Two Sisters Dead After Twelve K-Drama Directors’ Sexual Assault & Torture

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[Music] I have a question for you it's kind of like the trolley question let's say that a person is stabbed with a very long knife like a 15 inch knife I mean it's clear from the get-go that if this person doesn't get medical attention immediately they're gonna die from their injuries it's that long of a knife so they get rushed to the hospital but at this hospital the doctor that's supposed to save their lives puts them on the operating table Yanks out their knife without a care in the world and just watches them bleed out Whispers in the patient's ear walk it off you'll be fine if that person on the table ends up dying who do you think is the killer the person that stabbed them or the doctor that did everything to make sure that they did not survive or both has it happened that's kind of wild basically it happens in this case not um you'll see it's not the same series of events but you can you can see the clear killer you can see the doctor you can see everyone in this one the police had given surah's mom a very strange request imagine the police call you and they're like hey I need you to go to the store and buy me a box of crayons for the investigation you're like okay that's really weird but if it's going to help with the investigation obviously you're gonna do it right so soda's mom goes to the store and she's picking up a box with the most color of crayons like the most variety of colors for her 30 year old daughter who was with the investigators right now she's thinking okay maybe this is going to be the end they're going to ask for this one more thing and everything will blow over and I can have my daughter back her daughter had been through enough soda had gotten out of the psych ward at the hospital recently and hopefully when all of this is over she would be on the path to Healing so she brings this little box of crayons to the police station and she watches as the investigator rips him from her hands throws them on the desk in front of her daughter's Hoda here take these and draw it excuse me he threw her a sheet of A4 paper and a ruler you're saying he assaulted you he's saying he didn't assault you you have no proof so prove it draw his private parts if you can draw it identically to his real life private parts we'll investigate him further so make sure you get it perfect though in terms of length and at width in millimeters we want it precise oh and the color your mom brought you some crayons so if this truly happened to you you should be able to draw it from memory unless you're lying about it you're being for real this I'm being for real this is what police said in South Korea yeah yeah Sora is kind of glancing around the station the same exact reaction as us I'm sure I'm sorry I'm sorry more visceral I'm sure but in this in the sense of like okay is someone gonna pop out and be like just kidding we're gonna put them in jail for what they did don't worry is this some sort of sick joke nobody popped out Sora would end up grabbing those crayons despite re-traumatizing herself to the torture that she endured for the past three months and she thought if I just do this one thing the police are going to take me seriously they're gonna know that I'm not lying right instead what happened was when she was done drawing another detective came up to her and said hey take off your hat I want to see the face of the girl who slept with 12 people she was assaulted by 12 people another officer said to her you were assaulted by 12 people well you look strong why are you acting like that over 12 people did you love them at least I mean can you say it wasn't bad like was it at least a little good some girls are out there making really good money by Sleeping with like 30 to 40 clients a day so I mean it's just 12 it's like the world's not over they even said you know that Supermarket family the family that owns the supermarket down the street their daughter was also essayed but look at her she got over it it was just like a passing storm for her she's living well with her family I mean you just need to you need to work on getting better and getting used to society after walking out of the police station with her mom Sora would Bolt she ran and threw herself into oncoming traffic at the busy intersection right in front of the police station she wanted to die in front of the police station who refused to take her seriously she wanted the world to know what happened to her the police refused to investigate the Korean entertainment industry 12 male casting directors on the set of famous kdramas had harassed and essayed her they quote passed her around as if she was some sort of object that they had power and control over they humiliated her threatened to assault her with broken glass bottles burn cigarettes on her face and set her house on fire by the end of this case Sora will die her little sister will die and their father will die and the perpetrators are still working in the Korean entertainment industry [Music] as always full show notes are available at um it's a very weird time to bring this up but I do want to briefly mention that I am very grateful for the people that we work with on the rotten mango team I mean the amount of passion and dedication that they approach just every single case and every single story with is incredible and I feel so lucky to have this team and we're still growing and learning every day but for today's case one of our researchers who's based in Korea was actually able to connect with the victim's mother they met in person they shared a cake together we didn't want to push her to talk to us about anything in particular our researcher didn't show up with a list of questions we just wanted her to feel comfortable and I think even just for one of us to be in her presence and to see the pain that she very bravely carries around with her and just to get further Insight on what her fight for justice has been like it's given us a profound understanding of this case and yeah so her name is Mrs Chang but we're gonna call her Mrs Young because they're the Yang family and I want it to be a little bit easier to understand but please leave some supportive comments as we're going to be translating a lot of the comments into Korean for her to get some strength from you guys I just wanted to know that we're thinking of her all the way in America oh also she has a YouTube channel where she posts updates on the case wow yeah and she's a one-man show she does one woman protest she runs her YouTube channel by herself I'm gonna link that in the description so please go show your support there too I think it would mean the world so with that being said let's get into it the morning of August 28 2009 Mrs Young says Torres mom and Sora they were touring homes for the family so it's going to be Mr and Mrs Young Surah and her little sisters hojang soda was no longer working on the sets of kdramas it's not something that they would ever bring up in the house though and Mrs Young was just really proud of her for this new direction that she was going in she was working on getting her real estate license while working at this Fried Chicken shop on the side at home she would make these rings and these pins she earned her bead crafts license and sold her little pieces at little markets she even had her nail art certificate so it's a lot of different Avenues of passions yeah but Mrs Young was in no rush to tell soda like pick one you know she wasn't thinking you had to pick a career she just wanted her little daughter's Hora to be happy she had come such a long way after looking at houses Sora and her mom they're grabbing this quick bite to eat so here is soda putting food on her mom's spoon urging her like making sure that her mom is getting a variety of all the side dishes of all the greens of all the nutrients and it used to be the other way around Mrs Yang used to be the one that was always making sure that's what I was eating even preparing all of her favorite foods to try and get her to take another bite probably the most vivid memory that Mrs Young had was like three four years ago she was so excited to see soda that day she wanted to bring her all of her favorite dishes so she woke up early in the morning went to the market picked out the freshest fruits she inspected every single Berry to make sure none of them were bruised or smushed or squashed she picked the apples and she knows which ones are going to be crisp and sweet like after 30 years of being a mom she's a professional at this then she rushes to a few local bakeries asking do you have fresh batches of this bread this was sora's favorite and lastly she timed everything perfectly she was gonna see Sora at let's say 1 pm she found a chicken shop nearby she was gonna go and pick up the fried chicken at 12 45 PM so by the time that she rushes to soda the chicken would still be crispy and hot and Mrs Yang remembers setting out all the food on the table hurry hurry eat while it's still hot come on it's your favorite chicken here eat the wing it's your favorite and she's putting food onto sora's plate and it's what I was just picking at it in our hospital gown the ones that they give all the psych ward patients and Mrs Yang is just sitting there