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don't you know [Music] just the way we are just the way hi everyone welcome back to my channel welcome to another video if you're new here welcome my name is christy on my channel i share a lot of meal preps meal plans grocery hauls what's for dinner videos in today's video this is a different kind of video than i normally do i have had a couple requests one to do an amazon faves video which i haven't quite got that one done yet and the other one was to give like my top 10 food items that have helped me to lose weight and so when i went through my pantry my fridge my freezer i actually came up with 25. so i'm going to share with you today 25 items that have helped me to lose weight on my weight loss journey some of these are staples that i use all the time and some of them are just things that i wanted to share with you that are low in points or calories so i'm currently following the ww program but i do provide points for all three programs on my channel and i also provide calories as well but you certainly don't need to be on any type of weight loss journey to get tips and ideas for my channel so let's go ahead and dive right in i'm going to start with the cold thing so i can get those put away first so for the first item i'm actually going to have to put a picture on the screen to show you what it looks like because i've already taken it out of the package and put it in one of my reusable bags but that is canadian bacon canadian bacon i love having you can actually have four slices of canadian bacon for one point and that is on all programs and the canadian bacon is also if you're counting calories it's 20 calories per slice so that is one that i absolutely love having another thing keeping with the meats is turkey pepperoni i love turkey pepperoni as a snack and also to make like homemade pizzas you can have 15 slices for one point or 25 slices for two points if you're counting calories it is 70 calories for 17 slices to have this as a snack i like to use them with laughing cow cheese these are little wedges they actually come in a round i'll put a picture up above they come like in a round container there are eight wedges in each one these are one point per wedge but i will let you know that depending on the type you get some of them are three points for two wedges some of them are two points for two wedges so i did a little bit of research and i found that the light swiss stands out at one for one or three points for two but if you use the garlic and herb and i believe the pepper jack kind then those ones come out to just two points for two wedges so make sure to scan it into your app to see how many points it's scanning at and calories these are 25 calories for the light swiss and i believe 35 for the others but i think each one is different calories so definitely double check on that what i like to do with these is put them on any type of crackers pretzels i used to use these with pretzel crisps all the time until i found that i was having a little bit problem with overeating on pretzel crisps so that is something i used to do with these the other thing that you can do is take one cheese wedge and count out your 15 slices of pepperoni and just put a light layer of cheese in each pepperoni and then you can even put like a banana pepper in there and just fold it up and you've got yourself a snack so 15 of those would be two points between the turkey pepperoni and the wedge since we're on cheese i'm also going to talk about yes this is very processed so if you don't like the overly processed cheese then you won't like this this is velveeta slices and these are one point for a slice if you go up to two slices then it becomes three points uh for calories this is 35 calories per slice so if you're getting value out of this video please make sure to hit that thumbs up button it really does help me it lets me know that you like these type of videos and it also lets youtube know that you're enjoying my content which of course helps me in the long run i really appreciate it all right the other thing is potatoes i have two different kind of potatoes here if you are on the purple plan your potatoes are zero you do have to watch because some of the potatoes have different things in them some of them have oil some of them have sugar so double check and scan them the orita shredded hash browns are zero i believe the great value shredded hash browns are zero and so are the seasons choice from aldi but again double check on your skin or make sure so that's just on purple if you are on blue or green you can have one and a half cups of these for two points the other thing is sliced potatoes canned potatoes i've had actually a lot of comments when i use these canned potatoes on my channel these fry up in a pan real nice for like breakfast potatoes i like to use these in my breakfast bowls i just use these and some meat and eggs and they come out really nice you can buy them sliced or they also have them in like small whole potatoes these are zero points on purple for blue and green it is two points for two thirds of a cup if you're counting calories it's 60 calories for two thirds of a cup and on the hash browns if you're counting calories it's 60 calories for one and a quarter cups another thing i have is dannon light and fit greek yogurt this kind is strawberry cheesecake i love this kind it tastes so good a lot of times i didn't used to like yogurt like the fat free yogurt because it really it