Top Inexpensive Flipper Zero Alternatives

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hello and welcome we're going to talk about flipper zero alternative today and it's been brought to my attention a few times that there are many other very interesting devices that you can buy really cheap and have multiple of different devices dedicated to one thing so let's take a look at it in this video right now so The Flipper seral itself as we see right here you know is a multi-tool device for geeks I want to be honest with you guys right The Flipper Zer mostly is used for pranking and I understand it's fun to turn off televisions it's fun to read some you know infrared signal and then you know do something with it or maybe shut out shut off a screen at McDonald's and so on but let's be realistic right now no one is hacking anything right now it it's just you know it's just it's just a prank so I want to bring these pranks ahead one more time and say there are other Alternatives that can do more than pranking easier I want to say that even though that I only mentioned pranks The Flipper Sero itself can also do stuff that is kind of like hacking and I would really like to talk about different kind of alternatives to the flippers Ser because it can be quite pricey so this is the web page flippers c.1 you can go ahead and check it out and press buy and you can buy the flipo for any amount of €65 in this particular case going to also change it to uh another country and see your own currency you know I'm going to stick to Euro for now because well then you can just calculate back to USD or whatever you would like to do there are different kind of add-ons Wi-Fi uh prototype boarding video game module screen protectors and a silicon caging go ahead and buy for this and I'm pretty sure you can go ahead and buy more different kind of things for it and if you want to develop stuff you know there's also the room for that one of the upsides for flipper zero is that it's uh open source and you can go ahead and and download your own you know customized firmware which is really really nice so I want to bring forth to you the very first unit we're going to talk about and that's going to be the [Music] M5 I've already uh opened up a web page with that to show you this is how you can get the M5 I even have it right here as a collection of mine and the M5 itself is just a small uh circuit board with a battery and a screen where I can burn you know customized software on it let's just first take a look at what this actually is and just press on one of the buttons so it calls a adaptable compatible blah blah blah micro iot development kit uh which is really nice and you get this small unit and there are different kinds of them mine is the C+ 1 one I don't know if you can see that here yes but it doesn't really matter I just bought it literally like got it last week so it's pretty new and you can go ahead and burn on some very interesting you know firmware on it so let's go and say M5 Nemo I think that is the GitHub repository I'm going to link everything in the description below so you can just go ahead and check it out right there so basically I'm going to teach you guys guys how to do all these kind of things all right so the M5 Nemo itself you can go ahead and burn on the um firmware for highte pranks and the things you can do is I think there's a list down here below there is is one here called TVP gon so that is basically a way for you to turn off stuff that you know receives um infrared signals and you can choose from a variety of different kind of TVs uh well it actually a list going through also something called apple juice where you can prank you know pairing spam on the phone I think there's also something that can crash the iPhone itself and uh Wi-Fi spam so it also got this uh um funny SSID and rig rolling and random NES and stuff like that you can also create a Nemo portal which is kind of actually the what you call the evil portal so this small device right here right that can actually do what we needed to do e create an eil portal and it's going to potenti with a some sort of small web page where there would be prompted to log in and those credentials most likely been used and it be saved on unit you can go ahead and look at them also got some Wi-Fi SSID scanner you know only 2.4 GHz but you know it's fine also have a clock you know who cares and of course some battery stuff and so on the stick itself is with custom firmware and there's a description on how to use right here if you want to go ahead and install this you need to install the M5 burner and the M5 burner I think let me just click this link right here I think uh going through it all you know it's going to download some sort of program looking like that yeah the M5 burner right here for window Mac OSX and the Linux and then you're going to go ahead and just basically follow the guide that is how the program looks pick the one called stick and now we going to make sure that this is pretty important for you right now if you're going to install the firmware here from the M5 you can search it up in the search bar you need to download or anything you need to clone the repo basically just connect the M5 small unit from two USBC and that's really it and then you're good to go and go ahead and search for Nemo and then make sure whether it's a plus or a not a plus unit and pick the right one it's not going to work if you have a non Plus or have a plus unit you know it's um it's a 30- second wait and you're going to find out oh it didn't work then you're going to pick another one and then it works pretty easy installation so you first of all you download it and then you're able to burn it and the unit and that's really it's going to be presented that way and the Comm in my computer is going to be Comm one or Comm 5 which basically going to be either of them you know one of them mean sorry so mine was com five but you know you're going to find out pretty easy it's it's good to go and when that is done you have the M5 Nemo uh unit ready to be used and it's you know a beautiful small device I would love to to to to to show a video with the unit itself but for now I'm basically just going to tell you that this unit itself is can do all the things that we mentioned just below and that is actually many of the