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hi guys welcome to my channel my name is Amanda if you are new here if you're not new welcome back thank you guys so much for clicking on this video I am so excited to share this video this is probably one of my favorite videos to make is my monthly ww favorites so I try a ton of food throughout the month which is awesome because it gives me so many things to try so I don't share the things that weren't good and then I save all of the good stuff for this video for my favorites so these are all my favorite monthly products some of them I've had for the whole month because they've lasted the whole month and then some of them are repurchased so I'm going to show you guys everything that I physically have in hand I hope you guys enjoy this video if you do please give me a thumbs up that lets me know that you guys like this video and it also helps my channel get out there and then YouTube crazy algorithm so thumbs up are always appreciated and yeah let's just jump right into my Debbie W of favorites I also have my barcode scanner out so I will be scanning the things as I go to give you guys the points it's just easier that way so hopefully you don't mind I will have my phone out for that reason all right first things first this is a repurchase I've actually bought in this three times in a month because I can't stop eating them this is the best the best the bit this is the best snack these are steaming bowl out of mommies' you can find these at Walmart in the frozen section and you can just pop out in the microwave and they're done and I will just look these when I'm in a snacking moot because they're zero smart points but they're just really good especially if you're in a snacking kind of mood check these out okay next thing is something guys I'm sure I've seen but I'm gonna tell you why I love this cauliflower medley not just plain cauliflower cauliflower medley with a little bit of rice so what I do is I make like a big stir-fry or a chow mein or fried rice there's like fried rice seasoning packets I'll insert a pitcher I've used that so many times with this and then I do like 1/2 a cup or a cup of rice if I want to make a big portion so you're getting that rice fix but you're bulking it up with zero point cauliflower and veg and then I put in the seasoning and the chicken and it's the easiest dinner and it tastes delicious and I love Chinese takeout I don't know about you guys that's one of my weaknesses is like Chinese takeout American Chinese takeout so when I'm craving that I go for this and I make it with a little bit of rice and the seasonings and chicken and it's delicious so the medley I recently just got this and I tasted it like right when I got it I got it because I wanted to find a good breakfast that's low in points but easy for you guys if you don't have time to meal prep or you didn't meal prep breakfast and you you know headed to work you wake up you want to just pop this in the microwave whether it's at home or at work I wanted to give you guys an option for that so these are so good they turned out way better than when I thought I was kind of like worried about them because there's no bread no carb um but they're so good there are five smart points I already know that so these are Jimmy Dean delights egg which breadless breakfast sandwiches there's ham bell pepper mushrooms bacon onion and egg fructose with turkey sausage and cheese so there's a turkey sausage patty and cheese this is what they look like so there's no bread they use eggs but there's stuff in it that it holds together it's so good and when you microwave it I kid you not if you microwave it a little bit extra like 35 seconds extra than what it says the edge of the egg gets crispy it's so good okay so this is what they look like you actually microwave them in a plastic bag you like open event and then you microwave it and you guys it's so good and that there's a turkey sausage so it keeps nice a fool you're getting some protein and it's just so good they have other varieties but I love mushrooms so when I saw there was not sure and I was like I want that so yeah these are only five smart points next is shouldn'ta lip gloss alright these are one of my favorite egg rolls I thought they were out of stock like forever and then I thought they were out of business because usually they're in like the cold section near like the cold meat where it's not frozen but it's cold and like in the prepackaged area their vans and they were like designed differently but now I found out that they're in the frozen aisle they're frozen now these are the vans egg rolls these are the chicken there's 12 in here it's a woman owned business which I thought school 130 calories for one and for smart points for one okay that might sound like a lot look at the size of these things and mistiness if you put this in the oven it turns out so good if you put it in the air fryer it would obviously probably even be better but look at how big they are and like it's already crispy for you if that makes sense and it tastes like a Chinese restaurant egg roll so this is what they look like we can have one for four they're so good you guys gotta get hold of course my points