tasted fat free to me this kind is really good it's really creamy really smooth i love this kind um calories on this is 80 calories for the container and like i said two points on all programs the other thing i wouldn't live without my sugar free coffee mate this is the french vanilla flavor for this kind it the serving size is one tablespoon which is 15 calories if you're counting calories one tablespoon is the equivalent of 15 milliliters i like quite a bit in mine so what i usually do you can actually have 17 milliliters for zero points which is a little bit over the one tablespoon you can have 49 milliliters for one point or you can have 82 milliliters for two points so that's usually what i do i have two cups of coffee so i just take the 82 milliliters so i count my coffee as two and then i usually put like 41 milliliters in each cup of coffee that is my favorite creamer the other thing i like and these i use with my breakfast bowls with my potatoes these are the never any country style chicken breast sausage these are really good you get these at all these they're one point per link and these are 45 calories per link those are really good they make sure if you get these there's also i think like a maple kind make sure not to get the maple that will be higher in points and i imagine calories as well the next thing i have that i don't usually have too much but i do like to have these just as kind of a last minute if i don't get breakfast in these are equate brand protein shakes these are basically the walmart brand of premier protein these are two points for the entire thing calories is 160 calories for the whole thing this is not a lot of times the protein drinks to me taste real kind of like gritty this kind is pretty good it doesn't taste overly gritty i know a lot of people that use this in their coffee for like a creamer there is also a caramel kind i've tried the caramel kind in my coffee and i just prefer the regular creamer in mine but if you're into that definitely try that it would be even less points because you're sure not going to use this whole thing in your coffee so those are just something i like to have in my fridge in case i just need a snack in the afternoon uh something with protein it has 30 grams of protein in it and i've also used these like in place of a breakfast as well i personally for me because of the low calories it's only 160 calories that is really low for me i don't really like to only have a two point breakfast or 160 calories so i would definitely not do this all the time but if it's something you know if it's a morning that i miss breakfast then i would use that the last cool thing i have is orange juice so if you're an orange juice lover like my husband you don't like the fact that most orange juices are six points for one cup so this is the trop 50 this is no pulp calcium and vitamin d this is 50 percent less sugar in calories for this kind instead of the six points for a cup of orange juice it's only three points it's half the points in calories so three points for one cup or if you just are like me and you just want that little bit of taste of orange juice with your breakfast you can have half a cup for just one point so that's usually what i do and if you're counting calories 50 calories per 8 ounce serving so very low on calories compared to regular orange juice all right let me get this cold stuff put away and then i'll show you the rest okay moving on the next thing that i want to show you is spray butter this is the i can't believe it's not butter brand i believe they also have a parquet brand as well this kind is really good you can have 20 sprays for zero points if you are calling counting calories it is zero so this is really good to use like just to spray your pan while you're cooking or just to use like on vegetables potatoes instead of butter it's very rare that i use butter anymore i just always use the spray butter the next thing that i have is these wraps so the first thing is extreme wellness the olay extreme wellness wraps these are high fiber these are only one point per wrap and if you're counting calories it's 50 calories per wrap these are very thin so they're not overly hardy let me just show you how big they are so i have kind of small hands but you can kind of get an idea of the size but see they're they're very flimsy um but these are great i make breakfast burritos with these i have made little pizzas with them i don't prefer those for pizzas though i like these more for like breakfast wraps or lunch wraps like a turkey wrap for pizzas i like to use these this is the aldi version of the lavash bread so this is the fit inactive this is just the multi-grain with flax these are 100 calories per serving or two points for a flat bread let me show you the size of these so as you can see those are pretty good we made these uh we made little pizzas with these and they were pretty good i suggest baking these in the oven first just because otherwise they do come out a little bit soggy or i would suggest don't put your sauce on them like maybe dip it in the sauce after it's done sometimes that helps when you're making pizzas the next thing i want to show is pancake mix if you watch my channel you know that i love pancake bakes i make all different kind of pancake bakes and this is basically what i use for them is the kodiak cake power cakes flapjack and waffle mix this is the buttermilk flavor this kind is five points for a half a cup if you're counting calories it's 190 calories for a