Top Democrats Call on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to Resign: A Closer Look

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/msmstud 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

“I’m not part of political club”..well that sounds like a load of bollocks..

Also..I know that they’re NYCity people..but I’ve always wondered just who it is that actually votes for this jackass..same as a Nancy Pelosi..What fuckin’ morons are actually out there VOTING for these people?!?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SurgeonWhat 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

"With all the charm and charisma of an outer-borough mattress salesman" is killing me

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tarukai788 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
-Dozens of prominent New York Democrats, from Chuck Schumer to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have called on Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign after a flood of sexual harassment allegations and the revelation that his administration covered up the COVID death toll in nursing homes. For more on this, it's time for "A Closer Look." ♪♪ New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has had such a precipitous fall from grace that, in the span of just a few months, he's gone from winning an Emmy; writing a best-selling book; and doing prop comedy with giant medical swabs on CNN, like a dental hygienist at a middle school assembly, to facing calls for his resignation from dozens of his fellow Democrats, including some of New York's most prominent lawmakers. -The majority of House Democrats from New York are calling for Cuomo's resignation, including Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary Jerry Nadler released a statement saying... -More than 50 state Democratic lawmakers, legislators, signed onto a letter yesterday, also calling on Cuomo to resign. -It's clear that Governor Cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners, as well as the people of New York. -It is disgusting to me and he can no longer serve as governor. -It's clear to me that the governor can no longer be effective. -Governor Cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners and of so many New Yorkers. So, for the good of the state, he should resign. -First of all, you know you're in a bad spot when even Chuck Schumer calls on you to resign. That dude doesn't do anything hastily. Before he makes any decision, he has to have at least four brow furrows and inch his glasses down to the tip of his nose. Chuck Schumer makes decisions so slowly that, one time, he was ordering at an Italian restaurant and the waiter stood there so long, he died of exposure. [ As Schumer ] Let's see. Rigatoni? No. Ziti? Too heavy. Do you have any -- Aah! Second, so many Democrats have called on Cuomo to resign that, at this point it's easier to ask who hasn't done so. Good news, Governor -- the Oswego County commissioner for Water and Sewer Service is standing by us -- Wait. Nope, sorry. He said you should resign. Somebody call the Schenectady Parks Department! They'll never turn on us! And, just to give you a visual representation of the dramatic collapse of Cuomo's political standing, here he is in November, accepting an Emmy for his COVID briefings; and here he is on Friday, at the governor's mansion, wrapped in a blanket, holding a bottle of something. [ As Cuomo ] Nobody panic. We're going to be fine. Now, get me my thinking blanket. I need to make some calls. It's never good when your governor starts dressing like Nicole Kidman's therapist from some HBO murder show. Looks like someone's deadbeat dad, who hangs around beach bonfires and tries to start sing-alongs to "Brown Eyed Girl." I'm not saying his administration is a shipwreck, but that's how guys dressed when they tried to sneak onto a Titanic lifeboat. [ Falsetto ] Am I a man? Oh, gracious, no. My name is Mrs., uh, Bottle Blanket. And, yet, Cuomo has, so far, resisted the pressure to resign, blaming it on council culture and insisting that he's being targeted because he's not part of the political establishment. -People know the difference between playing politics, bowing to cancel culture, and the truth. Let the review proceed. I'm not going to resign. I was not elected by the politicians. I was elected by the people. Part of this is that I am not part of the political club. -Alright, first of all, can we now agree that the term cancel culture is officially meaningless? He's using the same line as the people who spent the last three weeks getting mad about the Muppets, Mr. Potato Head, and Looney Tunes. [ As Cuomo ] This is just like what happened to Dr. Seuss. The only difference is I do run the zoo. Second, how can you say you're not part of the political club? You're the son of a former governor, you were in Bill Clinton's Cabinet, your last name is on a bridge. That's like Al Unser Jr. saying he didn't come from car people. It really can't be understated, just how dramatic a downfall this has been for Cuomo. It wasn't long ago, of course, that he was winning national acclaim for his performances of coronaviruses briefings, where he, among other things, displayed his mastery of the calendar. -Today is Saturday. That is a fact. Today is Sunday. Today is