5 Myths about Watercooling that are WRONG!

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recently I did a video about the old deframe build that I did with the glass tubes and the green fluid and the SLI Titan XPS and uh I've been talking about the fact that this summer I want to do more water cooling types of discussions we're in a sort of kickoff water cooling month if you will it's not going to be just water cooling stuff this month so if you're not into that don't worry we'll be talking about other things um but it's the right time to talk about it because it's hot and I apologize for the title if it seemed a little bit click baity but I need to get your attention because there I think water cooling is relevant again for a while there it kind of went not relevant as much cuz efficiencies were good now efficiencies s of suck and water cooling is a bit more relevant than it's been in years so let's talk about some of the most common things that people get wrong when it comes about the ideology behind putting liquid in your computer which sounds very counter safe or productive the height y70 dual chamber ATX PC case provides users The Familiar look and feel of the y60 with an increased component compatibility and thermal performance with four unique colorways and a beautifully crafted three-piece panoramic glass the y70 provides a clear window into the heart of your PC it's expanded four- slot vertical GPU support with an included 4.0 pcie Riser cable provides ample room for the largest graphics cards while additional space between the edge of the card and the glass provides improved air flow up to 3 120 mm fans can be mounted below the GPU to provide a direct path of cooling while up to 360 mm aios can be mounted to both the top and side y70 also provides up to 180 mm of clearance for air coolers to learn more about the height y70 visit the sponsored Link in the description below okay so we'll kind of go from maybe some of the more common misconceptions to some of the more um I don't want to say nitty-gritty but some of the com misconceptions people may not necessarily realize um that they're spreading that is misconception so first and foremost it's obvious we've talked about this a million times water cooling your computer and making your computer components run cooler will not make your space run cooler it will not make your space cooler at all in fact recently I talked about a video about ways to get your computer running cooler uh which also includes making the space your computer in cooler because the ambient temperature of which you're case and your system exists within is the number one factor of uh what's going to affect the cooling of your PC outside of the cooling components themselves so running a water cooled PC could actually make your space warmer and the reason I say that is because there's a more efficient transfer of heat from the component into the atmosphere around it which is going to heat it up like anytime I do gaming on Skunk Works which has a you know Optimus block cooled 490 with a 14900 K again with an Optimus block running three what two giant radiators a 480 and a 560 when I'm done live streaming because I have terrible air flow in that room and I don't have like a mini split or something I need to install in there and try and get the ambient temps down it's hot it's hot as balls when I I'm like peeling myself out of the chair when I'm done and that's gross I know and I have two windows in that room but I can't open them in the summertime because when I'm gaming at night it's still like in the '90s fahrenheit which is like the upper 30s of Celsius so I'm not going to open the windows that's warmer still than it is in that room so let's just get that out of the way right now water cooling your system is not going to make your room cooler i' I've seen comments and that's why why I bring this one up every time we talk about non truths when it comes to water cooling as I see people say water cool your system it'll run cooler so then your space will be cooler that's not true the only way that would help in any way is if you reduce the actual heat dissipation or watts and TDP of your components itself to generate less heat you got to reduce it at the source you don't reduce it at the exchange The Exchange is all about heat so let's get that one out of the way right there the next one I want to talk about which is is kind of an obvious one when it comes to people that are either against water cooling there's many reasons people would be against water cooling there's the cost it's a significantly more expensive to put water blocks on your CPU and your GPU if you decided to go GPU route as well um of tubing reservoirs fittings pumps um Dr plates and you can kind of go from like basic to Crazy custom looking systems that cost well over $1,000 plus to water cool your system um so cost is one that people tend to really sort of lean into on on why you shouldn't water cool we'll talk about that one in a second but the most common one is if you get a leak your system is going to be ruined that's not that's actually not true and the reason for that is is many reasons actually we are not dealing with tap water at least if you're doing it correctly if you're doing it correctly you're not dealing with mineral Rich water which has a lot of ions in it now ions are what carry the electricity through the components that are now bridged with fluid if you will water itself does not transfer electricity it's the elements inside of