Top 7 Programs I install on every PC ✅

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today we're going over a few of my favorite Windows 11 apps that I guarantee you will make your day-to-day life using your PC the whole lot nicer the first thing we're going to improve is the way you adjust your audio levels because by default when you Mouse over and press on your audio icon you're greeted with this menu and frankly I think it can be a whole lot better which is where our first app called air trumpet comes in and gives us a brand new audio icon that looks like this when you press on it allowing you not only to adjust the master volume but also every application on your PC have their own volume dial right here one click away and if you want to change your default playback device from say your laptop speakers to your headphones you have that option as well the only problem now though is we have two audio icons on our taskbar when you really only want one and at the moment when you try and drag the old audio icon to the Overflow section here it doesn't let you this is where our second app called start or back comes in and once installed it separates those three icons that were previously grouped together into individual ones the way it should be in my opinion allowing us now to of course take our old audio icon and drag it to the Overflow section because we probably won't be using that one as much anymore and completely replace it with ear trumpet so now when you press on your audio icon you get this when you press on your Wi-Fi icon you get your Wi-Fi and when you press back you still get access to all this alternatively though if you have a laptop when you're pressing your battery icon you still have this menu here should you ever need it this app really just gives you complete control over your windows 11 taskbar allowing you to even enable things like transparency and if you're not a fan of the way the normal Windows 11 start menu looks like you can also completely replace it with this enhanced classic start menu that looks like this and is actually completely customizable and in my opinion much better than the normal Windows 11 one and speaking of bringing back the classics have you ever tried to do something simple like accessed in the video control panel only to have to go through not one context menu but two context menus to get to it well if you're like me and you're not a fan of the windows 11 context menu you can completely get rid of it and never have to see it every again can either download the windows 11 classic context menu mod right here and simply press on enable classic context menu restart your Explorer and now when you right click on anything to bring up the context menu you're greeted with the classic one the way it should be in my opinion at least next up we have a bonus app called nordpass business who have kindly sponsored today's video not only is this app a great password manager but it also promises to save you time and energy all while boosting your cyber security online so you can waste less time on repetitive and tedious IT issues and regain focus on what matters most nordpass business makes it easy to implement strong passwords company-wide by default making sure your employees aren't reusing the same password for every single account after all with data breaches being more common than ever before you'd want to be the first to know if your logging credentials have been leaked somewhere on the internet and luckily with the nordpass data breach scanner you and your employees will be notified immediately of any leaked logging credentials so you can take quick action and prevent a hacker from potentially accessing your accounts give your business the front productivity and cyber security boost that it deserves by trying norpass business today and get a free month trial by following the link in the video description or pin comment below so if you've been following along so far you've probably made your windows 11 experience a whole lot better already but we're just getting started the next step is called power toys and allows us to have some pretty powerful tools to really customize Windows beyond what you thought was previously possible I'm just gonna focus on a few ones that I myself find quite useful and hopefully you'll find quite useful as well one of these features is called image resizer and allows you to very quickly reduce both the resolution and file size of any photo on your PC simply right click on a picture press resize pictures then select a new resolution press resize and within seconds you will have a smaller file size from five megabytes reduced down to just one megabyte allowing you to of course upload it to a website that perhaps might have file size restrictions another feature I quite like is you now have the ability to bring up this search bar by pressing old space on your keyboard to search something simple like an app application on your PC like Spotify and you can even search the web as well through a web browser of your choice that doesn't have to be Microsoft Edge crazy right speaking of crazy things what if I told you there was a way you could get your iPhone to communicate with Windows and not only receive every single notification your iPhone gets on your Windows PC but also have wireless file transfer support essentially airdrop between the two devices and be able to reply to iMessage conversations using your Windows PC honestly a mind-blowing app that I can't believe actually exists and works so well it's called Intel Unison and I'll leave it linked Down Below in the description alongside every other app I've mentioned in today's video the app requires you to have an Intel CPU a Wi-Fi connection and a Bluetooth connection in order to work you download the Intel Unison app on your iPhone and on your PC pair the two together using your Bluetooth connection and that's it the only bit of advice I will give you is make sure that both your PC and your iPhone are on the same Wi-Fi connection if you want the fastest possible file transfer speeds between the two devices because if they're on separate Wi-Fi networks it's going to try and do it over a Bluetooth connection which is going to take an eternity apart from that though absolutely new game changer of an app when it comes to file transfers between a PC and an iPhone couldn't recommend it enough the next app we have is called light shots and replaces the normal Windows 11 print screen function to one that works much better in my opinion and allows you to not only of course take a full screenshot of whatever's on your monitor in an instant and directly upload it to the internet save it locally or just copy whatever you've just screenshotted but what I find quite useful about it is that you can adjust exactly what you take a screenshot of very quickly by using this tool allowing you to just take a screenshot of say the light shot logo and save that on your PC and use it for whatever you need to use it for it's a super simple app but I've been using it myself for many years and I always have it installed on every Windows PC I've ever owned recently because I find it to be a big Improvement of the normal Windows 11 print screen function and the final app on our list is called Dolby access which you may have heard of before it's basically an audio enhancement app that just makes your headphones or your speakers on your laptop or your Soundbar sound a little bit nicer there's a few profiles that you can play around with and I was genuinely quite surprised by how nice the audio sounded after I installed this thing because it genuinely sounded like a bit of a gimmick like yeah right an app is going to make my headphones on my speaker sound better when playing music or playing games but after trying it out I've installed it on both my laptop and my PC here because I find audio after installing this just sounds better all the links are down below the like button and remember to use code Tech Block when you claim your three month trial for your nordpass business account now that you're done optimizing Windows 11 you'll want to watch this video here where I showcase my favorite free web browser extensions to make your experience using Google Chrome a whole lot nicer as well
Channel: TechBlock
Views: 67,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 11, windows, windows 11 2023, windows 11 tips and tricks, windows 11 apps, best windows 11 apps, best windows apps, must have apps, windows 11 tips, windows apps, lightshot, dolby access, nordpass, nordpass business, eartrumpet, intel unison, powertoys, power toys, start all back, classic context menu, improve windows 11, better windows 11, windows tips, startallback, file explorer, best password manager, nordpass review, windows 12, fancyzones, window snap, techblock
Id: ZenTvdKl0PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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