A Popular Malaysian Influencer HACKED her friends’ YouTube channels to RUIN them

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is she filming a video or is she trying to take a nap hi everyone welcome to the first relaunch of midnight mango listen listen listen I know midnight mango was like the True Crime that I did on this channel but midnight mango has basically turned into rotten mango and so uh we thought we'd bring it back but with the stories that we tell in mukbangs because I read the comments I listen to the comments and so many times people are like can you just time stamp what the story starts so uh the timestamp is now we're starting the story now let me know what you guys think I want it to feel like we're just chatting in midnight with the guy that I'm dating is listening to the story I actually have like a whole PowerPoint presentation because this one is thick drama so um welcome to midnight mango we need like a like an intro right walk first of all I just want to talk about something real quick before we get into the thick juiciness of today's case which is basically this YouTuber goes to a YouTuber party with a bunch of other famous YouTubers and she's trying to hack into their YouTube accounts and she gets caught amongst other things this is just like one of the many many things that she gets caught for she straight up tries to sell her ex-boyfriend's YouTube channel because they were like a famous YouTube Vlog couple they break up and she tried to sell his YouTube channel I don't know how that works like the a person just change like today's Stephanie tomorrow's tomorrow's you tomorrow's Tiffany okay I'll sell you my YouTube channel do you want it but before we do that I just want to talk about my first encounter with Factor okay let me explain I saw a ton a ton of Fitness influencers Fitness gurus talking about factor and I was like okay I probably already know the Vibes probably it's gonna give chicken breast very nutritious meals my macros are going to be phenomenal it'll probably be very good for me but you know I like a little bit of taste I think it takes a certain mental strength to eat food that doesn't taste delicious and then a factor sent me a box many many months ago so I ate it and I was like get another one I ordered another box and another box I order boxes to New York City I order boxes for my sister my sister is obsessed with Factor because it's so freaking good first of all I am like a taste first type of girl most the flavors they melt in your mouth like the combinations that they have in their meals so delicious I just love a good fresh Chef made Gourmet nutritious meal and I love that with factor I can have all of that arrive at my door pre-prepared and it only takes me two minutes to prep Factor has a team of gourmet chefs that create a range of 27 plus meals a week plus 33 add-on options and I love that I can have the nutritious meals but they're delicious it's kind of perfect for my life okay because sometimes I don't have time to cook for myself or I have to get time to like worry about how nutritiously balanced my meal is and that is typically when I start making some bad food choices but with Factor pop them in my fridge they're ready to go in two minutes Andrew and my sister take him for lunch his co-workers straight up asked him for my promo code so they can try faster I've got the receipts for that okay and Factor offers meals for every type of eater like they have keto vegan vegetarian calorie smart Chef Choice meals that includes Seafood and Meat and plant-based meals you can even add or decrease the number of meals anytime you want depending on your needs and the meals are delivered fresh never Frozen and you just heat it up and enjoy and like when I tell you you can taste the difference you can taste the difference they also make sure to include only ethically sourced Seafood in their meals and you can also opt for Gourmet plus meals like one or two of them in your weekly delivery which is what I do head over to factor75.com or click the link below and use codebis50 biss 50 to get 50 off your first Factor box that's factor 75.com or click the link below and use code bis50 to get 50 off your first facto box so this is technically the story of an influencer or a YouTuber that went to an influencer party to hack into other influencers YouTube accounts to impersonate them to post things pretending to be them okay is that not so shady it's kind of great plan you don't think so you don't think you can Target anyone like one Vlog about it yep but what if they don't even know that it was you like what if just imagine okay what if someone hacks into someone else's YouTube account post some really questionable it makes it seem like them and then that YouTuber comes out with an apology and is like guys that wasn't me you think the world would believe them yeah right complicated and these these aren't even small influencers they're pretty big so the fact that one of them is out there doing this type of nonsense thinking that she's not gonna get caught is beyond me which if that sounds wild to you just wait it keeps getting more unhinged this is the case of young Bao Bay AKA ybb a Malaysian influencer who used to be every girl's teenage like favorite teen author novelist she's a published author and it's crazy because when you look at her achievements she's in Malaysia she's Malaysian but she's not Malay yeah there's three major ethnicities in Malaysia so you have Malay which are like the indigenous people to Malaysia then you have big groups of Chinese people or ethnically Chinese and ethnically Indian so they're Malaysian but I think they call them like Chinese Malaysian or Malaysian Chinese so they're not Malay so she's part of like the Chinese Community she's Chinese Malaysian I think most of her videos are in like Mandarin and stuff and it's crazy when you look at her achievements it it just feels so out of left field for her to have this type of Scandal I mean she had it so good at one point she was a published author YouTuber influencer boba tea shop owner online business owner all in one so when text messages were exposed of her trying to hack into other YouTubers accounts people were confused I'm so sorry it was so out of my element right now first video whoa this is weird where's the food I know like I've been kind of hungry let me take a bite tendon where are you oh my god where's day they gonna be oh no he just okay anyway so text messages were released okay focus text messages were released and she