Top INSANE BIRTHDAY Demands PT 2 | Dhar Mann

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oh this is the top i've been wanting thank you mom you're welcome hun happy birthday and sweetie got one last little gift for you dad you shouldn't have oh my god dad is this what i think it is you know how bad i've been wanting them i don't know you're just gonna have to open it up and see i knew it i knew you guys wouldn't forget i can't wait to post this on my insta honda happy birthday sweetheart you guys got me a crappy honda well what do you mean i thought that that's what you wanted a car for your birthday yeah i wanted a car not a cheap honda i thought you were gonna get me a bmw like you have i can't be seen driving to school in an ugly honda jenna that's not nice you know there's a lot of kids that have to take the bus to school because they don't have a car at all you should be grateful for what you have well how is that my problem this is seriously the worst birthday ever jenna you know what forget it thanks for nothing where are you going i'll be at britney's at least she has a nice car well that didn't go how i imagined it i can't believe they didn't get me a bmw don't be caught dead in a haunted happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday thank you dad i got you a little something for your birthday it's not much but i've been saving up for a little while present but that this should have gone to food i didn't need anything don't worry you deserve this so go on open it a bus pass i know i'm sorry that i couldn't get you anything more i just felt bad that you had to walk to school every day what's wrong you don't like it i love it actually i'm just so happy that i don't have to walk to school anymore i'm grateful for everything i have thank you anything for you sweetheart and one day i'll be able to buy you a car for your birth i promise dad are you kidding i don't need a car i can take the bus now i'm just you don't have to walk to school anymore i love you so much i love you too dad jenna you're back i thought you were going to brittany's actually changed my mind look mom and i talked about it and [Music] there you go what's this key to the bmw yeah i just i felt bad about you having to drive that honda around so it's okay you take my car and i'll drive the honda instead what's wrong aren't you excited isn't this what you wanted yeah jenna aren't you happy actually it's okay dad i don't need it but i'm sorry dad for everything i'm happy with the honda why the change of heart well i just learned to be grateful for what i have you and mom forgive me [Music] we're so proud of you of course we forgive you hope you guys clean up where is everyone you know i don't know sweetheart but i bet they'll be here soon see hi would you like to buy some girl scout cookies they're only five dollars um i'm sorry kids no thank you no problem have a nice day let's go to the next house over there [Music] well who's here it's nobody for your party sweetheart i'm sorry oh don't be sad sweetheart you know what how about i sing you happy birthday and we'll have some cake i can't believe we don't came why doesn't anyone want to be my friend oh honey please don't think like that there are lots of people who want to be your friend no they don't mae where are you going to my room i do i do remember birthday more may sweet may um hi guys it's me again um sorry my eyes are so red and swollen i've been uh crying for the past few hours um today was mae's birthday party and she's been so excited it's literally all she's been talking about you see hey i'm obsessed what do you like to come to my birthday party of course wow this is so cool i love the unicorn thanks my mom made it um my whole party is going to be unicorn themed it sounds like fun do you think maybe i could come too yeah i was about to invite you next year though i'm so excited is it all right if i came can i get an invitation too yeah oh you guys aren't ready hey class sorry i'm late are you having a party mate yes it's could be ah you need something for my birthday you can come too and you like that's so sweet i'd love to be there really i would never have followed so many people wanted to come and then you should have seen how excited she was shopping for her party what do you think of these hmm let me see how do i look so cool okay thanks then we'll definitely have to get them thanks for making my 50s so special mom i still can't believe how many fries i have coming oh honey it's because you deserve it i don't want to ask for too much but what is it maybe i could have a unicorn cake too anything for you and then this morning she was up preparing for the party before the sun even came up oh wow well you are up early well yeah there's only six more hours until my friends arrive well your party is gonna be amazing everybody's gonna have so much fun i can't wait well i was gonna keep this a surprise but since you're already up check this out how cute is this oh my god i love it so much thanks you are so welcome sweetheart this is the happiest day of my life mom i can't wait to see my friends well you so deserve it my love now after i get a cup of coffee i will help you finish decorating okay so you see what was supposed to be a fun-filled party complete with unicorn hats and all has gone it's just gone horribly wrong so no one came not one single kid and it just it just breaks my heart for me so um i'm so sorry to ask you guys for anything but if you can find it in your heart to send me a little birthday gift i mean you know she loves unicorns or a a video message wishing her a happy birthday i know i know what would help take some of this pain away so i'll go ahead and put my p.o box in the description it forwards to my house so um just thanks so much [Music] hey how about we go to the park today no i don't want to do anything today come on you have been cooped up in this house