Top Ten Dumbest Boss Ideas

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this is a friendly reminder that you can always support the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin by clicking my extra life donation link down below in the description definitely a better idea than these glasses were [Music] boss battles can be a real highlight of a game they can be fun exciting atmospheric full of creativity and then there are bosses that you just look at and say my god someone actually thought this was a good idea it's one thing when bosses are bad just because their cases of good idea has gone wrong on the other hand there have been plenty of times I have looked at bosses and wondered how could these have been even put on the drawing board in the first place let alone been a proof for the final game this is the kind of boss that's being put on the spot here bosses whose ideas are just so stupid and bad that you have to wonder how the people who came up with them ever got hired in the first place now I'm not including job bosses that are stupid on purpose I'm looking at bosses that people actually believed were good ideas at the time let's hope your brain cells can survive what you're about to see here it's game time [Music] having worked in game development myself I can't stress enough the importance of good communication if the members of your team don't communicate well you could end up with a decision that doesn't fit well with the rest of the game case in point in the process of developing a Pokemon game when deciding the types which are regions elite 4 was specialized in make sure you know it's Pokemon are in the regional pokedex first clearly they did not happen during the development of pokemon diamond and pearl judging from the battle with Flint I'm singling out Diamond and Pearl because they fix Flint's team and platinum still this doesn't excuse the issue I have flint carries himself as a fire-type specialist but his team has only two fire types though as being Infernape and rapid ash but the other three being drifblim steelix and lopunny of all things normally I could chalk this up to bad execution except for one critical detail those two fire types he has they're literally the only fully evolved fire types in the entire regional pokedex I can excuse cases like Agatha and Lance from Gen 1 because ghosts and Dragon were rare Taipings back then but this was Gen 4 and by this point there were a lot of fire types that could have gone into the regional pokedex that could have justified Flint's typing heck fire wasn't exactly a rare typing even in Gen 1 on the plus side it prevent you from simply relying on type advantages so I guess that counts for something doesn't stop this battle from going up its smoke though a general pet peeve I have in terms of Foss ideas is larger versions of standard enemies not saying they can't work but if you're gonna supersize something that you'll run into on a level by level basis you're gonna have to try really hard to make it interesting more often than not however you'll end up with what happened in wily stage 1 of Mega Man 4 this stage was packed to the brim with metals standard metals spinning metals swimming metals heck the only enemy in the level that wasn't a metal was a single saw blade enemy in one room and at the end of this stage we have a boss that really shows some creativity just kidding it's just a giant metal seriously how lazy can you get all that the fight with a giant metal daddy consists of is him peeking out of his helmet followed by a huge jump that shakes down normal metals from the ceiling I guess it fits the theme of the level and him landing on you seriously hurts but come on couldn't we have to come up with something that has a little more creativity than just this I mean it's not like we can't use metals creatively Megaman 6 - it was a Matar Z and mr. X stage 3 this on the other hand looks like the boss designers weren't even trying just take a regular metal increase the size by 500% or so and boom we're heading off on our lunch break early guys shouldn't they be doing at least something more to earn their salary but to be fair this isn't the worst case I've seen of this [Music] so what's the most basic thing in nearly any 2d platformer ever he progressed by walking right you can do it I can do it the neighbor's dog can do it even people who get their news from tabloids can do it it's not exactly rocket surgery people so what's the most basic mechanic that can be used to devise a boss fights if you said walking right then five points for you it doesn't make it a good idea to be the boss fight off of in the first place but that's what happened at one point during the development of Super Mario World to Yoshi's Island this is Roger the potted ghost a monster created from a potted plant of all things in order to beat this boss all you need to do is push it off the edge how do you do that you walk right yeah he can occasionally lash out at you but all they'll do is push you back a bit yeah you can spit fireballs but they move so slow that avoiding them will hardly do anything to disrupt your progress yeah those two shy guys push back but come on do they even lift okay he's done I guess I shouldn't have expected any better from the game's first but he's the boss of a second world at least you have to actually attack the first three bosses with your eggs and you know actually put up a fight this is platforming 101 and to those of you who are saying it's supposed to be easy because it's a Yoshi game try playing the Poochie levels and then try telling me this game is easy [Music] [Music] Final Fantasy 5 as a whole was seen as being more lighthearted than its predecessors and could often be seen as a satire of typical RPG tropes of the time this can be seen in such things as main villain X deaths constant laughing and monologuing yoga mixes flamboyance and gallops heroic last stand after his HP hit zero however not everything about this game made me smile for example when you first visit walls tower you witness the water crystals shatter before gathering every shard except for one before the tower sinks later on in the game you can visit it again only appropriately enough the entire place is underwater meaning you'll only be able to stick around for seven minutes because that's perfectly reasonable and not at all oddly specific at the bottom is the final shard but it's