texted a friend of hers I think I just need someone to divert her attention and I'm gonna steal her phone when she's not paying attention I can pretend to open up to her or something I'm gonna wear something loose with pockets that day and when we see the opportunity we go for it her friend texts back what about her husband we need to get him drunk they need to be drunk so that they can misplace their phones good yes and if that doesn't work we just need to know her phone password as long as we can steal a YouTuber's phone we can easily hack it and then her friend is like we just need to ask her to take a picture and when she's taking a picture she's gonna unlock her phone and use her phone password and we will see it oh that's good oh yeah okay this is good but which one for me it doesn't matter as long as they're famous it's gonna work these are literal text messages that were leaked so what the hell is going on let's get into the show quick disclaimer this next part of the story is not really a scandal I just want to reiterate this is not part of the Scandal okay but it's kind of what unravels everything so we have to cover it in the midst of ybb's YouTube height Career Success she's got a boba tea shop she's like killing it okay fine she had some failed business opportunities but it's it's okay everyone knows she's successful ybb suddenly post on her Instagram that she's leaving social media and it's like a cryptic farewell to all of her viewers and everyone is like uh what that just when was this this was in 2021 oh very recent yeah and all her viewers are like that's so weird why like what happened that afternoon there's reports that a woman a potential YouTuber tried to end it and was saved by firefighters so people are putting two and two together but they can't even ask why baby to confirm if it's her because did you know in Malaysia it's actually illegal to attempt so after she was saved they literally threw her in prison for 15 days yeah so everyone's like well could it be could it be ybb I mean she posted on Instagram and then we have this news like maybe it's her right that makes the most sense and then for 15 days when she's sitting in prison everything goes to literally within 15 days are you kidding me and like true YouTube drama fashion there are text message receipts of all of this so I'm just gonna Buckle the up okay because we're going to town but first I have to give you a whole biographic Spiel of ybb okay why baby was born in Malaysia in 1994 and like I said Malaysia is a very diverse country she is considered Malaysian Chinese so she's ethnically Chinese and I don't know much about her childhood but at 15 years old she signed with this major Malaysian modeling company gets the cover of like a teen magazine so it's not like Vogue it's nothing crazy but it's like one of those like tiger pump or tiger bump or whatever you call it and she's featured on there school girls are going obsessed with her she's so pretty she she's got like the big eyes she's got the look like that clean girl Asian girl aesthetic everyone's obsessed and they're like what is she gonna do next what is she gonna do she comes out with a book I know it's kind of random she comes out with a book it's called here comes love and then she hits them with another one called Don't dating High School it was almost like a teenage girl's guide to high school and people were eating that up I will say from all accounts people say that white baby is very witty she's very good with her words she's pretty humorous so the books did really well I mean think about it she's like a 16 year old author that's crazy so with this she starts entering into Malaysia's entertainment industry all before she's even 18. she gets them like some small budget films here and there she also released a few songs like every YouTuber must okay she released a few songs she was okay she wasn't like Billy eilish or anything she's okay so then she mainly goes back to focusing on Vlogs like challenges skits she would post videos like going to the Great Wall of China alone so they did well and going down with the influencer business owner pipeline she's like I need to come up with something on my own that's not YouTube videos so she opens up her own boba tea shop boba tea shop was a claw machine shop keep this in mind because this boba tea shop so pertinent to the story later okay you order a boba tea and it's got claw machines inside well those are cool those are really cute right it's like a hangout spot slash couples date night concept it's really cute didn't do well I don't know why the execution maybe it was the marketing maybe it was the service I don't know people didn't like it and by 2020 the shop had a close down I mean a lot of it had to do with ybb's kind of declining image at the time so when she first started she was like this crazy relatable teenager Vibe right and then as she's getting older people called her this um this really mean name that I don't think I'm allowed to say the word is just anyone who has no sense of style fashion or sense of character by themselves like they're the type of people people will comment no matter how much money someone has or how successful they become they just feel kind of cheap yeah so like people said ybb just wasn't really a trendsetter you know she wasn't like one of the cool kids that made people want to follow her and like go to her boba tea shop I don't even know the girls so don't shoot the messenger anyway people called her this word they stopped going to her boba tea shop but she still had her followers people accuse the haters of just being jealous until April 17 2021 a video of a girl being rescued by firefighters was released and everyone starts connecting the dots that it's ybb and everyone at first is flooding her social media of like oh my God we support you oh my God I can't believe this happened like oh my God come back safely blah blah blah right and this was all confirmed to be true and everyone when did she quit the same day oh that's she quit yeah so people are like It's gotta be her and the reports are saying it's like a YouTuber okay so they're like that makes total sense right and um even people that didn't watch her they're like leaving messages of support all over her social media accounts I feel like everyone could sympathize everyone just kind of assumed maybe it's relationship problems maybe it's work problems she had some pretty like emotional captions on Instagram people started over analyzing they said things like I suddenly