Sunday Dinner for a Soldier (1944)

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[Music] very bring my shoes [Music] [Music] she started it I was minding my own business about 14 pretty good huh that's a piece that's 14 times 16 to 28 no to 24 what you pray close Oh drat that Jeep okay let me try to sneak off the oh you carry it for me well I suppose you want me to get things in town yep you're the list michael captivation books [Music] all of us I better hurry no the 30 of time and you're forgetting oh dear Vanek fish market there were 16 cents apiece and if he offers you 14 don't worry I'm not gonna haggle with the Fishman my pension is due today and we'll have plenty of money not if we're having a soldier to dinner Sunday a week no it's seven days from tomorrow EEP I really want to go with you I guess pain let's make a day of it no Michael it'll go remember every penny counts don't let him buy anything foolish this time Michael put those crabs under the seat or somewhere I'll come test ain't goin to town with y'all today too busy I guess this little woman on this whole round I know why she didn't come black because she hasn't got a dress sure she has she hasn't had a decent one it fell apart when she tried to die for Kenneth Norman's party oh that's why she wouldn't come with us Michael would you know a good looking dress if you saw one I think so why we're going to buy tessa the best-looking dress in town well she doesn't want one do you think you could sell those crabs to bannocks fish market nope why not because she could get a better prize Edie Rick into the post offices The Cramps uh what she watches a fourth husband she doesn't duck into the post office I'll get my check Oh Michael take the crabs outside and warn me if you see your coming [Music] Michael what is it Michael what does this mean in Osburn brawling in the street she tried to steal our class who daddy didn't get him are you hurt no what are we standing here bring them along with you Norman strike Agatha interviewer so quick Oh boys if you haven't registered will you please do so I saw you coming here now I'm just taking that majestic head of yours if he were told that he looked like one of my handsome Caesars of ancient Rome at Kremlin's very bossy you've got to let me have him I'm entertaining that's exactly what I am doing is he Michael yes me twin son you meet over mines this Sunday tomorrow Oh Helen send him a nice boy a nice hungry boy friend who were nice hungry boy mister the USO access layers in between soldier and civilian population I believe he's of course I am a civilian am I not certainly be kind enough to have a soldier at my house a week from Sunday I'm having fried chicken of course but I want to start with cred I'll pass to you until you sell them to me I'll give them to your man oh I do thank you and I hope your party's a great success I'll be kind enough to have the soldier at my home at six barrels that's 11 o'clock according to you landlubbers that will give the lad plenty of time to take a plunge in the surf off my private beach before dinner good morning ladies Oh Michael I need you to [Music] how many of you having tomorrow eight Oh couldn't you make it ten there's a b-17 crew here and I want to keep them together of course I'd love to goodness know that plenty of chicken thank you and now it is lovely crabs at me a dreadful man [Music] [Music] information they didn't have salt pork so a good beat there's Michael sale and this is for your sister Christmas Oh grandfather's you didn't open the child open and see yes but we can't have you run around those pants with the soldier coming to dinner I don't think he is coming to dinner we're not such a wretched family that we can't have an occasional guest by 10 or 12 extra was a daily occurrence in my father's house this isn't your father's house it certainly isn't better take the dog outside Heath Mary go with him whatever is this oh it's not as much as you suppose prices are high they always are during the war over I have them do all of it how much have you got for the crabs well there's a matter of fact I I gave him away you gave them away I showed you my budget so much for food so much for the payment on the place you seem to understand that we could just about make it this month if we were careful oh no child we along we always do you take things too seriously somebody has to oh by the way I saw Kenneth Norman today fine fella cated you didn't ask him to come over see him tonight like a good girl give him another chance I settled that once and for all when you set your jaw that way you look just like your grandmother all I did send you a ton of the basket of grass perhaps spend all the money I counted on for the soldiers dinner we don't even need you we'll need a dress I'm taking it back on Monday you can't it was on sale and you can't return it I'll never wear it I promise you that I'm not going tom were those crabs where is Michael yeah isn't he here he come with