guarded by the famed mimic now the idea behind this boss is that him being a mimic he'll copy everything you do only stronger defend and he'll defend he'll he'll heal more attack him and he'll counter for insane damage probably killing the target so in order to defeat him you'll need to predict what he'll do what does this mean here let me give you a hint does that answer your question yep that's right you defeat him by copying him waiting for you to do something for him to copy in other words by doing absolutely nothing yeah you can defeat him normally by doing enough damage with the right setup but by doing so you were on the risk of triple cast meteor oh and the timer still ticking the entire time you're waiting so if you're almost out of time when you reach him you may as well just reload you're safe and someone thought this would be a good puzzle boss yeah punch line more like a punch line to the loins well at least we get the last shard why am I not surprised [Music] I'll admit I was a little late on the crash train growing up I never even owned an original PlayStation having owned an n64 during that period instead it wasn't until the end sane trilogy that I came to understand what people loved about this series unfortunately playing cortex strikes back also affirms something important in regards to boss design you can't take one of the worst mechanics in your game make a boss fight out of it and expect it to work especially when it's your main villain yeah remember that jet pack that was introduced not too long ago it had really touchy controls up here and only two levels in the final floor and those levels were more suited for slow and careful navigation so to make the final battle against cortex a high-speed chase with those same controls yeah you can probably imagine that this idea was pitched at the end of the meeting when tensions are highest and bladders are fullest the idea is to catch up to cortex and spin attack him three times before he gets away already this sounds like a bad idea but making it even worse is the fact that cortex escaping is literally the only way you can lose a life the meteors and minds you know that explode do nothing except slow you down also for a game subtitled cortex strikes back he certainly doesn't do a lot of striking back now does he he even had a laser pistol in the original but never used it heck if cortex gets too far ahead of you he will literally stop and wait for you to get closer before flying away again so yeah this battle goes from something that had the potential to be frustrating as hell to so easy it's almost insulting but a look at the bright side I think we now know which members of naughty dog went on to form big red button with the Mets all daddy we have a case of a bus that's just a larger version of a standard enemy oddly enough our next bus of this variety is also from a game developed by Capcom yeah Capcom actually developed a few Zelda games for those of you who don't know the Oracle games had some good ideas what were the link between the two different yet related games but their best work with Zelda was probably the Minish Cap as for the bus the first dungeon however how about we make it a normal enemy no not a larger version of a normal enemy just a normal enemy the only difference is that you're the size of a grain of rice that works doesn't it well no it really doesn't false advertising aside the big green choo-choo is a train wreck from the starting gun it does nothing except walk and jump around trying to slime you and get a load of how you beat this guy you just use your dust jar to suck up its little feet until it starts toppling over giving you the opportunity to slash away at it with your sword that's right you beat this boss by making it go timber and remember this is an enemy that normally goes down with just a couple hits and it's the temples boss keys with somebody at Capcom highest buck when he or she came up with this boss and you know what's really sad there's a more powerful blue choo-choo in the third dungeon but has the same electrical abilities as regular blue queues and it's a mini boss this thing was so dumb that a more powerful version of that same boss is a mid boss in a later dungeon and that same dungeons boss does the idea of a regular enemy turned giant better than that choo-choo does I don't care who you are that is just pathetic [Music] from one giant slime bus to another this time be offender is castlevania harmony of dissonance now again it's one thing when a boss is just a larger version of a smaller enemy but oftentimes the boss versions method of attacking is at least somewhat different not the case with max Slimer first off let's get the obvious issue with this boss out of the way it's just a giant slime actually no scratch bag it's essentially a fusion of three different varieties of slimes each variety of slime on the game can inflict a different status ailment be it poison curse or stone max Slimer can afflict any one of the three depending on what color it is this could be a threat if the stupidity of its pattern causes you to grow numb by the time it reaches you all it does is slowly inch toward you and sometimes jump between the floor and ceiling and at least the big range Chuchu the way you beat it could possibly be seen as somewhat funny but max Slimer well any weapon you have can damage it anywhere on its body at any time and when you do damage it it will just shed tiny slimes that will do little more than get in the way heck you're more likely to have trouble with the tiny slime time with max Slimer himself considering how quickly they can fill the floor this isn't even an original idea and it's not even the first boss unlike the choo-choo it's the 7th or 8th so instead of having minimum health you've probably leveled up quite a bit which makes this idea look even worse what were the developers at Konami running out of ideas for bosses or were they just being lazy well considering the variety of iconic monsters that weren't even in the game that wouldn't surprise me if the latter were true can find better slimes and Dragon Quest for God's sakes how many more were there time to [Music] I've already said that bosses that are just larger versions of standard enemies is a stupid idea for a boss no one else makes for a stupid boss idea enemy Rajesh because why go through the effort of actually designing a boss fight we can just send a bunch