realized that I no longer need love if I don't meet the right person I would rather spend the rest of my time alone than settle so like very relationship insinuating captions it sounded like she was just going through something love wise so people speculated that that her love life coupled with the bubble shop closing down it led to her to be in a dark place but while all these conversations are taking place there were a few netizens that start post with sentences like I know right now is not the best time or there was another one that was like I probably shouldn't bring this up right now which is just like a thousand percent they're about to say something wild so everyone is clicking on these posts ready to fight them in the comments because it's like yeah now is definitely not the time okay but they were saying things like I know right now is not the time but something weird happened to me and a few of these posts are getting traction okay so people start reading into these posts because they're thinking oh my God this is about to be crazy people are about to have a war in the comments and the poster posted by viewers of ybb that claim that she scammed them and nobody knew how to feel on one hand if the netizens are telling the truth and ybb did scam them I mean that's a horrible thing that she did but is it really the time to bring it up like right now right now right now others wondered okay how do I even know that this is real what if they're lying so the post talked about how ybb was selling her second-hand luxury handbags so let's say she went and bought a Prada bag she's like hey guys I don't want this product bag anymore so I'm selling it but I'm gonna sell it for cheaper than what I bought it for and because I'm an influencer you can trust me so people started buying her used luxury handbags off of her Instagram and they were expensive okay even though they were secondhand she was selling like a Prada bag for nineteen hundred dollars I mean it's crazy but because secondhand is so suspicious and ybb is so trustworthy people are like it's fine it's probably a little bit more expensive buying from ybb than like these second-hand websites but at least I have peace of mind they wire ybb the money and they don't receive the bag so so they're texting her like hey can I get a tracking number or something because it's been a week and you said it should be here like I don't know a week ago and she's like oh my gosh I just checked the tracking number and I guess the link expired because it's been too long but I asked my parents who shipped it out for me and they said it should get to you by Wednesday let me know if it's not to you by Wednesday and I can just refund you the money we can meet in person and I can sell it to you for cash they're like okay I mean I guess it makes sense it's not like totally unreasonable right but they never got the bag they never got the money Wednesday came and went and nothing happened they've been trying to reach out to ybb nothing and now they see this on the news and they're like well I still need my two thousand dollars back right so at first he was just one person then it was another person and multiple netizens came out to say that they had the same exact experience with her so far they wired her the money never got the bag something about a link expiring and it should get there on Wednesday if not I'll refund you and then ghosted ghosted one of the netizens yeah not a very smart scam it's like the worst scam I've ever heard in my life it's so bad so then one of the netizens was even saying like it took me two whole months to save up for this bag this was my birthday present to myself and I'm not getting a refund but at this point the netizens were conflicted some of them believe the netizens but we're like okay let's just give her the benefit of the doubt maybe when she gets out of jail she's gonna pay back and be like sorry about that like I was going through something okay some were saying how do we even trust the netizens what if they're making up lies and taking advantage of this situation but then more news comes out this is not the only Shady thing that ybb has tried to sell what do you mean Stephanie it was alleged that ybb tried to sell her ex-boyfriend's YouTube channel for six thousand dollars I was so perplexed by this okay because how do you sell a YouTube channel I was wondering I was really wondering okay but it's a thing you can sell a channel and they'll change the name probably private your videos and resume the business as usual yeah and just act like nothing happened but I guess they're in their videos will show up on like I don't know a hundred thousand people's Pages because they're subscribed to this channel but they're like wait who the hell is Kevin I don't remember subscribing to my Kevin because they changed the YouTube day what do you mean she tried to sell it we're gonna get tall of that while she's in prison some things develop this is all happening concurrently so we got a lot we gotta touch upon okay while she's in prison her family comes out and is like hey people who have purchased a bag from ybb contact us and we will reach out to you so we can personally refund you for the bags well even that turned into a show because people started reaching out to the netizens that were scammed and would DM them things like hey I'm ybb's cousin I want to know how much ybb scam go out of so I can refund you I just need your bank details what yes I don't think they were able to steal anyone's information and take their funds but it was just a mess it was a show and because of how messy it was it started getting more and more attention online people are like wait someone's scamming these netizens after a YouTuber scammed I'm like what is going on okay so we have the first phase the purse scam the second phase is selling the ex-boyfriend's YouTube channel so how did that come about oh okay so basically her ex-boyfriend posted a video and that was like a while ago but it started resurfacing of people being like hey remember when she did this Shady thing and it was kind of he said she said the whole thing is weird I'm gonna go chronologically okay and then so she gets hit with scam after scam allegations first scam is the purse scam then we got the ex-boyfriend YouTube scam and then we have the third scam gambling this is all unraveling in like 48 Hours people are like look at this other thing look at this other thing that she did it's just turning to literal trash so netizens exposed to every little memory that