you he left word in the movie house for me to go on that he'd see me at home if that get you because thought don't tell me not to happy doing pleasure wait a minute thanks for the lift mr. Butterfield you're welcome Michael don't forget to tell that grandfather of yours never to speak to me again yes ma'am all right Samantha Michael like where were you in town I was so worried so was I is he home yet come on do you buy a lot of things I tried to stop him Tessa honest but it didn't do any good I know we must remember that grandfather never had to worry much about the money responsibility but it was too late for him to learn I guess that's why he's live Jeep or some other little kid would have to think much about money no work for us another winner here right you'll be strong again the Jeep will be ready for school it moved some bigger place right and get a job like you tap it Rock yeah Michael's getting late got a hurry [Music] hmm let's see the other one you have been fighting I lose Tessa well how'd you get your hands like this scraping fish for mr. banek he had a big order for to field here my 25 cents nari baby it's a man's words mr. banek said I was a good worker at any time you needed an extra man I get the job I guess it won't pay for all the things that grab feathers blot but will it pay for your dress Tessa yes it will it'd be kind of nice to see you dressed Tessa a new dress I'll wear it tonight just for you fresh yo if you had started still beat you bet you don't [Music] can I help you attention no I don't think so [Music] you look mighty pretty in your new dress don't the children think so too mm-hmm where you going well walk I'll tell Kenneth when he comes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes sir [Music] why do you come to this gloomy place anyway because they have such wonderful music shall we all lesson Tessa don't you love the orchestra I don't know I've never danced to it don't you remember the grand opening in twenty five Tessa this place was never finished and you know it look there's mrs.butterfield she says that's an accreditor hair but I recognise the tail feathers of her pet rooster I'll stop the clowning will you Tessie you've got to listen to me come on not here and ever since that first day when you find a mouthful for dead I wanted to take care of you but Kenneth I don't don't say not you Oh think of the fun we can have well go to Miami for a honeymoon will actually stay at a luxury hotel all the Norman Brides get a diamond bracelet my mother gave me this and close you can have your pick of the store not cheap little dresses from our bargain count we can live in one of dads houses till after the war Michael and Mary Ann keep well Tessa this will be hard for you to admit but they'll be better off really they will will send Michael his school on Virginia he can be with boys his own age have his own horse all kinds of sports it's really wonderful for a boy I know we can get a competent woman in to take care of grandfather Mary and sheep they'll have the right kind of food regular hours the way you put it I seem selfish to refuse marry me Tessie you'll never regret it well I'm all mixed up again I want to talk to grandfather's all right I know that they'll say what he told me this afternoon what that you have a life of your own to live you do like me don't you oh yes a lot another line why not because if I did you'd mean I've made up my mind tonight try to make it up that way with you honey good night good night miss Robin only and it's got a bun and she's finally gonna boom never mind that freak Bush you sent him home early enough I only loved him more your grandmother didn't love me when we married that came later of course things are different with girls nowadays but I only could have Marian Jeep with me you don't expect him to fill the honeymoon cottage with other people's children they're not other people's children they are to the man you marry child do you think they'd be better off with their security which I fail to give them we got your hog-tied tested this is your chance to be free take it I'm not so sure I would be free I don't mean my obligation to Kenneth Sims family has something to do with you and the children well cats going north tomorrow I have a whole week to make up my mind what about the children and the plans they've been making for Sunday a week for the soldier the best thing to do is just tell mrs. Dobson that it isn't convenient to have him right now I'll see you Monday that's a very humiliating thing to have to do I'll tell her oh no you won't and end up buying body five more I'll attend to it would be nice to have the party in case I do decide you know about Kenneth yes sort of last celebration they're back on and remember there's that look at your grandmother's again what do you thinking we're going to have that soldier to dinner oh you're gonna manage it I don't know but I will was that one of the children I didn't hear anything about that dinner you