Top 8 Things (HIDDEN) You Might Not Know About Your Ford Vehicle

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Hey I just sold an f-150 to a great customer of mine and he was asking me a few questions that you know I didn't think to go over with on the product presentation in there to be honest with you there are so many things that we can go over and talk about the f-150 is that sometimes you leave a couple of things out of the presentation so it made me do this video because that he had these detailed questions I'm pretty sure that you guys out there are some of you guys out there mind have the same question so that's why I'm doing this video of the top few things or just a few things that you might not know about your f-150 so if you are interested don't go anywhere stay tuned hello YouTube and social media good morning good afternoon good evening depending on where you are at my name is Jorge Lopez and I am your sales consultant here at Tombaugh Ford best dealership in town and I welcome you if you are a first-time visitor welcome to my channel this community this channel is built to provide you guys with some excellent information on how to videos some videos on product presentations so when a new vehicle comes in to my inventory I spent some time and going over these neat features and ultimately I am your sales consultant so if you ever need my assistance for a brand new vehicle we sell new Ford's new dodges new Chrysler's new deeps and any pre-owned known a man so I am your guy look me up and I'll be more than happy to help you out I have an app for you as well if you are interested downloaded it's free the app is right here on the screen go ahead and download it now and enjoy its features don't forget to follow me on Instagram I post a lot of good content on there as well Facebook Linkedin you name it and I am all over on social medium ok enough blobbin without further ado let's go ahead and talk about the few things you might not know about your Ford vehicle okay so the first thing that I want to discuss about is on these vehicles that have the smart key just like this one here there's a specific slot that is either on the center console for like an SUV or on the center storage area next to the shifter if it's an f-150 and that slot is for a specific purpose so I'm gonna be talking about that and also its benefits that you get by using that slot so let me go ahead and show you what I'm talking about let me turn the camera over right so this is my personal f-150 and let's see if we can get this going here for you guys so on the f-150 s you've got on some of the like the 2017 this slot that I'm talking about is writing here this one is a 2018 which is my personal vehicle come on camera having a hard time changing okay no worries let's do this so this is a 2018 and the slot that I'm talking about is this right theaters right there this right there so I heard in some some of the videos and YouTube that those slots are meant to hold your key in place or to store your keys which is absolutely incorrect there is no way Ford would put a slot in here or in there so that you can store your key it actually has a purpose so the purpose of that is one if you need to reprogram your key you use that slot so that the computer can learn that this is a new key that you're programming to you also use that slot to retrieve your door code okay so if you don't have your door code with you then you can use that slot to go ahead and retrieve the code so that's it's really its main purpose and then lastly if you have a dead remote control if the battery is completely dead here and your lock and unlock is not working that means that your push push button start is not going to work either you insert the slots you insert the key into the slot and because the chip of the key is now very close to the computer module that's below it it will allow you to push button start the vehicle even with a dead remote control now I'm going to show you how to retrieve your door code so you have to have two keys if you have a smart key like this then locate your slot whether it be there or in there or in the center console there's also a slot for like the SUV so what you need to do is you take one of the keys you insert it right in there you push the button do not press the brake so no brake you push the button okay it'll power up the engine will not power up okay so only the the vehicle you turn it off you take your or your first key out I didn't bring my second key so pretend this is the second key to insert the second key and then do the same thing press that Start button do not press the brake pedal and your door code should appear on the screen it doesn't appear now because I didn't insert the second key but this is a way that you can retrieve your door code if you have a regular key like this what you need to do to retrieve your door code is your insert it into the ignition you turn it into the on position right to where the lights come on not the engine you count like three seconds you remove that key you grab your second key you insert it you turn it to the on position again and voila that's how you will be able to get the door code with that type of a key right there okay point number two is how to change this door code have you ever had that moment where the your sales consultant presents you your code and it's just numbers that you really you know they're not easy for you to remember so a time of delivery I always tell customers hey do you want me to change this number for something that is a little bit more easy for you too to remember you do need the original code in order to customize and add a new five digit code to this entry key pack remember if