for this with that cauliflower medley and chicken would be so delicious that it's like a whole Chinese takeout meal in itself alright next is a creation from a girl I follow her name is Taylor register it's Chapel Tay on Instagram I will leave her Instagram handle this is her creation that she gets when she goes to chick-fil-a so I decided I wanted to do it because it looked delicious and I went to chick-fil-a and I tried it I was like okay I don't go out to eat that much I don't want to spend that much money I'm a homebody I'm an introvert so I thought how could I make this at-home version I decided to get these natural little grilled chicken bites which is zero points on the Blu plan and these are really really good they literally looked just like the grilled chicken nuggets from chick-fil-a but maybe a little bit bigger just a little but which is great these are the Tyson natural chicken burst chicken breast nuggets so you get that this sounds weird it sounds weird but it's so good yellow mustard you put it all in a bowl you cook the chicken and then put it in a bowl with the yellow mustard you'll need honey barbecue sauce what I do is I just get like G shoes and sugar-free syrup and I just mix it so G Hughes original or any kind of unsweetened or sweetened barbecue sauce that you want whatever you choose but I do G Hughes original not the Hickory just the original which I showed in my last W W favorite products and bread and butter pickles lots of lovelies lots of tickles which these do have points because there's like the butter in it so it's not too high in points but you add some pickles in there you mix it up you guys there you go there's the chick-fil-a half that she created but you can do it at home and it's so good so try it out try the chick-fil-a version out if you guys are at chick-fil-a and then if you like it try this at home alright guys the next thing I'm gonna share is something I recently just found I was on a hunt for a lower point ramen because usually I have to make my own ramen and it's very time consuming and that's only like on special occasions so I was on the hunt to find a low point ramen I've scanned so many I was down the ramen aisle then I was walking through frozen instal they have frozen ramen and it is so good at points you can have one cup for five points which is really good now I do want to note that there's only like one block of ramen in there and then it's loaded with beef and veggies and like sauce so you're only getting a little bit of ramen but it I'm telling you it does not matter it's still so good even if you get a little bit of ramen a lot of beef and veggies it's worth it five points you get that ramen fix and this stuff in here is really good they have seasoned beef ramen noodles carrots bok choy which I love the bok choy red and green bell peppers onions and Korean barbecue sauce which is delicious so this is what the frozen Packer who looks like it's it's so good so this is what you need to look for it's the happy foodie but it's spelled differently and you eat ramen and it's in the frozen section at Walmart alright next is the spicy black bean Morningstar burgers these are so good I love spicy they have other varieties that I've tried but I really love the spicy because I like spice on there not too too spicy so if you can deal with like a mild spice these are really good there are three smart points and 110 calories just really good I usually wrap them up in justice pita or a flatbread and I have them that way or I will just put it on top of a salad yeah these are so good next is a microwavable entree I really love healthy choice I've never tried this one until recently and it's so good it's like homey hearty comfort food for me at least when I think of comfort food I think of like stew and beef and potatoes and this is only for smart points which is great so this is the healthy choice C from Merlot this is what it looks like or smart points pretty good for our frozen dinner all right so breakfast food is next some of this stuff I don't have too much breakfast stuff I showed you guys the frozen breakfast sandwich the other thing I really have been enjoying is bagel things which I'm sure a lot of you have heard of so there are three smart points 110 calories they have plane and everything bagel but Walmart never carries it where I'm at so I just get the plain bagel and I add cream cheese and everything but the bagel seasoning on top and what I put on top of that is something you guys may need to get this stuff is so good like it's almost gone this is the Philadelphia whipped chive cream cheese two tablespoons is too smart points so this is what it looks like you can find out Walmart Target probably any grocery store carries it it's good about it is the bagels line three smart points so two points for a cream cheese that's really good it's not bad for a breakfast and also two tablespoons is 50 calories if you count your calories I'll try to throw in calories here and there but I'm just so used to point being on WW but yeah this stuff is awesome so check it out this is what the consistency looks like there's lots of chives in it like there's so much chives I love chives so that is one breakfast combination