Topography for any Site with CADmapper - Revit Tutorial

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what's going on guys Balkan are click here and in today's tutorial I'm going to be showing you how can you actually get to Fogg Rafi with buildings for any pretty much any site in the world that you might be interested in so I'm going to be using this gold website called can't map right it allows you to download up to one kilometer of topography for pretty much any place in the world you can just find the address I type it in and then search for it and then you can of course download the file now if you want over one square kilometers you would have to pay but anything under works and in my opinion anything under one kilometers is pretty much ok just to show the surroundings of your building and then of course if you're working on some maybe more complex projects you can always pay now I'm going to be leaving a link to that website in the description of this video and this idea I got from John Hanning I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly it's a really cool website so I decided to create the tutorial on how can we get create take typography from that website first we have to take it into AutoCAD and then move to Revit and then we have amazing 3d typography in Revit now before I get into that tutorial I would just like to ask you to like this tutorial it helps me out a lot with the YouTube algorithm and also if you haven't already make sure to subscribe I make useful Ram tutorials each week I make multiple tutorials and also I make one advanced Vulcan architects course all these courses can be found just by following the first link in the description and there you can find all of my Revit project files as well I've got over 500 files so far ok without any further ado let's get into the tutorial here we are at the CAD mapper website now you can find it either on Google by typing in CAD mapper or I'm just going to leave the link in the description of this video so it it allows you to download up areas up to 1 kilometers for free and then anything larger than that you'll have to pay for now you log in over here you sign in you have design in option and then you can get started by creating a file now here once you click this you get to this menu create map now in this case I already found in area so you basically type in the location it takes you to that place in this case it shows Los Angeles California USA and then I found a location that I like now you can resize this window if you want but what you'll notice that on this side as you start resizing it it goes up to one kilometer and then when you pass one kilometer below here you're going to see that you can purchase anything larger than that so if we make this a lot larger as you can see now it's eight euros eight dollars and so on and so forth but for this demonstration we can stick to the free file and in most cases if you're just looking for some topography for the surroundings of your building up to one kilometer square kilometer is going to be more than enough moving on here we have the option to select or design program now I currently the AutoCAD is checked but if you use any of these other software feel free to use those in this case because we're going to be using AutoCAD in order to import this into Revit that's why I'm going to track that next we have the option to include 3d buildings which i think is really cool so I'm going to use that as well and then here we have the topography and the contour lines now you can set them up at different heights the smallest interval is 4 meters if you try anything below that it's not going to work so I'm just going to include that and then we also have rode the geometry which is really useful now you can either go with central lines or outlines I prefer outlines and then you can here set up the the widths of each one of those so you can have pads minor roads major roads as well as highways which is really cool ok so once you have everything set up and as long as your map size doesn't exceed one kilometer you can just click here to create file and it will immediately download a zipped file for you and once you unzip it you get your out to get filed there now I've already done went through that process so I'm just going to jump straight into CAD and this is what we get so let's just orbit around a little bit and this is what that like and now at this point that this is the mash that you get and as you can see it's gonna a broken up so we've got these address here which are not really good for creating meshes now you can't import this into Revit and it will work just perfectly but the problem is your topo surface might look a bit odd so what I like to do is I like to smooth this out by selecting the mesh and then type in mesh smooth or smooth mesh or yeah master smooth sorry or you can go with smooth more and as you can see here it smoothes it out and now the lines are a lot more a lot smoother okay so once we have done this I can save this file so I'll just go here to save as drawing and I'm just going to save it on desktop as CAD mapper la now you can save it as an earlier version or this one doesn't really matter hit save and then I like to jump straight into rabbit so once we're in rabbit here I'm going to start off a new model project and I'm going to go with the architectural template just click OK and it will open up so once this once you open up rabbit the next thing that we need to do is to load this CAD map or AutoCAD file and so for that what I'm going to do is go here to the insert tab and then on the insert tab let's go with either link CAD or you can go with import CAD in this case I'm just going to stick with that and let's go to desktop and here we have the CAD mapper l8 now you can preserve the colors you can change the level the the units but it should auto detect the size so let's see well it didn't so I guess this didn't work the first time so let's unpin this and escape out of that so in this case if Revit doesn't figure out the units on its own what you need to do is go back here in AutoCAD let's just navigate around perhaps all but let's see what are the distances here or something like that so we have a road okay so here a road okay so this is six meters so this is in meters so what we need to do is go back here into rabbit go to import CAD and then just four units make sure to check meters click open and now it oops get my per la of course hit open and now it should figure out the units and it did here we go now you can select it unpin it and then maybe move it a bit to the center pin it back in place and then let's go into 3d to see what this looks like and this is what we have this is that mesh that we have created maybe we go to realistic this is what that looks like so I really like the look and you can actually keep it like this if you want if this works for you just for a surrounding but of course we want to convert this into a topo surface so we can use it for our projects so in order to convert this into a topo surface what we just need to do is go here to the massing and site tab and once we're there let's go to tobu surface create from import and then select import instance select this and then here we can check what we want to use so you can basically go with track none and then let's just track a topography click OK to finish okay so I guess that layer didn't work so let's try again and in this case let's go and check none and let's check the contours okay and there we go okay to figure out of the contours so there we go so we have our topography if we just hit the finish here we have our Revit topography that perfectly follows this a topo surface and of course you have your buildings in the background and everything so you can actually use it in your project as sort of a background or something like that so it's a really useful website for downloading information like this I find it really amazing that you can get free information like this so give it a try I'm going to leave a link to this in the description and then you'll feel free to use it and of course at any point if you're well done with the file you don't have to use it you can either explode the file if you want and then the basically some 3d data won't be exploded but you will get all of the 2d data below so if you want to use the roads for example or something like that you can so if we select this line as you can see this is this outline and then we can use this to sketch out a road on top for topo surface so if I go to site plan select the toposurface here below we can see the roads so what you can do maybe is to go with the wireframe visual style and then you can go with sub-region and then perhaps just use back lines to pick some of these lines okay so let's get rid of these so as you can see you can select entire aligned segments and basically create this road so it can just continue adding oops adding lines to this road just to complete it so let's let's complete all of these roads here so it is a bit difficult to select all of these lines unfortunately but once you get them you're going to get all of the roads which is really cool okay so I have now finally done the whole sketch and here we have the throat so you can just go here and change the material to something like now let's try concrete just to give it a different color and there we go so now we have all the roads that are going on this topography so that's how you can use cad mapper to pretty much find any location in the world and then use it to create really cool Revit topography with it that's completely accurate okay so that's pretty much it for this tutorial thank you for watching please subscribe like and share this video and if you want to check out some of my advanced courses check out the first link in the description thank you for watching and have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 211,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, easy, fast, quick, how to, autodesk, modeling, cadmapper, site, plan, topo, topography, toposurface, architecture, family
Id: igu8DC4lvaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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