half a cup i have also used the birch benders kind this is the same points uh five points for the half a cup if you're counting calories this one is a little bit less that's 180 calories for the half a cup and this is 10 grams of protein per serving and it's the plant protein so i have used this kind i prefer this kind over this one but they're both good honestly the other things that i use quite often are artificial sweeteners the lecanto is the best of them they say that this is like the more natural i don't know for sure i have not done really a lot of research on that but uh double check if you're one that doesn't like artificial sweeteners my understanding is the lecanto is the better kind to have they have the brown sugar equivalent of brown sugar and then the regular and then i also have swerve swerve has brown sugar regular and also confectioner's sugar swerve has i'm not sure if lecanto has confection or sugar or not but of course those are all zero calories those are zero as well the other thing is lilly's baking chips this is the butterscotch flavor these are really good i like to have these i've done like a butterscotch pancake bake but these are good just to have like if you are having kind of a sweet tooth these are great you can have 16 of these for one point the serving size is 26 chips for 55 calories so not bad but if you're doing points 16 for one point okay next is one of my favorite nah i've saved my favorite for last uh the next thing i have is maple grove farms sugar-free syrup this is my absolute favorite syrup the other syrup that i do like for sugar free is mrs butterworth's but for that kind it's a little bit higher in points for this kind you can have a whole quarter of a cup for zero i think for a quarter cup of mrs butterworth's it's one point so counting calories for two tablespoons of this is five calories so not too bad and this is it is it's really good it's not some of the sugar-free syrups i've had before are really thin like they almost taste watered down and this kind doesn't this is really good okay next i have olive garden light italian dressing this is my favorite kind of dressing to have i use this on my salads i use this like cut up some cucumbers and have some cucumbers as a side dish for dinner for our vegetable and also i use this to use it like as a marinade like to marinate chicken and things like that this is you can have two and a half tablespoons for one point if you're just wanting zero points worth three quarters of a tablespoon for zero so that's usually what i have cute my cucumbers cut up i just use the little mini cucumbers and i usually just use the zero points on that one thing that i put in i don't really eat soups a whole lot but something if you are a soup lover and you don't want to make your own homemade soup this is really good progresso has quite a few light soups and this is the chicken noodle kind this is a hundred and thirty calories for the entire can if you're on points you can have the whole can is three points but you can actually for the whole can it's 18 and a half ounces if you're on blue and purple to make it just two points it's 17 and three quarter ounces so you could just maybe dump out a noodle or something and you could have the whole thing for two points on green it is two points for 15 and two thirds gram so basically if you just have the whole entire thing it's going to be three points all right we are getting down to the last things the next thing i have is ranch seasoning this is really good i like to just sprinkle this over some things like maybe sprinkle over some potatoes i usually make my own ranch sauce with this so i just mix some sour cream with a little bit of this and i use that like drizzle drizzle it over vegetables or use it you know kind of like a dip this is you can have one and a half teaspoons for zero points if you're counting calories it is for a quarter teaspoon is zero calories but that's really good has good flavor the next thing i have is raised no sugar added barbecue sauce this is really good i used to use the g hues kind until i had this and i really like this kind my favorite is the hickory so for this kind you can have it's zero points for two tablespoons my favorite favorite kind is the regular sweet baby raise sweet baby raise is like four points i think for two tablespoons so this kind zero points for two tablespoons if you're counting calories i think they're both the same yeah 15 calories for two tablespoons so very good to have for barbecue chicken or something finally my favorite my favorite snack anybody who follows me knows i love my snack pack pudding this is chocolate sugar-free pudding absolutely love these these are two points for a container i believe if you have two of them it's five points so my husband usually has two when he has these but i only have one so i like to mix these with ready whip which is one of my favorites i don't have the ready whip with me today i will put a picture of it everybody pretty much knows what ready whip is so for the ready whip if you're counting calories it's only five calories for two tablespoons if you are on points you can have 14 tablespoons for one point so what i usually do is take a couple of these and i mix it with the ready whip and with pb2 i love it mixed with those it tastes so good so pb2 if you're not familiar with pb2 this is basically powdered peanut butter but you can actually make this like mix it with water and make it into regular peanut butter to use on sandwiches