another thing you could do is add these laughing cow cheese spreads onto your bagel these are really good and I feel like this one in particular the garlic and herb is really good on a bagel so these are Lee SmartPoint this could be breakfast or snack so I'm gonna add it in the breakfast though and because I would have spread this on a bagel you can also cook it down and pasta lots of people do that they make sauces out of it which is a really good idea all right next this might seem so random but this is so good for breakfast and what I like to do with this ham steak this is the Sam's choice boneless ham steak 98% fat-free you can have three ounces for two smart points this is what it looks like you can get this at Walmart it's so good with breakfast like ham cheddar and egg I use this in egg casseroles or if I just make a quick scramble I'll just dice this up I'll do three ounces for the two smart points and I dice it up and I cook it get nice and brown and then I top it over my egg omelet or my egg scramble I wanted to share this because I'm so used to always having like turkey sausage and turkey bacon on ww I think this is a really good option and something different next we're gonna get into lunch right for lunch I wanted to share these Joseph's flat breads we have purchased these so much throughout the month these the pita and the flatbread are my favorite but I like this flatbread because it's humongous it's only one smart point sixty calories it's not paper-thin like some other flat breads that I've tried it's like a decent thickness and I like to use this as a wrap you could do a pizza with it but I just really like it as a wrap because it's so large but that is what it looks like I'm a big fan of Joseph's products I think I have a great stuff so this is only one SmartPoint and then what I like to do is these use these tuna creations this is both repurchased you can get these at Target and every time I see him I like to grab them I got this sweet and spicy and red curry coconut which a lot of people saying I've seen some comments that these aren't that good um but they are I love it maybe because I just like curry and I like coconut I think these both are too smart points because they're their sauce in it so they're 90 calories for the whole pouch and I believe they're too smart points to smart points so the sweet and spicy ones my favorite and what I do with these is I will put this in the flatbread this is the quickest lunch you just get the flatbread you pour this in there shred some lettuce and wrap it up and there you go it's very simple and it's really good because the sauce is already there for you I really like the coconut curry but if you don't like curry you probably won't like this one you have to like that curry cumin taste and it's a little bit spicy but used to our my my favorites okay this is not even a current favorite this is a current love I am obsessed with kraut now not just any kraut like in a can or the plane I can't really I don't really like that I don't enjoy it but if you get a like flavored kraut like this this is from Cleveland kraut this is the gnar gnar so has bell pepper jalapenos and chilies they also have a dill and a sea salt or like a salted one but this is the only one I've tried it's almost gone and I'm gonna try the next flavor but this one was a big hit I loved it and what I do is I just put this on salads this is like a topping for salads I mix it in the bowl and it's so good as a little bit of spice a little bit of texture and sauerkraut just naturally really good for you if you see this at Walmart this is in the cold section where the pickles are it's usually like on the bottom area like the very very bottom you're at cold pickles you can find the cleveland crowd there okay next is a chili I usually always get the 98% fat-free chili with no meat in it I just got the beans but this one is Turkey and no beans and it's really good it's probably not the healthiest but sometimes I crave Wendy's chili and potatoes that's like my favorite thing is a baked potato and stuff it with chili and I used to do that all the time at Wendy's so when I am craving like fast food things I try my hardest to create it at home and this is one of those things I do tend to crave that and a frosty yeah this is a turkey no beans 98% fat-free chili you can have one cup for four smart points and what I like to do is what I mentioned is bake a russet potato and add I don't know how to whole Cup I had like a half a cup of the chili and then I put a lid on and save it for another time but this stuff is so good you don't need like any salt or anything it's like perfect the way it is so that is a great lunch idea or dinner all right next we're gonna go over Progresso light soup i love progressive super um I just think it's so good they do a really good job not all the flavors I love but I'm sharing with you guys the ones that I do love this is the progressive light creamy potato with bacon and cheese soup you can have one cup for three smart points I think there's two cups in here so if you wanted the whole can it would be seven points um but I feel like for a lunch at least for me a lunch or a dinner sometimes a these for dinner that's not bad