Top 7 high paying tech skills for 2024

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are you scared that AI will replace you at your job well in this video I'll cover top seven skills that will stay in demand for the foreseeable future my name is Akash and for those of you who are new to the channel I'm a software engineer working at Microsoft as per reports of levels. FYI from the year 2022 to 2024 there has been about 471 th000 layoffs in the tech industry and it is natural to a fear of being on the next round there's an interesting fact in the report of world economic Forum that states that about 50% of all employees will need to Resale by 2025 and 2025 is just 8 or 9 months away so it is important that you stay up to date with the latest Technologies and learn the skills that are in demand to get notified about similar video please hit subscribe button before we get started I want to point out that the purpose of this video is not to advise you to switch rules or learn a new language or framework instead I'll be covering skills that will truly make you Irreplaceable at your job first skill that I want to cover is basic data analysis and and statistics now hear me out as I said before I'm not recommending that you switch your job profile to become a data analyst data scientist or machine learning engineer instead focus on mastering basic data processing manipulation and interpretation skills in today's world every solution that you will Implement will collect data in form of logs monitoring and usage having basic data analysis and statistics skill will help you make data driven decisions for the product that you're working on and ability to back up your idea with evidence in data will significantly improve your credibility at work for example you can use data to determine the shortcoming of the existing feature or create spec for the new feature that will help stakeholders and I would highly recommend learning basic visualization tools to complement your data analysis skills for example you can spend a day learning about basics of powerbi or tblo even as a beginner you'll be able to create stunning visualizations with this tool that will further improve your reputation at work next I want to talk about leadership and soft skills Tech sector is increasingly becoming a collaborative environment being able to communicate with stakeholders and your team member will be essential to be successful at your job having skill to translate business requirement into technical requirement using communication will help save time and resources for the organization and it will Foster an environment where you as a team will be able to solve complex problems communication skills can help you resolve conflicts and create an inclusive product that can be used by anyone apart from that being able to influence without Authority is also very valuable skill it will help you lead complex project and showcase your trustworthiness and reliability to the organization and of course having ability to lead will boost team's productivity and it will help coach the individuals to grow and contribute in the organization third I want to talk about coding and problem solving skills I know as a tech professional you'll be surprised to hear this it is easy to write code for small user base but scaring the same code and design for the large user base is a whole new skill today's AI system will help you write code that can work for small user base and simple product however integrating and debugging code still requires Human Assistance at the moment AI requires highly specific prompts to be able to generate good results and writing prompts for the complex project is not feasible so being able to integrate your code into complex system with efficiency is still highly sought after skill moreover writing code that keeps security readability and best practices in consideration is still a challenging task next I want to talk about about productivity automation productivity automation is a way to automate repetitive tasks ability to identify processes that can be automated can help Drive significant impact for example if you're able to automate a task that takes 1 hour of Engineers time every week then for a team of 10 Engineers you can save about 520 hours worth of effort every year and this one automation can be enough to cover average Engineers yearly salary automation can help reduce trivial mistakes and streamline quality into repetitive process and and organizations can focus on solving the challenges that matter it is estimated that productivity automation will help save about $25 billion by 2027 as per reports of Grand View research fifth let's talk about cyber security like I said before you do not have to become a cyber security analyst but rather focus on learning the privacy and security fundamentals with the rise in digital threats cyber security has became Paramount protecting sensitive data and system is crucial to any organization by learning cyber security fundamentals you be able to safeguard against cyber security attacks and contribute to a secure digital environment skills like network security encryption and thread detection are in high demand and having basic knowledge of cyber security can help your employer fill the Gap moreover you'll be able to create secure products that can help you in stakeholders trust and hence build your reputation moving on to the sixth skill cloud computing Cloud technology is the backbone of modern it infrastructure understanding Cloud platforms like Azure AWS and Google Cloud Cloud can supercharge your career with cloud computing skills you can deploy scalable Solutions optimize resource usage and Ensure High ability most computer science degrees do not teach about deploying software and websites in scalable Manner and as a matter of fact there's a site called missing semester that focuses on lot of the skills that we covered today so check it out to learn more about these critical skills and at last let's explore AI interactions AI is transforming the way we interact with technology from virtual assistance to chatbots AI driven interfaces are becoming increasing common in near future AI will be integrated into all softwares and applications that you'll be using so if you learn skills such as prompt engineering it can help provide an edge recently chat GPT was integrated into products such as word PPT email client and teams and knowing how to communicate with AI interfaces within these products can help boost your productivity significantly and this skills will also help you design intuitive user experience and integrate AI within your products so these are the seven skills that can learn to improve your your career Prospect by learning fundamentals in this area you can help provide crucial value to your employers and that can help you survive and thrive in today's uncertain tech industry if you'd like to know more about in demand tech jobs I've created a video on that you can click on the top right corner to watch it please like share and subscribe if you haven't already and as always if you have any question please comment and I'll try my best to answer them thanks n
Channel: Aakash Patel
Views: 4,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: future in tech, tops skills in tech, top 5 skills in tech, tech skills, cloud computing, cyber security, tech skills in demand, tech jobs, highest paying tech skills, tech skills 2024, top tech skills for 2024, learning to code, future technologies, top technologies, top tech skills, coding for beginners, trending technologies in 2024, top 10 technologies to learn in 2024, tech skills to learn in 2024
Id: Rklwvk149Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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