they had of ybb that they could dig up from their brains like whatever clue of anything dark or Sinister happening behind the scenes they were digging it out of their like neural Pathways and like throwing it online so allegedly she did all these scams she tried to sell a YouTube channel and all these fake purses to gamble a few netizens talked about how they ran into her a few times in a um like a local giant Casino side note Malaysia is an Islamic country but it's also home to one of the biggest casinos in the world they have some pretty strict gambling laws though that if you're a Muslim you cannot even enter the casino so it's really intense and this one is called um Genting Highlands Casino here's the crazy thing near this the casino is in the mountains okay and when you go up the mountains there's this little Temple before you get to the casino the temple is called Clearwater Temple about like a few months or like a year into opening this casino people start writing online this casino is jinxed you will never win at this casino because the temple is called clear water temple clear your bank account at the casino you're going to lose everything into this Superstition persisted and like gambling is pretty big on Superstition okay so people stop going to this casino because they stayed at the Temple's water suggests Clear Water AKA you're leaving with no money oh they're gonna change that name real quick they changed the Deadpool's name and now it's just a Superstition still that on your way up to the casino you can't even look at the temple otherwise you will lose all your money even though the name has changed you cannot even glance at the temple otherwise everything gone finito you're done like loaded water walk out Rich Temple yes um people commented you know I've seen her at this casino many times and she bets a ton of money some people were like well be more specific what's a ton of money and they said a thousand USD per round not the whole day which even that is insane but per round so everyone is like okay she's a YouTuber I'm sure they make money but like that's no like maybe her parents are wealthy because that's insane to bet a thousand dollars to give you perspective the minimum bet for a roulette at that casino is ten dollars for baccarat it's 45 a thousand dollars around that's out of this world it felt like she was not a social Gambler that she wasn't going there to gamble for fun with her friends like you would go to Vegas but rather something was clearly wrong another netizen said I saw her there and we were coincidentally at the same table and I was like oh my God are you ybb and she's like yeah and I told her oh I've seen you here multiple times and I never knew that it was you and I didn't want to bother you and she goes yeah I'm always here because I'm addicted and then a video was posted while she's in prison of her at a like roulette table or whatever placing her bed and you can see her reach into her bag to get more chips other players kind of seem shocked that she's betting more but more than that the body language of this video was ripped apart when she's reaching into her bag to get more chips the body language is less of someone that's just having a blast and like you know what that was fun let me do it again it was more like I got a bit more she didn't look like she was having a good time she looked really stressed out as if she was at work and not just like oh my God like I lost but okay let me see I have more chips it wasn't like that so a lot of people were shocked at just how bad all of this is escalating and how she was scamming her viewers and potentially her ex-boyfriend and now it's suspected that she's blowing all this scammed money on casinos and it's not looking good so she gets released from prison 15 days later and she posts an apology video called I'm sorry you can already visualize it I'm talking blank black screen or whatever it's like a grayish screen sitting on a chair like no makeup makeup look you know what I mean she's sighing and she starts off bowing to her viewers and she just talks about how she wants to apologize to all of her loved ones all of her supporters and how she's willing to face the consequences she's gonna pay everyone back and just everything and she kind of gives her reasoning for it all and she paints this very sad picture she says you know I once had a boyfriend who's a lot younger than me his income at the time was a lot lower than mine and so at the time I shared everything with him I paid for everything I paid the bills I covered everything and because we were young our expenses were so high I almost burned through my entire savings and it was at that time that I went to a casino for the first time the first time I made a bet I won six thousand five hundred dollars with just sixty five dollars what this incident made me lose my sense of direction and I thought gambling could be my way out she said that she got addicted to gambling lost all of her money and she was so scared she's like oh my God there's no way that I can make all that money back I would just have to borrow money from a loan shark gambling and win big that was her that was her line of thinking so the this is what she does then she loses more so then she borrows from another loan shark then pays that loan shark back and then borrows from another loan shark to pay that loan shark back and she is digging herself in a lone shark Rabbit Hole she said I went down the path of no return the lone sharks charge interest by day it's a thousand USD a day she couldn't pay it back okay she said she just wanted to buy time she found out around the same time that her ex-boyfriend cheated on her they broke up and suddenly she felt like she had nothing and all she had was gambling and she feels horrible she's gonna try and make up for it she's gonna spend her life repenting and try to pay everyone back and fix her life she said she's gonna say some of these long sharks are know someone's at a dark place harsh them on top of it yeah it's almost like that's how you send someone into like a dark dark hole they can never get out of some of these lunch trucks have got some blood on their hands no so she starts selling her valuables and tries to repay the scariest loading sharks first and she said you know she genuinely wanted to sell her luxury handbags on Instagram and she didn't think that they would sell so fast but each bag got like 10 people asking to buy it and she thought you know why sell it once when I can sell it 10 times you know