contaminated or non deionized water or distill distilling water also kind of as a deionized process but anyway um it's the minerals and things that you can't see in water that you find when it's running through tap systems or iron pipes or copper pipes it picks up ions from those metals and heck well water has rock minerals and stuff in there you you can't see them but they're there if you were to take him to a lab and test them you'd find many parts per million of other crap besides H2O that is what actually carries the electrical signal or creates um you know an electrical transfer uh or conductivity of the fluid itself pretty much every single fluid on the market these days has some sort of uh non-conductivity to it it's still going it's dripping on the oh it's should be on the power whatever what the now like I said it can pick up some connectivity uh over time it's touching metal blocks it's touching nickel if it's nickel plated or copper if it's bare copper or aios touch aluminum there're actually a lot of aluminum radiators and stuff in there we won't talk about that one yet we'll get there in a second but um we actually did some tests where I just doused graphics cards or motherboards with water and yeah I was able to show that the system does turn off hotu who but I also was able to just simply turn off the power dry it off I'm doing is dabbing it right now and then boot it right back up and had no problems whatsoever in fact you can even use isopropyl alcohol to help aid in drying up your system all right can we dry it off and survive green light image there you go the most annoying part is going to be the fact that you now have probably a gly call or an ethylene or some sort of gall in it which is going to get sticky and gross and that's what you have to clean up fortunately a detail brush and some isopropyl alcohol is all you need to get that off now the isopropyl alcohol also evaporates extremely quickly because it's 98 or 99% alcohol so with that it means that uh you can spray the alcohol on it it'll absorb the water or the water will mix with it and it will evaporate just as fast with the alcohol so there's ways to clean the systems and it's actually very very difficult to comp completely bork or break a system with water cooling now I'm not saying it can happen I'm saying it absolutely can happen and it happens all the time because sometimes you get that very unlucky drip on a very sensitive component that somehow doesn't have a protection circuit or something built in so you'll get a little bit of a a problem there and I've seen people send me videos of a drip that happened on their GPU on just the right spot and then you see a little Scorch Mark where it bridged and pop something fortunately most of those issues can be fixed from an authorized um not authorized but a professional like electronics repair facility something like Lewis Rossman or or whatever um professionals like that can more often than not fix those components as long as it's not something that you can't replace in terms of getting the SMD or the component or the chip or whatever might be damaged although leaks sound very scary they are not nearly as scary as they used to be when we were quite literally using tap water to cool our system now tap water is obviously a terrible idea for a multitude of reasons not just because of the fact that it's got all that crap in there that I just described could cause uh conductivity and fry your system if you get a drip um it also can if if you just have straight tap water in there over time you'll start to notice notice algae growth the amount of bacteria that is also in tap water is kind of scary if you actually sit there and look at it now bacteria is a living organism and it wants to grow and so are things like algae and they are going to grow anywhere they possibly can life life uh finds a way and with that way science happens and then you start getting floaty gunk in your Loop it starts to turn cloudy and then you start noticing a colony growing inside of anywhere there's big restriction like your radiator and your jet plates and stuff like that distilled water is available at every Supermarket typically all you need is distilled water and a few drops of a bioside now a bioside you can find those pretty much at any sort of like aquarium supply store or fish tank store or whatever too because it's the same kind of stuff they put in water to uh for various fish tanks obviously I'm not there's million tons of water types of water you need for fish right you've got your salt Waters and you got your fresh water and all that stuff but algae growth is the number one thing you don't want in an aquarium so you can find biocides which literally just take one or two drops and all that does is inhibit the growth of algae and other types of organisms that could grow uh in water because we all know water is the building block of life and you'd be surprised what can find its way living in your system if you don't use the right kind of fluids so a second ago I said that cost is usually the number one reason why people don't want to watch cool let me back up I've never taken an official poll but those are the two things I see consistently cost and fear of damage now cost is a very valid reason someone wouldn't want to water cool but I want to point something out as when I started water cooling systems back back in like 200000 24 years ago holy sh I just realized the date it's almost a quarter Century anyway um there were many brands