but this is what these label looks like what you would want to look for this one's really good but my favorite number one soup is the cheesy chicken enchilada this is what it looks like you can have the whole thing for four smart points or a cup for two this is what you want to look forward make sure you get the light I have mistakenly got in the real wine because it's so like subtle it says light right there it's very subtle I've mistakenly got the other one which is like seven points a cup or something so you make sure to get the light but this soup is so good you don't need to do anything to it like no seasonings really next is like sauces and condiments and things like that just like random food related items the first one is this mccormick seasoning I'm a big seasoned fan I love seasonings and I like getting new ones every now and then and this one was so good I had to share Joey made some chicken with this and it was amazing this stuff is really good Chipotle roasted garlic a grill mates McCormick the seasoning you can get this at Walmart or Target it's so good if you like roasted garlic it's very garlicky to me but also has that Chipotle flavor but we made some chicken with it and it was so good so yeah really good seasoning I wanted to share another thing is this sugar-free apple drink mix I usually always get the lemonade but Joey's mom got us hooked on that Apple because I love apple juice so if you like apple juice and you're a big fan but obviously you don't want to buy like the really sugary one this is a really good option you can get this from Walmart it's a great value brand the Apple sugar free drink mix it's really really really good next this is so random this is probably our sixth jar I'm not even kidding we are obsessed recently with tamed jalapenos you gotta get the tamed ones they're not that hot we have so many of these you guys like this was this lasted like 2 weeks this is our new one so tamed jalapenos make sure you get the tamed I add this in everything I feel like breakfast I put it on chicken with that Chipotle roasted garlic the other day and I put it in salads and putted it aids I'll eat the plane but this is what the label looks like they're so good alright snacks most important to me I feel like snacking is something I have a habit of so I like to make sure I have healthier lower point snacks or just in general even if they're not really technically healthy just a little bit lower on point because when the craving is there sometimes you know you just need a you just need to fix that craving you just need the food you just need the food so I love chips and salsa chips and guac that is like a really thing I can just really indulge on and go hard on so I always avoided it because I can't really control myself to just very little because normal tortilla chips are really high in points I did find this combination though and I'm so happy so tuxedoes bite-size chips 24 for 4 which is a great amount of chips like when you put it on your plate it looks like a lot so you can have 4 points worth for 24 a bite size is where it's at where it is at if you're a chip liver like a tortilla chip lover this is what you should really try getting and then with that I have been obsessed with these whole avocado minis these I've never had them for until this month I never ever had these previous before on WW there are 3 smart points for the pouch this is what the pouch looks like this is my last pouch so yeah that's a pretty decent sized pouch 2 ounces and I can you know it fills me up I have 24 chips with this and this is what the label looks like you can get at Walmart or Target yeah super-good I love that first snack I got these 1 protein bars and I got the peanut butter one which was not good I didn't like that one but this one was so good it's something about the texture for me this one the texture was a lot better and the flavor is really really good this is the blue cobbler protein bar and I would purchase these again they were really good this is what it looks like and it's it's really good there's like something there's something in it like the blueberry flavor it's not like a jelly but it's like a crumble in there and it's just a good textured off balance like that protein bar flavor as for the peanut butter one it just was like chalky didn't taste right but this one it was really good and this is six more points okay these are little protein bites and these fill me up surprisingly so much I take them on the go if I'm like running around it because you can take them out of the fridge but you do have to put them back in the fridge they need to be refrigerated but I think this if you can keep them out for two hours these are perfect bites chocolate chip peanut butter protein bites and I got these from Target Walmart may carry them but I did get them from Target you can have eleven four six which sounds like a lot but honestly eleven keeps me full because there's just so high in protein I think there's also peanut butter and honey in here and you can have let's see seven grams of protein for a serving you can have less if you want to use it as like a sweet thing because they are sweeter you can have eight four four six four three so it's pretty