of enemies at the heroin call it a day so what happens when you combine the two well you know it's not a good sign of intelligent boss design when your boss is literally named dumb drama so the drum drops once spawns two critters defeat them then the drum drops twice the pattern repeats with slippers next is claptraps then clumps then armies then it just blows itself up wait what so all there is to this boss is just avoiding a falling drum a few times and defeating a few enemies and this is the blasts of world 5 so you're expecting better than what you've gotten so far but then again this is the first Donkey Kong Country game we're talking about and all the bosses in this game aside from control himself are just larger enemies in the first place so the bar is already set low but this boss doesn't even clear that bar it's doesn't oil drum that stomps on you and serves as a floating bus for Kremmling troops and not even particularly threatening ones either what was the point of this boss to stupefy gamers until they became so incredulous that they stopped paying attention because that's really the only way anyone would die to this thing of course you'd have to be paying serious attention to even get this far so a tactic like that wouldn't even work I guess k roll was right he really is surrounded by fools maybe it's for the best the kremlings haven't come back as an army since 64 hey at least they make good goalies don't get too excited boy [Music] I'm gonna be brutally honest the sonic adventure games haven't really aged all that well true Sonic's gameplay would have been ideal for 3d Sonic given more refinement but often times the other characters gameplay kiss doesn't stack up case in point big the cat is probably the most useless character in the franchise let alone the first adventure game aside from the fact that the Frog he's always chasing serves more of a purpose to the story than he does his levels basically amount to a fishing minigame and not even a fun one it's not even compatible with the Dreamcast fishing rod which is a massive wasted opportunity if you ask me so tell me who thought this style of gameplay would work for a boss fight [Music] what we have here is more idiotic than every bad machine that Eggman has come up with put together say what you want about things like the egg dealer the hog mobile or even the evil ferris wheel but at least you had to put some effort into fighting them now this isn't like the other Kasich's battles where you use Sonic and Knuckles featuring knuckles from the knuckles make chuckle series Oh No aside from the whole one attack that chaos six has that could possibly be a threat you could end this fight before it even has a chance to attack at all all you have to do with big is simply aim your lord froggy get a hit and boom the battle is over you don't even have to fight the land that dude like normal fight just straight-up ends right there and the cutscene takes care of the rest and why hesitate to camp this is a boss fight due to how short and stupid it is the game actually does cut it as one so there's your answer right there I'm starting to think that big to find a new animal buddy to hang out with that our froggy should just find a new owner hexagonal one to forget about big can't really blame them remember how I told you guys that you can't take one of your games worst mechanics make a boss fight out of it and expect it to work yeah cortex strikes back isn't the only time that's happened so how about Metroid Other M spinal boss am i right so I had just finished the fight against the Queen Metroid by remembering a mechanic that I hadn't been authorised to use since the tutorial and discovered that the Madeleine Bergman we met earlier was actually an Android named and B which went out of control due to developing emotions huh so MV shows up goes on a rampage and I'm expecting an epic clash with our true main villain almost immediately I'm overwhelmed by the mutant insects she spawns and I waste so many missiles and so much life trying to fight them off that I end up dying that's okay I can just continue and try to get a clear shot at her so I do just that clearing just enough bugs to light up in my crosshairs and that's it been lover boy on one planet could this possibly be considered okay it's bad enough that other M had a disgusting love affair at these search segments that completely wrecked Gamze pacing but somehow someone had the idea at combat to it black Santa's in place caught a bus fight and make that the showdown with the revived Mother Brain just how the [ __ ] do you [ __ ] this up so [ __ ] bad link if they made this a standard buzz fight with the flashy combat the rest of other end was known for fight may still have been bad but at least it would have simply been a good idea with bad execution but this this a search statement where you never even get to fire a shot at her before the cutscene in the [ __ ] Galactic Federation do the rest it makes me wonder how many discount lobotomies were handed out that day at least it's looking like Nintendo has learned from this mistake we're counting on you prime for don't you dare let us down I'm the quarter guy and it sounds like this that I'm reminded of that bench scene fermented black 1500 years ago everybody knew the earth was the center of the universe five hundred years ago everybody knew the earth was flat and during the denominated Avella pers knew these busses were a good idea I can only imagine what they know now [Music] [Applause] oh yeah time for an anniversary party protomans bring in the drinks zero spring and appetizers lands in charge of decorations Sonja's providing the entertainment Tron surf BOTS are going to send out the invitations and Capcom well cap comes in charge of being Capcom next time top 10 Mega Man games it's party time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Quarter Guy
Views: 119,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Quarter Guy, Quarter Guy, Quarter, Guy, Video Games, Video, Games, Gaming, Top, Ten, Dumbest, Boss, Ideas, Countdown, Pokemon, Mega, Man, Sonic, The, Hedgehog, Crash, Bandicoot, Final, Fantasy, Legend, Of, Zelda, Metroid, Donkey, Kong, Country, Castlevania, Super, Mario, World, Yoshi's, Island, Fawful's Minion, joshscorcher, rabbidluigi, Green Scorpion
Id: c1ZXz0nqUxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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