High Voltage (1929) CAROLE LOMBARD

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la a [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi well if it ain't Cas Jones yourself well you didn't expect to see me through here today did you well a little snow won't stop this old cupboard wagon it's the Wonder to me you ever got this far easy how about a little gas you don't really mean you're going to try to go on sure come on P up th you're taking an awful chance there ain't been afraid to through here in 3 days fre day see you don't know my bud when I ran out of the loop now listen they tell me there's dressed up on a flat 6 and 8 ft deep say this old snowflower mine will go through them drips like they was paper come on reckon you know your own business yep so this is a well known and justly famous wide open space yes where men are men yeah and women are glad of it hello hello there hey get rid of that cigarette what do you want to do blow us all up well whatever it who cares well I see you on your way back yep you the one you went after mhm what are you taking her to you tell him Mr rean why don't you I knew that woman was a criminal the man weather is the police officer oh don't mind me I don't mind you but I don't like to travel in the same bus as you travel in that'll be enough out of you well hey do you know who I am H who cares oh FKS well I can't please Polie we've all got to travel together let's all be friends me a friend of that oh why don't you pipe down try and make me well folks if you all hop aboard we'll be on our way my isn't it cold yes it's too cold everything's wrong I certainly will be glad when we reach the railroad I'll shut up get in well I'll get in as soon as I'm ready you too you don't mean to say you're going to try to go on why certainly this ain't nothing to when I run out of Del well don't ever say I didn't warn you okay Pete so long I'll [Music] [Music] [Applause] won't you have a piece of candy no [Music] thanks I'm sorry baby I would like to let me change my mind surely thanks that's good don't be so busy with your hands you sure are a funny kid hey griver can't you be a little bit more careful please don't worry Mister your estate with me is a babe would be in its mother's [Music] arm he G get off to comedy with you and keep your eyes on the road I say driver are you sure this road is perfectly safe do you know it's the perfect outrage there isn't a railroad through this part of the country I can't stand it it's PR you're safer with me than you'd be on any railroad Mis why when I ran out of theop you mean when they ran you out of the loop that's a good one uh wouldn't bother you very much I SM certainly not thank you you don't mind do you no give me a cigarette will you I'm sorry I don't smoke them smoke thanks kid you're all [Applause] right how far you going to Chicago going visiting well no not exactly oh going to meet the boyfriend are you married no not yet oh I see is he nice mhm you're a sweet kid as F hey look here driver I think you ought to turn back it's getting worse it's all right we'll get through all right yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] through [Applause] well well it looks as if we're in for it yeah do I see what does that mean well it means that uh it means that well uh here we are yes so I see leave it to Gustin his bus and he'll get you through and here we are that we're not going any further than this well not for a little while yet what am I going to do I've got to get to North Fork to to reach the limited well what are you going to do about it what are we going to do how far is it to the nearest town oh not very far only about 40 miles looks like a house over there where must be a Schoolhouse or a church for her far is that you suppose oh not very far now I think we'd better make for it looks to me like there was a storm coming up and if we stay around here we'll all freeze Come On Let's Go Frozen now let's get out of I guess no a nice way to passes on your old bus I must say out wait on kid don't let it lick you well it ain't so bad after all is it it's terrible [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] good thing we hav much further to go you're right everybody's about all in I I don't think I'll be able to make it you be there in a minute don't give up [Applause] [Music] now well here we are hope [Applause] [Music] oh was it nice W come on [Applause] here come on thank heaven it's warm [Applause] anyhow youve got great manners certainly will BR up well oh dear I'm so cold I want to go home it's all right baby you'll get good and warm now well well well well well ain't this a nice cozy place I told you folks it'll be all right you know when I ran out of Delo oh why don't you shut up and take a hat off you fat head they in church now not at home and that goes for you too I wouldn't get so close to that fire if I were you I look out for children I'll L him yeah you would shut the door shut the door did you say there must be somebody hear the fire wouldn't be bu what the heck what the hey you shut the door will you oh yes pardon me I forgot to shut the door well I didn't know this was friendly why the congregation why we had an accident the bus broke down and it was due to the carelessness of that but if he would like this