on the market I mean we had like swifttech we had like danger den and cool an had kind of started making a name for itself popping up there um EK water blocks was around I think they started in like 2004 2003 somewhere around there maybe so we had we had a handful of Brands um and because there was scarcity in the market things started getting more expensive like a $100 water block was considered expensive when I started like the first GPU I ever water cooled was actually my 8,800 um GTX Ultra from EVGA like that goes way back 8800 GTX Ultra that's like way back in the day anyway um I want to say that was like a $105 water block back in like 2005 or whatever that time time 2005 2006 era that's a if you even account for inflation right now that's a expensive water block today not so much because you can find 300 $400 water blocks like the Optimus water block that's on my system at home it's like a 300 plus do do you it doesn't cost $300 it cost $300 plus I can't remember the exact cost but it's a it is a high-end Boutique type of block fortunately because now we have so many players in the market you've got a good separation in tiers of pricing you've got your boutique stuff like I just mentioned you've got your you know EK water blocks and then of course you've got your heat killers and your Aqua computer which is German company very high-end stuff then you've got your mid-range stuff which is not going to break the bank but it gives you a good mix of quality and then a good mix of price and you're talking like now Corsair Hydro X stuff obviously we got like heat Labs um radiators we've got uh I can't think of all Alpha Cool's been around for a long time they make a good mix of affordable and more high-end Boutique type stuff but now now we've got stuff most people have never heard of which I think they are hearing about now we've got BoTech we've got bik ski um there's a plethora of names that I can't even pronounce on Amazon now selling stuff and we took a risk and a chance on one of those recently for Phil system I talked about it in his when we did um his move to the o1 dynamic uh mini we needed some fittings I didn't have any soft tube fittings we wanted to go soft tubing and um I didn't have the right size fittings for the tubing we were going to use so I went on Amazon and I found this brand called Dr Drina I never heard of them before and I went well it's like 25 bucks for a sixpack of compression fittings compression back in the day I was spending five six bucks of Barb no compression just Barb and zip ties or a hose clamp or something on there it was very industrial looking but now we have options like this where what $25 divided by six we're talking just over $4 of fitting with a compression and the quality of them is actually really good I'll try remember to put a link down there but if I don't um it is in Phil's video so now we're getting Brands like this that are giving you quality options where now you can build a custom water loop or an open water loop without having to break the bank back in the day around the time I started my Channel about the cheapest you could build a loop for was about $300 so let's do the comparison on that I'm saying right now you can spend $300 on a single block but I was able to do a full custom loop with radiator fittings tubing CPU block pump and reservoir for about 300 bucks now I feel like we could get back down close to that if we were doing like just a CPU Loop for by utilizing some of these odm brands or these are Brands like that are making products for other companies and they're already tooled and dyed and set up for um creating these products so they're creating them as well now there's a lot of discussion about whether or not they're sort of like stealing IP or whatever I don't know they're selling on Amazon I I have to assume they're I don't know where the designs came from that's up to you right I I don't recognize some of the designs that TR Justina is using so I can't say they're just copies of something else but they're options and I want to do some videos about some of these very inexpensive options to talk about the quality of them so you guys can find ways to do it without having to go well I got to set aside $750 to do a basic Loop so that's not necessary anymore and that I just want to throw that myth out there right now that this is probably one of the better times than ever to do water cooling because there's more options than ever unfortunately all those options also lead to some of the most confusion than ever because there's so many freaking options out there like go to Performance PCS performance- P peses so go to performance- pcs.com that's actually where I get all my water cooling stuff mostly and just do some sorts like just go to tubing just click on tubing and then see how many options there are on the left side just go to fittings and see how many thousands of types of fittings there are from different brands and colors and stuff so here's one I hear really often and I think I'll just be having to beat this one into the ground over and over and over for the rest of my life and I think people are taking Automotive knowledge over to PC and they're not directly comparable because I see oh Loop order matters you don't want hot like if you go out of your pump and you go into your GPU and then into your CPU where you're just going to make your CPU get hot because you're taking hot coolant from your GPU into your CPU and then vice versa if you go from your CPU to your GPU