anxiously waiting for her to say something anything soda looks at her and says mom I think I was right Mrs Yang is like okay let me fight this memory out of my head it is not something she wants to think about anymore she wants to focus on Surah being healthy I mean it's been four years since that fateful day and soda has been getting better right and they're looking at houses they're going out to lunch together and then snap after looking at houses together and grabbing a quick bite as they're walking down the street Mrs Yang's slipper strap snapped like her little flip-flop snapped and there was just something about that day it felt like some sort of bad omen and so Mrs Yang grabs surah's hand starts dragging her broken slipper across the pavement half Walking Half sliding to the nearest shoe store and she looks at her daughter and says National Treasure that's her nickname for her let's make it a shopping trip okay let's both pick out a pair of shoes while we're there so you pick a cute pair and I'll pick a cute pair Mrs Yang chose a pair of yellow slippers soda chose silver ones that were very sparkly and as they're checking out Sora looked at her mom and said Mom if I don't wear these are they your style would you ever wear these so does mom thought is kind of an odd question to ask like honey we have very different feet sizes how could I wear your slippers okay after buying the new shoes soda told her mom I just need to run by the house real quick and feed the dog Mrs Yang had a few other errands to run first so she says okay be safe and she watched her daughter walk off soda would never wear the silver shoes she walked directly home and jumped from the 18th floor of their apartment building in silver she left a note that read I was their sexual toy death is the only way to live when soda's mom heard of her eldest daughter's death she was so shocked she didn't even cry she felt like she was in a trance she wasn't even in her own body I mean the first night in the house without Surat Mrs Yang just stared at the silver shoes that she would never get to wear and she thought to herself I should have felt something was strange when my shoe strap broke and she blamed herself she said why didn't I know why didn't I know anything even though she's my daughter in Korea there are some gifts that are avoided for superstitious reasons I was always taught by my parents that when I give someone a watch they have to at least give me a dollar because now it's no longer a gift and it's an exchange of goods because the gift of a watch or a symbol of time is a very bad luck it's like I'm telling the person I'm gifting it to so in Chinese yes GIF watch is pronounced exactly like uh seeing someone's death like someone died you take it like through the whole process of that that's why the words are they pronounce exactly the same that's why you can't give that wow okay so I was always taught by my parents it's like you're giving a symbol of like your time is running out it's like a reminder right when I gifted my parents all watches for their 60th birthday they both wired me like a dollar because I was in LA and you're not supposed to gift empty wallets so if you want to buy your girlfriend a wallet you have to put at least a dollar or five dollars in there because if you give someone an empty wallet you're wishing them a future of emptiness financially and choose if you gift someone's shoes it's also customary for them to give you a dollar because shoes represent the end of a relationship usually in romantic Partnerships it's a breakup it means that you wish the person would walk away from you so does mom felt like she should have known better and I think of Mother's guilt as so painful to witness because how can you tell a mom that it's not their fault most moms feel responsible for anything and everything that happens to their kid so yeah soda's mom was sitting there staring at the silver slippers wondering of all the ways that she might have been able to prevent this not knowing that six days later her youngest daughter would also be gone in a single week she would lose all her children as a mom Mrs Yang probably spent a fortune on shoes she was never really upset by it though so you know as kids age they outgrow their shoes we're going through the same thing right now with our nieces constantly outgrowing clothes shoes I mean it never lasts they'll get a fresh pair for Christmas and before you know it their feet have grown so much that you can't even like force it into the shoe and it's frustrating because my sister is like man these shoes are practically brand new it's like they're there's not even wear and tear never had that experience soda would be running through town with friends laps around the playground up and down the neighborhood up and down the stairs her shoes the souls would be falling out before her feet even outgrew them and Mrs Young never complained she loved every single aspect of being a mom like when Soda had turned 100 days old this is a really big deal when Korean families it's called like the pagan Mrs Yang stayed up all night making a hundred red bean rice cakes and handing them out to our neighbors nobody really does this anymore it's really time consuming and people just think it's one of those old traditions right back in the day but it's supposed to be for good luck and Mrs Yang was like I'm gonna do anything for my kids and I think it works I mean it really worked so by the time that soda is four she's basically using all of the big words in Korean she was even going to an English school a hunter Academy I think is what it's called Chinese traditional Chinese words yes the Chinese characters are at academies in kindergarten she was like the little librarian of her class she would read books to her classmates that couldn't read yet after school she would take Taekwondo lessons then it turned into piano lessons so like I don't know can you really tell me the rice kicks didn't work I'm just kidding you know it's good parenting but soda was just really a unique case her IQ was tested later to be 157 which is considered highly highly highly gifted wow to put it into perspective just how smart Surah was one of soda's teachers approached soda's mom one day and said you know this teacher is a little bit of a superstitious lady which who's not these days and she said can I ask for sora's exact date and time of birth my daughter-in-law is giving birth and if we can try to plan a C-section for the exact time that Surah was born I would very much like that implying that Sora was developing so quickly and this is a teacher who's seen generations of kids come through she's like there must be something in the birth charts something because this is crazy so as Hoda is growing older she actually grew more into this very reserved intellectual type she would spend most of her time head buried in a textbook she was never late to a single class perfect attendance even later in college when a lot of girls were finally out of the control of their parents homes you know they want to like experiment with the way that they dress their makeup their hair soda is like t-shirt jeans let me just get through my studies but back when's what I was for Mrs Young had given birth to SoJO and she was the opposite of soda and I'm laughing because it kind of reminds me of me and my sister she could not sit down to study she would be dancing all over the house stepping on soda's homework I mean when she finally burned off all the energy she would knock out she would just be dead asleep on the couch you could not move her until the very next morning and she would literally be doing her homework during breakfast and on the bus on soda's back because she just was not studious she was like this free spirit of the family she wanted to just explore and she would secretly bring home stray cats and dogs imagine you come home after a long day of work and you just hear meow you're like so don't what is that why is there a noise coming from your room and it would just be like another little kitten and Mrs Yang let her keep all of them wow but the two sisters they truly could not have been more different I mean just can you imagine how fun their house must have been even like the bickering of sojung dancing around and Surah is trying to focus on her homework and then there's like five cats in the background knocking glasses off tables I feel like the family never had a boring day with the two also Mrs Young never called them by their names she called them National Treasure one and National Treasure two so in Korea all the National Treasures they're numbered so this is a cute nickname that she gave so it's like one and two and in 2004. after graduating college Sora is 29 and her little sisters hojang is 25. so they're both kind of in this phase of life where they're thinking you know we should experiment with the possibilities this is our time before we really settle into a career like we're toying with the ideas of what we want to truly do sojung turns to Sora and says something along the lines of like we're both bored right why don't we try this job together it's a bit far it's near Busan so four hour drive right but we can get a place there together and be extras on all these dramas that are filming there was like 10 of them filming there right now and