassing why couldn't you stay the way you were a negligee is hardly appropriate for solving crimes come on topi we've got things to do [Music] cosmo gotta get out of here all right from headquarters what's the trouble here trouble say now don't stand there dumb i got a phone call about a half an hour ago that there's been a murder and maybe you did it in here quick cosmo cosmo oh this must be the kitchen well it's not the music room well he's not here cosmo where on earth can he be [Music] cosmo cosmo my it's drafty in here oh look at the chocolate cake emily make some tea tea of course to go with our cake but what about mr topper emily you know he never drinks tea yes i know [Music] now then did you see the face of the man of weather cloak no it it was covered up somebody's covering up a lot of things around here why don't you let her alone she's nervous and upset she is how do you think i feel a murder and nobody didn't anybody see a buddy didn't you say topper said he saw the body crack a double talk who's topper these man said he saw the body where is he he's gone he's gone the body's gone say what are you people trying to do to me i'm sure sergeant it's nothing but a tempest and a teapot miss carrington had a note from the supposedly dead girl that will clear it all up where's the note it's gone the note's gone top is gone the body's gone now look here i don't have to come here to be better full love beg pardon sir but i believe miss carrington left the note upstairs jim take the boys upstairs search everywhere don't miss anything tear it apart now look here rebecca quit stalling where is this guy topper i don't know well what was he doing here in the first place i don't know say what do you think i am i don't know who's this fresh guy oh he's all right he's a taxi driver yeah well where's your taxi now don't tell me that's disappeared too where do you think it is i'm not supposed to think i'm from the city hall now where was i i don't know emily this cake is simply delicious glad you like it it's the best you've ever made this is not our cake oh i forgot some cream emily please frame yes oh hello what in the world are you doing in here just sitting here it's chilly outside but you you never used to sit in our icebox getting out of a nice warm bed to come and sit in someone's icebox i don't understand it oh but i do understand it don't i emily i hope so that screen came from in here hey look a problem who are you i'm mrs tupper who are you mrs topper where's your husband in the ice box has he got the body with him certainly under his overcoat so you're topper huh would you mind coming out of cold storage i will not say what's the matter with him is the icebox crazy you're suffering from hallucinations oh you wouldn't by any chance to be thinking you were a lamb chop now then what do you mean by stealing this house in the middle of the night and what have you done with that girl you had on your lap girl on his lap huh oh a love triangle oh do you really think so officer i get it you sneaked into here to see some gal your wife followed you had to get rid of the dane so you knocked her off yes or no i did not where's the body i don't know so you admit there is a body yes i came over here to look for it well how'd you know was here she told me she who she the dead girl well now we get wait a minute how could a dead person talk i don't know but this one does oh i mean i know you won't believe what i'm going to tell you but well we certainly won't where were you when the attempt was made on miss carrington's life in the library i think i don't know did you or did you not try to stab this young lady oh don't be ridiculous officer cosmo wouldn't stab anybody he can't even carve a turkey now listen lady somebody kills her name who talks after she's dead and the body gets up and walks away somebody tried to whittle on this young lady and i find him hiding in the ice box wish you mean you're going to arrest him well these aren't exactly charm bracelets lady he's got a gun it's mine oh god i'll give the man back his gun don't do that call up somebody come on they shouldn't do that they'll go [Music] go on me they go of me you shouldn't have made me do that do you want to go to jail no but we can't go on like this my wife's the police what do you suppose they think they think you're guilty of housebreaking and murder yes come on let's find my body no because after we do find it then i will be accused of murdering but i've got evidence to prove you're innocent what evidence this note i was supposed to have written and but didn't who did i'll tell you when we find me come on [Applause] you're tired i am not meal [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] my goodness what makes it so cold in here bless you you and your husband when it comes to picking out husbands mrs topper you certainly take the cake i only took a small piece in a little cup of tea and that's no reason we should be locked up in here look mr stop i'm not complaining but i'm a personal mate and that admiral verse oh emily shut up we all got pneumonia can't you break down the dog it's as solid as a rock come on liar what's that funny noise that's my teeth tattering well why don't you put them in your pocket oh that's a screwdriver you need a screwdriver to get them out i've got a butt hook where is it home on my dresser oh my come on everybody look around there ought to be something here we can use well there's nothing in this joint but frozen tomatoes and dead chicken look can you do something with this well i give bob may i suggest sarah that you break the glass well break the glass okay you know what good at that though he means the glass in the door dummy okay but i think you're taking a lot of liberties [Applause] now wait a minute i'll take charge of this rather you take the upstairs and you take the downstairs you take this personally i think someone should call the police well i'll take care of that check that for fingerprints hear that [Music] quiet topi you'll be nervous give me that eddie where have you been boss that's something i'll never know you still looking for a body yeah it was down there but it just left it left it just put out the sea that's the truth boys but i ain't going back to prove it oh yes you are yes my my the things i get myself into come on [Music] right [Music] eddie you're going to stay right here until we get back yes but don't matter unless you get all the good odds oh top you're terrible at rolling the boat get up front and let me