so people have this idea that there needs to be radiators in between every component so if you're going to go from pump to GPU then it should go to a radiator then to the CPU and then to something else or I there there's there's no point in water cooling like RAM and motherboards and stuff necessarily you can for custom Loops but I don't personally think it's that necessary these days if you have the right motherboard design and vrm coolers you don't need to water cool them it's just a nice to have not a must have but I digress that's not true we are not we are not dealing with extreme Deltas between the cooling temperature and the cooling the fluid itself the fluid temp and the heat Source you cannot compare the heat being generated in a combustion chamber and in a head of an engine versus something that is dealing with 100 C at the high end of type of temperature you're dealing with they're not comparable not to mention there's no thermostat in there there's nothing stopping or reducing the water flow so that it sits longer in a heat exchanger to pull more heat out that's necessary in automotive cuz one you don't want to overcool the engine because then you have inefficient burn of fuels and two you don't want it to just constantly be cycling because then it never sits in the radiator long enough to actually cool down they're not comparable with PC PC Loops are going to equalize at whatever temperature the amount of heat exchangers you have are capable of dissipating the heat for instance every single radiator has they not really listed They Don't Really list them like they do on air coolers but every radiator has a thermal capacity rating to it so let's say you take a 360 radiator that's 30 mil thick and it has something like 450 Watts or 500 watts of heat dissipation capabilities to it and you put a 250 W CPU on it that CPU is never going to th thermally saturate that radiator so what's going to happen is as your Loop is turning and and constantly going through let's say you have a constant load applied from your CPU that radiator has determined what that Max temperature is going to be the same thing happens if we add more components the amount of heat being put into the loop is now a mathematical equation of the heat sources themselves which in this instance would be a CPU and a GPU the radiators are still going to determine what the max temperature is you might see and we've tested this we haven't tested it lately with some of the more hotter components but if my Loops technically I have two Loops in my system but I tend to go GPU to CPU more often because the GPU is a is a usually a higher heat Source but typically what we'll see if we load up the GPU uh we might see one maybe two c of increased temperature on the CPU Outlet however to load the GPU means you're often adding some sort of load to the CPU as well and the temperature rise you're actually seeing is coming from that small load on the CPU rather than being a full load if you're loading up your GPU to 100% and you're seeing 55 C on the GPU temp your coolant is probably somewhere around 32 C if you look if you look at your CPU temp you might notice it went from an idle before you loaded up the GPU of let's say 25c and now it's at like 30C or 35c and what you if you look at the actual utilization on the components you'll notice as the GPU goes up to 100% the CPU has to do something it can't just sit there stupid not doing anything so the temperature increase that you see actually comes from the small utilization that happens to the CPU not from the hot coolant coming out of the GPU because believe it or not if you measure the inlet and Outlet temperature on a GPU there're you also within only two maybe three seat difference on either end it's not enough to raise the component temperature itself there's too much there's too much design and too much thermal capacity happening there both with the loop and the efficiency of the the component itself I feel like I need to do a deep dive video on this I don't do deep Dives very often but I feel like I need to do a deep dive on this because it's a the most common misconception is Loop order that Loop order matters the only thing that matters in your Loop order period is that your pump is fed by a a reservoir or something it doesn't have to be directly connected it's just you need something feeding a volume of fluid feeding the pump and that's just for priming purposes that just makes makes it easier to fill the system you could have no Reservoir at all if you were to do a vacuum fill through a valve you don't need anything feeding the pump the pump could be at the very top for all it matters believe it or not it's not like an AIO where you have a cold plate and a pump and a a CPU block all together you could have the you could have the pump at the top and it would still be able to cycle the air or well we don't want air but you'd be able to cycle the fluid no problem it's not ideal you'd want your pump at the bottom and that again is for filling and bleeding purposes the reservoir just also gives you a place to feed the pump and also a place for air to collect so you can get all the air out of the system like I'm going to have to set up temperature probes on an actual like inline fluid temperature probes cuz the fluid temp is what we need to monitor to actually show that what I'm saying is true is you need to measure the inlet and Outlet on each component and measure the temperatures across the loop before the rad after the rad before the