Searching For Penny's Father! - Stardew Valley

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hello everyone today we've got a mystery to solve we're gonna be attempting to figure out who is Penny's father which is gonna be quite a challenge because that means believing that at some point sub man or beast was brave enough to impregnate Pam now what we know so far what we have to work with is that Pam and Penny both live in this trailer they don't live a particularly privileged life Pam is a terrifying raging alcoholic and Penny is a bit of a bookish nerd who often spends her time with the children is that because she never had a father in the picture herself the easiest way to know for sure is do this straight up Oscar unfortunately we can't really choose what we say to people in this game but hi penny nice to meet you if you dig in the dirt you can find some interesting things this is it already a huge clue she's trying to tell us that her father was murdered by Pam and buried somewhere near the trailer by the way that really does say a lot about penny considering that's the first time I've ever met her on this file she doesn't say hi nice to meet you she wants you about the stuff that's buried in the dirt now before Pam gets her job back she likes to spend her days shoplifting at the Jojo Mart Jody here being a good citizen actually pays for things and Pam is quicker than she looks for a gorilla excuse me sir were you going to pay for those things each day's just the same as the last little bit of shoplifting followed by a little bit of drinking if only I'd been born rich there'd is be less shoplifting and more drinking well good to meet you Pam it's probably a fair assumption to make at this point that Penny's father doesn't have a lot of money otherwise they probably wouldn't be living in a trailer right now also I'd have to think he'd be quite the alcoholic himself because Pam and that's a mare lowest levels of depravity right there right well look star is more dialogue from penny and Pam to get some clues as to the whereabouts of Penny's father fun fact Pam never already sleeps she just sits upright all night in a drunken haze until the light makes her blood warm enough to move again good morning beautiful make sure you boots are clean before you go stomping around in my house yeah I wouldn't want to get any dirt on the garbage it's annoying to clean the mess you should know that by now is that why you would never clean yourself up I'm gonna go see your daughter she's a lot more enjoyable she's on the move good morning penny who's your father this is such a small town you can't avoid meeting everyone interesting more clues I mean me personally I'd met everyone in town a few times I wonder what it's like to live in a city where your father is now penny also likes big juice melons which might also be a trait that she took on from her father also her hair color is probably pretty important she is a ginger after all and Pam is a blonde not sure if that's natural but she is a blonde wait a sec I think Sebastian stalking penny again I'll head him off that'll save Penny's neck a good bite what I didn't hear you I'm busy thinking about something yeah syncing your fangs into poor penny not just yet I need her for this video as a compromise I'll offer you two innocent children take them instead leave penny alone for at least this year well let's start moving them up the heart meter the dialogue gets a little more interesting and personal that closer they get to ten hearts a beautiful rainy day penny give me something hello the weather's interesting today don't you think it's a lot more interesting than you are it is raining after all sorry she offered very little there in the way of clue is Pam are you friends with Gus he's a pretty good guy Gus just became our prime suspect he even gives me free beer and my birthday all right my theory has evolved into penny was conceived on Pam's birthday one night at the saloon a really great way to gather information while people is to look through their houses in particular their personal bedrooms Marcie in the underground castle that's not helpful the Silurian Chronicles that's a game they play with the Sebastian book teachers guidebook second grade that's one of Pam's books and a book on fairies animals and other fables well those are actually real things in this game not a lot of interesting clues there the house in general doesn't seem to offer very much today's the day we get a to heart event and these can tell you a lot about a character here we have George is struggling to get the mail how am I going to reach our letter in the back you could ask an adult to do it for you interestingly enough Gus is in the scene what if he has anything to say it out there I might have to investigate that Andy moves in looking very alarmed runs over to George here let me help you mr. wheels and she shoves him out of the way well executed penny the rivers a little bit further along there you go who's a good toddler he's very disgruntled about this I could have done it myself and I can certainly move around on my own yeah but we can also wheel you around pretty easily how feeble do you think I am well your word is yelling at the mailbox so we're starting to worry about you woody you were watching us I was you did a kind thing there penny considering if it was me I would have bailed him down past while he sharpened straight into the ocean thank you I just wish George wasn't so upset I was only trying to help you know he can hear you right at least I think he can sigh no no I'm sorry miss I shouldn't have gotten so angry he got so mad that all his hair fellow who was actually very kind of you to help you out if you'll excuse me for a sec I just need to work my way over here and Gus has nothing to say that's okay mr. Mulder I understand so we gather from this a penny is actually a sweetheart which makes her a perfect wife for me it must be difficult to grow old I'd rather not think about it and I don't have to considering no one ever actually ages in this game not sure what wheels did wrong but he did something I guess you're right why stress about something you can't change we can't change who your father is so you should just let me know well it was interesting talking to you buddy I should go this is on the move bright and early what are you doing out of the saloon yeah I know a lot about the people living here perfect that's the benefits of being a bartender sometimes I hear too much go on he doesn't really have the right hair color but you never know and he hit me with that too our dialog did you want something yeah I want to know who your father is who the brave soul was that mounted Pam I mean aside from me that one time but that was weird or my head yeah you should probably Sampat ate it for her today so far we've gotten actually absolutely nothing regarding the father of penny a lot of the other characters will share some details about past events family all that kind of stuff least you have given me nothing so far but I'm not giving up yet like I said the further end you get with the hearts the more they're willing to tell you and in the game with his depth and so many details involved there's got to be some kind of mention of it everyone else who has missing family members allude to them at some point penny we're very lucky to have a library in such a small town yep when you last in the book it's easy to forget the realities of your life she has a point there she's probably got the worst life of everyone at all living in a small trailer with the Pam let's dive into the fart to get as many clothes as we can Wow someone had a party last night why is your clothes all over the floor oh it's