do the rowing [Music] [Applause] here we go hold high [Music] yes it is if you go out i'm going with you hurry help me up give me your hand why do it the hard way there's the orders i got from the boston lems the orders i'm passing on to you i'm gonna do it my way see can a guy ask questions no i say we don't we're here right where we dump butch and liver live it's out ten miles and honey d oh why not wrap her up in a concrete mud pack and drop her right here that tide will take her out that's the boss's orders and don't argue with me go below and get that engine started okay [Music] gail come here quick here you are in here oh dear i look so uncomfortable [Music] start the engine we've got to get off no you lower the boat and i'll take care of them [Music] [Applause] keep that engine running i haven't run let's stop what's nothing i don't know yeah dummy i expect that engine to run with the juice turned off give me that bon get out of the way me tighten it on and leave it on i didn't do it honest i didn't [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on toppy what are you doing here if you'd asked me that a second later you'd have been talking to yourself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what have you got that boat the body that does it no you don't trying to hide it huh no no i'm bringing it back bringing it back well brother you've got a lot of questions to answer i got a hunch it ain't gonna be no quiz program don't take them upstairs sorry everybody here yes they're all here all right now get this and get it straight nobody leaves this room unless i say so then you stop chewing that gum julian i ain't even breathing not you her i'm sorry miss carrington i know this is going to be a bit unpleasant for you but would you mind stepping in the next room with me miss carrington i'm going to raise this sheet see if you can identify this young lady [Applause] how long has she been living here she came here tonight with miss carrington nice looking girl too bad she got to go so young she's got awful big feet though who did that who did that who hit me when i wasn't looking was you in that room just now not now then or ever well don't tell me the joint's haunted now look i was standing in that room minding my own business just as i say what big feet she's got i get slapped in the kisser [Music] who did that [Music] without that dog nobody now wait a minute doors just don't open and shut themselves yeah but that one did hey who went out that door your hoodie oh you feel better dear or she'd be all right if charlie chan had let her alone sergeant roberts i don't like to interfere but is it necessary to subject my daughter to all this she's terribly nervous won't you would you please let her go to her room nobody leaves this room not even me and that goes for the both of us [Music] big feet huh i'll match mine with yours any day have another don't mind if i do [Music] innocent men stay home nights they don't hide in ice boxes and they don't take dead bodies on boat rides why did you kill her i didn't that's only one man's opinion i can prove it oh leave me alone in that room for a minute oh i'm not that dumb well that's only one man's opinion too obviously let him have his way there are no windows in the trophy room any ice boxes no all right i'll give you three minutes if you're not back in this room with a 14 carat alibi this lady's gonna make one of the most charming widows i've ever met oh thank you officer gail dale where are you [Music] just getting another bottle topping be right with you and you and i'll have a little drink together whoops catch me good boy don't help me [Music] now you stand up and behave yourself sweetie let me mush your hair stop it will you stop it this is no time to be playful where's that note what note the proof you said you had tommy i wanna lie down i'm sleepy you can't get sleepy now you got me into this and you've got to get me out of it give me a hand oh dear here's one charlie i feel so silly it's like being a little [Music] this feels so good tubby put my feet up [Music] gail this is serious where is that note oh no try to think what you did with it or i'll be arrested put a cold towel on my head sweetie and i'll try and think when i do please try to pull yourself together will you [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh they got a little headache you know have you got an aspirin on you no but i'll get you one well that settles it that guy's as nutty as a candy bar sent for a straitjacket make it two one for me now where's that note there it is down there what does this prove i didn't write it who did lillian the housekeeper here's a sample of her handwriting [Applause] they're identical then she must be in on it sit down you admit you wrote that letter don't you yes and this is the note you found in the reddit girls room yes then how do you account for they're both being the same handwriting uh i don't know listen sister it looks like you're all set for a first-degree murder wrap of course if you come clean we could go a little easier on you i wasn't alone in this i wrote the note but i didn't kill her who did come on who did it it was turn on the lights quick come on now there's a pickpocket in the joint whoever stole that witness put her back jim such a seller says the icebox says the attic where's the attic that's me i've been in politics 10 years and i've never seen anything as balled up as this is daryl got that front door don't let anybody in around what's down there that's the kitchen if i find that dame in the ice box i'll resign and i'll drop dead oh come come now brace up brace up i'd appreciate it so much if you'd stay here with my daughter i want to talk to sanja roberts that'll be a pleasure sir come come now i got oh you're a horrible man i see no reason for us to stay in this awful house while you go around opening and shutting doors quietly i will not be quiet i'm so nervous i could scream in fact i think i will that's fun isn't it come on let's do it together stay here that sounds like my wife [Music] uh [Music] skellington miss carrington miss carrington miss carrington oh where is she she was here a second ago now what's happened now his canyon disappeared well i left it with him say what is this the fun house of the beach everybody that talks to you disappears now i'm talking to you i suppose i'll turn up missing that is the best suggestion you've made tonight well that's all right don't you ever park me a fire plug that's for you officer i i