for days let's go do something no i don't want to [Music] hello hi i have some mail for me oh okay um where is it i'll be right back okay [Music] oh my gosh is that all for may there's a lot more that came from that's why i had to get some help oh um you can leave it by the table are you serious mom what is going on here these are all gifts for your birthday really these are all for me yeah see i told you there are so many people out there who love you i can't believe this how do they even know it's my birthday for where to send gifts to you know you don't worry about that you just worry about opening them okay are you sad i'm going to open this one next [Music] unicorn night this is so cute [Music] oh may you are not gonna believe this hundreds of people sent you messages wishing you a happy birthday what no way i want to see iomc come here okay hi jess what are you doing here what do you mean today's your party right no it's a few days ago but on the invitation it says it's august 23rd that's today isn't it oh my gosh mom did you i i must have put the wrong date on the invitations by accident i am so sorry so that's why no one showed up well i just have one friend last year just one friend what are you talking about come on in guys hey may happy birthday may we're so excited to hang out with you wow hey guys i'm i'm so sorry i feel so embarrassed i accidentally put the wrong date on the invitations and now i don't have anything set up oh that's okay we can help yeah we'd love to we just want to hang out with may on this whole time i thought nobody wanted to come to my party are you kidding we've been looking forward to your party since you told us yeah i even bought this shirt just for your party oh i can't tell you guys how much this all means to me well alright first things first everyone has to put on one of these and let's party mom i'm hungry can i have a hot dog i'm sorry honey i only have enough for groceries but it's my birthday okay come on excuse me sir how much for a hot dog three dollars do you accept wic cards come on lady i don't take food stamps only real money do you think i could have one for two dollars maybe you have a smaller one what do i look like government assistance take a hike i'm sorry isabella i promise i'll make you something to eat as soon as we get home okay okay little help i wish i could to be honest you've got more than we've got i'm sorry to hear that by the way congratulations thank you i hope you have a really nice day hello um tira do you accept wic cards oh great you're one of those i'm sorry do you know how frustrating it is that i have to work while you get to sit at home relaxing on your couch eating free food with my tax dollars it's not like that at all yeah you don't know what she's been through never mind i should have stayed quiet the answer is yes we do accept those come on honey let me guess strawberry oh i'm here to change thanks so much [Music] it's 12.98 uh the cake makes two please i'll have to ring that up separately what why is that donuts like you don't know you know you can't use your wick card for luxury food items like cake i'm sorry it's my first time using this card uh-huh how much is it maybe i can pay cash it's 210 shoot um yeah you're you're gonna have to put it back what no you promised we'd have cake for my birthday i know honey and i promise you that here no really don't worry about it oh my gosh um i couldn't but i appreciate your offer so much no i insist no she doesn't need any more help she already gets her groceries for free but she's pregnant and she has a daughter i just feel bad why do you think she's pregnant she's trying to get more assistance wow you know you really shouldn't judge someone before you get to know them maybe if you weren't so lazy and got a job you wouldn't need my tax dollars to support you i had a job i even had my own business you see for the past several years my husband and i ran our own restaurant it was always packed with customers and business was booming even though the hours were long we loved every minute of it when we found out we were pregnant it couldn't have been better timing we were both so excited to be having our second child [Music] it felt like all of our dreams were finally coming true [Music] and then one day i decided to stay home and watch isabella while my husband went to work he gave me a kiss goodbye and said he'd be home early [Music] except he never made it home at all a police officer came to the door and said my carlos had gotten into a car accident and he didn't survive all we could do was cry [Music] with my husband now gone and me being pregnant there was no way i could run the restaurant all by myself so i had no choice but to close it down and turn in the key i tried my best to get by i downgraded our apartment and i cut our cost as much as i could but when i can no longer afford to feed my daughter that's when i decided to ask for help so you see i did have a job and a husband i lost everything i'm a prideful woman it wasn't easy for me to ask the government for assistance but i will do anything to make sure my daughter and my baby don't go hungry it's so bad you had to go through all that i am so sorry thanks good story lady and i had thought i heard it all you know if you do decide to get a job maybe you should be an actress that's what you have to say to me after everything i just shared with you look i don't have time for sob stories unlike you i have to work so do you want the cake or not please take this i won't take no for an answer [Music] thank you [Music] let me get you your chain oh no buy your daughter a hot dog and consider it a birthday present for me thank you i don't even know what to say you don't need to say anything are you ready honey to eat your strawberry cake i can't wait cynthia oh my god hi monica it's good to see you here's your change and your food stamp card have a great day thanks