we thought we could make it to Northport to get the trade this was pretty heavy and we slung off the road well here we are how far did you get oh a couple of miles out in the flats oh just a couple of miles out in the flats huh y oh you had a pretty close call and you ain't out of it yet oh that's all right folks leave it to me leave it to you uhhuh uhhuh PA you certain did a good ja of it oh you're the driver eh yeah that's me SM and Gus angstrom always bring him in safe youd start out on that trip when this big storm's coming up why for sure oh yeah sure well I shall certainly write to the president of the Stage Line and inform him of what has occurred I'll whole things unheard of and uh how did you get here me I asked this ain't your regular home is it no not regular I just sort of dropped in here you mean you're a hobo certainly what are you well my name is J Milton Henrickson if you must know and I'm the fifth vice president of the Citizens Trust that's right I had him pick for a big guy all the time yeah I bought £ 225 left how's [Applause] business well buddy you're nice and plump ain't you that's me sir my and G and that's my mother laugh and grow fast mhm well right here's where you start your diet L you can starve them to death as far as I'm concerned hey put that down you hear me you ain't de are you put that down what for I'm hungry listen let's not have any argument please just do what I'm telling you my dear man don't don't worry I'll pay you for these with what right here look at that put that down or I'll flatten you oh now gentlemen Gentlemen please please you know there's a la in this country to protected citizens from ruin like you oh yeah why don't you call a cop go on Blow Your whistles listen you're a long ways from my cop so piped down how far from a [Applause] cop listen buddy that gag don't mean no more to me than his D does so don't start nothing no no I suppose would you think you're going to flatten me too huh well eat it and find out ah folks folks folks please don't let us have no more trouble here we are all nice and cozy and homey now let's kiss and make up what do you say all right sunshine I will if he will you want another one now folks please please please will you please stop fighting and get me something to eat now there you are that's the first sensible thing that's been said since you've been here now will you all listen and get some sense see that food as far as you're concerned that's all the food there is in the world and it's mine you don't me to say no wait a minute wait a minute let wait to get through now listen I'm going to split with you but remember this that may have to last US 10 days or more do you get that oh you can't keep me here that long 10 days but I've got to get more folks expecting folks I can get you through if you'll only let me well when I run out of delute listen buddy you ain't in delute do you mean [Music] to I'd like to talk yeah you seem to be a pretty wise guide just how serious is this pretty serious and you figure we're going to be here for a 10day stretch well I don't know just what stretch means but we're going to be here for 10 days or more oh you don't know what that's me never heard of it local girl gets break 10 days before I join the old folks at Alburn what Alburn is them all the one oh so you're the big Brave man that takes naughty little girls back to the pen huh yep I'm the boy and I always get them mhm I generally finish what I thought off to do well ain't that Dand and I'm not surprised if I had to seen you someplace before well maybe you have who tell and maybe one of these days I'll be taking you home to L maybe you will maybe I will maybe [Music] maybe so you've been over the bunp huh plenty what's your name bil bil what that's enough for you what's yours Bill Bill what that's enough for [Music] you well we'll get along big boy you're all right baby yes sir you're all right [Applause] all the lousy luck I'll cheer up mister it'll be all right we'll get out of here someday hey I'll sing a little song cheer up huh my mother was a lady and that you will allow and you may have a sister who needs protection now I came to this big city to seek my brother dear you would not dare insult me sir if Jack were only here say Bluebird don't you know any old ones yeah Miss know a lot of them you want to hear one oh all right [Music] okay made pleasure and Power so we may ro I'll dry up will you shut up for sake I can't stand it the M will give us all a Willie that's right I was just thinking [Applause] well well what well I think we got a a lot to be thankful for it might be a lot worse yeah we might all have been twins yeah that's right what's the idea I'm just making 10 days rations out of five that's the idea I see well it's nourishing food anyway [Applause] of all the Humpty Dumpty mobs I've ever seen in my life you birds take all the Blue Ribbon look at this place looks like a lousy hogwaller why don't you get up and do something something say I know it's a football coach stop clowning and get some pep will you he's right we can at least go outside and get a breath of fresh air sure we can out and get the old blood running come on Whitey let's get going you go ahead General pery I'm very comfortable listen come on unwind yourself and get out of