so that's what she did instead of making two thousand dollars a bag she would make 10 times that for one bag by selling it to 10 different people and then she said she realized that was dumb I'm gonna get caught and exposed so I gotta you know so she quit Instagram and then tried to you know end things she said that she reflected a lot while she was in prison and she was gonna change and she's gonna do everything in her power to just take accountability and make things right so it's pretty bad I will say some people did forgive her I think they realized how much addiction can ruin someone's life and there's no point in punching her while she's already down on all fours you know but it was about to get so much worse ybb's ex-boyfriend the one that she alludes to in the video almost kind of blames for like oh my God he cheated on me he blew through my savings and she doesn't like explicitly say all of this is because of him I scam people because of him but he is like the accelerator down her spiraling she's this is from her apology it is yes and the ex-boyfriend comes out with a video and is like okay I've been accused of cheating on her using her money being supported by her being a man that's lazy who just used her for bills and that makes no sense he's like why am I laying down and getting shot literally why so let's dive in he talks about how in the beginning of their relationship he started a YouTube channel after he started dating her because she was like oh my God I'm a YouTuber you should be a YouTuber it'll be cute like we can do couples content he starts a YouTube channel and it was mainly his YouTube channel and after they broke up he wanted to move back to China and he was like well YouTube is banned in China so I'm not really going to use my YouTube channel and on top of that I feel like everyone who watched me was ybb's people and like we broke up it's just weird right I don't think I'm gonna post they break up he stops posting on there and right before he flies back home to China he gets a call from ybb she's like hey do you want to meet up like I just want to say bye to you one last time I know we ended on rough terms but you know we were together for so long he's touched he thought damn after everything that's premature of her she like wants to say bye to me so they meet up it's not scandalous it's just goodbyes and afterwards as he's leaving his meeting with ybb he's like that is so strange my phone literally is not working like my phone cannot make a phone call it cannot send a text messages nothing she hacked it he figures out what's wrong his SIM card had been taken out she physically Sim swapped his phone and what was this okay so she probably knows the password to his YouTube channel because they were dating and then when she took his Sim she could log on to YouTube with her account and change the password but it would need two-factor authentication and it would text it it would send a text message to his phone number but because she had a SIM card and put it into her phone she would get the verification text message this is what I'm telling you everyone needs a cold key but that's what she did so while he was in the restroom in their last meeting she stole his SIM card so that she could get into his YouTube channel and change the password so that he could not access it she also did this to his Instagram so very quickly he puts two and two together okay here's the thing about why baby she she's not playing chess she's not even thinking like if most people are running 100 meters she's looking at the next 10 meters that's all she's seeing right now I don't know what it is okay she hacks into his Instagram his YouTube account changes both of them and he confronts her and he said you know at that moment I didn't even know who this girl was it was definitely not the girl that I had once dated she just seemed so foreign to me who does that so he confronts her and she goes okay pick one excuse me pick one you want your Instagram or your YouTube account what so he chooses his Instagram it's like hostage no that's like a negotiation tactic yes it's crazy you know you you take away two and then you were like okay I'll give you one which no it's like you have to actively choose one for yourself and then once you choose one you're grateful well if I take away both I'm like you want the right one back or the left one back yeah then you're like thank you thank you my beautiful wife the left one really why I don't know it's just the good one it's whatever's left so she literally after this posts on her social media in the past two years the YouTube channel that I managed with my ex-boyfriend was lucky enough to get everyone's support we had 172 000 subscribers and the viewerships were very high however he has returned to China and will no longer be filming as for me I have my own YouTube channel to manage we feel as if it would be a waste if any artist or agency wants to take over we are willing to sell the channel serious inquiries only yeah okay so he was like what the fork he also said that the relationship was nothing like what she depicted in her apology video he he said she just hated the fact that he was so into YouTube she was really insecure about it they fought all the time she complained constantly about how he doesn't make as much money as her and on top of that he said all of his earnings from YouTube were sent to her bank account because he didn't have a Malaysian bank account so he's like technically I guess she was spending money on me but it was my money my money in fact she probably didn't even give me back most my money so I think if anything I lost money in this relationship I lost money anyway he said the problems really happened when she started gambling so they broke up anyway this video was posted and now suddenly everyone is like I have Whiplash do I hate her do I love her who do I believe I was giving her the benefit of the doubt but now it sounds really bad and now the ex-boyfriend kind of makes sense I'm confused I'm really confused so they commented to ybb if you want to apologize just apologize why fake all of this like with your ex-boyfriend and all that just admit you're addicted to gambling so then later text messages were leaked and I'm going to explain who leaks it later but ybb was texting a friend of her saying I want to find someone to rob my ex-boyfriend and take his phone so I can get his passwords what do you think I can ask if you guys to probably kidnap him with a knife okay so yvb is plotting with a friend