Top 7 Career Advice For New Programmers

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what's going on guys welcome to amigos code in this video i want to talk to you about the best tips for anyone starting a career in software development whether you are a self-taught developer or you are going to university or you've just started your career or you just want to switch jobs so this list initially was about 20 tips but i felt like i needed to make this video so specific so that you gained the most out of it if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe and also give me a thumbs up so i can keep on recording these videos without further ado let me kick off this video with the best advice which i feel you should take from this video tip number one is to believe in yourself throughout my career i've met a lot of people that either have jobs out of university or quit their boot camps because they couldn't cope with the amount of things that they had to learn and it just came down to the fact that they didn't believe that they could do it either they thought that learning how to code would have been quick and easy and just get a good job and get paid lots of money but in reality it's not like that so one thing that you should take from this video is that you are smart enough you are smart enough and what i want to plan in your mind is that you should see it in order to believe it so a lot of people think that you know if they believe they can see but it should be the way around if you see it you immediately believe it right so what is your why why do you want a new job is it because you don't like your job or you are tired of your job and you can't do it anymore or you just want to make more money or simply it's because you feel like it's something that you love and you have some kind of passion for it so just make sure that your why is really strong enough and one thing that i can tell you is that you are smart enough and you can do it if you go to struggles don't you worry it's all part of the process i can tell you from experience that if i had quit which i you know i wanted really right because everything was new and things didn't make sense at the beginning and you know i felt like you know what i want to quit but there was something in me that told me to keep on pushing keep on pushing and just imagine if i did give up right i wouldn't be here talking to you giving you advice and in order for you to believe in yourself you have to keep a positive mindset you see when it comes to learn how to code it's not something that you will learn in one week two weeks three weeks five weeks it's a lie right so all of these bootcamps they make it seem super easy that you just go and learn how to code and then get a job but in reality to be a good software engineer it takes time for you to understand how the overall picture fits together it's a journey that will take time think of it as a marathon right it's a long marathon instead of being a sprint and that way in your mind you know that it's a journey if things are difficult i'm just gonna keep a positive mindset and keep going literally have a positive mindset and keep going if you don't believe that you are quite capable i hope that tip number one will give you the boost that you need i've been there i know what it takes and one thing that i can tell you is that if you give up you've missed the opportunity if you give up you've missed the opportunity before we move on to tip number two let me go ahead and talk to you about today's sponsors kite is a plugin for ides and text editors that uses machine learning to optimize auto complete suggestions while you write code in my channel i've been teaching you about intellij pycharm and all of these ides and i'm always telling you that you should let your ide help you as much as possible and with kite the suggestions that you get they're ranked by relevance and not popularity and one cool thing about kite which i really love is that if you need access to documentation it's already baked in which means that if you want to find out how a method works you can just use kite right within your ide instead of for example checking the docs or stack overflow so they even give you examples using that exact same piece of code that you are about to use kite is available in 13 languages 16 ides developers that use kite code 18 faster and the best part of it kite is free go check them out link will be in description of this video tip number two is do not compare yourself with other people so you might sometimes compare yourself with someone that has two three four seven ten years of experience and you'll just think wow you know they know a lot and i can't even fix this semicolon right if you compare yourself with other people you're just gonna demotivate yourself right you're just gonna feel dumb and you don't want to break your momentum right so you know keep your momentum and know that eventually you will be good so you see with programming is something that takes time you're not gonna be good at it from the very first day as i mentioned but with time with time you will improve so practice makes improvements practice doesn't make it perfect just remember that tip number three make sure that you read books so a lot of people will say right you can become a software engineer by just you know watching some videos on youtube and take some programming courses and that's it right but in order for you to fully understand and you know sometimes you just need to take your time and go through a good book where you can read things on your own and understand them um in your own way right no not everyone has the skills to teach programming so having a book where it's been well written it's a plus for example you might have learned python and you've watched some videos now you want to basically just grasp you know certain concepts which you think you need to brush up on right and having a book it's perfect right so just imagine before we didn't have google stack overflow we didn't have none of that it was just books right and you know if you look back you know there are so many good developers that they don't even watch tutorials or on youtube or anything like that you know they just go through books so books is really important if you have learned a language go and buy a book specific for that programming language also one book that i'm going to recommend and you saw this blue book which is on algorithms which is something that you should really um have some understanding right because most of these technical interviews it's around data structures right so this one right here so i'm not saying that i should recommend you this book because i think it's quite old so um i've had this book for many years now but basically uh if i show you so here you can see it goes through trees and then it gives you step by step how things work and yeah having a book is so so important so one book that i was going to say uh actually recommend is this one clean code so after you master a programming language or you know how this program programming language works you know functions classes inheritance methods and all of these basic concepts of any given programming language then you should know how to write clean code and this is what this book is all about things that you as a software engineer should avoid so you know it's a very good book and i highly recommend you buy it i'm gonna leave a link in the description of this video tip number four is that you should find a mentor find a mentor and join a community so if you're not part of amigos code community go ahead and join both facebook and discord the group is full of people just like you learning how to code whether you are a beginner intermediate advanced senior just join the group because we are always discussing programming topics and helping one another but having a mentor it's really important because you need guidance if for example you have learned you know the basics of a programming language sometimes you might think right so um where do i go next how do i start applying for jobs am i ready because you don't know these things right so having someone with experience that you can talk to and explain your concerns it's so so valuable so you can join amigos code community or there are even platforms where you can pay for example twenty dollars an hour or ten dollars an hour and you can find mentors that will help you so joining a community and having a mentor is super super valuable number five practice practice practice practice practice so when for example you are stuck with a problem and you just google for the solution don't just take the code and paste don't just copy and paste the code right because what you want is to learn and also don't try to learn everything at once because otherwise you will get so overwhelmed and you realize that when it comes to programming there are so many different areas and things that you should know so don't try and learn the entire world just focus on one thing at a time right and it's okay for you to make mistakes as you go along because everyone has made mistakes everyone has made mistakes and that's how you become good at something by learning from your mistakes number six make sure that you pick a roadmap so this is where for example um you can see right so if i want to learn backend what are the things that i should be learning right i need to learn databases i need to learn um how to write restful apis i need to learn some design patterns i need to learn dependence injection all of these things right so you need to have a roadmap so i'm going to leave a link on this awesome website called roadmap.sage and there if you want to become a front-end developer a back-end developer you can see the entire roadmap and the things that you should be learning and number seven and the final one really is that don't give up it's one of the most important things you shouldn't give up if things become hard just take breaks like one or two days come back again and trust me like it's the worst thing that you can do to go through all the hassle and then just just just give up it's fine to give up if you realize that it's it's not for you right but providing that you have given your best because you don't want to regret literally you don't want to regret so these are the seven most valuable tips and advice that i can give to someone that's trying to go down the road of being a self-taught developer or if you're just going to a boot camp or you've just started university your first job i just want to inspire you everything is possible just keep pushing keep learning don't give up believe in yourself it's all part of the journey if you haven't subscribed go ahead and subscribe let me know what you thought about this video give me a thumbs up and also if you haven't joined the private facebook group and discord go ahead and join because we are waiting for you this is all for now assalamu alaikum
Channel: Amigoscode
Views: 41,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: career advice, ted, learn programming, programming for beginners, how to improve your coding skills, how to improve your coding logic, how to improve coding skills, how to improve coding skills in java, coding bootcamp, coding bootcamp vs college, coding advice for beginners, coding interview advice, become a programmer, how to be a software developer, how to code an app, how to get started programming, how to learn code, how to start coding, what language to learn code
Id: U58aVlHEy24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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