Don't fall behind - High income skills worth learning

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thanks to HubSpot for sponsoring this video so who doesn't want to learn what are the most high income skills what are the most valuable skills that you can learn for 2023 I feel like everyone wants to know that everyone wants to make the most amount of money they can with the least amount of time I also feel like people want freedom as well so I wanted to cover some of the high income skills that are worth learning in 2023 so this video spawned actually from this tweet and from comments that you guys are asking you know what should I learn what skills should I learn came across this tweet a column of skills and then the softwares that you could learn for those skills but I think what the key column here is not the softwares it's the actual skills it's the column on the left AI design video websites SEO Dayton automation these are skills that I think right now in the current digital age that we're living in just make the most sense to learn and the great thing is you can learn all of them if you're interested by the way you should subscribe to our newsletter so if you haven't already I share experiences stories and links to interesting things so make sure to check it out so the first skill I would recommend learning and one that I learned first when it comes to doing anything online was web design and development this was the skill that I learned way back in like 2009 2010 that's when I started dabbling in it I didn't really know at the time that I could make money from it because I didn't really have anyone tell me that I could make money from this web design web development have basically been at the root of everything that I do now all the money I make is all down to basically learning web design and web development I use that skill to gain clients so before I had any sort of following online I started just talking to people just sort of advertising my skills to people being like hey I will build your website for you and I wasn't making much at the beginning of course no one should expect to make a lot of money at the beginning but for me at the time when I was 20 20 on 22 years old it was enough for me because it was enough where I was making the same amount as my friends who were making that sort of money in part-time jobs in jobs that they didn't really like doing things like retail service Industries and things like that obviously there's nothing wrong with those jobs but they don't really give you the freedom of like where you can just be in your room you can be behind a computer you can sort of choose your own hours web design web development specifically for me gave me a lot of freedom and I could do the work at whatever hours I liked as long as the job was done by a specific deadline that I had promised to the client that then expanded to me making website templates which I really don't stop talking about but yeah websites templates like Thomas WordPress themes things like that some of the things I've made nearly seven hundred thousand dollars from them and I think in the first sort of year two years it made like three hundred thousand which is just absurd because I was only 22 23 at the time that was an absolute life-changing amount of money all because I learned web design and web development this skill that I learned now basically transfers to everything that I do it's just so so valuable I've recently used this skill that I have to build so Video Creator course is just a sort of course that I built that I put together using framer and it's just teaching other people how to make high quality videos and stuff like that but anyway I used framer and I used the skills that I had learned over years of making websites and built this website to sell this course the great thing is building websites now is much easier than it was 10 to 15 years ago I remember 10 years ago you still had to learn some sort of coding language there was a lot of terminology that you had to learn there was a lot of sort of very scary looking interfaces that you had to learn to build websites and stuff yeah it just wasn't a pleasant experience but nowadays burning websites is so so quick you can use a tool like framer or webflow and you don't need to learn any code you can use those tools to make websites even other tools like Squarespace and other sort of website Builders you don't need to learn how to code as long as you have some design sense and you have a good aesthetic you have good style you can build any type of website with these sorts of services I think if I could go back I wish I spent the time learning an actual language so I know HTML and CSS those are pretty easy to learn but I wish I had spent more time learning JavaScript and other sort of development languages because those skills learning those languages like I said they're just going to stay with you forever and they can easily be transferred to other softwares to other to other things you're not limited to what it is you're building at the time in 10 years 15 years because you've learned that initial language it's easier to learn other languages I think if I could go back yeah that's definitely what I would have spent more time learning because it would have given me a lot more freedom and what I could have built the reason why I'm personally not learning it now is because I've already built my businesses I've already made money it's actually cheaper for me to hire someone to do the job for me than me having to spend all the weeks months learning the language trying to build something and I can just pay someone a couple of thousand dollars or whatever however much it costs to build whatever I need to build next up we have video editing so I genuinely think video editing right now the demand for video dating right now is absolutely through the roof but there is one major issue when it comes to video editing right now there's a flood of video editors I get an email a day at least one email a day of someone offering their services to edit my videos whether that's edit my main Channel videos like long form videos like this or to edit videos for tick tock and Instagram and stuff like that I get so many emails for people wanting to edit my videos the issue is 99 of them are just terrible they're really not that good most of these editors have just copied some crappy style they've seen or they see what sort of trending on on different platforms and then just try to copy them but they're not doing a good job of it and that is where the issue is 99 of these editors are just garbage currently the market for good video editors is ridiculously small finding a good video editor right now is like finding a need done at Haystack it's just so rare to find so video editing as a skill is fairly easy to learn the main skill issue arises when it comes to actually making good videos actually making videos that that are edited well so if you're someone who's interested in learning video editing don't just think you know you learn the program Final Cut Pro DaVinci Resolve Adobe premium whatever it might be that you're learning it's not enough just to learn these programs and know how to cut a video now you've got to learn actually what makes a good video it's a mix of seeing what the best videos out there are doing how they're edited especially when it comes to Transitions when it