to kidnap the ex-boyfriend for YouTube password yes so this is this is before prior yes before she stole his SIM card and this was released after his video was released and people were like no she does like was plotting some crazy crazy stuff she wrote and then we can threaten him to get his phone password so you're like okay these text messages were released this is probably enough drama like there's no way it gets juicier every YouTube drama has a plateau and then slowly people forget about it people are thinking this is going to be the plateau right like for maybe a week we're all gonna go crazy and then we're gonna forget about it a very popular Malaysian YouTuber posted a video a 41 minute video called the truth about ybb and when you click the video it's not just one famous YouTuber it is six famous YouTubers who were once friends with ybb and they're all exposing her imagine six YouTubers in one video exposing another YouTuber are they all sitting in a row yes on like school chairs Do You Believe video but exclusive ice it is the most mind-blowing intense drama that Malaysian YouTube had ever seen in such a long time so they all take turns explaining how they were screwed over by ybb and we're just gonna go down the list because it can really only get worse from here they start the video by staining that they told ybb hey Owen up to your head like we're giving you one last chance own up here don't blame it on an ex-boyfriend don't be doing all of this just own it for once and we will forgive you and maybe people online will forgive you too and she said just post it if you can say it I'll admit it like if you can say I did all this then I'll admit it oh she said just post a what video that they're filming so the lack of remorse that she was showing they said that they were disappointed and that's why they're posting the video they're saying we tried to talk to her about this privately and she just didn't care so let's start with YouTuber Jin Jin's experience with ybb he said that ybb borrowed about five thousand dollars from him and at first she had given Jen like really weird stories she never talked about gambling she said that she was working with another famous YouTuber K and K has like this online business that's uh kind of like um like a tiered program if you will so each sales agent buys inventory every month and they sell that inventory online and then they have other agents underneath them that sell inventory online and they get a percentage of that so she's got one of those I even asked our Malaysian researcher I was like am I confused am I getting this right and she was like yeah I think that's the driest okay basically ybb was working with this YouTuber and she was telling Jen like oh my God they're literally hustling me for money they're forcing me to buy inventory and saying if I don't buy like a an insane amount of inventory every single month they're gonna sue me they're gonna sue me so he was like that's crazy he would loan her the money but then as he's thinking about it he's like that's weird because I have friends that are friends with these YouTubers that run the business and they're nice people and like imagine imagine scrolling over a YouTuber like that when you're in the YouTube business they're probably gonna make an expose video on you so just kind of didn't make sense Tim but he didn't really say anything then a guy named Skye spoke up and Skye was the one that leaked all the text messages so when ybb was sent to prison she gave Skye her phone and was like can you not look through it but like I need you to keep it because I don't want the police to go through it and then at first he was like yeah yeah don't worry but then later when he starts seeing all these rumors and allegations online he's like you know what I had my suspicions about her and now I'm really confused he started going through her phone and found the most insane bad crazy text messages of her like trying to get someone to kidnap her ex-boyfriend for his YouTube account login so uh ybb also told Skye that she's getting hustled by these YouTubers and they're forcing her to buy inventory he would loan her money and all of that she would lie about how relatives were dying and he would loan her money for medical bills he said she was literally using dead people to make money and that goes against my moral compass so I have to say something and the most painful part is Skye was in business with ybb they started the Boba shop claw machine shop together and he said that when she was in prison he saw through her phone that she was talking to him for like three years straight when the bubble shop business wasn't doing well when they weren't making money she blamed everything on him of him being like this horrible business owner very very bad at everything and so he's like literally I have been losing connections people don't want to work with me and I never knew why until today he said she did all of this when all he did was loan her money never judge her and try to help her through she didn't even care and then Charles spoke up Charles said ybb borrowed money from him and in Charles's case she straight up admitted that she was gambling but she played it off as it was like I just can't get access to my money right now because it's like tied up in a b c and d so then he would give her the money and then he's like hey maybe you shouldn't gamble but nothing ever happened and then it was just like never ending of her blaming other people she would tell Charles oh it's because of Kay and her boyfriend and their online business I'm getting hustled she like had every excuse in the book and then the last part of the video everything hits the fan these were like bad obligations but not that bad yet there are two women in the video yi yi and Kay they had it the worst both of them had been friends with ybb for a while and they tried to help her they try to loan her money and ybb tried to hack into their accounts to skim their viewers posing as them she wanted to hack into their YouTube accounts and say hey guys it's Yi and I'm selling my old luxury purses because it works so well on ybb's account so dumbest thing I've ever heard okay so then they would DM her and then she'd be like okay here's my bank details and it would be like a fake bank account or like a bank account of a friends that she made and it would go there and they were making like twenty thousand dollars a night doing this oh wait they disk hack into their accounts yeah with a bizarre a song yes because I would