and thank you truly from the bottom of my heart and happy birthday thank you let's go honey it was nice to see you monica on let's go get you a hot dog uh are you sure yeah cynthia do you have a minute i actually wanted to ask you something oh sure what's up you know after you left my next tenant only lasted about six months no one knows how to run a restaurant like you oh that's sweet thank you our old customers still come by asking about you you know i wanted to ask you have you ever thought about i don't know coming back i appreciate the offer but um a lot has changed since back then i don't have uh my husband as a partner anymore so um it would just be too complicated but thank you maybe i could partner with you we could go say 50 50. i can't i wouldn't have the money to put up 50 and we're barely getting by but really i do appreciate it i will pay for all of it we'll hire manager to run the operations so you don't have to be on your feet all day all you need to do is take care of the customers and we will take care of the rest so what do you say really yes i um mom you should do it you always talk about how much you want to be at the restaurant and it's not like you're working anyways you see it looks like it's perfect timing for everyone so what do you say come on um uh what the heck all right let's do it isabella and cynthia are so excited to open up their restaurant together [Music] a few weeks later they celebrate their grand reopening cynthia's old customers are so happy she's back and come to show their support before long business was booming the tables were always full and the people were always happy cynthia was running a very successful restaurant again with a little bit of help of course cynthia and isabella even managed to get their old place back everything was falling right back into place the girls and the baby couldn't be happier and then one day cynthia comes back to the convenience store you're one of those huh what do you mean someone who lives off welfare that's enough please don't listen to her excuse me i don't know who you think you are coming in here like this you know what you can take your items they're on me really yeah oh thank you so much you're welcome and uh congratulations by the way thank you why are you acting like you own the place oh i'm not acting i do want the place well my partner and i we just closed the escrow what i don't understand how did this happen well it's just like she said you really shouldn't judge somebody before you get to know them here you go thanks you're welcome and i have change for you oh that's okay you keep it seriously thanks wait aren't you roger the head of operations of our restaurant and now the manager of the store you've got to be out of your mind there's no way i'll be reporting to a homeless man no that's okay you don't have to because you're fired are you serious i always hated this job anyway bye so how did that feel i'm not gonna lie it felt pretty great can we have strawberry cake tonight you know what why don't we have chocolate too mr gates the company you co-founded and built is now worth a whopping 1 trillion dollars yes tanya that's correct and to top it all off you yourself alone as of this year 2019 are now worth over 105 billion dollars that's incredible so tell me because i have to ask for everyone out there who's watching this right now how does it feel to be the richest man in the world tanya being the richest man is actually you know what i am not the richest man in the world what i'm sorry but if you're not the richest man in the world then who is a man i met a very long time ago someone far richer than i am you see 35 years ago i didn't have much it is good morning bill how you doing hey teddy how's business ah honestly i'm barely making it out here they keep raising the rent and look i tell you if it wasn't for these tips some nights i wouldn't even eat that's the truth yeah i'm sorry to hear that ah what you gonna do you know actually i can relate my business is not doing so well right now either i don't know what i'm going to do well you're a smart guy bill if anybody can get it figured out it's you oh that'll be 50 cent yeah man you know i just can't get this thing figured out you know it's like nothing i'm sorry i don't have enough uh this is embarrassing i uh we'll just come back later hey bill you forgot your paper i got it no no no no no no no i cannot let you do that for me teddy no no no i'll just write you a check okay um do me a favor though and don't cash this until next week bill thank you but i can't let you do that [Music] you see i may not have much money but being rich ain't about what you got in your bank it's about what you got in your heart [Music] thank you very much teddy no problem i won't forget this so you see teddy is the richest man in the world but [Music] i don't understand how is a poor newspaper vendor the richest man in the world well it doesn't end there you see i've been thinking about him a lot lately so i went to pay him a visit before this interview teddy [Music] bill is that you i'll be how you doing oh wow i didn't think that you would remember me oh of course i remember your old buddy back then you didn't have much money and now you're a billionaire what brings you back around here huh well you know i couldn't help but remember all the times that you were so kind to me all those years ago you only had two quarters and yet you still helped me now i want to help you here that's a blank check so however much you need it's yours you can buy whatever you want bill i i appreciate this but but you i i can't accept this i'm sorry but are you sure about that i mean you could open up a new newsstand or or buy a house or anything whatever you want you would be rich thank you thank you so much bill but like i told you all those years ago being rich ain't about pursuing your bank account it's about what's in your heart