know what we could do No oh no not my sister she'd probably be as tough as the bosun's mate oh well you don't intend to let her pass on of old age do you I'd feel like a cannibal I wouldn't I'd enjoy it I'll see you're going to give a soldier a chicken dinner I don't know but I'll figure out some other way what are you asleep your legs AG again dude can I come in with you tonight oh come on and you get tell you not even the boys know yet for sure you really are gonna have that soldier for dinner aren't you glad oh yes we better go sleep now dear I'd like to do this week cleaning and planning I'm not here good night kasa what I've been remembering mother and daddy I'm glad maybe stories remember I was sweet and kind she was how much fun we had with him I was remembering the day they went away were you there baby just go away they were hurting the automobile they died why does everything have to die too sir because dying is a part of living gear for all we know it may be the best part but the secret we can't know until we experience it it's like the books grandfather thought you can't know what's inside did you open them oh they're full of colored pictures pick capsules out of Carl starfish and we need green grass at the bottom of the sea beautiful things aren't they things you could never imagine just from looking at the outside that's all we see Mary just the outside of death the cover but where did they go mother and Daddy I can't tell you guys because I don't know but sometimes I think they didn't go anyplace Michael gave me the money here and that afternoon I saw mother's goodness looking out of his eyes and when Jeep toots his whistle and laugh it's daddy painting and having fun and right now with us it's like my mother and I used to talk things over only it's as if hi mother you and me I want to be like you when I grow up you know so much and you make everything right thank you mr Turner my 1 every day for the Cape of the soldier don't you be scared about what phantom is nothing can hurt you when you've got this you just go sit on my lucky shellfish when you get scared what's mr. got to be scared of anyway grandfather's wants to give it to the soldier what's for dinner but kiss had told him she'd figure some other way out [Music] Tess is calling you miss Easter laid the first egg for the cake we'll put it in the icebox y'all need a little tougher gluing what am I gonna scare my shelves in I don't know but get them out of that tub Michael that's enough on those rugs and don't dirty the curtains I'll give him a couple more rocks no take them down I'll need the line think of to do I found a nice tree in the bottom drawer under some socks how do you big help haven't I told you before not to get on their bed with your shoes on now run along outside I wanna help you're not having much on that bed here put these out dust dog you're in the way no ticking years old now be careful not to tear it okay get that tub out of here you told me not right in front the kitchen door I didn't [Music] [Music] we just taking the car off the line oh look at my curtains Michael they're ruined I know they won't stand another washing I just can't trust you with the thing cannot have to shake it again [Applause] [Music] I thought you fixed that I did you did good what do you think this is a picnic well maybe for you but it certainly isn't for me here I'm trying to make this miserable Shack look decent and what do you do you rip and ruin every miserable rag we've got ah gee tesserae was just trying to help I don't I don't want your help I don't need it I'm better off without it [Music] looks like grandfather's I want to help to test grant that is you start to I can fix that water pipe he and the curtains and I'll come and help you okay leap you pick up every last one of those feathers if it takes till Sunday when the soldier comes what can I do Tessa Mary put that egg in the icebox when I got back from Tom Mary means pick the berries honey Michael [Music] [Applause] [Music] the damages and milk in the icebox for your lunch and don't do anything about you know until I come home no no we agreed that was my worry no I mean there's no need procrastinate I may be able to make money out of what mousse that's the only way you'll ever make enough to get another cheese how I get the money I may not but promise me you won't do it did I get that all right [Music] I was remembering what Michael said yesterday we expect too much of Tiffany we gotta help ourselves Minh I washed my ears this morning what if she can't save this Easter yeah goodness I wish there was something I could do I wish I wish [Music] [Music] well how is business what about my personally embarrassin Barry what time is it must be myself attack [Music] here comes another car [Music] [Music] would you like to buy some berries or have another giving a high-pitch all over just looking at him what's wrong with him the poor little that man a dreadful man sending helpless babies out to where