imagine someone would be like oh I already selling your purses online and I'd be like I'm selling my purses online and I just lost my phone it's so weird she was making 20 grand a night yeah so I mean let's start first with everything they did for her before she royally screwed them over okay so they released text messages between ybb and her other so-called friends that were colluding to hack into their accounts Yi was attending an influencer event and she realized that her money her ID card and her phone were all stolen but because it was an influencer event with just influencers she thought okay like maybe I just misplaced it with everything that was going on she didn't think someone stole it she spent three hours looking for her belongings and text messages revealed ybb texting her friends ah I wanna steal this influencer's account cry face we can lie to her and get her drunk and when she's not paying attention I can go to the bathroom and switch her SIM card her friend texted her it's gonna be hard to get her drunk her husband's gonna be there we just have to remember her phone password we can steal her entire phone and we will steal it and as long as we can put in her password we're good I'll steal it and I'll immediately go home and say that I'm tired and then post the things what do you think can we do it we just have to steal her phone and see her password there's no CCTV at the hotel we're meeting at but you have to wait until everyone is drunk her email is going to be logged in it's either hers or Yeezys or Yvonne's or we can Target both of them or all of them yes but we can't log in using the phone or else they'll know okay yes so this time I'm just gonna steal their phone and post the bags and we can steal the entire phone and not just the SIM card the reason we failed last time was because we were too nice why baby you can't do one of the other girls she always has her phone on her I know I just need someone to distract them wait did they find out who's this like Psy character yeah another like smaller influencer called Baby meow or something what is going on this doesn't even sense yeah it's kind of nuts okay I'm telling you it's so unhinged like all that for what yes all that for someone to be like um this is so dumb okay it literally all traces back to one person with concrete irrefutable proof I don't know what she was planning maybe she was planning on making like six figures and then running I don't know I don't know she said I just need someone to divert their attention I'll steal it when they're not paying attention maybe I can pretend to like open up to them and I'll wear pants with loose Pockets honestly her or any other influencer is fine Yvonne's gonna be hard to steal though because she doesn't drink anymore So the plan is to get the password first steal the phone pretend to be sick and I'll leave right after but there's find my iPhone ybb I'll go to the toilet and change her password how do you turn off find my iPhone even if you take out the SIM card they can still track it I've tried it it's like it's like Dumb and Dumber yeah because my BP goes wait I you need iCloud to turn it off right yeah she can check the exact location of the phone right yeah they start debating on how to hack into her phone and debating security measures of Instagram's login features and then she goes wait how do we not let her regain access to delete the post yeah Instagram has pretty good security Now if we shut down the phone can they still track with find my iPhone I think you can track it if you shut it down wait let's shut it down okay let me Google it okay we can steal it turn it on at an Airbnb and then hack it after we complete everything we'll clear the phone why baby this is really risky she loses her phone and her account gets hacked they'll know someone hacked it that's why we have to leave immediately we can't leave a single trace okay wait till she loses her phone and we all leave like that's not possible that's so suspicious look I thought about it let's do this maybe we can give up on stealing her phone we can just take our SIM card and change her account passwords and leave her phone in the toilet like the bathroom how long does it take for her to get another sim card three days during that time we can sell stuff like crazy on her account so yeah that was the plan that's what they were doing it's the most unhinged plan ever I mean the text messages go on and on about how they're gonna steal this freaking phone and it stated that from that night they could potentially make twenty two thousand dollars a night selling fake handbags what's crazy is she stole Yee's phone and the next day Yi and ybb had a photo shoot together and ypb was like oh my god did you ever find your phone like you can't use like find my iPhone or something to find it wow crazy cuckoo bananas who thinks like that I'm so scared of people this story makes me want to stay inside okay insane on top of that since she also took her ID ybb tried to use her ID to get money from Loan Sharks but at loan sharks are really Advanced these days they make you send a picture with your face and your ID anyway and that's the security step that she couldn't she was like man damn it it's not as easy as stealing a SIM card renting an Airbnb going to the Airbnb hacking into the accounts posting these luxury bags and then you have the last victim okay well the last victim in the video certainly not the last of ybbs k k and yvb had been friends for 10 years and K is the business owner to the online business and Kay actually got ybb involved because ybb was like I hate being a YouTuber I want to do something different I'm unfulfilled so many haters so Kay was like oh why don't you try your hand at being like a sales girl at my business she made like 11 000 the first month oh so K was like oh my God that's incredible and if you keep doing this you're gonna make even more and even more and even more and your network is going to grow I think the second month she made like twenty two thousand dollars in a month so by the third month you know Kay is thinking ypp is great this is great I helped someone and now they're making insane money this is like a win-win for everyone third month rolls around ybb no longer wants to work and Kay is like um what's going on what happened why are you so unmotivated all of a sudden and why baby was like loan sharks what they're threatening to expose me online unless I pay them back you know I I got into a little bit of gambling and medical debt from my family K was so