Don't fall behind: High income skills for 2024

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thanks to HubSpot for sponsoring this video High income skills for 2024 so high income skills have actually enabled me to travel and work at the same time it's why I'm in a different setup for regular vers to the channel I'm actually currently in Dubai so yeah enjoying the nice weather in Dubai getting away from cold dreary sort of England I'm in Dubai right now and yeah the key word here I feel like I want to highlight is Freedom High income skills have given me the freedom to be able to travel and work at the same time they've help me make an income which is just giving me a lot of freedom I wanted to do an updated High income skills video I did one last year and it clearly resonated with a lot of people because this is my most viewed video on the channel in that video I showed this image a list of skills on the left hand side with some of the softwares related to those skills however what's more relevant here aren't the softwares because software is come and go quite often it's everything in the left column all of the skills listed in the left column I get many questions from you guys asking what skills you should be learning what high income skills are worth learning learning and that's what I want to cover in this video so first up is AI proficiency so AI has evolved so much over the last two years it's out of ridiculous pace and I think this year it's just only going to keep getting bigger however AI I feel like it's still a tool that needs owning at the end of the day it's a computer that can only do so much with the information that you give it so it really is important what information you give it to get the answers that you actually need learning how to use AI is like learning how to use Google most people will use Google on a basic level when they're searching for Stuff maybe searching for information just simply searching for things but Power users know how powerful Google actually is power users know what tips and tricks they can use with Google to get the information that they need and I feel like AI is exactly the same most people will use AI for basic stuff like formatting a document formatting an email but you can use AI for so much more you can use something like mid journey to create artwork and images you can use AI to scan a PDF for you so maybe you have a 100 page PDF with tons of info in it you can use AI to ask questions about that PDF get information about that PDF without actually having to read through those 100 Pages yourself you can even install AI on a website so maybe you have a blog or some sort of website that has a ton of content maybe thousands of pages of content you can use AI to find something on that website without actually having to try and search for it yourself I'm now trying to figure out myself what I can do with AI I want to build an AI tool that I feel like can be useful and actually provide value so yeah AI to me is a very very interesting market right now and something that I'm playing close and some and something that I'm paying close attention to because I feel like AI is still not really at its full potential there's still a lot more that it can do web design so this is definitely one of the oldest skills when it comes to the internet but it's still so relevant today so this is actually the first skill that I learned in my early 20s I didn't know at the time when I was messing around with websites that I can actually make good money from it using this skill I've gained a lot of clients over the years all the way from basic work you know doing basic websites for small companies for small businesses all the way to huge design projects for massive clients I've been fortunate enough to be able to do work for billion dollar companies as well I feel like this skill can also just be useful in everyday web usage when you know a little bit of design and code it can really go a long way my big break came when I used to build website templates I used to build website templates for Tumblr When Tumblr was very popular back in the day and ended up making over $600,000 from websites temp placeat which at the time for me when I was in my early 20s was an absolute outrageous amount of money it still is a crazy amount of money to make in just a couple of years I also still used this skill today to build my own websites I recently built videocreator and this website was built in framer and only took me a couple of days building websites now is so much easier than it used to be 5 to 10 years ago because there are just so many tools out there that can help you build websites quite quickly framer and webflow are two tools that I always recommend to other people who are looking to make their own websites but don't really want to mess around with code these two tools can help you build any type of website you like I also recently put together a tutorial for building a website in framer it should be live I'll leave a link to it down in the description below if it is live next up is video editing so video really is just taking over the world right now everyone is watching video whether it be on Instagram Tik Tok YouTube obviously you guys are watching video right now you know you're watching on YouTube I really do think video is going to just keep growing however there is one big issue when it comes to video editing and that is that there is an absolute huge flood of video editors everyone can sort of learn final cart pro d Vin resolve Adobe Premiere they're quite easy programs to learn but the problem is most of these people who are learning these programs don't actually know how to edit a video well and that's the key bit of info here knowing how to edit a video well they're just watching random stuff on YouTube or Tik Tok maybe They're copying sort of the Mr be style of editing and Mr be style of editing works for Mr Beast however that doesn't really work for other creators so I think that's the issue a lot lot of video editors are sort of going out looking at these huge channels and just copying them and not really thinking about why it works why someone would want to watch this video and that is really is just a big issue right now the market for good video editors is ridiculously small it's almost nonexistent I find it difficult myself looking for good video editors I get probably an email every single day of someone wanting to edit my videos however they're just not really good enough and I think there is definitely a gap in the market there for good video edior when it comes to making money as a video editor good video editors get paid really really good money there's no doubt about it I know they're earning well over six figures I actually heard of a story recently where a video editor partnered with a YouTuber and the agreement they had in place was that the video editor would get a portion of the AdSense Revenue so all the sort of ads that you see on YouTube videos he would get a portion of that revenue and that is just such a great way to incentivize the video editor because the better he can edit a video the more views it will bring in the more Revenue you'll bring in and he can then get a portion of that Revenue sales and marketing so this is something that unfortunately gets a bad rep sales people and marketing people they just seem a bit Sleazy and I used to be guilty of this myself I used to judge sales and marketing people now that I'm a bit older I'm a bit more experienced in the workplace I've been running my businesses for a few years I've realized how important sales and marketing is it probably is the most important skill out of all the skills that I'm talking about in this video the only reason why we see Sal and marketing people are sleazy is because we only remember the sleazy ones what a lot of people don't seem to realize is that most of the people that you deal with day-to-day whenever you're buying something