in the very bready puts in his melee whole mouth if I was speaking 20 might certainly you know if he's in my mind as it is have a notion to report him to the authorities well I should hope not come here Samantha give me that big friar it's right on top there you mean this human for the normal yes we'll give them a stewing hand here you are your poor babies Tessa says we're not to accept presents from strangers well I hope we won't be strangers for long I'll tell you give me that little box of berries and Samantha likes anomalies under the freeway no bearing like some samman see here here here here that's enough now what's wrong oh he feels good you got a chicken dinner sod you tomorrow 5c you can get it from you tomorrow miss soldier we're gonna have one for dinner soldiers are you sure oh yes then to the side a card for one of the USO with us Saturday we even get ready all week Thank You mr. Vale [Music] Oh Samantha this is terribly yes the Miss nomer and she ain't gonna like it one bit getting us to instead of a friar oh that I'm thinking of that card I tore up children expecting a soldier tomorrow it's awful yes ma'am can I do you heard him they've been preparing for him all week yes sir I know I'll stop by the USO and tell mrs. Dobson she'll find a soldier for [Music] [Music] did you get one to tell me not a chicken huh I bought one for the dog just a bone no points why this come from we brought it with bearing for the soldier you get the other one mm-hmm where'd you get the money none of your business where's grandfather's here not just labs hear that thunder she's gonna blow again Michael secure your boat before the wind blows it away cheap stow the deck chairs good she's born she's bored and the glass is going down getting blacker and blacker not waves hurricanes monotony [Music] [Music] pretend you can't hear me come here is that mr. Oh what no certainly not well if it's not then who why what have you absolutely mark to Michael just now it's none of your business did I pry into your affairs did I ask you where you've got the money for your hem I did not although I have a pretty good ideas since you're not wearing the locket and chain given to you by your mother your dear mother did I reproach you for selling a family heirloom I didn't sell it I'm getting it back when the next check comes be that as it may I respect your privacy is it too much to ask the same courtesy be accorded me oh never mind the act if that's not me either where is she I asked you not to do anything tonight got back but Kesha I give you my word your purpose how are the children ever going to learn moral sense with you around as an example you live all the time sometimes I think you'd steal I'm not going to tell Mary either you can do your own dirty work [Music] [Music] I thought you would sleep an hour ago no I decided use Fatima's old Irish linen tablecloth and Sami silver after all I thought we sold it I saved a few pieces but the boys quieted down mm-hmm what'd they do if it's still raining tomorrow specially Michel it just said I'm taking that boat oh no I think she believes what I told her about Easter being scared of the storm and the running away don't you know she what have you helped out I don't fib to the children anyway wouldn't have done any good she put her fish bone in the nest Easter couldn't possibly have gotten scared sitting on that old bone you see what your kids get you into oh stop using that silly word if you mean life's a lie all right then nice they're not lies there exercises of the imagination flights of fancy expansion of the soul well whatever they are I advise you to tell the truth about Miss Easter not to you never [Music] gravy boat copper terrine for the peas and the potato Mary are you asleep no may I come in like for me to tell you a story well now Mary what I told you this afternoon wasn't exactly accurate about Miss Easter I mean what it seemed the only thing to do so I did it how was I to know that everybody in the family was coming home dragging a foul if I'd been consulted as becomes the head of the house things like that wouldn't happen all evening I've been treated like an epidemic I'm not I rolled over and I exchanged miss Easter for one of Agatha's dressed fowls this afternoon when nobody was looking honest honest and now since we have as they say a plethora of chicken for the soldier tomorrow I see no reason why this rare character can't be returned to our Family Circle do you when you're going to do it as soon as Tessa stops pussyfooting around I'm not going to make myself ridiculous for her Shh don't you tell her this is our secret Oh [Music] going to bed Tessa yes grandfather's raining quite a bit out isn't it good night grandfather's good night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello Helen that you this is active Butterfield yeah well I can't sleep I've been having a nightmare seeing thing did you call me up the middle of the night to tell me you are having nightmares no I