you don't know your original code you do step number one to retrieve your door code so let's go ahead and and and show you how to change your door code so changing your door code is actually pretty simple for those vehicles that do not have the big screen on the radio area like you see there you need to change your door codes by typing in your original number it's gonna be five numbers what you're gonna do next is press the one two button what you're gonna be doing next is inputting your five new numbers so whatever five new numbers you want to add then you lock your doors by pressing the last two buttons that will lock your vehicle and that will go ahead and conclude the programming of your door code now maybe you didn't know that you can lock your doors including on a truck your tailgate by pressing the last two buttons right here so that is a little trick to lock your doors now if you've got the big screen on the radio area like you see here so if you have the big screen like you see here what you need to do is you go to settings you swipe over to vehicle your door keypad code button selector is the first one you hit that and then on here what you need to do is you type in your original five numbers and then you're going to add it's gonna prompt the message saying do you want to add or replace you do not want to replace you want to add so you hit add you're going to type in your five you numbers and then you're gonna type them again to confirm and simple as that you've changed your door code on your new Ford ok so point number three is on this quick video is you guys know what these buttons are for in my truck there's four of them not on if I'm in focus but there's four of them right there and a lot of people think that these are microphones or a lot of people think that that is a light that shines into the cabin of the vehicle well that is incorrect actually what these are they are sensors so if you lock your doors if you step away from your vehicle and for example your windows are down and somebody reaches into the vehicle to try to steal something then the alarm should go off so let's go ahead and test it out I've got my truck on I'm gonna lower my windows okay and I'm gonna turn it off I'm gonna walk away now I'm gonna be out of focus my doors closed I have locked my vehicle and I'm just gonna wait until the lights go away they have and again I don't know if you can see me but I'm gonna stick my hand and see if this works yes reaching inside will set off those sensors try it yourself see if it works on you while we are in here I wanted to talk about what if you don't have the key with you and you really really want to enjoy the radio no worries even with no key in here you press the button and you have the auxilary mode for your radio stuff in that cool so you don't need your actual key to listen to the radio so back in the day you need it the key to have the auxiliary mode remember that where you will turn the key and put it into a certain position and then you would be able to turn on your radio well not now you don't need the actual key to listen to the radio now that brings me to point number five one thing that I've already discussed in in other videos of mine is that there is no ambient lighting I do not like the fact that there is no ambient lighting on this eye even though it is an insignificant feature for 2018 and up on the f-150s there is no ambient lighting whatsoever on here but you do have it on the Explorers out or why Ford is not bringing it to the Ford f-150 their best selling vehicle so point number five is no ambient lighting now another thing that I want to mention is the memory seating on the Ford's I feel it's a lot easier for you to memorize our have seating memorization done to the system so really simple what you need to do is if you've got your steering wheel that is electronic move it to the position that you want to move it to okay let's just for this example let's move it there let's move the seat you know kind of forward right there that's definitely not where I would put it at let's move the pedals so your pedals are moving as well and let's just for the heck of it let's move one of the mirrors well hang on one second for that one I do need the power on so let's move one of the mirrors there you go moved it too far in but let's say that that is your seating position in order for you to memorize that seating position all you need to do is press one two or three buttons hold it down until you hear a chime but now I'm gonna share with you a different tip now you can program your personal remote control to automatically adjust the seating position of where you want the seating to be at by the time you get into the vehicle so I use this in my example like my wife has one of my keys and I have this key right here so whenever my wife is going to be driving my truck for whatever reason when she hits the unlock button then all of these settings move to her settings because we've got the remote control program so two steps remember you got one two and three here you hold down the that button you want to control until you hear a second chime the first time chime basically memorizes all of these sitting position the second time that you hear allows you to program the remote control so this is what you need to do hold it down there's chime number one there's chime number to release and hit the lock button the lock button by hitting the lock button that will now lock all of these settings to this remote control so let's go ahead and move it so let's say that you know I'm going to move it all the way to the back I'm gonna move the steering wheel all the way down and I'm gonna move that mirror back out again