comes to audio when it comes to shots and things like that and having a story putting it all together that is what makes a good video editor I am still trying to figure out what makes a good video editor myself I feel like I'm trying to figure out how to edit my videos myself it's it's not an easy thing it's not an easy thing to learn it's easy learning the software but it's not easy making a good video I think there is a big gap in the market right now for good video editors and it's actually fairly straightforward becoming a good video editor the issue is most people won't put in the effort to get there I can't remember who it was exactly but there is a YouTuber out there I saw them on a podcast really randomly and what they've done is they've set up a deal with their video editor where the video editor gets a portion of the AdSense revenue of all the videos they edit which I think is incredible that's that's so good for both the Creator and the video editor because the creators wants to make as much money as possible they're making videos and the videos here of course also wants to make as much money as possible now if they both work together the creators trying to collect good videos and the video editor is trying to edit these videos to the best he possibly can or if this she possibly can then they're both benefiting it's not just a fixed fee sort of thing you know you do the job and that's it this person now has incentive to make the best possible videos to edit the best possible video so they can earn the most money and I think that's an incredible way to do it but that's going to be hard to ask other YouTubers and be like hey I want to edit your videos and give me a portion of the AdSense obviously that's going to be very hard to do but if you're a proven video editor maybe you're a freelance video editor any editor videos that have done really well on other people's channels or maybe even for this person that you're currently editing then I think you can sort of bring forward that idea that proposition you can you can propose to them you know hey look I've made these videos they've done really really well I would now like to discuss the opportunity of maybe getting a portion of the revenue that you get because I am helping you trying to make the best videos possible AI prompting so this is a fairly new one but something that I think is really going to blow up over the next few years because the way I see it is everyone has access to Google everyone can use Google but there is a difference between someone who's really good at using Google to find whatever they need and then there's the other people who aren't really that great at using Google even though the the tool is the same and I think AI is currently in exactly the same boat when you look at chat GPT or mid-journey you're just given a search box right you're just giving a prompt box where you need to put in whatever you need to put in but a lot of people when they see that they sort of almost Panic they don't really know what to put in they don't really know how to search they don't really know what words to use to get the result that they want to get and I think this is where the business of AI prompting exists because there is an art to it you can't just go into chat gbt and sort of type in whatever and just get your answer I mean you can I guess 50 of the time 60 of the time but maybe you're looking for something specific especially in something like mid Journey if you you don't know what to put in it's going to be a struggle so learning AI prompting can really become a superpower because now you're taking these AI tools and using using them to your advantage you're leveraging them you're using the power that they have and sort of the convenience that they have and not having to hire other people to do that for you because you're using the AI tool to do it for you so I think air pumping yeah that is going to be the next big thing I think it's very very early stages because AI is still sort of trying to find its footing and what it can do but I really do believe you know with the way AI is taking over learning AI Ponting and trying to sort of use AI to your own Advantage can help you make a lot of money it's something that I'm actually spending a lot of my own personal time learning right now so I'm messing around with all different types of AI tools just trying to figure out what could benefit me in my businesses and my day-to-day life and I think right now it's one of the skills that to me is going to be invaluable for years to come HubSpot have put together a free resource for anyone to download and check out it's titled the state of AI in marketing in 2023 it covers new Research into how marketers are using AI practical tips for integrating AI into your Tech stack and key insights into the future of marketing with AI it's a 33-page document covering the AI Tech boom which tools are being used today and what they can do for you it's it's ideal for anyone looking to save time marketing but at the same time step up their marketing game with the use of AI not only that it helps marketers figure out research for things like SEO planning and keywords I actually use a bunch of the AI tools mentioned in the document to help produce my own documents emails things like that I also use a bunch of visual AI tools to help me produce visuals across my businesses hubspots have a bunch of their own AI tools which they share in the document also the aim is to use AI to its full potential and have it work for you saving you time and money so make sure to check out the free resource I'll leave it linked down in the description below marketing and sales so out of everything that I've just mentioned and that image that I showed at the beginning of the video I think the most important skill out of everything is learning marketing and sales because there seems to be this stigma when it comes to sort of marketing and sales people had this sort of thing of older sales person or a marketing person they're not really doing anything valuable and I think that's absolutely silly because marketing and sales is what makes businesses money a lot of people feel like oh I'm building stuff I'm doing something to change the world I'm building a great service and product whatever it might be and it really might be one of the best products one of the best Services ever but if you're not marketing or selling that product you're not getting it in front of the right people what is the point because you could have the cure for cancer but if you keep it to yourself what's the point like that doesn't make any sense I feel like this is the most valuable skill that I've learned in my years of making money online in the first few years of making money online I was that person I was scared to come across as two marketeer two sort of salesy I didn't really like it I just thought it felt a bit it felt a bit like dirty in a way but my tune has completely changed now I'd say in the last three or four years I've realized actually you can have a very average product and you can Market it in certain you can make a lot of money if you have one of the best products but you don't Market it and sell it then you're not going to make any money an average product with good marketing and sales will always be the better product that has very little marketing it sells I found as well that learning marketing is almost