want to know if you had any luck did you find another soldier for the Osmond family tomorrow I told you I'd get them when you called up after supper huh well I did try again by now a good thing you don't want any of that stuff there isn't any well when did we use that up brown feathers well a man chief weatherman predicting sunshine strangest thing this morning why the chickens are gone from the ice you're always gloomy at the weather outside acting like a bunch of babies remember what mother always says you can't get what you want you must want what you get who wants to have a cold what if it does rain today we can have dinner in here he's probably never even been inside a hospital I'll bet he can hardly wait that's up to me have you made up your mind about Kenneth yes little Marius yes it is the best thing for everyone isn't it grandfathers I'm sure it's breaking up a family well that's life all families must be broken up so new ones can be built I am sure Kenneth is the right man for you to marry good character fine family money everything's gonna be all right what are you going to tell him he comes home tomorrow everything's got to be perfect today this must be a celebration that children will never forget wonderful happy day to look back [Music] not this time maybe the next trick I stand on mine if it has helped well you've got a schedule on your hands you're right Mary absolutely right [Music] grandmother's come to the head of the stairs what is it tell me the truth exactly what did mr. Dobson say when you sign for the soldier well I don't know her exact words I'll try to remember dear please oh she said the USO acts as layers in between soldiers and civilians you'll be here at 6 bells that'll give him plenty times Karthik just got or did I say that this is no bus stop mr. day any luck my father bolon am in both the churches it's not a soldier in sight did you call the library oh they're usually half a dozen or more they're reading but not today that meddling AG at the Butterfield well you better just tell him definitely this trip there's no use hoping alright no sense in dragging it out yeah aren't you going to go ahead no I think I like this time [Music] well you kids might as well give up there was a mixup about your soldier and they no use waiting it's a miracle a dog blasted genuine miracle [Music] well I hitchhiked a ride out here I was looking for the bridge across this Lagoon I thought I'd take a dip later for sale oh we can who's weak just you and me I'm Michael I'm Mary we live over there in that houseboat do you waive it all of Bombers Mary or just mine well you could keep your wings every morning well not exactly I'm a waist gunner myself but I have an in with a pilot I noticed you kids waving so I got him to wave back oh I'm glad it was you miracle a dog blasted genuine miracle and never was so glad seeing it but in my life we've been looking for your morning furlough I went Brooks I came back a day early sure you're the kid with a kite and your name is that Jeep that's right hiya Jeep yes what's his name don't dog I always thought if I had a dog I'd call him skipper hi skipper hey wait Mike Hey look this has gone far enough whoever they were expecting I'm not aunt maybe you didn't think so when you hit it out here but you can believe it now you're exactly but listen [Music] [Music] of course of course I told you he'd come boy you look swell yeah all but the high-water pants we told you not to wash in hot water good thing I didn't wash the coat and that's our we under Bush free unique a unique free he means it don't know how to make dinner well isn't that great in sergeant Eric Morrison chief petty officer Dudley husband retired how do you dizzy Tessa I want you to meet my granddaughter yes sir this is sergeant Eric Moore [Music] hello hello thank you for coming I'm sorry but I think this this is one day that you don't have to think the aspirins are going to take care of everything for you today I'm peculiar yes we're gonna have the best time blah blah shortcake for dessert and everything you can fish it on the boat if you like good better call the book oh no I know I wake up in a minute things like this don't happen to a leg like me so just let me dream on away can we go out before dinner Tessa is it all right for sale still looks like rain coming out [Music] that's the first flower we've ever had the pubs are dropped off before what a pretty color it stinks well smells cheap [Music] it must have known this is a special thing a very special don't think you mustn't be late for dinner oh that's a swell night I wish I had a knife like that here yours oh no I couldn't take it but I'll trade you for it gee looks like I'm getting the best of it oh you're not I need a knife just like this the blade Oh in a certain is screwing my gun help you yeah my that smells good everybody grandfathers oh well which we are ever grateful and bless this food amen you know that always embarrasses me it seems so impertinent