they're all looking for extras it'll be fun we can get our foot in the door and if we like it maybe we can you know level up to like a supporting role and then go bigger and bigger from there I mean it's just a small Gig if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out and we just come back home so at this point sojung had become a famous Idols backup dancer so she's already kind of in this entertainment industry and it seemed like a very natural suggestion the Two Sisters they pack some of their clothes they leave for the very southern coast of Korea and soda actually got a bit more acting gigs than sojang since hojang was still dancing she had a little bit of conflict in her schedule it wasn't very open meanwhile soda was like okay let me just take this because I'm pretty free the next three months Mrs Young didn't really like being separated from her girls but she was really proud and happy for them she said I was proud and arrogant as proud as any mom in Korea who felt like they had the whole world three months later that world would come Crashing Down soda and sojung were back home and something had changed it's not even one of those instances Where Mrs Young can sit the girls down and be like what's going on did you guys fight there's tension it wasn't even like that it was such a drastic scary change Mrs Young was lost on how to even handle this type of situation it's like Surah had turned into a completely different person the minute she walked in through her family's home doors she took off all of her clothes she was unclothed pacing around the house grabbing a knife and carving the words die die onto a wooden tray Mrs Yang tried to talk to her trying to get her to open up and tell her why she's behaving this way but soda would cut up Furniture she would ransack the house she kept saying someone is watching me someone is watching me the family felt like they were in over their heads like how do they even help soda she will not communicate with them they don't want to push her they don't want to scare her they don't want to stress her out even more they're just trying to take it day by day second by second but it really was unsettling Mrs Yang said even though she was my child I was scared every morning the young parents in sojung the little sister they would wake up feeling this like anxiety on their chest they don't even know what the day had in store for them most days they would walk out into the living room and all the furniture was somehow moved in the middle of the night their couch was now standing on its side leaned up against the back door their TV was in the kitchen these are pieces of furniture that would take multiple people to move but soda had silently moved them in the middle of the night sometimes they would watch her obsessively roll up tissues and stick them into any little crevice or hole in the house she kept saying someone was spying on them with hidden cameras someone was watching them she was incredibly paranoid so that would come out of her room naked chanting I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you it's like she was in a trance like she was possessed by someone I mean she felt like a stranger to the family she would repeat these very violent words that they had never ever heard come out of her mouth like she's not even the type to watch violent movies or shows not saying that there's a link to like violence and that but it's just so startling like this is a girl that loves to read books and plays the piano and now after three months of acting on kdramas as an extra she's come back and she's having a full psychological meltdown every single day the family used every second to try and brainstorm of all of the ways that they could help Sora but like is there really a perfect way maybe if you're a trained psychiatrist you would know better but for the family it's a very tricky situation of if we don't do anything clearly it's going to get worse and soda is obviously in some sort of pain for her to be acting like this and if we do do something it might push her away further so we need to make sure whatever we do is the right choice if we try and take her to a therapist right now what if she Rebels runs away and we can't even find her there's nothing we can do she's 30. the police aren't going to do anything if she's a runaway so does Behavior would only get more alarming she'd be sitting down staring at a wall when her phone would ring she would get angry and tell her mom I have to go to a shoot I'm gonna go to a shoot I have to go she would bolt out the door before her mom can even stop her before anyone can stop her because they clearly don't want to let her out of the house and for days she would be missing and the family would try and reach out to her calling around asking if anyone had seen her trying to get in contact with her because they're so worried I mean there was no way that she was working in this state but there was also no way of finding out where she was a few days later she would return in a state of just complete disarray her hair would be ruffled up her lipstick would be smeared they were so lost how is this the same Surah that we knew for the past 30 years 30 not even like five thirty years like this is her whole lifetime and just she's with the snap of a finger a completely different person and then one day soda tried to physically attack her younger sisters all the nurses on that hospital floor knew who Mrs Yang was she had been at the hospital every day for the past week every single day she'd been there she would walk in she would head straight for the steel doors of the waiting room but instead of pulling on the handle she would sit near the doors tilt her head down and silently cry sometimes she did this for an hour sometimes it felt like she was there all day to the point where when she would get up her legs would ache from sitting in the same position all day she would have to grab the wall to support her as she walked out she didn't ask the nurses if she could see her daughter she knew the rules for the first week the hospital focuses on stabilizing psychiatric patients they will not allow any visitors because they just don't know if the patient is going to have some sort of reaction to that person or some sort of reaction to anything that they say they're trying to avoid taking one step forward and five steps back but for seven days Mrs Yang sat there every single day knowing that she would not be able to see her daughter she's not even trying to but she just wanted to be there in the only way that she knew how at this point knows just to show up I'm sure to a degree she felt some sort of guilt as a mother for having her daughter admitted involuntarily to a psych ward and I just want to make it very clear this is a very serious very hard decision for her to make this is not her saying oh I just can't deal with it anymore so let me just bring her to a hospital this was arguably the best choice that Mrs Yang had at her disposal she can't bring soda to a therapist even if they can force her to sit through a session after an hour what they all go back home and everyone just hopes that soda doesn't run away or doesn't try to kill sojung again Mrs Yang was just desperate to help both of her kids and so when the Eighth Day came she went and bought soda's favorite chicken and all of her fruits and all of her favorite bang her bread and she anxiously set up in the waiting room she spent the entire day getting ready for this moment it was in November so she was even like hugging the chicken close to her to keep it warm as she ran to the hospital and she's telling her daughter like eat eat while it's still hot moms always say this but Mrs Yang said I know it's my kid but she's so beautiful that day so so pretty but also so so sad it was like in the waiting room she said this Dark Cloud was just hanging directly over Surah and it looked like it was following her around and she just wants to like break up the cloud on top of her but there's no way she can do that so soda is just poking around at her food and she says mom yes I think I was Mrs Yang sat completely Frozen while her oldest daughter her National Treasure number one cried and told her the horrible things that 12 men had done to her by the times what I was done sharing her story the chicken had gone cold and Mrs Yang's heart shattered in a thousand different sharp Jagged pieces that felt like they were ripping into her from the inside she felt as a mother just pure unadultered rage through Mrs Yang's patience and encouragement Torah starts to trust the medical staff Toro would tell them bits and pieces of everything that's happened she would call her mom sometimes sometimes in the middle of the night soda couldn't sleep and she would ask the nurse for a phone and she would call her mom and tell her everything in bits and pieces over the phone Mrs Yang quit her job to be there at any given time any given hour for her daughter whatever her baby needed she was gonna do it Mrs Yang constantly met up with the doctors in charge of soda's care they informed her that soda had contracted chlamydia which is a bacterial STD thankfully it's treatable and curable but the part that worried the doctors was soda was at a stage where it was very painful for her because of the chlamydia there was pus that was