good and four for two but yeah I'll just kind of snack on them if I'm like wanting something sweet or if I'm on the go these are mostly like my on-the-go snack I love them so this is what they look like I don't have any to show you because they're gone but they look like little cookie dough chocolate peanut butter cookie dough bites and it actually looks like cookie dough so check those out alright next is some cheese I love cheese I'm not a big fan of the baby blue Bella light cheese I mean like they're good they're kind of expensive and I feel like everyone shows them so I was looking for a cheese that like maybe No has tried or has seen before and I found these I found these little mozzarella oh my gosh ball packets I personally love mozzarella cheese a lot like I've always loved mozzarella this whole pouch is too smart points and you get three little balls in here and I just I love how it comes in a pouch you could even make like a little platter with avocado and tomato slices some cheese some balsamic glaze vinegar some basil that would be really good so two points for these you can find them in the cheese aisle near the hummus actually it's not a aisle where I'm my Walmart take a little section a small section in the produce there's hummus over there and cheese like salad like topping cheese like feta and blue cheese and stuff crumbles and they had these well let me scan those and I tried them when I got home and they were so good so just mozzarella balls these are a new thing for me I've been hearing so many things about these whisp parmesan crackers these are Parmesan cheese crisps so it's literally just Parmesan cheese and they like baked it into little chips and what I like to do with these is have it with the little avocado Cup I showed I like to dip these as a cracker and you can have 15 4 3 so that's really good this is what they look like and I mean who doesn't love cheese crispy cheese it's really good all right next we're gonna do some sweets one of them I need to warn you guys it's addicting it's really hard to only eat a serving because they were my favorite cookie probably ever maybe even my favorite sweet treat like ever they're so good um you could have 3 for 4 and I used it as like a topping I kept like crumbling it on top of other items like yogurt I like to do nonfat Greek yogurt with vanilla sugar-free pudding mix and then add these as a crumble so 3 for 4 these are the what are they called boredom and sugar free coconut wafers so they're sugar free coconut cream little wafers cookies well the best things ever you guys next is Lily's dark chocolate chips these are so good they're a little bit more expensive but I do feel like they're worth it because you can have 24 for two and I like to snack on these sometimes just as a whole with a little bit of nuts and then I like to bake with them so these are Lily's dark chocolate chips I also like to melt them down and put it over my banana so that's a really good option for your sweet craving is like a banana and just melt this chocolate in the microwave and then drizzle it on top of the banana it's really good but nothing beats these yogurts these are the Yoplait Greek whips these are so good I have purchased I mean probably ten this month maybe more um this one's my favorite so I'm gonna show you my favorite first the vanilla cupcake these are for smart points 100 calories this one's the best it's the vanilla cupcake it's really really good the texture of these are amazing that's why I like am I thinking the flavors just really good Robert cheesecake is my second favorite this is the first one I ever tried and ivory purchased it since then and then peaches and cream is really good too if you like peaches especially you would really like this so these are like my little desserts I like to have and shape myself at night alright guys and that is it for my monthly favorite video I hope you guys enjoyed I hope you guys wrote some of these down if you have any questions about anything at all leave it in the comments below these are all products that I have currently just been loving and I hope you guys try it out and that this was helpful in some way just give it a thumbs up that lets me know you guys really liked this video and I again I just appreciate those thumbs up subscribe if you're not if you're new here I would love to have you so hit that subscribe button I'm so close to 17 K cray-z so thank you to you guys so much for subscribing I love having here and yeah stay tuned for next month's favorite video and also you can go through my playlist I have tons of content for you guys to look back through if you're on your weight loss journey and you feel like you need some support I'm your girl I'm here for you guys I'm rooting for you guys I hope you guys are all doing so well and I will guys my next one bye guys [Music]
Channel: Amanda Lewis
Views: 89,390
Rating: 4.9657402 out of 5
Keywords: my top ww products, top ww food products, top ww food products to buy, my top fav ww foods, weight loss made easy, products that helped me lost weight, weight loss, ww, weight watchers
Id: J38RYvnBYG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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