Top 7 Most Expensive Items In Stardew Valley

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hello everyone today we'll be talking about the top seven most expensive things you can buy and start to Valley but before we get to that we've got an announcement if you haven't already heard stardew valley is coming to the switch on october the fifth which is thursday so if you have a switch and don't know stardew valley there's your opportunity start a valley finally coming to the Nintendo market I bet there's a lot of people excited for that anyways back to this top whatever list in white top seven you ask well that's because I didn't want to do the other three items it would have made a top ten so coming in at number seven and my personal favorite of everything in the game is a divorce it costs fifty thousand gold it takes your wife out of your life you simply file for divorce fifty thousand gold in the next morning your wife is gone just like that no problem you can obviously only be done after you're married and you get it here at Mayor Lewis's house his house opens at 8:30 it's just that easy the best part is your wife or husband has no idea it's coming it just kind of happens to them the next day unfortunately though you still stuck with your children you've got to take care of them by your own means the fifty thousand gold it does cost is actually pretty reasonable because by the time you're married you probably have a lot more money in a pretty good farm going anyway so it's an easy choice for me coming in at number six is conveniently a good place to keep your children and that's a cellar which costs one hundred thousand gold it is the final upgrade to your house so you need to get the other two first this simply costs one hundred thousand gold and why it is so expensive is because you can fill it with these these are casks and this is the only place in a game you can even put these that's what makes it worthwhile and what these do is age artisan good it takes up from regular quality all the way up to iridium quality if you let them sit for long enough and that greatly increases their value although it does take a while to do and you can get quite a few casks in here I think the typical layout is about 117 120 depending on how you do it I've obviously laid my know pretty inefficiently that's because I'm being lazy if you want you can fill the whole thing with casks and this fill them up and work your way out and then when they're done work your way back in that works to you but it takes a lot of work now normally in order to take something like wine from its regular quality all the way to its iridium quality will take two full months or 56 days but once it's done its value is greatly increased the beauty is you can just put it in there and forget about it for two seasons until you want to come back and sell it or give it as gifts or does drink it now reference on the value of this i've got 112 age star fruit wines and 112 regulars to show you what the value actually increases is to see what kind of return you can get on your $100,000 seller investment so your investment of 100,000 gold will turn a batch of star fruit wine at 350,000 gold into iridium quali at 700 5,000 gold so it doubles the value of it just I'm having that seller you've made double the money three hundred and fifty thousand extra gold single batch keep in mind you star fruit wine is the most expensive it is the way to get the most money out of it but obviously your one hundred thousand gold investment well worth the money also you seller can be used for other things if you want to put other things down here too it just doesn't have to be casks I just do it because it's the only place you can do it and they make you the most money and I'm all about the money coming in at number five we have the golden kitty statues also known as the statue of endless fortune these cannot be bought until you've unlocked the desert and more specifically the casino and this shady guy in the corner is who sells them to you 1 million gold for one statue of endless fortune now what you get in return for your 1 million gold investment is that every day they will produce a single item they will produce you either a gold bar an Iridium bar a diamond or an omni geode from a strict gold and money perspective they do not make their money back at least for many many years so if you think you're gonna make money off these I wouldn't bother but it is immensely helpful to get all these Iridium bars otherwise you've got to go find the Iridium you've got to smelt it that can take up time and gold bars and diamonds never heard in themselves the diamonds are valuable they make it yes gold bar C's for crafting the ammiji can produce you all sorts of things once they're processed at the blacksmith they can help you finish the museum they can give you all sorts of artifacts gifts whatever another important use to know from these statues is that if it's someone's birthday they'll produce and that person's favorite gift so if you see an item like a lobster come up well in someone's birthday out there and all they want is a lobster so you give them that gift and it'll give you so many friendship points that you won't even know what to do with yourself so from a money and profit perspective the Statue of endless fortune definitely not worth it but for helping you move forward with some of the crafting and friendship applications in the game they are worth it but it's up to you when you want to show up that million gold if you have lots of money to burn absolutely buy one or two but if not I wouldn't waste my there's more profitable things to buy at number four we have the water obelisk it costs 1 million gold 5 iridium bars 10 clams 10 corals it warps you to the beach from wherever you place it you place it on your farm and that looks something like this instant build it just magically appears there I don't know why it has to costing some you see but that's probably actually the most annoying part because if you don't have any corals or clams by the time we're ready to build this it's really actually hard to find those things it can take a bit of time every day and bars eat is obviously collect over time because they're valuable and hard to get the money is just the money but those other two ingredients pretty annoying to get a hold of which is why I often say you should never get rid of anything hold onto everything make a hundred chests if you have to keep them organized so you can find everything and don't get rid of anything unless you really need the money because everything has a use summer down the road and it's really annoying when they need it and suddenly don't have it again now what exactly do you get for your million gold well say I step out of my house one morning and I want to go to the beach because well I want more that coral that I just used to build this thing so I click on it and disappear then I appear right here by the little warped totem on the beach it saves me probably 20 seconds of traveling time but is that really worth it the first million gold well let's explore that look what's at the beach today ignoring my statues of endless fortune which I have here for some reason let's collect all this stuff and see how much money we make in response to our 1 million gold investment plus all the coral we find of course keeping in mind that my items are all iridium quality because my foraging skill is at its maximum level so everything I find is iridium and therefore it's most valuable both of these in the bin I also often find multiples because of my foraging skill let's see the value for our million gold investment on a single