exiting and Surah did not register any of that pain nor any of that discomfort it was like she was in a trance she was out of her body she could not feel the pain of her body so while chlamydia was an issue that they're working on it seemed like the more worrying problem on hand was she's showing just extreme symptoms of PTSD soda was assaulted abused humiliated and potentially drugged for three months by 12 men it wasn't at once it wasn't a single event but it was a consistent schedule of abuse she did not speak out because they threatened to kill her but more importantly to Surah they threatened to do the same thing to soda's little sister and then kill her in Korea I'm not sure the exact verbiage for these positions here in the US but in Korea they have something called extra directors so it's not saying like oh this is an extra director like another additional director but they're like casting directors but they don't work with casting the main crew so they're not casting the main lead or the supporting roles but they more so focus on casting a bunch of extras you know the scenes in the kdramas where they're in a coffee shop they need people in the background or when they're walking down the street it can't be a ghost town but they also can't use the same people in all the shots because what is the population of this town like five people right so they have to organize all of these different schedules all of these different people to appear on set be dressed in the same like if the the drama is set in Winter everyone's got to wear winter clothes they gotta know what positions to take what kind of actions to do and oftentimes these extra directors are also in charge of the miners on set not all the time but I think legally miners have to report to someone who knows all the child labor laws and follows the specific regulations that the government has set and for some reason it often falls on these positions so these extra directors they will often have assistants supporting directors underneath them managers as well as production managers that work below them just for simplicity's sake we're going to call all of the positions casting directors they all have immense superiority over soda and the extras on set they're like top of the food chain they have the power to take away jobs and to create them so moving forward I'm just going to be using the word allegedly it is in my personal deep opinion and feeling that these men are absolutely guilty but since there has been no official conviction I will be using the word allegedly because it seems like these um in my personal opinion nasties come of the earth pigs are very very lawsuit happy the Predators have been named in an article that I will also Link in the show notes the series of assaults is said to have been triggered by a casting director by the name of itexu now since he has since changed his name to e young Guang I'm going to call him so that we know his real name right he's working at the world casting net company in 2004. he was told as director on set for one of these dramas and allegedly he wanted to impress his boss by committing crimes and allegedly he drugged sora's coffee and gave quote gave Sora to his boss as a gift I don't know what happened there I don't know if the boss was like what's wrong with this kid I mean apparently not because he wasn't fired or if the boss did something to soda I don't know but this seems to have been some sort of starting point to everything because after work one day it seems that the lead guy that director Lee would initiate a way Chic of sorts and a white Sheik is when all the managers and the subordinates they go out to eat and they primarily drink after work this is off the clock hours you do not get paid for these gatherings and if you're not one of the managers it's literal hell you have to sit there and laugh at all their unfunny jokes while you pour their drinks as if you are not just as qualified if not more qualified to do their goddamn jobs better than they can I feel it's probably the bane of existence for most working women if you go and you do what is asked of you it is humiliating it is degrading it is oftentimes dangerous these managers will force female subordinates to drink without concern for their well-being or safety I mean just even the principle of it is like why am I here pouring you a shot of Soju and laughing at your stupid jokes and complimenting you with everyone in the office knows that you are a blubbering power tripping idiot that doesn't know how to do anything correctly and if you don't pour these egotistical managers their drinks you risk the chance of never getting promoted because now the managers will tell their superiors that you're quote difficult to work with and you don't have the drive or the team spirit it's alleged that soda was at one of these events when she became very very drunk now this is where I want to preface something I think if anyone thinks even for a split second well why was she so drunk I think that would be a very good moment of self-reflection and I would like to assist in that self-reflection firstly if Surah or anyone that you are out with like let's say someone you're out with whether it's a work colleague or a friend if they're that drunk yeah you could be like maybe they shouldn't have gotten that drunk but the human decency aspect is you just want to get that person home safely that's it that's the only thing you care about in that moment you're not thinking why are they so drunk you're like okay let me make sure that you don't lay on your back so you don't choke on your own vomit and let me make sure that no Predator Gets to you that's going to be the main thing to think about secondly there are allegations and suspicions that Torah was roofied during these team building meetings so that was said to have not been much of a drinker and when she did drink she knew her limits really really well um I I can kind of resonate with that because you think it would be the other way like oh if you do don't drink you shouldn't know your limits but as someone who doesn't drink often I'm like okay I know I'm okay with like one glass of wine and then I'm like everything after that is a hard limit you know and she was very very mindful to never cross these boundaries I don't even think that she would drink like a full glass of wine because it's alleged that after just one sip of beer beer people started witnessing soda behaving very drunk so this is not normal but let's argue that she was never drugged still one of the main problems at the so-called team building events is that managers will push and shove drinks down your throat with this passive aggressive hint that your job is on the line if you're not fun and letting loose with the team so either way I don't think that we should blame Sora at all ultimately what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter how drunk Sora was or wasn't the night of August 10 2004 soda was drunk and at around 2 A.M director Lee pulled her into a video room this is already so shady video rooms in Korea are places where you can rent these small tiny rooms that have like a love seat it's like a tiny little couch you watch DVDs and stuff it's a quiet private room and it's generally known as one of these places where teenagers go to Rendezvous if you will since most likely teenagers can't afford like hourly motels yet director Lee threw her on the chair and it was clear that she was unable to resist he assaulted her just eight days later he got soda drunk again dragged her to a motel room soda was clearly unable to resist and he assaulted her just five days later he dragged her into another motel room strangled her took off her clothes and this time Zoda was conscious enough to resist and when I say resist I'm like this was all of it was essay okay so that was conscious enough to resist and made it clear once more for the third time this is not consensual she resisted physically and he threatened her allegedly saying something along the lines of I will break this glass Soju bottle cut up your face with it and then use it to assault you I will put out cigarettes all over your face unless you listen to me he assaulted Sora once more sometimes even punching her in the face kicking her in the stomach and slamming her up against the walls during the assaults it's alleged that director Lee went to tell his buddies on set what he had done because you know what a thing to be proud of right and they all decided we're not going to go to the cops with this no we're all gonna commit the same crimes casting director Yang tegum allegedly locked Sora in an unknown motel room near the set he dragged her into the bath sprayed water all over her mouth in private parts with the shower head took off her clothes laid her down assaulted her he said to her if you don't listen I'm gonna throw you in my trunk and push you into the Han River side note soda was young enough that young tigum actually went around telling his friends that she was his niece and that he was taking her under his wing in the industry that's how old he was it's alleged that he even forced her to go on a three-day staycation with him where he continued to assault and torture her for three days straight then it was claimed that they quote passed her on to casting director Kim sunmo he was