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hi there my name is richard mcmahon from the interview training website and in this tutorial i'm going to give you the seven hardest interview questions these questions if they come up during your job interview are going to be very difficult to answer but fear not to help you part your interview i'm going to give you some brilliant tips for answering these difficult interview questions and i will also give you a sample brilliant answer that you can use that's going to help you be the standout candidate and just very quickly if you are new to this channel please make sure you hit the subscribe button because i'm on a mission to help as many people as possible to pass their job interviews i can only do that if you are subscribed then please make sure you hit the like button because that tells me you find the content useful and it motivates me to create more videos for you thank you very much so let's get started and let's take a look at those seven hardest interview questions interview question number one of our seven hardest interview questions is why do you want this job now it's really important that you tell the interviewer you want the job because you have read the job description and it is perfectly aligned to the skills and qualities you possess let me now give you a cracking answer to the difficult interview question why do you want this job here we go i want this job because having read the job description i believe the skills and the qualities i possess are a strong match for the role now this means i will be able to come into the company and start making a fast and positive impact i also want this job because having researched your company before applying you are forward thinking you are innovative and i feel this is somewhere i will feel proud to work at for many years to come that is a brilliant answer to that question why do you want this job interview question number two of our seven hardest interview questions is what didn't you like about your last job wow that is a really difficult question to answer now don't say anything negative about your former employer your manager or your work colleagues but instead be positive but also give something that you did dislike about your last job that shows you are an ambitious and driven person so let me now give you a brilliant answer to that difficult interview question what didn't you like about your last job here we go there wasn't much really that i disliked about my last job however if i had to choose something it would be the fact that i felt we could have achieved so much more as a company now the company owners were happy with the steady progress the business was making however being an ambitious person myself i felt there were so many more opportunities we could have taken advantage of now that's a clever answer because it shows that you are somebody who is driven and you want to constantly achieve within your role interview question number three of our seven hardest interview questions to answer is describe a time when you failed that's another really difficult one to answer correctly now the majority of candidates will respond to this tough interview question by saying that they don't fail they've never failed and they don't make mistakes however this is not the way to answer this interview question it's really important that you give a specific time that you did fail however you should then go on to explain what you learned from the experience so let me now give you a brilliant answer to the question describe a time when you failed here we go i recall when i first started working in my previous job making a mistake which i learned a tremendous amount from my manager asked me to complete a team task and in my hastiness to impress her and to get the job done quickly i failed to listen to the brief properly now as a result i ended up not completing the task as required but as soon as i realized i informed my manager i apologized for my mistake and i stayed behind late after work to get the task finished to the requested standard so that's a brilliant answer that shows that you are somebody who takes responsibility for failure you learn from it you apologize and you then take steps to put it right so it's a cracking answer to that question describe a time when you fail interview question number four of our seven hardest interview questions to answer is tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss wow this is a really difficult question to answer how do you respond to that well here's an important tip do not fall into the trap of saying you would never disagree with your boss this difficult interview question is assessing your confidence when it comes to disagreeing with your manager or your supervisor but it is also assessing how you would communicate your ideas and your suggestions so you need to be calm and professional when you do disagree with your boss so let me now give you a brilliant answer to that interview question to help you pass your interview here we go in a previous role a customer requested a refund on a product they had ordered my manager asked me to contact the customer to inform them that we would not be willing to refund the purchase on this occasion because there was nothing wrong with the product now i disagreed with my manager's decision and so i explained to him in a calm and professional manner the reasons why i told him that the refund was only for a small amount and that we should refund the customer because by not doing so could cause negative consequences for the business not only would the customer never shop with us again but they would also probably go on to leave a poor online review that could impact negatively on future sales after listening to my opinion my manager agreed it was the right thing to do to refund the customer so that's a brilliant answer to that very difficult interview question tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss interview question number five of our seven hardest interview questions to answer is how do you respond to criticism this is another very challenging question to answer correctly here's an important tip now this difficult interview question is assessing whether or not you are somebody that is willing to listen to other people and take on relevant advice and feedback when appropriate therefore it is essential you are positive about criticism and that you seek ways to embrace it so here's a brilliant answer to the interview question how do you respond to criticism i view criticism as an opportunity for me to improve and develop for example if my manager or another member of my team criticizes how i perform a task or how i carry out my duties i will always ask myself what i can take on board from their advice to develop professionally i believe we all have a responsibility to use feedback to our advantage and to help the team we are a part of move forward and progress so that's a great answer a mature and professional response to the question how do you respond to criticism interview question number six of our seven hardest interview questions is what qualities do you have that will support you in this role now sometimes this question is posed as what are your strengths now my advice is to tell the interviewer you have four great qualities and strengths that will guarantee you can add value to their business in the role so here's a great answer to that question what qualities do you have that will support you in this role here we go there are several qualities and strengths i possess that i think will add value to your company i am a strong collaborator who understands how important it is to always focus on the team's objectives and to ensure you support your co-workers i am very good with people which means i will always provide excellent customer service and i will find ways to ensure the longevity of each customer increases being a creative person i will always focus on helping the business to increase sales whilst at the same time seeking ways to help you save money finally i have the strength and quality of taking responsibility for my own learning and development this means i will always take steps to learn everything needed to consistently perform to a very high standard in the role that's a great answer to that difficult interview question what qualities do you have that will support you in this role question number seven of our hardest interview questions to answer is the really difficult one that is what's your biggest weakness now it's really important that you give an honest weakness but remember to tell the interviewer that you are taking positive steps to improve that's really important also make sure the weakness you give is not a match for the job description so let me now give you two example answers to the question what's your biggest weakness the first one is a generic response that is perfect for all job roles and the second one is for freshers or those people who have no work experience what's your biggest weakness here's the generic response my biggest weakness is that i find it hard saying no to people now sometimes in the past i've taken on too many responsibilities because i have said yes to virtually everything that comes my way i need to learn to be more mindful in situations like these to make sure i only take on responsibilities that i know i can successfully complete on time and to the requested standard that's a great answer to that question what's your biggest weakness and it can be used for all job roles now the second response is for freshers or those people who have limited work experience here we go what's your biggest weakness my biggest weakness is the fact that i currently lack any type of leadership experience i haven't yet taken the lead during tasks or projects but this is one area i am keen to develop therefore if i am successful in the role and there is an opportunity for me to take the lead on a project i would be more than happy to do so so that's a great response to that question what's your biggest weakness that's suitable for freshers or those people with no work experience so there's seven answers brilliant answers to really difficult interview questions now if you want to download these responses and more interview questions and answers make sure you click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video head through to my website past my interview dot com and you can download my full set of 30 interview questions and top scoring answers including the ones i covered within this presentation it's a brilliant resource you can have it within your inbox literally within two minutes from now and it's going to make you the standout candidate during your interview so make sure you check that out finally don't forget to hit that subscribe button it's really important because then i can notify you straight away when i upload further videos that are going to help you to pass your job interview also make sure you hit that like button and if you are on linkedin make sure you connect with me on that platform i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video and it's always great to connect with like-minded professionals such as yourself thank you so much for watching and paying attention and i wish you all the best for passing your job interview have a brilliant day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 216,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HARDEST INTERVIEW QUESTIONS, job interview questions and answers, tough interview questions, difficult interview questions, Why do you want this job, What didn’t you like about your last job, Describe a time when you failed, Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss, How do you respond to criticism, What qualities do you have that will support you in this role, What are your strengths, What’s your biggest weakness?, how to pass a job interview
Id: wl8oUVubl3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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