day's return we get twenty three hundred fifty gold that doesn't exactly stack up to the money spend but this item to be fair is all about saving the time and it doesn't save you time getting to the beach but I never bother with these all blasts unless I'm really really far into the game and really bored because normally you'd have a horse you can just ride there doesn't really save you that much time you're definitely gonna want to have a lot of money before you bother with one of these and they tend to take up a lot of room obviously if the purpose is to save time you want to have a close to your front door otherwise it defeats the purpose and it puts them an awkward location and I generally like to have money making items and giant crops so I don't often bother with these which brings me of course to the earth obelisk guess what it does it warps you to the mountains it costs 1 million gold ten radium bars and ten earth crystals and pretty much the same thing you place it somewhere on your farm that you think looks good and then you have a big Tower standing in the way in your field again the ingredients for that aren't too bad to get the iridium bars you're probably gonna have by the time you have millions of gold the earth crystals can be pretty hard to find I haven't even donated mine to the museum in this file because they're so hard to find you find them in the mines often from the little things that dig out of the ground kind of like moles again keep stock of everything you ever find in the game because then when you want an Earth Alba Liske you'll be able to get one without having to go spend two hours in the mines which is about how long it took me to do this the real way anyways the earth obelisk all teleports you here right to the center right by the carpenter shop close to the mines a lake and that saves you about this much time I'm actually gonna take the time to walk all the way back at normal speed to show you what you get for your million gold investment and again it's not very much along the way we'll even say hi to her horse he's been missing for some years now hi horse and just like that we're almost back so a million gold doesn't really get you that much like I said it's pretty much a luxury it's not gonna make you money it's only to save you a little bit of time and again you have to put it close to your front door so with the obelisks only get them if you have a gross abundance of money and resources other than that that is wasting time they do look kinda cool so maybe you want them for an aesthetic feature or completion whatever the case they're hard to justify coming in a number two is one of my absolutely favorite items ever in the game and that's the return scepter which you find from the town's local drug dealer down here in the sewers his name is crocus he is a little black fellow and the item I'm talking about I've already bought but it is the return scepter the golden handle Quivers with raw potential hold this scepter to the sky and return home at will so what it does you use it not on crocus on yourself and before you know it you're right back at your front door that is really handy because it'll teleport you from anywhere at all right to your front door so you want to do a late run in this goal cavern you can do it right 1:50 a.m. teleport back and still make it in bed before you pass out it really is very handy but its cost is quite high two million gold but this one I do think really is worth it because it'll save you all the tedious travel time because by the time you have enough money for you've walked to town and back a hundred billion times and you're pretty sick of it this is definitely an endgame item you cannot even get it until you've done a bunch of the endgame quests but once you do totally worth it everyone's talking to the slimes this morning hello slimes do you like my return scepter it was quite expensive so no it will not make you any money but it will save you so much time it'd be so convenient that I would buy it every time plus by the time you're at the point where you can buy you probably have the money for it which brings us to our final item number one on the list most expensive you could possibly buy another endgame item that's the gold clock prevents debris from appearing on your farm keeps fences from decaying its cost if you can read that 10 million gold well that's easy we'll get one right now it can go right there where it looks nice normally I would tuck this up out of the way cuz it doesn't really serve any physical purpose as long as it's on your farm it does its job again this is one of the endgame items bought from the wizard at the wizard is who you come to see for all your endgame stuff this is what it looks like doesn't occupy a very big footprint six spots like I said normally a tuck it away appears somewhere where it's well out of the way and once this is up no more debris on the farm obviously stuff that exists is still here but once I cut it it won't grow back but in saying that they should actually have an asterisk beside that because grass it is stuff that grows fastest of all still grows the weeds and sticks and rocks don't but the grass does so if you let your farm sit for any amount of time it's just comforting grass anyway grass of course it does have a use you can harvest it put it in your silo use it as fodder for your animals but if you're like me you don't really have animals so the gold clock is kind of a useless point and in saying that trees will also still grow the trees will sprout up still grow over time they are pretty slow but they will still show up too so the actual purpose of the gold clock I feel like they missed fun fact though it really keeps a time see oh it's about G at three o'clock a three o'clock here three o'clock up here he's decided more 10 million gold absolutely not that is a huge amount of money for this game you can make that kind of money obviously but it's gonna take you some time it's just one of those things to say hey I've got it because I can it is kind of helpful but not nearly helpful enough for it's ten million gold investment I think it'd be pretty easy to tweak the gold clock at least give you some options you should be able to select it and decide what can grow on your farm or what can't grow that way you have a little more control over things instead of spending a huge amount of gold they have it you pretty much whatever it wants and not anything particularly useful if I wanted the debris off my farm I want all of it off that way nothing grows the whole point of these endgame items is it so you don't have to continually do the tedious things you've been doing for the past 200 hours so the fact these clothes to do it not that great well that concludes the top seven most expensive things you can buy in started Valley let me know if I forgot or missed anything or it should add anything I kind of threw this one together in a hurry so I'm really hoping I didn't overlook any details stay tuned for more videos like this as always and as always thanks for watching
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,056,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, valley, stardew valley, hd, 1080, 1080p, df, dangerously, funny, dangerously funny, gameplay, tips, tricks, 1.1, walkthrough, tutorial, guide, stardew valley gameplay, easy to use, pc, game, new, best, farming, no cursing, clean, how to, no bad words, farm, no swearing, commentary, kid friendly, farming game, 2017, play, review, stardew valley guide, stardew valley tips, gaming, marriage, 60fps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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