i never do that i always use it dry so there is the regular kind and there's the kind with cocoa which is kind of like a chocolate peanut chocolate pb2 this is if you are counting calories it's 50 calories for two tablespoons of this one and 60 calories for two tablespoons of the original so there is a little bit more sugar in the one with cocoa um point wise it's four points no sorry point wise it is zero points for four grams so keep in mind that two tablespoons is 13 grams but i always measure this in grams um for the regular you can have you can have four grams for zero 13 grams for one point which is usually the size serving size that i have or 20 grams for two the only difference with this one is for the one point you can only 12 grams so basically about the same so what i usually do is just mix this with 13 grams of this which is quite a bit and then also the ready whip and i just mix it up and it is so good my absolute favorite snack and then if you really wanted to get really sweet you could just add some baking chips with it hi everyone i'm gonna pop in real quick with this little clip i'm sitting here editing what i filmed and i wanted to mention about the pb2 so something i also do with the pb2 is mix it in with apples so i cut up an apple put it in like a little sandwich bag and then i just dump some of the pb2 in that shake it up and it is such a good little snack so just don't don't cut the apple up ahead of time because it's not going to be any good but just cut up your apple put it in a baggie pour some of the pb2 on it and shake it up it's a really really good snack the other thing was the laughing cow cheese i also use that kind of like as a mayonnaise and cheese spread on like the wraps so when i make my turkey wraps i use that on like in place of mayonnaise and that is really good so just want to stick this clip in here and let you know that so i think oh i got one more the last thing popcorn so this is a great snack to have if you are on purple this is zero points popcorn is a whole grain so it's zero on purple if you're on blue or green you can have is three points for what is it three tablespoons unpopped so basically i measure out 40 grams into the container it says that the three tablespoons unpop comes out to seven and a half cups popped i don't know whether it really comes out to that much but calories is 120 calories so three points on blue and green 120 calories for the three tablespoons on top and zero on purple so i what i usually do is i you this is what i use to cook mine in this goes in the microwave it's just a glass dish i got this from amazon so i just pour the kernels into the top here and weigh it out the 40 grams and then you just dump it in there you don't put any oil or anything in there this is actually made so that you could melt butter in there which i don't do if i wasn't on weight loss journey then i would definitely do that but i don't i use spray butter so um i just cook this right in the microwave it's usually about four minutes in my microwave obviously everybody's microwave is different but it just cooks up real nice in there and then this is what i used to top it with i spray it with some spray butter and then i top it with this amazing white cheddar popcorn seasoning this is so good this you can have two teaspoons for zero points and i'm telling you you won't use the whole two teaspoons on it if you're counting calories um a quarter of a teaspoon is two calories so it's very low in in calories and points and it just really adds a nice flavor to the popcorn and of course you can eat your popcorn plate so that is my 25 items i feel like i rushed through those but i knew this video was going to be long um some i think i actually had more than 25 because like i have two different kinds of breads i just counted that as one because it was the bread same with the potatoes i think i just counted the both the canned and the right other potatoes as one so if you like this video make sure to give it a thumbs up and if you have some suggestions of things that you use that are low point low calories please put them down in the comments below so that everybody can see them i know this time of year uh we have a lot of people that are getting on weight loss journeys and weight loss programs and i remember when i first started i was just overwhelmed with everything so these type of videos really helped me out so if there if you've got some suggestions and ideas for some new people starting out please put the comments down below or even to let me know there might be things that i don't even know of that are low point low calories so a lot of these items i've known from suggestions that you've had or watching other videos thank you all so much for watching i'll see you in my next video i'm christy and i'm planting us healthy [Music] just the way
Channel: Planning Us Healthy
Views: 72,556
Rating: 4.9783669 out of 5
Keywords: ww meal prep, ww, weight watchers, meal prep ww, what I eat in a day, what I eat, meal planning, myWW, ww blue plan, ww purple plan, ww green plan, weight loss journey, meal plan, planning us healthy, weight loss must haves, ww must haves, top 25, ww snacks, favorite ww snacks, weight loss, low point snacks on ww, low calorie snacks, weight loss tips, ww tips, ww foods, top 25 ww foods, calorie counting, weight loss foods, ww favs, ww favorites, ww favorite foods
Id: 74hvwwiZrzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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