GPU after the GPU which is also before the next component and then after the next component that's what we need to do if you guys want to see that video mash the like button and say hell yeah do that temperature comparison video because I think it might be enlightening for people to see that maybe the last one here that's just a I don't know if it's necessarily a myth but it's that you need to have some sort of special training or knowledge or or tools or whatever to be able to do a water cooled Loop realistically if you're not doing something like rigid tubing bending or even glass bending i i dabbled in that in the last couple years was actually bending glass tubes it was fun I haven't done it in a long time and I think with the new shop setup I might try and do some more of that now that I've learned a little bit more about how to properly retemper glass after I bend it cuz apparently the way I was doing it was actually making it brittle fortunately nothing is broken as you saw in the D Frame um but it's that you need to be some sort of expert but short of any of those special tools for rigid tubing if you're doing soft tubing all you need is a small screwdriver kit something like an iix IT kit or something like that or your fingers well actually and your fingers you need fingers for that but that's just for putting on stuff you need your hands and a minor toolkit now Phils are going to be like where the hell is this going right now the reason for that is installing the block usually needs nothing more than a Phillips head screwdriver in many instances or if it needs an allen key or something like that most blocks will come with any tool you need to install it in a full instruction set soft tubing is the best place to start to get your foot your feet wet no pun intended in water cooling because you don't have to necessarily think about bending tubes and having them all line up you literally just connect them like hoses they're Just Hoses like water hoses so that's all you need to get started and you can take a loop like that have your components and do soft tubing I still love black rubber tubing because it doesn't leech plasticizer any clear tubing whether it be vinyl or pet or whatever that's soft and Val malleable will absolutely over time turn cloudy it's just the chemical reaction between the plasticizer that's inside that tubing to keep it flexible and the way it interacts with coolant and fluid even just straight water will do it okay it has something to do with the heat and all that I I can't even get into the science behind that cuz I personally never cared to learn why which is why I just stopped using it I just use black rubber tubing now because the black rubber tubing doesn't leech anything the black rubber tubing is far more resilient than any of the clear tubing not to mention I just think black tube looks great these days U even for rigid I use black tubes these days just not seeing the coolant anymore is kind of like the new cool thing to do and just seeing it in my reservoirs but the cool thing is you can set your Loop up and if someday you go I just really love the way rigid tubing looks you can still use all the same Parts You' have to change your fittings although there are Brands out there that have dual fittings it means it's simply a the cap change and like an internal piece that comes off to convert from a Barb to a rigid I haven't looked at those but I think it might be interesting to take a look at because then it gives you an option you could start with soft tubing and then you can convert to rigid and they're by a name they're by a name brand might be Monsoon I can't remember anyway Monsoon came out with some really cool stuff back in the day but um yeah you don't need to have any sort of expert knowledge if you're comfortable with taking the cooler off your GPU that's the hardest part when it comes to putting a water block on a GPU CPUs they're just like installing an AIO water block or water pump on a CPU it's like the same exact process just about for putting a custom CPU block on there and that's the whole reason why channels like mine exist is to make stuff like this which seems daunting approach approachable for people that might be wanting to try it for the very first time anyway there we go just want to kind of give you some talking head pieces of advice to think about when it comes to water cooling your systems I heard it over and over and over with my latest meet and greet in Charlotte was like hey you're the water cooling guy that's what you I was like you know what for the water cooling guy I haven't talked a whole lot about water cooling lately so maybe it's time to get back to that especially with hot ass Intel CPUs and hot ass Nvidia gpus and who knows what the next gen stuff's going to look like so let's get ready for that roller coaster all right guys thanks for watching sound off down below with what you think your best uh myth bust is in terms of water cooling and uh as always we'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 174,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watercooling, pc watercooling, pc watercooling myths, pc myths, water cooling myths, myths about watercooling, is watercooling a pc safe, is it safe to watercool a pc, do I need to watercool my pc, should i watercool my pc, nvidia, 4090, 4090 heat, 14900k heat, 13900k heat, overheating cpu
Id: RfgzSkDJYaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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