there will you we don't get some exercise we're going to all go screw it all right you gra IGN normous man you insist upon being Bell I'll have to give in give me a pin I must recommend this diet to my girlfriends in the Junior League we had such a time with our figures yes hey that goes for you Birds too you know the girls won't play rough come on off the [Applause] lead and if it gets to the point where we have to eat each other I know who I'm going to pick on [Applause] first did you mean me you're already did and if you're as tough as you're dumb they'll make a lousy meal I can say that I hope [Applause] so very good yeah how is your help me oh I'm 100% you're all right are you yeah that's fine I think I can use you for dessert hey what say you can't do that now you H oh no but listen than no I wasn't kidding you oh you you wouldn't do that to me then come on outside oh all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay get well now be careful I'm not going to hurt you any oh yeah yeah mhm get the big fat guy get out here look at him standing up there here we go now is that fun you're all to get all tired up doing that that's a lot better than sitting around that old church isn't it oh if you drop me I'm not [Music] [Laughter] going I'm not going to let you fall don't worry don't you let me go I'm not going to here we go that's better than sitting around that old [Applause] church hey what's the idea you Big R keep your daddy hands off that Dame for who for me oh yeah yeah looks to me brother that we're going to be stuck around here for quite a while and before we get out of this place you and I are going through it just as sure that sooner that better I never did like tops anyhow hey I could see that in a minute I want you to lay off this kid though I suppose you think she's your Dame well maybe she is and maybe she ain't if that's any of your business maybe maybe listen you bird both of you I ain't nobody D get that the kid give me your hand now now you come come on give me your hand wait a minute now wait a minute get wait a minute give me your hand give me your hand Easy Come on come [Applause] on come on little we all be in here now easy you all right come on get back there we are being here what can I do anything get out of the road come on I don't know what to do well we got it we saved her all right didn't we come on come on Run keep your War come on now come on get in here the stove come on boy that's the coldest thing since I left the pretty good guy that hey give me that PO what for what that kid she's cold oh that's different come on care get to the you take care of it [Music] right come on I well we got it out all right yeah we got her out all right I put some more wood on the fire I don't know what you guys are do around here without me I what we're going to do with you either sit down here and get out of those wet clothes put your foot up yep that's the boy not very cold are you no I feel fine now I wish could tell those girls to be quiet oh qu grab quiet yourself time y all right Snap It Up Get There we go hey Dan Dan yeah hurry up with that axe would you don't want to cut this bird socks off oh he wears socks does he yeah and for a long time that's just what I was thinking a gentlemen gentlemen you're kidding me now yeah on the S boy all right cold at that yeah [Applause] bad [Music] a shut up all of you save that strength you'll probably need a little later [Applause] ah that ought to warm you up a little bit thank you oh you're not quite so cold now huh well I'm not cold now no that's good let's see the hand oh you're not cold in that like I shame on you we'll fix them up here in a minute GE whiz you sure have got pretty hand thank you it's awfully nice of you to rub them for me well we got to keep them warm how's the other one oh both just the same we'll fix them up though now wait a minute you got to keep that up there that's where you get cold there now how you puppy what little puppies down here they cold they're all right we'll just wrap them up in this wool coat keep nice and War there I want to talk to you me yes you come over here excuse us kid certainly all right I tuck that right back in there it'll be all nice and comfy thank you oh look it's snowing again yes it would be what's the matter whing you keep away from that kid understand what do you mean you heard me keep away from that girl she's a nice girl well gee W I didn't say she wasn't did I never mind M sculling you do what I tell you keep away from her well but I was only I saw what you were doing you don't have to explain to me [Applause] oh I see oh you do huh sure plenty well you listen to what I told you well what do you getting all excited about didn't you just tell us down there on the lake that you wasn't nobody's [Applause] name H well well can a Dame change your [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mind [Applause] [Applause] for [Applause] guys then I didn't mean to wake you up oh no don't these things wear the shortest skirts hey brother yeah I'd like to have a word with you all right yep Dam kep me wear them shot nowadays but who elected you the job of pulling them down I do my own election buddy h i want you to keep your dirty hands off that girl yeah yeah yeah and I'm thinking that if she needs a