alright so let's say that we exit the vehicle vehicle is off I go ahead and close the door when I hit my unlock button that should move and the seating should move and that mirror should move let's see there you go sitting moved hopefully you got that that the mirror moved and you can see that the mirror is all the way in which is where I had it so that's how you can program your remote control to have all of the seating done and positioning done by the time you get into the vehicle so you don't have to press that button right there okay so tip number seven is diem or driving modes so you should have these on your recent Fords either on the shifter here or if your shifter is up top you should have it here so the diem when I press that you should be able to see how you how that driving mode changes so that you got normal tow haul mode oops skip one so you have normal tow haul mode snow wet mode eco mode and sport mode so basically in summary and by the way I made a detailed video on this so I'll link it up in the descriptions and on the cards up top somewhere there so that you can go ahead and check out that specific video but this is in summary what these modes mean so normal mode doesn't concentrate on any fuel efficiency or any type of performance it's just for normal driving you know to and from work and that's pretty much it now you've got tow haul mode total haul mode regular C transmission so that you get optimal port and power sent to the rear wheels and it doesn't search for the gears it kind of stays at one year so that it provides about the power to the to the vehicle so that it could ease have a little bit more ease towing whatever you're towing behind you snow wet mode I use this one quite often in my truck in this vehicle so obviously we don't get any snow here but when it is raining outside I do put it in this mode because it reduces the throttle response and the power sent to the rear wheels so that I don't fishtail I don't lose control you got eco mode I use this on longer trips so it puts me into my higher gears sooner it kind of reduces the throttle response and the power sent to the wheels again because it's remember it's conserving trying to conserve fuel and lastly you got sport mode if you put it in sport mode then you are put in your higher gears faster so you are compromising the fuel economy on this one but man it gives you a better performance I feel like you got about 20% better acceleration when you go in sport mode try those out today the eighth thing you might not need about your Ford f-150 or Ford in general has to do the to do with the front grills now this is not new technology and we've had this for many many years but a lot of customers don't know that these vehicles have active grille shutters so basically you've got a few shutters here on this side and a few shutters here kind of like blinds your blinds up the at your home you know windows you open and close up so depending on the vehicle then these uh ters or blinds can't open and close depending on what you are doing if you're towing a trailer if you're coasting on the freeway trying to conserve fuel or if you remotely start your vehicle then obviously it's going to close so that the engine can warm up faster so let me show you on my truck how that works okay so we've got blue jeans here and I'm gonna show you right in that slot right there you can see one of them right there so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna remotely start it and you should see it open and close there he goes there's one of them and that should open back up basically they go through a cycle to make sure that there are they are operating properly which they are and again this is just to provide better aerodynamical air flow going through the vehicle to produce less drag it is for the vehicles benefit to allow tons of air into the vehicle so if you're towing a trailer you know this engine this transmission will perform best and like I said before if you've remotely started your vehicle like I did then if it's really cold outside and guess what those shutters are going to be closed so that the engine can warm up faster and provide heat faster to the inside cab of the vehicle alright guys there you have it these are just eight tips and little tricks that I know we have on some Ford f-150s and hopefully this was informative to you and if it was please you know give us some likes we love likes share the video and comment below if these were tips that were helpful for you or if you know of something else that I could have mentioned here again there's so many features but we want to keep these videos as short as possible and be as informative as we can but write them down in the comments below I read every single comment and try to respond to you ASAP again my name is Jorge Lopez and I am your sales consultant here at tombow Ford if I may be of service to you don't hesitate to let me know today we'll talk to you soon have a blessed day enjoy the day bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Ask Jorge Lopez at Tomball Ford
Views: 816,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f150 secret features, f150 features, 2019 f150, f150 changes, f150 xlt, change your door code, driving modes, ambient lightning, motion sensors, smart key, how to retrieve your door factory key code, how to change your door code, active grill shutters, ford active grille shutter system, tomball ford, jorge lopez, program ford remote control, ford raptor, ford f150 hidden features, cool f150 features, town and country, hidden features, hidden features f150
Id: 8zFFyxIv8N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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