so dirty in here not half as dirty as it was last night why are the stains on this ceiling good morning penny I'm just dropping in to see the mess okay so a there's something I crazy or someone got murdered last night and knowing Pam it was probably both woody I'm so sorry that it's such a mess I was about to clean up I don't judge I realize who you love with you'll help me you really mean it I really don't but for the sake of getting this investigation done I'll play ball okay you can get started over there I'll clean the kitchen can we just say tow your home to a dumpster all right don't mind me just taking up this garbage from someone else not sure who was over last night penny maybe there your father or they're about to be your stepfather how could be her own stepfather what do you think you're doing cleaning up after hurricane Pam blew through last night stop it I had everything just the way I like it yeah trophies somewhere victims doing all over the trailer mom the house is a total mess what do you know which is trying to tidy things up a bit I mean when your couch starts leaking green slime it's probably time to clean things up a little bit well you're at the saloon just now you smell like beer well it is 9:00 a.m. so she's probably just leaving actually it's none of your damn business where I go well it kind of is she does need a mother at some point in her life it is my business I do why you destroying yourself I kinda do she's probably lonely when they can't defeat herself don't you realize your choices have an effect on me stop being so selfish yeah Pam and she's shaking with anger selfish I put a roof over your head and clothes on your back and you call me selfish you ungrateful little honestly Pam you can accomplish both you still a selfish that's for sure yeah by the way I'm just here you better go I'm sorry you had to see this kid I'm sorry I had to see you ochre but bye penny that was awkward he's a nice young man all right well that this kind of demonstrated the dynamic between penny and Pam did not give us any clues as to the father but we get some for heart dialogue while we're here you know I've been thinking I wish I had a hobby something to do other than hanging around that saloon every night have you tried like I don't know anything at all because that's not really a hobby you got any ideas volcano spelunking alright well I know you currently really mad at me but if I give you this bouquet of flowers you don't really have a choice you're dating me now by the way I'm dating your daughter now maybe video via a wall on your farm it'll boost the local economy then everyone will have a job but I'll be happy right well I doubt you will be down but everyone else might be and by the way I'm not single-handedly rescuing this economy I've lived in Pelican town my whole life can you believe that yes that IKEA explains quite a lot I guess there's a lot out there I'll never experience that's the spirit reach for the stars both penny and Pam are at ten hearts today let's see if they give us any clues they've given us absolutely nothing to work with yet they're really disappointed about that I wish I could keep a garden but a yard is such a mess again these are all things that are fixable you guys just complain about how things are bad a set of complaining is that energy to actually fix things maybe I live in the place where I can have a garden someday get my garden you mean tending my crops absolutely come on over maybe I'll live on a farm giggle yeah maybe Pam Penny's being weird again I always seem to end up at the saloon at some point you always seem to start at the saloon Pam it's too close to my house it ain't healthy yeah blame it on the saloon blame it on the geographic location babe everyone by yourself I was thinking I would get engaged to penny today but I want to get a little bit of our 10 heart dialogue before were engaged I need some clues I mean today we could just stalk her I'm pretty sure she's just going to the library but I like stalking people anyway so let's just kind of give this a go are you by chance looking up your family history my mother used to drive the bus to calico desert but the bus stopped working four years ago Mary says there's not enough money in the town coffers or else he'd have it fixed I think we should instead have Pam fixed but hey that's cool by the way one of the little morons is here to see you so I'm out of here okay idiots I need one of you to give me some shred of information don't mind that'll dog next to the house I'm more worried about the one inside he my lucky you cross but I'll never get up in a box in a hundred years projecting much the old boy's name it's dusty also an accurate description of yourself all right penny I'm coming in need information hello the mountains look nice today don't they yes yes they do well since she's playing hard to get let's get married blah blah blah three days penny is all moved in and we have no new clues about her father good morning current and about fourth favorite wife overall I have to go into town today don't work your heart needs something good for lunch yeah yeah whatever by the way if you mouse over the icon to the right of their part two it'll actually tell you what their heart level is I always forget about this but this would actually be really helpful for a lot of the things that I do for example she's at 13 out of the 12 hearts which is why she gave me a startup yesterday you'd either better a breakfast or information I have to go into town today don't work too hard okay that was a dialog run two days ago we're already repeating fantastic and what do you have for me now I always wanted my very own library this is so charming I like to do a little reading first thing in the morning it gets my brain into gear was i shy when I first met it's funny to think about now that we've come so far you still don't really say much well since both Pam and Penny both yielded absolutely no clues whatsoever I don't know what to make it is I'm quickly running out of time because these things take a lot of time to do one interesting factor that I did come across however was that if you and your spouse want to have a kid we know it takes 14 days exactly two weeks for that kid to arrive we know that Gus gives Pam free beer hunter birthday so there would be the perfect time for having a kid I'll be it not intentional so whose birthday do we have exactly two weeks after Pam's birthday does that mean that Gus got Pam so drunk on her birthday that she had a child two weeks later named jazz who was basically adopted by Marnie somewhat plausible pretty interesting but pretty unlikely so I'm gonna go with Mara Luis was so drunk one night after the saloon he mistook Pam's trailer for his own home I mean they're not far apart it's very possible it could have happened and once you enter the realm of Pam you don't really have a lot of choices as to what goes on after that anyways seeing as this investigation yielded me basically zero results maybe someone out there knows something about this is there some dialog I didn't find is there some clues somewhere in the games that I missed please let me know in the comments below and I can do a follow up or something hope you liked it thanks for watching
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 891,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, sdv, pennys father, searchign for pennys father, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley, stardew valley guide, valley, dangerously funny, dangerously, funny, df, pc, gameplay, dangerouslyfunny, commentary
Id: ufreHy-o07A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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