working as a manager for the executive department of world casting net company October 13th of 2004 it said that Kim drugged a drunken semi-conscious soda to a motel while telling her if you don't follow me I'm gonna kill you he locked her in the room pushed her down and threatened to light her pubic hair on fire then he assaulted her which he allegedly bragged about to casting director Kim yo won that's his new name by the way he also changed his name it used to be Kim doihan he was also married at the time of the assault this new casting director it said that he worked as a casting director and manager at the world casting net company in October 26 2004 he got Sora drunk to the point of being barely conscious dragged her to a motel room she had woken up and she tried to run away but he smacked her in the face twice and screamed how dare you you're a rag a rag is a really nasty word to call someone it's supposed to mean that they're used and slept with by everyone he continues should I break your leg for you to listen if you don't act right for me you won't survive I will carve out your private parts behave like you did with the other directors he assaulted Zora allegedly while forcing her to watch x-rated movies each times the assaults lasted several hours and it said that they would make threats to Surah the entire time saying things like I'm gonna kill your mother I will kill your sister I will set fire to your house with everyone in it some of them even took videos and pictures of the assault and threatened to post them all over the internet in a very sick detail it stated that some even threatened to assault her younger sister while they were assaulting her and not even just that the mental and emotional torture and humiliation continued on set now from these actions nine other useless pigs were inspired to harass soda so the casting directors are going around telling everyone on set what they've done to her and they're laughing about it and so nine other Predators decide okay let me try the same thing they would grab at her on set grope her they would grab her hand place it on their private parts they would spy on her while she would be changing in the dressing rooms for other scenes one of them even had the audacity to grope her and said you're fat if you want to sleep with me you should starve today and lose some weight I don't even another one tried to humiliate her by calling her a mop and taunting her that he knows he heard from everyone about her hair situation down there another one groped her and said they are big so the rumors are true I like them you should come live with me it is the common belief that Surah descended into a psychological break and mental break from all of the torture that she endured in a very short amount of time and she met with these people every single day because she was working like five different dramas and when she wasn't being our worded and dragged to motel rooms she was being assaulted on set just in the open like even just researching makes me sick to my stomach so I can't even yeah soda tried everything that she could and this is the heartbreaking part and I can't help but feel like this intense amount of feet like pure female rage because let me give you a brief timeline of events director Lee assaulted her August 10th August 18th August 23rd September 5th September 20th on September 24th soda met with a therapist October 6th she was essayed by director tegum October 7th as saved by director Kim on October 8th soda met with another therapist then alternating between the Predators young tegum Kim sunmo and Kim yo won it's alleged that Sora was assaulted October 11 13 17th 19th 24th 26th 27th and then November 7th on November 9th she would meet with another therapist November 18th she was essayed once more and on November 19th and 26th she would meet with a therapist again her medical staff at the time said in a recent interview I remember Miss young as a special case patient who developed her disability due to excess stress in a short amount of time now a lot of people also speculate that if Surah was drugged heavily during the span of the past three months that could have intensely contributed to her psychological breakdown side effects of date drugs include memory impairment impulsivity anxiety depression stress paranoia and I'm not sure if she was drugged we can't say that we have the exact evidence because you'll see why later but I can see that to be because it's just so different from who Surah was for 30 years and I'm just I don't even know the exact words to describe how soda's mom felt but she still held out hope that soda would recover it's not going to be easy she knows that but we're gonna do it as a family and the police are going to get us Justice soda is gonna sue the perpetrators make them pay for what they've done and closure is going to be the first step to Healing in Korea at the time the laws have since changed but in Korea at the time let's say you're walking down a street and you witness someone getting essayed in broad daylight you cannot as an eyewitness report it to the police what only the person being S8 can report to the police like what do you mean like I can't call police you can call them but you can't file a report you can't like push into motion a series of events where the perpetrator the r order gets arrested the police will be like were you the one that was essayed okay then all we can do is just kind of stand here the victim has to be like hey I was essayed yeah um let me tell you the sick reasoning behind why it's really bad so back in the day even if there were security cameras or eyewitnesses that caught the r word or committing the physical mental emotional violence sadistic Act of rape unless the victim themselves doesn't file the charges law enforcement does nothing and according to some brainless idiots back in the day they said no one can really know what happens between a man and a woman in private that's why unless the victim said hey I didn't want this they won't do anything about it also the statute of limitations for essay was just over one year like just 365 days what so toda's Mom helped soda file a complaint December of 2004. against 12 officials from the entertainment industry for sexual assault and forcible harassment now obviously the entertainment company that they all worked for was alerted of the situation the vice president a man fired the forecasting directors who was accused of sexual assault but he stated you know I talked to them three of the four accused of sexual assault admitted to having intercourse but they denied it was assault Mrs Yang comforted Sora telling her it's okay the police are going to look into it and once they discover the truth they these meant the 12 men they're gonna pay for what they did and you don't have to feel scared anymore you don't have to feel paranoid you don't deserve this you have rights you are the one you did nothing wrong Mrs Yang's Only Hope comes crashing down when the police call her asking her if she's got evidence that she wants to bring into the station that sounds like they care right they're building a case they want to gather the evidence and they want to get the perpetrators but then they sarcastically added what do you need like three four trucks for evidence we can send you four trucks for you to fill up oh my God the investigating officer was obviously being sarcastic insinuating what kind of evidence do you have you're making a big deal out of nothing you think your case is so serious you think we want to put our resources to your daughter who just sleeps around Mrs Yang ignored it because I mean she's thinking maybe this this investigator is weird maybe this is how he talks I don't know right maybe he's being genuine maybe he's a rookie and he's like no genuinely I don't know how many trucks evidence needs right so still thinking that law enforcement is going to be on there her side because I don't know that's their freaking job that they get paid to do she brings in boxes of material boxes of evidence and the detective slams his hand down on the desk startling sora's mom and he screams do you think this is even a case because of how harshly the investigator slammed on his desk and started screaming at Mrs Yang everyone in the police station stared and turned and just looked nobody stepped in to help nobody stepped in to be like hey cop like get in the back what's wrong with you that's not how we do our jobs no one the other cops were just like oh okay in hindsight Mrs Yang would say this was the moment I should have dropped the investigation had I done that both of my daughters would still be alive the police discarded most of the evidence that was turned in by Mrs Yang they just threw it away and understandably she did not know how Shady they were so she didn't make copies of a lot of the evidence yeah the police investigated is that legal yeah yes I mean it's probably one of those things where it's not legal but like what are you gonna do call the cops on them right and if the government like the state officials don't want to do anything then the police did investigate though they investigated for over a year and like heavy quotes on the word investigated if you can really even call it that the first thing that they did was bring in the victim and one of the