things that people use for pranks on The Flipper zero this unit does not have any reading of cards and stuff like that which is why we're going to put this on a pretty good you know level up against The Flipper zero as a pretty good alternative so I'm going say I think that's really good so the next one we're going to go ahead and talk about will be the crazy radio from bit craze the crazy radio itself is a small unit you can go ahead and buy I cannot assom on it I actually have it right here as well it's not unpacked so at some point in time I'm going to take this Crea Rao radio it's a small thing you know as you can see in my hand it's it's pretty small not that interesting to look at but it's a small you know circuit board with an antenna that potentially can read for like up to a kilometer that is the crazy things guys a kilometer is a pretty powerful Amplified small board where you can put software on it what you can do with this kind of thing is for example Mouse jacking or keyboard jagging so that's basically where you have a uh wireless keyboard or Wireless um Mouse and then you you know um use it and the crazy R just take it over and you execute raw commands on the Windows computer I'm not sure if it works on you know Mac or Linux I think think it have to be Windows not 100% sure I haven't created the project now but I'm going to create the project at some point and post it for you guys so you can see how it works and everything I'm also going to post some links Down Below in the description on different kind of places you can look to get an idea on how to start with the crazy radio okay so we talked about two different things already and we already covering I would say most of the things that the flipp also can do it can also do jacking but it's a bit more it doesn't have the same distance this this is the actual you know Pro radio you need so that is uh the thing you should definitely buy if you want to sit like 500 M away and and and and and you know Mouse Jack and know capture people's computers basically take over a computer you own it this is what the crazy can do quite dangerous all right the third thing we're going to talk about is just of of course going to be the Raspberry Pi I'm not going to show you Raspberry Pi because you know I have a lot of them but um the raspberry pie itself is basically a small computer you know it is basically whatever you're going to make it you know if you want to get like a 5G and 2.4 GHz 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz antenna you have one right here it's an alpha card and and basically it costs nothing and with this you know you can you can go ahead and you know create the most crazy little computer to capture every 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz signals radio signals in the air and do whatever you would like to do with it because this supports monitor mode or you're going to call it priscus mode and it's just beautiful it can also connect the old trusty Alpha card with only 2.4 GHz which is also what most Wi-Fi uh access points actually serve these days but there are many different kind of things the beauty about res 5 is you can can install basically anything on it and these days the Raspberry Pi can be bought with uh an SSD hard disk and you can basically connected uh directly to the Raspberry Pi and I'm not really sure if the official side here does have the small SSD hard disk that I'm actually just scrolling for um I'm going to scroll day it doesn't really have it right here but the newest rasp Pi 5 I would definitely go ahead and buy that and buy an SSD uh hard drive for it and you need the SSD hat and basically you have a computer that doesn't break down because these micro SD cards going to be a little shaky and not really that well because they're going to break down at some point so maybe you can have it you know riding and running for a few hundred times then boom is going to break down maybe 30 times or 50 times maybe even just two times so basically that's going to create some you know barrier for that the fourth one is going to be the these strike the athat it's um you know when you going to look at this it's a little pricey but you can go ahead and get the version one for $39 you can also go ahead and buy the ESP board yourself as a small board you know I have have it somewhere in a small bag it's not right there no it's probably you know in my bag somewhere but it's a small board you can go go ahead and buy for $4 or5 and it got a small Wi-Fi uh uh chip on it it got a range of maybe 20 M or so and you can go ahead and and and burn this software directly down on it and and and have your own small the author but this watch itself you go go and check out the products go ahead and check out the version four right here or the version three which is the one I have you know I'm going to show you the the watch I have right here so whenever you buy the watch and unpack this you get going to get it in the Box you know it doesn't not that interesting but the actual watch itself right there the version 3 watch got a range of I think it's like 200 M or something like that I bought it when it was like $99 and it's a pretty fun thing to have it's definitely better than flipper zero because if they have an actual antenna that is Sting longer I think the flipper Ser could be extended with an antenna to make it even stronger but this this is a dedicated unit and dedicated unit probably going to do a better job I don't know probably you can also go ahead and check out the version four which is going to be the same just some extra stuff and a battery enhanced stuff but there are many different things you can go ahead and do you can also buy the small drike deor monster which is also something that's going to be you know really easy for you to carry around and it's the ESP 8266 development board that I talked about you can go ahead and buy so go to Amazon for example this is just the one in Germany doesn't really matter search it up and you have it right there it's like you know you got you get three boards here and you get it for like €1 18 and that's going to be around 202 is dollars I think it is and then you're going to get three of these small units which have an own a little Wi-Fi uh chied on it and basically uh you can go ahead and burn down any