with all the Lord has on his mind these days to ask him to keep an eye on my dinner I want him to keep an eye on it go ahead and serve lad for this right Oh a peach to the white and a piece of the dark for Eric I hope you like fried chicken Eric nothing finer is there Mary Mary is next she likes the wing may I be excused oh no Mary dear now we're not going to have any nonsense eat your dinner I can't run feathers I give you my word it's the ones that Tessie and Michael and you and Jeep got it's not who what do you think now why did you have to say good never mind I again don't forget to bring those things there's a man all right if I feel away when you're contagious Oh fiddle-faddle is nothing but the highs I'd be home sodium in vinegar if it wasn't for that monster of yours Easter Wanda - huh leaning on your cane all the way no doubt what's that mean come on hand it over for you in my house like some of the dye came off the tree that creature of yours scared my laying hens out of their wit's not a single egg this morning and my prized roosters a nervous wreck who's that Oh sergeant Derrick Moore this is butter here how do you do an old friend passing through no I'm a drew feel the Osmonds were kind enough to ask me for dinner how nice would you join it No thank you Teddy but I happen to have an extra freezer of ice cream chocolate it is I thought maybe you could use it kind of I'll take it keep in the shade you got the salt when you open yes man nice boy I want to thank you for the chicken you gave the children yesterday gave nothing it was a fair exchange I've got the hives to prove it well anyway thank you for everything you're welcome child now you better run along to dinner yes maybe I better they'll eat the ice cream first goodbye come again soon nobody just happens to have a freezer of chocolate ice cream hanging around the house well I did and what's more see that you bring back the empty freezer tomorrow and don't send those poor little children with it you bring it yourself do you hear don't hang by your eyelashes til I get that I won't but I may come over and give Tessa your cane back nailing man come on children come on everybody before everything gets cold now then let's get down to business looks like I've got the wishbone Mary we'll try it out and then later you and I will make a wish all right Shh sleep it's dry now Emma let's make a wish Oh what do you know Mary gets her wish I'm gonna put it under my pillow every night know what I wished that you'd come home safe and sound well when I do I want you to be off strong again I'm not sick anymore and I'm not scared me well honey everybody gets scared once in a while even soldiers [Music] what's his I want to give you something special so that you won't be afraid I don't think I'll ever be afraid again there [Music] wow that's pretty what is it it's my identification bracelet why don't you wear it I broke the clasp in Miami anyway it's too small for me have you swim yes sir hey where's Tessa she's inside changing so you believe all this propaganda about aeroplanes winning wars well don't get me wrong sir I have great respect for your branch of the service they've even got some fine fliers oh the Navy's even got some fire fliers that makes the Navy okay I suppose I didn't mean it exactly that way sir your attitude is typical of the younger generation I doubt if you even know what happened in 1898 oh yes sir I heard of the good ship Rawley where you left your leg huh what you think that I am an old rag a wind don't you oh no sir well I am son the children are all giving you something so I will too the Lord knows I don't give it often the truth not a living soul knows this but I wasn't shot at the Battle of Manila no no a week before the battle I fell down an open hatch and I was in sickbay all to the battle [Laughter] I'll help you wash those dishes oh no I knew them in no time I was one of the best a piece in the army how magic heads or tails to see whether you watch him or I do what do you say yes you live as I watch him careful a lot of time all right oh you better put one of those towels around you oh yes ma'am should I get your cuffs wet don't you want to roll them up thank you that's the one you do them in the army I can't get over that Jeep did you know he gave me his whistle I can't blow it but he wants me to have it in the war he says when I'm fighting Japs stood on his head when I took it and more time upside down he does right-side up like my sister Alice she used to walk backwards when she was excited about something where does she live last I heard she was in Mexico getting a divorce from her third husband she seems not to have some kind of a record you might older than you four years honey how you can drift apart what happened when our folks split up mother took Alice and I went with dead he died when I was 13 mother married it yet did you live with your mother and stepfather then for a while but we fought so when Alice eloped on her 18th birthday