nurse to you know what I mean I'm the fellow mhm and she's my prisoner until I get a receipt for her ain't you a fine excuse for a man mran the bull Mr aan will have his name in the papers huh you lousy Hood you he brought back a notorious Bandit Mr Egan always gets his girl hey you ever try bringing a man back Hey listen if it wasn't for those two D been asleep there I'd mop up the floor with you so fast you mhm and you're taking her back for another year in that pen huh maybe two for jailbreaking Mr Egan The Blood Hound ain't he proud of himself go ahead fell rub it in rub it in good just a copper who's stuck on his prisoner huh now listen boy there's two of us now I'll drill a hole through you if you lay your hands on that kid well now maybe she'll have something to say about that maybe she will well now we know where we stand on that don't we I guess we do and you're a long ways from having that kid back in that pen Mr a and maybe by the time we'll get out of here I'm not so sure that I won't be taking your both back get that listen we're just as close to the pen now as we're ever going to be do you get that maybe and this time I don't mean maybe [Music] oh she's getting terribly cold here oh we put some more wood on here you better go easy with that wood you heard the lady say she was cold didn't you using it up at this rate ain't anything what you feel like this time tomorrow I believe let the tomorrow take care of himself maybe there won't be any tomorrow for us that's something to think about and who cares anyway toic For Heaven's Sake will you well what's on the menu today Chef one can of extra fine split these soup C is right the six way what are we going to have for dessert snowballs hey Bill what can you let me have just one puff on that cigarette of our I'm awful jumpy I'm sorry Jack but you know the rules you ain't feeling no better tonight I might give you one little puff off of this last one are you all that here's one I sa Facey you know that bird take candy from a baby shut up listen she's hearing things again do you hear it do you hear I don't hear the Cry of the Ben she I'm thinking my go I hear something at that oh it's the growling of your empty stomach listen it's a plane my go it is a plan let's see if we can go come on [Music] come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] out come on let's go back in with come on folks i' better hun and we'll be out of here by tomorrow night he'll send help you think so good we sure he will but a lot of fads we are trying to signal that plane and we can't even see him if he can see us we're down here against the snow yeah we're down in the snow no the last time I R all [Applause] right [Applause] [Applause] we stay until the bo had G the musiced up and off to a restaurant we went the finest in the street she said she wasn't hungry but this is what she eats a dozen raw a plate of flaw a chicken and some roast some app sace Spar grass and S shell crabs on toast and I just stew some crackers too I sure was out of luck when she called for pie I thought that I die for I only had half a b Ain't That A Fine Thing to sing why didn't you sing before we run out of foood Mary song is that the best you can do if IID known he was going to sing that I'd have never played for him you may be the world your mother Cy but me a pain in the ne to me well come on then i't never seen a copper yet that didn't think he had a great voice thinking something about the iron bars do not a prison L you'll be hearing a lot more of that me lad before we get through yeah yeah well You' all done a turn I guess it's up to me you know my mother used to think I had a fine sing voice so I'll do my turn say father was a cop and well hey kid you know this one you're just a Lely that's the one you're such a part me to the heart of me Dar K you with the blue eyes that never grow list and learn how I care oh you're the sweet one for H seems like the Shamrock should twin in your hair Spirit of Mor or kill Lake but you're there and I'm here and me Heart full [Music] aing you're the need one and I swear one Angel who made you so [Music] sure i' sell me for soul for your sweet iy sake bless you holy well kid what are we going to do about it nothing I ain't what that easy what can we do why do do you think enough of me to to try and beat it I think too much of you well I don't get you oh I'd love to in the worst way but I can't do it though why what would I feel like letting you risk your freedom to get me out of the jam if they CAU us You' be sent up along with me is that why you don't want to go darling if you can't take care of yourself I've got to do it for you see I'm I'll tell you something white did I ain't ever told anybody you think I'm a hobo don't you well I'm more too I'm hiding out right now you're kidding no there ain't no such luck they want me now back in St Paul the were is same B well that ought to make things a little different then I guess so well what do you want buddy what are you two doing playing post office well if we were there wouldn't be no letter for you [Applause] [Music] gosh that was a close call wasn't it do you think you heard it well I don't think so with that music going on I think the music has stopped [Music] yeah you know he's not a bad EG get oh I guess he's all