kind of software on it oh you probably need to make sure that it says Wi-Fi this is the one the second one S at the first one so that is the one I'm going to link that in description of course so that is the number three of those and got WiFi yes so it says Wii on the board [Music] somewhere not really sure where but it is a Wi-Fi board and there are different kind of buttons on it and it's pretty you know neat you can create many small practice with it and this is if that is what you're going to do you can go ahead and get the ESP 8266 Wi-Fi board and you can burn down the actual you know software on it I also going to try and R to link that in description below uh yeah so the fifth one I thing it is we're coming to right now is going to be the classic aduino board you're going to go ahead and buy that and you're going to go ahead and buy the uino board you know you will get a bought you can go ahead and program your own stuff for which is kind of made for that it's it's a it's like a a small community you're going to join and if this is what you want to do you know there are loads of kind of different software things you can go and buy so download for free and just directly you know burn down on the chipset on the a un board and you can go to 3D print your own small case and so on so this is kind of DIY do it yourself all the way which is is also on the same level like these you know ESP 8266 boards but the ainu I would consider that as the the the upper you know the the the bigger brother of the boards so another practice device is going to be the IR remote for iPhone you can go ahead and buy it on AliExpress for example you know just anyone IR remote and that's going to enable you to I think some of them you know we're going to search through I think this is the one you can go ahead and and basically download an app somewhere you know and that app contains a huge list of different kind of software groups for different kind of TVs and stuff like that so you can take your phone it would of course require this one to be an iPhone because that is for USBC as you can see right there but you can probably also get them for you know Android and some Android phones probably also have USBC these days they they do I know so go and download the app and you can go ahead and send out INF signals and turn off your classic you know prank the TVs your TVs for the pranks sorry and basically you know it's going to do the same thing as The Flipper zero probably looks a little less suspicious because the flipper zero looks like something you hold your hand and people can see it's not a phone with this particular device you can go ahead and prank people for a long time and whoops see it's not that bad but you know ah I wouldn't I'm actually waiting for one because I need stuff to to to have to Showcase others so we're going to go back to the last two well last one actually is going to be the M1 that I created a video for the M1 is the uh multi-tool uh Compact and it got a high pled so far it's around $883,000 um and many people well not many but a few people think this is not real but I I guarantee you this is for Real and you can go ahead and uh I think everything is sold now early birds all the devices so I actually bought one the $109 one going to be the early bird my selection so I'm actually getting this in June or July I think it is and until then we're going to have to wait until they put all the devices together and they're going to ship now to us and of course the last one is going to be the flipper seral itself so if you have any doubt about what you're going to get and you're like I don't want to I don't want to have a lot of things in my hand I got this M5 unit I have my crazy radio I have my de watch you know what what else can I have in my hand you know also have my Wi-Fi antenna got everything going on you can go ahead and deor everything in the world and and really that's it there are a few units that I could mention but I'm going to leave this as a thing for you you to go check out go and check out the pagi you know it's like tamagachi just pone so pagi I'm not going to say too much right now I'm going to mention more of it but um I really hope that you got an idea about which kind of things there are for alternative for The Flipper zero and they're not that pricey but if you're going to get them all probably going to go ahead and get a flipper seral instead but if you want something that is a little easier to use you know you're just going to prank something with turning on and off a TV go ahead and buy this from some AliExpress for $4 and a few dollars in shipments and you're good to go and you can prank people for a long time from what I understand most people that have a flip a zero they like to prank people not really using it for what it's really you purposely created for I would say um and many people they that they just live off the dream that it's a possibility that I can do that's great but the possibilities that you can do doesn't really mean that you are going to do it or that you actually know how to do it that's the difference between you you know knowing what you're doing and then having having Tools in your hands not really knowing how to use them in a way that you know it's going to be useful but you know no worry this channel is here for you so I will of course create more videos in the future about how you can make the best out of your your your different kind of boards and units at home and I'm going to create more videos in the future of course about different kind of software groups uh in relation to Hardware stuff so I hope you got an idea what's the alternative flipper Z going to see you again next time have a really nice day [Music] woohoo
Channel: Security in mind
Views: 3,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AffordableTech, AlternativeSolutions, Arduino, BudgetFriendly, BudgetTech, CheapTech, CostEffectiveTech, CrazyRadio, DIYProjects, Electronics, FlipperZero, HackingTools, LowCostAlternatives, MonstatekM1, MonstatekM5, RaspberryPi, SaveMoney, SmartDevices, TechGadgets, TechSavings, esp32, flipper zero, flipper zero hacking, flipperzero tesla charge door, m5stick, flipper zero alternative
Id: zPki0z56c7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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