genuinely shocked okay she was making so much money on their platform I don't even know how much she made on all her other sources of income how are you in debt to scary loan sharks so both Kay and her boyfriend suspected that she must be involved in some serious gambling okay she also gave them like a sob story about how her boyfriend cheated on her so on top of helping her get a job Kay and her boyfriend loaned her money and then a month later after ybb was arrested they start getting all these angry emails from customers that said hey I ordered from this sales girl from your company and I never received any product how did she expect to get a but I think that is a trend with people who have gambling addictions okay I had someone in my personal life a family member like an extended family member who had a gambling addiction yeah it's really bad even when it was happening everyone in the family was like it doesn't make sense a full-grown adult would think that people would fall for this but that seems to be like what happens so then she's also stole more than 900 units of product from their company on top of that and she was like embezzling money and she almost ruined their business by scamming a bunch of people out of their product so Kay wants to confront her about it but ybb is like not having it won't even talk to her and anytime these six friends would try to confront ybb she would threaten to off herself so um collectively these six influencers have lost about five to six figures respectively and all they hope is that maybe ybb can learn and that maybe she can change they don't want to be friends with her they don't want to be part of that process but you know she's young maybe she can change wait where is she now she's out and free yeah and uh after they're still doing YouTube here and there so after this video was posted ybb actually called jyn and said he recorded this one of the YouTubers and she said you know I just don't know what to say I'm so sorry I don't know how I became like this I'm so sad you're my good friend and I'm sorry and I'm not mad at you that's all [Applause] Jen said I can't help you anymore that's the saddest part now I don't want you to help me because of gambling your gambling addiction ybb it ruined you you are Untouched by reality all your ideas are about how to get more money and you're falling so deep those around you cannot help you but you know I didn't do it on purpose Jen I'm gone mad and I just want to say I'm sorry okay well I hope you take care live well and don't disappoint your mom and you work hard I don't know why I'm like this I said I'm sorry don't be sorry I'm not mad I'm just frustrated I'm not strong enough to help you settle this mess you wanted to help me right yeah before I saw everything on your phone I wanted to raise money to help you but after I saw everything on your phone we knew that we you were going in the wrong direction we had to inform you that you were wrong and we can't just keep cleaning up your messes and she said why did you make the video I almost died why are you guys like this why why don't you just let me live on top of that it's none of your business why couldn't you guys just pretend that you never saw it [Applause] and he's like well what do you want me to tell people what do you want me to tell Yi that I never saw it and she's gonna hate me for life why don't you guys protect me you guys protected me so many times why didn't you protect me one last time wow so she's not changing even then she said I apologize to him tens of times let me tell you I constantly apologize and she just keeps yelling and yelling and yelling and she even screams at the end you keep and insulting me you you always film videos insulting me and calling me ugly eat [Music] it [Music] and she said you're not a gentleman and after this video anyone who felt bad for ybb tanked they didn't feel bad for her anymore okay because how do you expect someone to be a gentleman to you after you did all of this and everyone over she keeps saying that she's willing to face the consequences and then does nothing and shows no remorse one year ago she filmed the video blacklisting herself in the casino did you know casinos have a blacklist no okay so you go in you blacklist yourself and when security asks for your ID later on they'll kick you out but let's say you win money you can't cash out your chips because you're blacklisted so there's no point in going to that casino because you've been blacklisted that's so interesting it's fascinating right yeah so maybe that's her trying to show that she's changed but yeah I don't know the whole thing is wild like how did she even get to this point it's kind of crazy it's also kind of crazy because it was just so unexpected and all of it was just so bizarre and so much of it was it's just so strong I mean I think we all have sympathy for people struggling with addictions but it you know when you cause that level of damage to so many people so yeah I mean what are your thoughts I'm just saying if you ever see someone putting up my YouTube channel for sale it could be me I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm just kidding but um let me know in the comments what are your thoughts and also do you like midnight mango I was thinking maybe I could even bring a little takeout in here once in a while but I just like I want to get into the story because I know you guys are here for the story and sometimes I get so into the food I get distracted and then it's 20 minutes of me just like and then everyone's like oh my God girl I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you so then I'm like oh okay make sure to check out Factor very yummy food Linked In the description and I'll see you guys tomorrow bye
Channel: Stephanie Soo
Views: 1,715,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, MissMangoButt, Stephanie Soo Storytime, Stephanie Soo Story, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Podcast, Mystery, Mystery Podcast, Story, Storytime, Malaysian Influencer, Hacked Storytime, how I got hacked storytime, Midnight Mango, juicy storytime, confessions, mystery storytime, scary story, internet mysteries, internet scandals, scandals, korean couple, korean youtuber, korean girl, Bailey Sarian, Dark History, DoobyDobap, Michelle Choi, HJ Evelyn, Living alone, diaries, nyc
Id: cFHHR-rJjX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 59sec (3059 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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