Friday. Today is Saturday. Today's Monday. Today is Thursday. Today is Saturday. -I mean, it really gives you an idea of just how surreal and horrifying the early days of the pandemic were, that we all found it soothing to watch a guy with all the charm and charisma of an outer borough mattress salesman tell us what day of the week it was. If Andrew Cuomo's dad hadn't been governor, there's a good chance he'd be working at one of those used car dealerships in Queens that does local ads during Yankee broadcasts. [ As Cuomo ] Come on down to Cuomo Kiev, Kew Gardens. Cuomo cars, Cuomo savings. Isn't that right, former Yankees third baseman Scott Brosius? Today is Monday. Now, that's a home run. Again, I get why we found them reassuring. I did, too. I did, too. It was a scary time and there was a leadership void and he stepped into it. There were times when I genuinely did not know what day it was. It's not like I was grabbing a newspaper on my daily commute to the attic. The same controlling authoritarian tendencies Cuomo has displayed throughout his career also made him a commanding presence when everyone was desperate for one. And, as a result, he turned himself into a TV star, he won an Emmy, wrote a best-selling book, stirred speculation that he might run for president or become Joe Biden's attorney general, and earned a nickname that was super cringey at the time and, in retrospect, so much worse. -The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, he has been front and center, right? During this pandemic, holding coronavirus briefings during the week, talking to, updating, the country. Lately, he has been asked by many, including his own brother, CNN's Chris Cuomo, if he will run for president. -We are learning that Governor Cuomo may be in the running for Joe Biden's attorney general. -[ Laughing ] -The Luv Guv, here on "GMA" this Monday morning. -The Luv Guv? -Yeah, that's Andrew Cuomo's nickname. You didn't know that? -Now, you know, I've seen you referred to a little bit recently as the Luv Guv. -The New York Post dubbed you the new Luv Guv. -Ugh! No politician should ever be called the Luv Guv. That sounds like the name of an early 2000s bro comedy starring Owen Wilson as a college dropout who accidentally becomes governor. [ As Wilson ] Oh, man, I got to clean my room before the legislature comes over. [ Laughter ] And, now, all that acclaim has vaporized nearly overnight, as the real Andrew Cuomo has caught up to the character Andrew Cuomo was playing on TV, or, as The New Republic put it... And the newspaper character is always so much worse than the TV character. In the newspaper, those "Fireside" cartoons are just a bunch of dumb cavemen, but in the TV show, they were played by Ryan Gosling and Timothée Chalamet. The point is, Cuomo's TV audience is now learning about the real Andrew Cuomo, as he faces accusations of bullying and abuse of power, creating a toxic workplace environment, a COVID cover-up, and allegations of sexual harassment from at least six women. -Over the last two weeks, six women, including current and former members of Cuomo's staff, have accused him of sexual harassment and unwanted advances. -The allegations against Cuomo range from allegations of inappropriate touching and inquiries about the sex lives of his subordinates to allegations of unwanted kissing and a request to play strip poker during a trip on a government plane. -Ugh! Why is strip poker the spin the bottle of gross, older dudes? Also, what's the appeal? Like I don't have a good body, but the worst it's going to look is naked and hunched over a card table. Plus, it's extra bad for me because my tell, when I'm bluffing, is my penis gets smaller. That's what happened, everyone! I don't know what to tell you! I was bluffing! [ Laughter ] Let's let it go and deal the cards! Apparently, another one of Cuomo's tactics was to ask female aides for tech help. One former aide said Cuomo... And then... Nothing says "sexy" like, "I'm too old to figure out my phone." What a horrible pickup line. That's like saying, "Hey, babe, got a minute? My VCR keeps blinking 12:00." Also, I'm sorry, you couldn't find your notes app? It's right there. It's on the home screen. Looks like a notepad that says "Notes." How many more clues do you need? [ As Cuomo ] How do I access it? Do I yell at it? Notes, open! Begin note. Today is Monday. [ Laughter ] And, in addition to the sexual harassment allegations, Cuomo's also dealing with the fallout from his administration's alleged cover-up of coronavirus deaths in nursing homes. Cuomo and his administration are facing investigations from the FBI and U.S. attorney and an impeachment inquiry from the state legislature, after the state attorney general found that his administration had severely undercounted COVID deaths in nursing homes. -The New York Times reporting tonight, top aides to New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo rewrote a report in summer of last year to hide the number of nursing home deaths due to the coronavirus. In the wake of Cuomo ordering nursing homes to take in all individuals, even with COVID, in March 2020, which, critics say, led to loss of life, some of Cuomo's top aides allegedly rewrote a June 2020 nursing home report to hide the high COVID death toll in nursing homes, cutting it by nearly half. -That's