right but what about giving him the slip whatever you say fell tonight the sooner the better well about 10 mil back of here over them Hills is a ranger station and if we have any kind of luck at all we can make it by morning we'll get away while they're asleep yeah the only chance we got Dar I think we got it coming to us don't you sure we have of course we don't owe them a thing do we we don't owe them nothing anyhow it's it's a lot better than sitting around here like a couple of rats waiting to die ain't it mhm darling I'm with you as far as you want go M up [Applause] [Music] baby what's that what's the matter all the poor kid pick her up pick her up pick her up over here all of a sudden she went out like a light I'll get it I'll get it for [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well kid they're all asleep Larry where are you Larry you promised to meet me Larry I wish you wouldn't do that matter it darling you ain't getting cold feet are you no darling I ain't getting cold feet well we can't can't stop now she'll be all right how you think she good oh she'll pull through all right don't worry about her oh God I hope so well as we said before we got to think about ourselves this time darling they can take care of her as long as we can can for they certainly they can Larry just wait a little longer oh I love you so much oh driving crazy come on kid now come on get together I've got as much right to my name as she has ever [Applause] [Applause] I [Applause] how's the Earth kid all right but the cold going right through come on now keep the old pep up we'll get warmed up in a [Applause] minute You' got to forget her too we got enough troubles of our own now I'll say but I can't forget that kid's face well the way I'm thinking it's it's either her or us oh they can take care of her she don't mean anything to us of course she don't well what is it going to be uh I'm a you darling all right [Applause] [Applause] Kitty you anything no don't you hear it it sounds like a oh baby I guess you're just hearing things do you hear it now yeah I do hear something it's coming this way it's getting louder do you see it do you see it yeah I do see it and that ain't no male plan either these cir they're looking for us well this two babies you ain't going to find do you think do you think we're here inside well that's their look at come on oh no you kidding off though they'll never hear me that's they hard luck ain't it I guess it's no use getting the chicken honey ain't none of in there that do nothing for us is there don't I know what's the matter oh I I can't to go on kid I guess I'm just yellow well then we're both do you really feel that way uh-huh we got to give them a chance to live the same ourselves ain't we got him sure we do get a hold of that Bell give all your G come on come on right come on [Music] get [Music] come on hurry up guys we put right here yes be for be I want to help come on come on I get this on here a match yes I've got a match here on this look now see that hey [Music] pleas come [Music] on you'll see it all right come on let's get it all right mind [Music] that [Music] where where look where oh oh there come on this hurry up [Music] honey give it to [Music] me he is it B food [Applause] [Music] foode food oh Bill come on get it come on oh pop boy come on that's food all right food look food look what we got here look what's that Gosh Look macaroni and soup and and coffee and what that looks like a note let me have [Applause] it hey huh listen folks this is the break it says don't lose your nerves TR to clear in the road we'll have you out tomorrow I told you I told you it'll be all right there was nothing to worry about cream of wheat spaghetti and cigarettes cigarettes and can you beat that cigarettes I want soap and and soup soup and uh corn beef and there's something else down here what's this in [Applause] this how you feel honey oh I feel much better that's good you're going to be out of here before long [Applause] now look look there come see it coming over that Hill see it see it that's it I knew sa is coming over the hill we just saw can you hear it we just saw bring we going have to meet to come on oh TI [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well now it is old what do you mean it's all over well l no it ain't we've just started and we got a long ways to go what do you mean we found something out there last night in the snow and we ain't going to lose [Applause] it you and me's got time to do and we're going to do it and [Applause] that's after that we're going on but [Applause] together [Applause] e [Applause] [Applause] hey then um you dropped your [Applause] papers [Applause] if you don't mind you can just drop me off in St [Applause] Paul [Music] [Applause]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 55,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOVIES, classic movies, #classicmovies, FILM, Carole Lombard, filmstruck, classic movie, Owen Moore, Movie, CLASSIC, PRE-CODE HOLLYWOOD, High Voltage (1929), PUBLIC DOMAIN, William Boyd, High Voltage (Film), FREE, CRIME DRAMA
Id: OQIZ0jSboaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 11sec (3791 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2012
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