want to go home i'll tell you when to go and i'll tell you where to go sit down [Music] gail anne's disappeared disappeared entirely well we've got to find her police won't let me out of their sight well they can't stop me don't go out there mrs job is just outside i'll fix that well where is she where where where is here you know perfectly well who i mean that that girl there wasn't anything oh yes there was i heard you both in that room pardon me miss topper but it's getting kind of late can't we settle this at home edward don't interrupt yes cosmo i should think after 20 years of married life you wouldn't try to deceive me why i remember our honeymoon in atlantic city you promised me you never look at another woman [Applause] you better keep away from me you'll be a coat [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] hmm so hey taxi [Music] clara please i've had a frightful night wait don't sit in that chair whatever you do don't sit in that chair edward will you stop interrupting well you're all wet is it raining out oh but you haven't been out can't be raining in well if it has it's all cleared up kill i can't stand much more oh boss that chair's deceptive destructible distrustworthy and this is the voice of experience what are you talking about boss you sit in that chair and things happen quick oh don't talk nonsense it ain't nonsense it's serious look boys i sat in that chair just like this cross my leg just like this lean back here i go again but that's a silly way to leave the room why didn't he use the door mr topper well as i was saying i'll always stand by you no matter what happens yeah they'll just be quiet will you be well if that's the way you feel about it i won't say another word cosmo what a charming idea we should have one of these in our house for weekend guests yeah for heaven's sake get out of there okay you take it down this way and you go upstairs if you find anything i'll be right here boy what a night i've never been on such a medical run of my life oh i sure needed that one toppy i just saw the murderer in the cellar who is he i don't know i couldn't see his face but he was all muffled up in a big black cloak well whoever he is he was in that room when the housekeeper disappeared because i found a contraption in the fireplace that operates the chair she was sitting on top what we've got to make him convict himself oh you sit in that chair and tell them that you know who the murderer is me sitting in that chair but i'll disappear too oh no not if you keep your eye on the fireplace and the first one that makes a move toward it that's the one we're after oh you're not afraid what makes you think i'm not i simply want to tell all i know well that shouldn't take very long sit down now cut out the stalling who killed gail richards pick them out in the first place the one they wanted to kill was miss carrington well never mind who they were after who done it the murderer didn't know he'd kill the wrong girl when he found out he was panicky and hid the body you see doctor i did not have hallucinations very interesting say what are you watching that fireplace for who do you expect santa claus come on who done it the housekeeper knew she knew too much but she wasn't the one when she was about to confess she disappeared from this very chair and the person who calls her disappearance was standing right beside this fireplace when it happened what do you say doc he's looking right straight at you the man's mad i was nowhere near the fireplace when it happened i was over there rama you were standing here by the fireplace you're mistaken dr jairus i was standing by the library door oh wait a minute who was standing by the fireplace when the housekeeper disappeared like father you were there why yes come to think of it i was mr carrington would you mind sitting in that chair of course not [Music] get him up oliver cut him up father never mind that put your hands up toe and if you've got any sense you won't move a muscle you see i thought it was him [Music] sergeant roberts it's been a pleasure to do business with the man of your [Music] intelligence [Music] [Applause] [Music] take your hands off that wheel don't be a backseat driver sit down [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was a close one oh tight here we go again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] well it serves you right oh i'd hate to be in your shoes first murder and now reckless driving the recording angel will certainly throw the book at you so what are you doing here oh steady old boy making fun now why did you try to kill your daughter oh don't be silly i'm not anne's father who are you i'm walder harburg carrington's partner carrington was killed in the mayan cave-in so that's it why you ghost of a double cross and crook ann must know about this too late now oh no we're stuck here till she finds out and when she knows the truth i can go to heaven and you can go to give me a pencil quick and a piece of paper wait a minute wait a minute take a letter dear anne i am not your father period well if he was looking for an accident he sure found it this is gonna cost him his driver's license you know that don't you come on [Applause] here toppy give this to ann [Music] i'm sorry about your father miss carrington wait a minute he wasn't her father miss camden this is for you well what's this all about oh here read it or am i expecting too much where did you get this note it flew into my hand notes the fly fathers of eight fathers leaping chairs come on let's get out of here before the trees start talking edward edward where are you here i am and here i go edward come back here not me from now on i used to be your shoulder but you were to drive us home not in that car enough is enough and that's what i've had a abundancy of very well if that's the way you feel about it emily will drive us and cosmo this time i'll sit on your lap all right donny emily do you know how to drive no ma'am isn't it exciting [Music] thanks eddie you've been a great help sorry i had to dump you in the water old boy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 477,512
Rating: 4.7988396 out of 5
Keywords: filmstruck, Joan Blondell, #classicmovies, FREE, Topper Returns, MOVIES, classic movies, MOVIE, classic movie, CLASSIC, COMEDY, Roland Young, Carole Landis
Id: LP4v_p-atoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 21sec (5301 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2013
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