and right now i got everything i could ever need [Music] what can i say you are truly an inspiring person teddy [Music] it was great seeing you again you too bill you too oh hey bill forgot your paper for time's sake [Music] so you see teddy is the richest man in the world because being rich isn't about what you have in your bank it's about what you have in your heart wow mr gates thank you for sharing that [Music] well here's to teddy may we all aspire to be as rich as him [Music] thank goodness i know right i can't believe that worked out well excuse me excuse me sir can i trouble you for 22 so that i could get something to eat for today yeah right you mean buy some more drugs no no you homeless people are all the same just lazy and a bunch of addicts no no you got me wrong see i'm an artist and i work with celebrities and i have my own studio before i burned down in the fire and i just went yeah right buddy and i'm elon musk and i'm oprah winfrey you are an opera please get yourself i just want 22. oh yes please i hear there's this great new place right down the street i think we have to go check it out yes [Music] hey uh hey here i hope that helps oh my god so i'd give more but i don't really carry much cash thank you so much you have no idea what this is going to do i could eat the entire day off this thank you thank you you're welcome [Music] uh i'm charlie i i don't mean to be nosy but i couldn't help but overhear you used to work with celebrities oh yeah you can look me up if you want uh uh type in richard hutchins celebrity artist okay wow it says you used to work with marvin gaye robert de niro even muhammad ali yeah that's just a few of them there were a lot of others you painted this that one there for richard pry wow you really are a celebrity artist i never would have known with the i mean look look look i know i ain't much to look good standing here but i used to have my own art studio until santa monica fires burnt it to the ground i lost most of my paintings i lost all my art supplies charlie i lost everything i can't believe that happened to you i'm sorry [Music] what's your plan now i don't know what i'm gonna do but i know what i don't wanna do i don't wanna sit on that curb no more charlie i don't wanna hold that sign no more i don't want to sit out here every single day begging people for money so that i can get myself something to eat i just miss making the people happy hey hey it's gonna be okay i'm sorry you know my dream was always to see my art showcased in an art gallery i may be 62 years old and homeless but i just can't let that dream go you know what richard i'm going to help you no no no charlie you didn't already help me enough i can't ask you to do nothing now i got much bigger ideas i'll see you tomorrow okay okay all right okay [Music] excuse me hi um have you seen richard today i have sort of a surprise for him he was taken in an ambulance this morning to north county hospital wait why what happened to him blood clogs all over his leg he couldn't even walk poor guy i don't know if he's gonna make it oh my god i can't end like this thank you north county hospital hi uh i'm trying to reach richard hutchins please i believe he was admitted this morning hold please hello richard hey it's charlie i came back to see you today again like i promised hey charlie how's your leg honestly it's pretty bad i got it all wrapped up and i can't feel nothing the doctor said they might cut it off no no no no don't tell me that i just don't know what to do charlie i just feel like it feel like i can't win no no no don't don't talk like that richard okay from now on positive thoughts only because your thoughts become your reality okay charlie all right okay i want you to do something for me i want you to tell me right now that you are already healed but i i don't understand how am i healed just trust me please okay i'm already healed through the grace of god i'm already healed okay now tell me that so many things have tried to beat you but nothing can ever beat you so many things have tried to beat me but nothing can beat me you have survived everything that your life has thrown at you and this time will be no different i've survived everything in my life that was thrown at me and this time will be no different this is the end of your losing streak richard it's all up from here you'll see thank you charlie thank you so much i appreciate you even taking the time to call me you're not alone richard i'm here with you now you just focus on getting better okay i'll see you soon bye now hello richard your results are in still know richard huh no well if you see him can you tell him that charlie was looking for him sure thank you no luck huh no just hope he's all right stop stop stop stop richard richard hey i know you're gonna be okay hey charlie hey i got some good news still got this here leg i can see that hey i have some more good news for you you do yeah yeah just a little surprise i brought a couple friends with me hey richard hi hey richard we want to help you become the person that you were meant to be okay come here come check this out that's why we brought you a whole bunch of art supplies charlie is all of that for me yeah because i need you to keep painting okay i need you to make a whole lot more art a whole lot more all right i can do that and you said that you still have some of your old paintings right yeah yeah okay great we're gonna need those too okay richard your whole life is about to change well i don't understand what's happening you'll see but i need you to be ready oh i'm ready lord knows i've been ready okay we'll see you tomorrow okay bye y'all [Music] a whole new life is waiting [Music] richard hey hey charlie hey i got to show you something what what is it just come on uh okay hey tyler what you got to show me just get in but what about all my stuff oh no don't worry about it we'll load it all up for