I ran away from home well you were only 14 almost at a 15 I was big for my age too where'd your mother know well she wasn't Chicago and I enlisted I had to ride her for my birth certificate Eric how'd you spend your furlough raising Cain in Miami or rather trying to you sure feel alone in a place like that didn't you have any powers you could have gone home with oh sure nobody wants outsiders why would I say goodbye to their folks you'll be going over soon we want you mm-hmm you're not what a difference it makes having someone to say goodbye to I wouldn't trade one second of today for all the other good times I've had in my life Eric I wonder if your mother's been happy I've wanted that too Hey look at that sunset is that orange blossoms I smell mm-hmm always about this time of day there's noise above across the lagoon Mary goes over there every chance she gets to listen for good I picked up a baby Robin was felt just like her hand [Music] I will uh since I face the dishes will help you well alright come on [Music] [Music] [Laughter] needs more wood I'll get it let Jason and Eric go oh well come on children listen again [Music] [Music] I've been thinking all evening about but you told me in the kitchen hours folks I had a nerve unloading all that on you I'm glad you did I guess I wouldn't have accepted what made me feel like I belong to you but a family test so and I think if the kids hadn't been waiting just as I walked by we might never admit like mr. York said it was a dog glass of genuine miracle or they don't even know what is the matter clinic boys I feel like I've known you forever is something you don't know about me what come on I'll show you [Music] don't come here for dance and then go darkus display what do you think of it pretty snazzy table for two guests on I hope I've got enough to tip him but if they haven't you involved miss New York there he is over there and doesn't he look well standing on his head lovely music dancing yeah I knew you wouldn't think it was silly pretending I'm gonna do a lot of pretending from now on like what Oh like as if your family's mine oh you don't know what you're letting yourself in for oh yes I do and please don't change any of you stay just as you are until I get back with you you mind if we become just a little less poor what are you talking about they're the richest people I know you've got the kind of wealth nobody can destroy what did you say I said you had the kind of wealth nobody could destroy you would accept ourselves wearing it you made me understand something I heard you baby see what's really important what makes me me the family what have to family I wouldn't be myself I'll be somebody entirely different I don't know what if anything on the ability it couldn't be any more important or beautiful than what grandfather's and the children and I have built through all our time together good and bad certainly would be someone come a might not like it all Larrick thank you certainly welcome with you well this you're coming to dinner today is determined my whole life I know no I'll explain it all to you the Medes I'm gonna write you that we're all going to write you people learned a spell on grandfather's we'll fight the war of 98 with Michael I need your advice [Music] [Music] here we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a very nice group everybody look here hold a real spill down now still real still down 1 2 3 5 min so just amuse yourselves [Music] [Music] hey Chester you tried oh come on it's easy I'll show ya hey you want it like that let through the site when you're on the target fire you're wonderful hey you patty why not ready why isn't my identification bracelet why don't you wear it I broke the class but Miami anyway it's too small would you keep it for me Gary here's your picture [Applause] [Music] [Music] although 194 poverty mountain get them back on the field [Music] no not yet yes now short to snappy sergeant Moore those are orders right sir not cheap goodbye Mary and remember how long mike beier goodbye say thanks for everything Tessa goodbye Eric so long mr. York by side Eric break it up sergeant you're blocking traffic do you think it means if it does I'll have the pilot dip his wings come on Sarge make it snappy into the truck [Music] [Music] the I saw Barry can't help yourself my girl David great chicken burger made that to make it down the hall a boy a family lucky guy who do I see if I don't know laughing see the sock miss lungs with one of my family fill out your forms already filled out okay sergeant thanks hey yo hold up the brain where you been signing my lump number of the family what family by family [Music] dipping his wings [Music] come back come home [Music]
Channel: John W
Views: 245,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4f3vJEAsFxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 27sec (4947 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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