accused perpetrators stick them in the same room without a proper partition it was just one of those like plastic see-through sheets that you see at cash registers when covid was really bad that was what was between them they were sitting at the same desk soda was forced to sit close to a perpetrator so close she could hear his breathing and the detective was getting agitated that he had to actually do his job he had to actually work and investigate because now he's frustrated the victim is stating this happened in the perpetrator of course is denying it of course and he says here's a ruler here's some crayons draw his private parts we want it in exact millimeters and he says we want the exact shade or we're not going to believe you I don't think I have to voice everything wrong with this but it's just ridiculous even if they are being serious which I personally think that they're a thousand percent trying to humiliate and ridicule and traumatize Torah further but even if they're being serious it's just dumb I don't know what else to say it's cruel and dumb even professional artists have references I mean as someone who's been with the same partner and Mrs Yang brings this up like married couples they can't even do this at gunpoint like you would utterly fail I would utterly fail I don't know like millimeters exact like what are you saying and this is the most traumatic moment of your life you're trying everything to block it out your brain is trying to protect you and this is what the officer is telling you to do like yeah that would drive anyone crazy in another interview if you can even call it that investigators told soda she's so this is interpreted in two ways if we were walking down the street and a bird pooped on your shoulder I might look at you and say which means like just like really bad luck like you got no good luck like you have such bad luck it's a little aggressive honestly I don't even think I would say that it's kind of a little weird but let's say we're walking down the street nothing happens to you and I look at you and I say it's commonly interpreted in Korean as you're so full of so he was probably arguing I was saying no she just has bad luck but it's it's clear he was trying to say like you're full of after she gave her testimony of being assaulted by 12 men I'm gonna give you a quick list of the things that the police did during the investigation I'm sure there's a lot more than what I've just compiled but even this is really really bad in order to drop a complaint you have to sign an official document that states that you understand that you're dropping charges against the perpetrators or the so-called perpetrators you have to add a fingerprint on the document so you gotta stick your thumb in ink it's got to be like notarized right one of the detectives smeared ink on sora's finger and tried to get her to close the case forcibly imagine the trauma of being a woman a victim who has who has been taken advantage of physically and now someone is trying to do the same thing not in the exact same sense but they're trying to have power over your body again like the trauma of that during another cross-examination with another perpetrator where for some reason soda was present they basically forced her to be at every single cross-examination in front of her perpetrators with no barriers in between them and it was all spaced out so they investigated for 13 months and I think once a month they would call her in so every month if she made any progress at all to get some closure and healing she would be right back at the police station face to face with one of her other perpetrators she's not even just talking to the police about what happened to her once a month she's meeting with her attackers face to face and think about it essay is incredibly destructive mentally the victim feels like they are in a position where they did not have power over their own bodies and in that interrogation room soda did not she was not able to face her attackers with dignity she was not able to face it because you know you hear stories of victims finally going to trial and it's a moment that they can reclaim that power because they are in a position where no you don't have control over me you can never do this to me or anyone she doesn't have that even the police aren't on her side so think about how helpless vulnerable she feels over and over again for over a year a lot of experts said that this type of trauma would have probably left her feeling like she had been essayed all over again once a month for a year after her traumatic three months by the same perpetrators during one of the cross-examinations the detective asked the perpetrator to describe the sexual acts that they engaged in because all the perpetrators admitted to what they did but they tried to argue that it was consensual and she wanted it the perpetrator described every single bit of the assault in great detail right in front of Torah and even made explicit noises to go along with it not once did the police stop him by the end of that cross-examination Sora was crying and screaming her mom stopped it took soda home for where for days she sat in a trance-like state refusing to eat anything just laying there staring at a wall even just by looking at her psychiatric treatment progress notes sorta was clearly breaking even more from the police investigation side note again Mrs Yang blames herself for that but I disagree I think this is the police's fault clearly right I mean in the treatment progress notes the medical staff wrote that's what I was reporting feeling heightened anxiety and Nightmares after looking at the faces of her attackers again she said when she hears their voices all she can think about is when they locked her in those rooms and did what they did to her I mean clearly clearly things are not going well after yet another traumatic incident at the police station soda Runs Out breaks free from her mom and runs directly onto oncoming traffic right in front of the station all Mrs Yang could hear was her heart thumping in her ears and all the car tires screeching and cars honking and thankfully they were all able to stop in time soda survived but it's just crazy I think it's a global problem women and children are not being protected by law enforcement essay crimes are not it feels like the vast majority of law enforcement just do not care in 1998 in South Korea a crazy verdict was given on An Essay Case a minor was R worded by another minor and the verdict of that trial okay 1998. I know it sounds like a long time ago but just think about this the statement the judge gave was the two parents of the two miners should let them get married what they were like basically they were insinuating that the victim's body was wasted since she was violently attacked by a criminal so she should just marry the criminal and live the rest of her life in utter fear and Trauma what yeah because if you're not a virgin before you get married it's gonna be rough for you was the sentiment court is dismissed and just side tangent okay there is such a strong stigma around essay I mean if I told you a man had been physically assaulted mentally and emotionally tortured and the perpetrator had inflicted biological terrorism on his body we would not ask that man were you drunk sir sir what were you wearing your basketball shorts were a little short sir are you sure you didn't want to be terrorized like that sir but that's what essay is it's assault and it should even be categorized as bioterrorism she caught chlamydia from her assaulters because you can spread diseases into the population non-consensually and with Force that's literally biological terrorism after witnessing how her daughter was treated by the police for being the victim of violent sexual crimes Mrs Yang asks us this question is this really a country where you can raise a daughter the number 18 in Korean can also sound like a curse word 18 is shipai right which I'm not going to say the curse word in Korean it's a little aggressive but just imagine ship but instead of the peas you have a soft B and it can mean you um in English it seems a little more casual in Korean it's a lot more passionate it's a little more aggressive right it's Amplified now the number 28 is said to also kind of sound like the word in Korean jumped from the 18th floor of their apartment building on August 28th at 8 18 pm all the numbers lined up were 8 18 28 8 18. soda chose that date specifically as a way to say you to the world cue to what the monsters did and thank you to the police that poured salt on her wounds and created new ones and to the justice system that didn't even help her and to every single person that shamed her for being a victim of a crime she said to them thank you Mrs Yang had to be tough for sojung she just lost her daughter yes but her youngest daughter just lost her older sister sojung was now 30 when Sora passed and she just lived with this immense guilt she cried to her mom that it was all her fault she was the one that suggested the two Gopi extras on drama sets she said if she hadn't done that they would have never dipped their toes into the industry and she would still be here she would be smiling alive happy healthy and her mom told her never think like that instead let's focus all of our attention on the good moments