you you might not be homeless after today richard no really [Music] man he's going to freak out when he sees a surprise come on in richard hi hey uh what's going on charlie oh you are about to find out these are my other friends who helped us put all this together hello nice to meet you okay type in richard okay what's this that's your new website hey that's my name up there and everything wow it's got your whole story on here i've been sharing it on social media and people are going crazy for it and in exactly 12 minutes we are going to start selling some of your paintings online through your website i can't believe it thank you thank you all thank you thank you so much this your life is gonna change tonight man don't forget oh yep we got you another little surprise look at this check it out [Music] but you got me a suit we did and we have one more big surprise coming up why are you crying man it's happiness this is it's all happiness do you mind getting in the towel yeah all right richard why don't you go and take a nice hot shower i mean you can try on your new suits thank you and we'll be out here when you're ready thank you thank you all so much you have no idea what this means to me thank you let me show you the backwards richard richard we just broke ten thousand dollars wait another sale just came in we're eleven thousand dollars wow wow it's amazing wait wait wait twelve thousand one hundred and ten dollars now it's just insane richard richard come here you got to see this [Music] you look amazing i ain't had on a suit in and i don't know how long you know i feel like a thousand bucks well you should feel like refer refresh it you should feel like 14 792 bucks because that's how much art you've sold no really yeah come here come look and another sale just came in ring the bell richard ring the bell ring the bell ring the bell ring the bell i'm ready to tell it [Music] 57 792 that's how much you've sold so far can you believe that i can't i mean i really can't it's like i'm living in a dream or something pull up over here oh where are we at charlie i told you i had one last big surprise left [Music] all of those people they're here to see you richard your artwork is now hanging in a gallery just like your dream and today we are going to celebrate so i hope you're ready are you okay it's just it i've prayed so long this moment in my life thank you god thank you for blessing me with this moment thank you [Applause] hello richard my name is nasika it's nice to meet you uh thank you very much everyone is so excited you're here i'm excited to be here too well before we go inside is there anything you want to say to the crowd oh yeah yeah i'd like to say a few words please uh hello everybody um my name is richard 24 hours ago i was i was homeless i was sleeping out there on them streets i had to beg people for money just so i could get myself something to eat every night and at my age when you're homeless people just think that your life is over and if i'm being honest i thought my life was over too but then somebody reminded me that i should never give up hope somebody reminded me to never let nothing break my spirit yeah and that i should never ever ever give up on my dream it's right here so i just want to take the time to thank god for bringing this angel into my life [Music] thank you my thoughts got real real dark but then somebody reminded me have positive thoughts because my thoughts become my reality [Applause] thank you for saving me i appreciate that um but i i can't take any credit because because we just helped you become the person that you were meant to be let's give it up for richard there's a whole wall dedicated to you inside the gallery come on let's check it out [Applause] well that felt like a movie this whole week has been like a movie hey hey can we pull over here i'm sure yeah yeah okay pull over please crazy to think i spent all them years sitting right there now you've sold over a hundred thousand dollars worth of paintings and just exhibited at your own art show charlie words cannot express how much i appreciate everything that you've done for me thank you you're welcome i guess with all the money you made you're never gonna have to come back here again huh i mean i sleep here but i still come back here that's why so i can help out next person like you help me hey regina yeah what you think about sleeping in the hotel room tonight what are you serious mm-hmm you ain't got to sleep out here on the streets no mo i'ma help you get back on your feet just like my friend charlie did for me really you mean i can sleep in a real bed tonight oh my god you have no idea how much this means to me thank you well come on now get all your stuff come on let's go [Music] what would you say your dream is my dream is to just walk in the museum one day and just see my deal with my pen on the wall i don't want to know what i don't want to do charlie i don't want to go back down the rafts and sit on that cart that's what i don't want to do no more i miss making people happy you ready all right here we go [Applause] [Music] hey guys five days ago i was homeless never again i i didn't do i didn't i didn't give up my dream i didn't lose hope my spirit wasn't broken this night is not for me it's for every homeless person or homeless artist that is left on the streets out there this is for them and i promise you to this end i'll pay you forward okay how does it feel to be the richest man in the world actually you know what i am not the richest man in the world if you're not the richest man in the world then who is someone far richer than i am
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 3,836,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: hYqXuKfHclk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 48sec (3228 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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