whenever you're dealing with someone they are sales and marketing people the only issue is you just don't realize that they are because they're treating you like a normal person they're not trying to be sleazy they're may be just trying to be helpful maybe trying to be friendly those are the sales people those are the marketing people that are actually doing a great job they're not the sleazy ones they're the ones that we trust they're the ones that we hope can provide us information when it comes to buying a new product or buying a new service or something like that they're usually trying to teach us trying to educate us just trying to give us a good experience technically we all need to be salese we all need to be sort of selling ourselves when it comes to making money online the most important thing I've learned from selling is not trying to sell the product it's trying to sell what the product can do for the person buying it for example my videoedit I'm not simply selling a tutorial I'm not simply selling a checklist or whatever I'm selling the idea that if you learn how to make high quality video that is a skill that you'll have for life that is a skill that can help you grow a following that is a skill that can help you make money another example of making money in sales and marketing is I recently worked with an agency to get me a sponsorship deal they handle the sponsorship end to end they work with the brand and then they simply just take a cup they're the ones that have to sell my brand they have to sell what I can do to the company that wants to sponsor my videos I think to myself that if you have a product that's actually valuable that can provide value to someone why would it you Market it if anything it's terrible not to Market it because you're then sort of withholding that value from someone who might actually need it if you want to get a better understanding of marketing HubSpot have put together a dock titled the state of marketing for 2024 it shares top marketing trends that are to be expected for 2024 the whole point of marketing is to have a good return on investment in this doc there's valuable information on how to scale marketing plans what type of marketing Trends are delivering the best return on investment and what platforms are good to Target there's also a large emphasis on content creation and how creating content for a brand as well as partnering with creators can deliver results and of course AI is the big one and how it can automate a lot of processes when it comes to marketing you can use AI to generate materials automate support and in general help complete task quicker make sure to check out the doc there's an absolute ton of valuable information in there and it's completely free to download content creation so this is obviously something I do right now I create content that I think provides value to you guys who are watching the video which in return gets me your attention and a following hopefully people who trust what I have to say I then get paid through YouTube ad sense from sponsorships affiliate income and of course sharing my own products content creation though isn't just limited to making your own following sharing your own content online you can of course make content for Brands and it's something that I do on a regular basis I have numerous tech companies and software companies come to me quite regularly wanting me to make content for their company and that content will go on their own social media channels and on their own websites and the great thing about this is that you can charge very very good money especially if you can take a concept and then make it something that can actually look good online it's an interesting skill to have because it's not necessarily sort of one skill it's a blend of a number of different skills marketing video photo sales communication Etc there are a bunch of skills that come into play when it comes to making content I personally do content creation to build my own brand to build my own following so that in the future when I launch launch products or businesses I already have a following that I can Market it to I don't then have to spend money on paid marketing I've definitely never shied away from the fact that I'm trying to make money it's why I have this YouTube channel it's why I share this stuff because at the end of the day I want to make money and also share the knowledge of how other people can make money as well however when it comes to content creation it is definitely a slow burner it's not something that can happen overnight it very rarely happens overnight it takes years of work to build trust just like any relationship so I want to get into how I personally do it myself so web design video editing marketing and sales these are all the things that have helped me earn Millions online I'd say that my unique Advantage is that I've taken a blend of different skills that I've learned over the years to then help sort of sell Services sell products and help me make millions online I've basically become a onean business that can build and sell whatever I feel like building and selling and it's what I feel like most people need to recognize in themselves most people don't realize that they do actually have maybe two three four different skills that they can blend together to help them make money it's what gives them their unfair Advantage for example this is something I've mentioned earlier maybe you're an expert in Woodwork and you can build custom furniture you can then combine that with making content on Tik Tok sharing your process and products to potentially build an audience and then you can even sell those products to that audience another example is of course makeup we have seen so many creators share their own sort of makeup tutorials online and then what they end up doing is they end up partnering with Brands including different types of makeup in their videos and then even going on to sell their own makeup this is incredibly powerful and can even go further by using leverage once you feel like the work is too much you can hire other people to do the work for you and it's exactly what I started doing I started hiring video editors designers marketers developers I could do all of these jobs myself however it's just way too much it makes so much sense for me to hire other people that can do these jobs for me because they're focusing on that one specific job that one specific skill which means they can do that skill better than I can using Leverage is a great way to use the skills of other people to help grow businesses further my aim is to build businesses that don't rely on me I want to use the high income skills of other people in my businesses to help everyone make money that's the whole point of it I want to be able to build businesses that just don't rely on me that can make money in the background hopefully you guys enjoyed this video some of the high income skills that I think are worth learning for 2024 if you have any recommendations for high income skills that you think are worth learning please leave them in the comments Bel hopefully you guys enjoyed it follow me on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe for more oh by the way just to show you guys where I'm currently at this is the setup I'm using for this video but I'm in the middle of Dubai I'm sort of in downtown so if I open this up I can show you guys outside this view is pretty incredible well I say the view is incredible it's it's noisy that's the only thing it's it's very very noisy so yeah here we are pretty sweet downtown Dubai it's so noisy though Jesus Christ cuz the road is literally right below me but yeah pretty awesome
Channel: Oliur Online
Views: 205,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high income skills, make money online, highest paying jobs
Id: fGuzL0bdDdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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