right, they just rewrote the report, they covered it up, they lied, and, if they lied about the COVID death toll in nursing homes, you have to ask yourself, "What else are they lying about?" Wait a second. Today isn't Saturday! It's Thursday! And, look, again, I get why. To anyone who watched Cuomo on TV during the pandemic, this might all be a little bit shocking, but to people who have chronicled his career in New York, it's anything but. For one thing, Cuomo has long been a nemesis to progressives in the state, often siding with Republicans, and even helping them maintain control of the state Senate. For years, he threatened to destroy Democratic member of the state assembly Ron Kim, for criticizing his handling of nursing homes. And, last year, at the same time that he was winning plaudits for his COVID briefings, he was also proposing massive cuts to Medicaid, which included $400 million in cuts to hospitals -- in the middle of a pandemic. That's like showing up to a burning building with that month's water bill. [ As Cuomo ] Oof! This is going to be a hefty one. Cuomo also saw an exodus of public health officials from his administration, after he... ...according to The New York Times, seizing control of the state's vaccination program, sidelining experts, and ignoring their advice. And Cuomo even went so far as to make this stunning remark. -When I say, "experts," in air quotes, it sounds like I'm saying I don't really trust the "experts." Because I don't. Because I don't. -That's some real sports radio call-in energy. [ As Cuomo ] Jets are going all the way next year. Don't trust the experts. I bet my house on it. Okay, it's in my wife's name. I live in it. I live in it. Also, really, you think you know better than the experts? Okay, Mr. I Can't Find My Notes App. Cuomo's long been known in New York as a micromanaging bully who intimidates and coerces people to get his way, which is why he has so few friends left, now, as he faces a stampede of intensifying scandals. And there have been, in recent days, a series of damning exposes about the toxic culture of intimidation and imperiousness he has fostered around him. One of those articles, by New York Magazine's Rebecca Traister, contains this deeply revealing anecdote about a party at the governor's mansion a few years ago... And, yeah, it is. Can you imagine that happening in any other workplace, a senior manager joking about not knowing anyone's name? Can you imagine if my team threw up a photo of our band leader and I didn't know his name? Ted Ardison? [ Laughter ] Frud Armissing. The most embarrassing thing I've ever done at a staff party is try to get everyone's attention for an inspirational speech by tapping a glass with a spoon, breaking the glass, and cutting my finger, passing out when I saw the blood, and only waking up when Wally threw an entire bucket of water on me, which, to this day, seems like overkill. Would you agree, in hindsight, Wally, that a bucket was too much water?! Okay, great. Thank you, Wally. And there have even been public instances of Cuomo brushing off questions from journalists about the rampant culture of sexual harassment in Albany, like this heated exchange with reporters from 2017, in which he tried to turn the question back on them. -You did have it going on within your own administration, allegedly, with Sam Hoyt. What could you do differently to, you know, kind of pick up on that? -Well, look, you have it going on in journalism. -Yeah, I know. So -- -What are you going to do differently? -But the question's about state government. It's not about journalism. -I could tell you later, in great detail, about that... -No. -if you're interested. -It's about you and journalism and it's about you in journalism and it's about state government and it's about carpentry. -You can't just deflect questions about sexual harassment by listing off a bunch of random professions. [ As Cuomo ] It's about carpentry. It's about trucking. It's about scuba diving, flamenco dancing, beekeeping. You guys ever wonder what they're wearing under those suits? Dozens of the most prominent Democrats in New York have called on Cuomo to resign. It's a stunning fall from grace. People familiar with the TV version of Andrew Cuomo are now meeting the real Andrew Cuomo. Who knows, at this point, if we'll even make it to the end of the week, given that... -Today's Monday. -This has been "A Closer Look." ♪♪ God's Love We Deliver cooks and brings over two million meals a year to men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other serious illnesses. They need your help, now, more than ever. If you're watching this online, you can hit the Donate button. Stay safe. Wear a mask. Get vaccinated. We love you.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 1,546,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, with, Seth, Meyers, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, COVID, COVID-19, corona, coronavirus, pandemic, quarantine, health, healthcare, relief, stimulus, vaccine, vaccination, mask, masks, social distancing, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo, Charlotte Bennett, Democrats, politics, news, current news, current events, New York
Id: iQyyVP7-ocY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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