we had before everything happened so on the sixth night without Sora Mrs Yang and todong they laid in bed together they had a picture frame was put out in between them and they would alternate between crying and laughing sometimes they would start laughing and end up crying and they were just reminiscing of all the little things that Sora would do all of the ridiculous fights that they had gotten into that seemed like such a big deal at the time they were borrowing each other's clothes that's my pencil case Mrs Yang dozed off for a bit and when she opened her eyes sojung was still Wide Awake she didn't sleep at all that night and she said Mom did on the shower the day that she died what do you mean did she shower I don't know I don't know what I'm thinking let's just all meet in 20 years right what does that mean I guess if 20 years is too early we can all be rejoined in like 30 years sojung got up and went to take a shower she was in there for a very long time that day she would jump from the 13th floor of a building in store her note to her mother read Mom I'm sorry but I have to follow my sister I just miss her so much Mrs Yang remembers that day with bitterness not just because I'm sure it was one of the most traumatic painful days that any single human could experience but because she feels like she should have known something was gonna happen she says that she should have done something to try and stop it she said why didn't I think that my younger daughter would die too why didn't I save her life about the shower comment it felt like sojang wanted to retrace her older sister's steps the day off and I know the comments and questions feel strange in hindsight and it's like oh didn't the mom notice that she was asking all these weird questions but it's been six days since soda passed I don't think sojung was displaying an abnormal amount of grief during that time imagine you just lose a family member your loved one is expressing grief and you're like well I don't know you might try to do something so let's stick you in a psych ward like you wouldn't do that that could be a new Breaking Point for that person Mrs Yang was just trying to be there for her kids so on September 3rd 2009 less than a week after Torah died sojung passed away and Mrs Yang's life was in pieces and the back-to-back deaths of their two daughters deteriorated Mr Yang's health so apparently during surah's fight for justice Mr Yang kind of faded in the background he resorted to drinking a lot to try and forget his pain he had a brain hemorrhage he had been bedridden he could not get back up the stress and the toll of the drinking and all of that he didn't recover well from his hemorrhage Studies have shown that psychological pain has such a profound effect on healing that even hospitals don't even really know how to adequately address it on November 2009 just two months after his youngest daughter's death Mr Yang would pass away too and for a while it felt like Mrs Yang had no one not even relatives while Mrs Yang wanted to put her life on the line and talk about the Injustice that her family went through her relatives were mad at her some of her own like closest siblings they were they were saying why are you making our family look bad you're filling our family with problems they're gone there's nothing we can do to bring them back for a while Mrs Yang kept quiet and she harbored all this anger and pain by herself she lost 81 pounds it was just so quiet when it was time to eat and the air just felt so suffocatingly heavy and she was just alone in that house she went to all these doctors got prescription pills they were so strong that she ended up just sitting there drooling and crying at the wall she felt like a shell of a human she would stare at the wall or the TV all day feeling numb so imagine like a year of this a year of being in a house where every nook and cranny is a Remnant a memory of your family that's all gone she's heavily medicated she can't even eat she's losing all her family members and boom the end credits to a new drama are rolling and it's one of sora's perpetrators names listed as a director because of these men her daughters had become a handful of Ashes but here they are living their lives as if nothing has happened some of them even had children of their own children Mrs Yang felt like she was going crazy she even changed her name not because she didn't want them to find her anything but it's an old Superstition that your name can carry good or bad luck and she said maybe my daughters died because my name is unclean she said she would have given up anything for her daughters her name her life anything and that is why Mrs Yang started her one-person protest she would demonstrate with a huge sign showing the names of 12 perpetrators who harassed and assaulted her daughter every demonstration a cop would come up to her and say I'm a cop I got a report that someone is defaming on the streets the police are really worried about all the wrong things yeah defamation is a serious issue but first of all I don't think that this is defamation and second of all if you were to tell me is defamation worse than I say it's really clear during another demonstration allegedly one of the family members of the perpetrators came up to Mrs Yang and tried to slap her in the face with his palm it's like the brother of a perpetrator while swearing at her one of the perpetrators even stated I will make her a beggar by suing her for defamation the next time she's on the street she's gonna be asking for money and food she did get into a physical altercation with one of the perpetrators there is a YouTube video on it on her Channel and she ends up fracturing her wrists because she shoved her during a protest one of the wives of the pigs called Mrs Yang and threatened to sue her for defamation and when Mrs Yang tried to explain to her the situation and how terrifying of a person that her husband was the wife responded I don't care what he did as a bachelor before we got married even the police officer that worked on the case and did in my opinion one of the worst jobs I've ever seen if you can even call it a job he also stated that he would sue Mrs Yang for defamation and this part is crazy but Mrs Yang went to see one of the detectives thinking okay maybe after five years he'll apologize after 10 years he'll apologize maybe he'll find some salvation somewhere and come to his senses she showed him portraits of her two daughters and he insisted he doesn't recall a single thing doesn't remember them and he started filming her threatening to sue her for defamation in Korean there is an expression he who farts in the room and gets angry at everyone else for the smell Mrs Yang felt really depressed again I mean this is the evil angry scum that her daughter had to deal with in the span of six months Mrs Yang had lost her whole family she lost her oldest daughter her youngest daughter then her husband and she said that she felt like she was always gasping for air and struggling to get a deep breath in imagine being in a constant state where you feel like you're half drowning all the time the only reason that Mrs Yang stayed for so long instead of joining her family was because of one of hodung's dogs they still had a dog had brought home this tiny little puppy a while ago and they named him Pipi right which I feel like could mean a lot I feel like he was a little rascal when they first got him because the the name sounds very rambunctious like a little troublemaker and she said he was the last one in the family she said she felt a duty to make sure that at least one family member lived a long life under her care she brushed his teeth every single day she looked online for best meals to feed dogs the dog ate better than her she would mix milk into his dog food to make it easier for him she brushed his hair every single day she absolutely treasured him he lived for 19 long years before passing away and that is when Mrs Yang decided it's time for me to join my family and she attempted to end things but she survived and she said in that moment all she remembered was telling her the day before when they were laying in bed together before she passed her youngest daughter told her mom get your revenge I think if anyone can do it you can you're strong and so now that is what she's doing oh [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] she's going to get Justice and she feels like that's what the only thing she can and will do as a mother no matter how hard it is no matter how lonely it is without her family and it's been really hard okay Mrs Yang waged a lawsuit against the perpetrators April of 2014. now there is a part of this that I couldn't bring up earlier because I I wanted to be wary of people thinking this was some sort of argument against Sora but during the three months of surah's torture Sora purchased a ton of quote gifts for one of the directors Nike shoes hats tech gear clothes camera sunglasses watch even gifted one of the directors like a thousand dollars in cash now this is a detail that I'm sure the perpetrators would love to spin and be like oh she had a crush on me but it was very clear that Torah was threatened she could not say no to these people they threatened to cut up her face light her family home on fire kill her own family and assault