like an infinite money glitch because you don't just have to apply it to what you know to to the one business that you know Marketing sales is transferable to any business to anything and everything so learning that skill is just so valuable the issue is what do you learn where do you learn and to be honest I don't really have an answer for that because it depends on the product it depends on what you're trying to sell there isn't one foolproof marketing and sales solution to sell everything every product or service requires its own way of marketing its own way of selling so this is something that is very much learned on the job it's sort of a work in progress It's not something you're just going to learn overnight it's definitely going to take time but when you realize patterns and you realize sort of trends when it comes to marketing and sales you can apply to everything else the three skills that have helped me earn millions are web design video editing and marketing and sales I'd say that's my unique Advantage taking these three skills learning how to do web design web development then learning how to do video editing video making and then finally learning how to Market and sell those skills products within those things so for example I sell wallpaper packs on my other channel my tech Channel here I have built a product and then I've used the website I built a website to sell that product and then I'm making videos about tech and things like that and then this is where the marketing comes in I then mention hey guys if you're interested in this wallpaper click the link in the description to buy it that goes back to the website these three things all together is what's helping me make money and that's just one product I've made money from all different types of things Tumblr templates website templates like WordPress templates um Lightroom presets courses all different types of things the main thing is the core the core skills here web design video editing and marketing and they all work together to help me make money I think what people need to recognize in themselves is that everyone has their own blend of unique skills so you might not know web design you might not know video editing or or marketing whatever but let's just say for example I love to use this example say you're a woodworker you can build custom furniture maybe it's chest of drawers or a desk or something like that so you have that kill but the issue is you don't really know how to sell those pieces to other people you don't really know how to get those pieces in front of people so then what you would do is you would learn video editing you'd learn how to make videos it can be on your phone it doesn't have to be super fancy or anything the main thing is that you're making videos showing your process and your product maybe you've recorded yourself behind the scenes building this product showing the amount of work that goes into making this product the Finish where the wood is from all these different things that's where the video creation video editing process comes in then comes the marketing you upload that video to tick tock to Instagram to YouTube whatever platform this is free marketing I don't think people realize how valuable Tick Tock Instagram YouTube is having an audience on these different platforms using these platforms to Market your products your services it's just so so valuable so if you're a woodworker making these awesome products then you're recording yourself making these products then you're sharing them on Tick Tock YouTube Instagram wherever it might be you're then getting that product front of the right people because hopefully if you're making content that is interesting if you're making products that are cool looking people will then find them naturally on these platforms and that's how you can make a lot of money it very much is just like a blend of these skills you don't necessarily have to be an expert in each specific area as long as you have enough knowledge to do something to build something to put it all together you will make money and that is the unique advantage that I think everyone has every single person out there has some sort of knowledge some sort of passion in something that is better than most other people on earth and it's just taking that and then combining it with these other skills to make money the great thing is you can also take this a step further so once you've built the business once you've built this sort of one-man business of yourself and you're making great money you can then start leveraging the skills of other people so maybe you're at the limit of how much time you can spend on making videos or how much time you can spend on marketing you can then offload those things to different people maybe you have an assistant whatever maybe have a video editor maybe you have a marketing person once you start leveraging other people's skills you can really start ramping up and making a lot of money and that's exactly what I'm doing right now so I've sort of Hit the limit on how many videos I can make on how many products I can make so I'm now leveraging the skills of other people so I have a video editor I have a marketing person I have script writers I have these people helping me just to build my business to help me make more money and the idea is that hopefully the amount I'm paying them I'm making more than the amount I'm paying them I'm making a profitable business but then at the same time if I'm making big profits I want to be able to share those profits with those other people as well so that everyone can benefit so that everyone can be rewarded for helping me with my business and then that's exactly how you end up building a business that sort of runs by itself because the idea is then you can just give all of these different skills in the business to other people and now you can just sort of relax and make your own money I actually don't see myself ever with time I'm going to go on a tangent here but I don't actually ever see myself retiring because I love doing this I love making websites I'm really into Tech I love making videos I love shooting photos things like that these are things I'm genuinely passionate about it's why I started doing it and never really expected to make a lot of money in the beginning now of course what gives it longevity is that I am making money from it so I can continue doing it but yeah I don't really ever expect myself to retire I might stop making YouTube videos one day I don't think I expect myself to be making YouTube videos when I'm 50 60 years old but making websites and sort of messing around with the different tools and stuff online I can see myself doing that until I die pretty much I can see myself doing that for a long time make sure to check out one of my other videos I recently uploaded a video called the wealthy people mindset think like the rich sharing some cool sort of thoughts on how and sort of experiences that I've learned from wealthy people and how they live their life so yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed it follow me Instagram and Twitter and subscribe for more
Channel: Oliur Online
Views: 800,921
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Id: V_mhaJ3ZgNo
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Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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