her younger sister so yeah I don't think she personally bought these items because she very much enjoyed the company of these scumbags one of the directors was even threatening her trying to get her to give him the deed to their family home these were all alleged in the lawsuit but soda's mom's case would be dismissed because the statute of limitations had already passed now remember how some of the perpetrators wanted to sue Mrs Yang for defamation well they did they tried to sue her for over a hundred thousand dollars stating that Mrs Yang had ruined their reputations and made them lose out on work due to her one-person protests that she would do in front of their agencies they would also allege that Mrs Yang was doing this all for money also Mrs Yang is in her 70s and she's a very beautiful person and they tried to argue that she's trying to make money off her daughter's death and get plastic surgery which I feel like tells us all we need to know about these pigs imagine your children pass because of essay and they're like no you're not doing this for justice you're doing it because you want to look pretty these are like caricatures of evil disgusting villains like also they tried to argue that it was consensual and that they were just so so attractive and Torah even offered to pay for the motel fees herself thankfully the judge dismissed through their lawsuits in the trash can where it belongs and stated I cannot help but feel deeply frustrated and sad at the disastrous failure of Public Power as a person in charge of public power I expressed my deep apology and sincere consolation to the mother the judge read out a two-page paper about the failure of justice and deemed Mrs Yang not guilty in defaming the perpetrators but still the principle that they even filed defamation charges she felt like the perpetrators were trying to kill her daughters twice but Mrs Yang's Revenge had just begun she wanted to reveal the inside story of the death of her two daughters to the world I mean she feels like she needs to this is what her youngest daughter told her to do before she passed she's doing this for her kids she started a petition for the blue house which is like the White House of South Korea as of March 2018 more than 200 000 people have signed the national petition to the blue house demanding a reinvestigation into this case now back in the day if you got 200 000 signatures in one month the blue house would at least have to address that petition that has since changed because of the new president he like doesn't even want to look at it no way yeah it's really bad so um she had 200 000 signatures that this was the 23rd Blue House petition that was formally addressed by the blue house of South Korea they said that they were going to reinvestigate but in 2018 when the police began reinvestigating the frustrating thing was because of how poorly the case was handled in the first place in the first time when it actually happened like right after there wasn't a ton of evidence left over like I said the police basically trashed everything they ruined all shots at a proper investigation then and in the future the police commissioner even stated that because of the statute of limitations had passed and the complaint was withdrawn while Sora was alive they said basically it looks like a reinvestigation won't be possible or at least they won't produce any results really Mrs Yang said I never dreamed that there would be 200 000 people I thought it'd be incredible if we got a hundred thousand people to sign I just want to thank everyone I'm a small citizen with no power and I want to thank everyone just for knowing thank you thank you so much I'm glad I'm alive there is no way to repay even a little of what we wanted from our children but two hundred thousand people now know and I will keep going until 50 million people in Korea know everything for as long as I live the state offered to pay for her daughter's funerals so August 28th 2018. she held a joint funeral Mrs Yang said Q to the state for not doing anything August 28th 2018. she held a funeral yeah and of course I can't conclude this episode without talking about the dark reality of the film industry Mrs Yang met with the Ministers of state to try and get the men fired from their positions in the industry as casting directors and one of them the minister sympathized with her but stated the system in our country and the police is that we focus on evidence he apologized when Mrs Yang started crying she was devastated and she said three people are dead isn't that evidence enough a lot of people echoed this sentiment moms came forward and said you know when our daughter said they wanted to get into the industry I would tell them don't stay for too long though that means something eventually happens to you it's just a matter of time an anonymous assistant performer said that working in the industry for the past 10 years still harassment occurs frequently on sets and everyone with the Stars like the lead and the supporting roles everybody else they have to hold their breaths on set and hope that it doesn't happen to them a yongjin committee survey revealed that only one out of 27 cases were dealt with legally about half the cases were just swept under the rug so the victims wouldn't have to lose their livelihoods four people the assaulted Zora nine people harassed and assaulted her three people physically assaulted Mrs Yang when she tried to get Justice for her daughter they hit and shoved her down 12 simple predators and three violent criminals and the tragedy is that as of right now not a single person that played a role in this horrific case has been punished many of them are still working in the industry as of 2020 one of the perpetrators worked on the drama dating is annoying but I hate being lonely Mrs Yang rallied everyone to protest and boycott and NBC one of the biggest networks in Korea reportedly terminated their contract with the perpetrator stating that they were unaware of this incident so they fired then may of 2023 the drama lovers came out lovers another perpetrator had worked on set NBC banned them from accessing any future production sites and stated since they were hired by a third party that they were unaware at the time of the incident they stated that they will actually terminate the whole contract with that third party company in question to exclude any possible participation of a perpetrator moving forward also this is really scary but apparently one of the casting directors is working in the administration department of a huge Gynecology office in South Korea meanwhile from all the lawsuits that Mrs Yang faced from the perpetrators even though they were dismissed she had to sell her apartment to pay her legal fees so please click the link in the description for Mrs Yang's YouTube channel to get updates I am hoping to meet her if I go to Korea soon so I can give you guys updates there as well and Mrs Yang stated that she's going to continue to follow the perpetrators for the rest of their lives and continue to expose them if the courts cannot punish these men their crimes will be known to the public that is her goal she is in her 70s now and she works out every single day to stay very fit and healthy so that not only can she protest every single week but you know a lot of these perpetrators they're a lot younger than her and she said her goal is to outlive at least one of them so that she can dance on his grave she said this is a country that does nothing for its daughters the police even put my two daughters at risk there is nothing we can do but talk like this and there is something that I really want to tell women like my daughter you should live and not die you must never die you must live even though 14 years have passed since her daughters have left whenever Mrs Yang is walking on the street and Hears A girl scream Amma she still turns around and that is the story of the Yang sisters in South Korea please leave your supportive comments from Mrs Yang in the comments we're going to translate them a bunch of them for her and I know that she would love to see her support and hopefully we can meet with her and protest with her when we're in Korea next but let's just keep this story out there please please go to her YouTube channel even if you don't understand Korean I don't think you need to to understand the pain that she's gone through to watch these videos to engage with her content please and let me know your thoughts and please stay safe and I will see you guys on Wednesday for the main episode bye
Channel: Rotten Mango
Views: 1,545,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, MissMangoButt, Stephanie Soo Storytime, Stephanie Soo Story, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Stephanie Soo Husband, Rotten Mango, Podcast, Mystery, Mystery Storytime, Mysterious, Scary Story, Internet Mysteries, Scary Stories, Urban Legends, True Story, Dark Story, Dark Reality, Dark Truth, Bailey Sarian, Dark History, That Chapter, Mr. Ballen, Strange & Mysterious, Documentary, Kendall Rae, Mile Higher, Eleanor Neale, Danielle Kirsty, Morbid, Ashley Flowers, AudioChuck
Id: U1yZw6RQipg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 25sec (4645 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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