How To Improve Your Coding Skills In 2020

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so just add a haircut today and just let me know we think whether you like it or not and so yeah assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu what's going on guys welcome to my channel if you're new to amigos code go ahead and subscribe and also smash the like button so I can keep on providing content like this so today's topic is about how you are going to improve your coding skills right so this was a question that I had when I was starting my career as a software engineer and you know there are a lot of things I you know you should be aware of but back in the days you know you know we had we didn't have like many content creators given out really awesome content like today right and also you know the goal of amigos code is to help you to become a software engineer and to help you become a better one if you already are and really it's just to help the community right because you know the the coding industry or the software development and you know coding technology boot camps is booming right so now is the perfect time for you to to learn and also you know help others if you can right so if if you haven't joined the the community so a mini-course code group or discord go ahead and join them and leave the link down in description below so how can you improve your coding skills today so there that's all so that there is a list of things that I that I recommend to people but in this video I'm gonna share and everything so the first one is don't be afraid right so don't be afraid of making mistakes and also writing code so I remember before and maybe this can be also related related to you but sometimes you kind of see yourself a bit scared of writing code right so let's say you have to implement you know some logic and you know that logic might take for example 100 lines of code right so you gotta be sometimes so it's kind of a nature for you to be a bit scared right so you say Wow 100 lines of code you know what am I going to right like you know it's if you kind of feel like you know scared just because of the amount of code that you arrive but just let me tell you right so the number of lines is is nothing right so this is this is nothing right so you'll see for yourself that you will end up writing lots of lots of lines of code and you'll be like wow you know this is something that before I used to I used to say well how I'm going to write lots of lines of code right so that that will become natural and you know as you progress right so don't be don't be scared of of writing code you know go ahead and you know write as much code even even if it's not like the most optimal solution right so sometimes I used to be you know embarrassed of other people looking at my code and then laughs right but that wasn't it but that wasn't never the case right so you know when you work with experienced engineers they are there to help you and to mentor you right so no one's gonna laugh your code they're just gonna say you know what you can do this that way this way or that way so you know you getting that feedback will help you you know to improve the way you write code right and also something that I used to be scared as well was writing tests right so um I was struggling with writing code so you know you know taking the actual requirements and put it into code but then also writing code to test my code so I was like wow like what am I going to write and and yes so this is like this is like this is normal right but let me tell you let me tell you right so if you were to become an engineer you should be aware and you should know how to write tests and tests will help you to become a better developer because whatever you you push out to real users it's guaranteed to work right it is guaranteed to work so yeah so make sure to write tests and also the thing we Tessa's you know once you write you know one test case write the happy path then the rest is easy just you know copy and paste some code and then change some scenarios to make sure that the assertions are what you expect right so you will get used to it you become fast and then once you write like lots of tests you say wow wow you know you know there's a lot of code but it made sure that your your code does work so the second tip for you to improve your coding skills is learn how to search right so learn how to search so let me actually show you what I mean so when I mean learn how to search is how to use Google effectively basically so you see lots of us you might think that we we software engineers we know everything from the top of our head and we learn every single line of code and memorize every single line of code that's not the case right that's not the case right so what you need to understand is as soon as you have the foundation right as soon as you as soon as you grasp the entity as soon as you grasp the foundation then the rest will be easy right because you can just look at some code and say oh wow this is this is what I need or if you are stuck then you can simply you know search for example you know how to solve a particular problem based on under of the difficulties and the problems that you are facing right so learning how to use Google is very very very important right so sometimes and and you know that we we software engineers will use Stack Overflow right so and you might use it you know a lot when you when you start your your career because you you for example might not know how to use lists properly or Maps properly or you know the actual API but as the time goes you you you'll tend not to use that overflow as often really when it's something you haven't come across before that's when you start use for example stackoverflow so I'm not saying that I use that go flow everyday which I don't rise on only when I'm um faced with problems which have I've kind of didn't encounter before right because if I encountered them before then the next time that I faced with the same problem I actually know you know how I solved it right so make sure to you know learn how to search for your problem effectively like so Google is a very powerful tool that we software engineers and use on a daily basis right so for example if you want to implement something that you've never done before so the first thing that you might even do or if you haven't been doing it is how to implement X or X example right for example let's say you want to implement and you know stripe functionality to take payments from users and then charge them right so you might you know say stripe example right Java or JavaScript or go right so you find lots of examples and then you can start from there so learning how to use Google and search effectively is a skill that you must have third as you search right so as you search you will come across with some code write some code and it's very important for you to learn how to read other people's code or the developers code so you see sometimes you might implement something but it's not necessarily the actual best solution or and you know the best way of solving or the best or actually the more efficient way of solving it right someone already has solve the problem that you are trying to solve right so you learning how to read all the people's code is very very important right because you can pick their examples you can you you can improve their examples of if and even or even if it's better than what you can only have why not just use it right there's nothing wrong of stealing other people's code right so let me just give you an example so right here so this is a course that I'm doing for testing so unit testing integration testing how to properly test your application so here let me actually go back to this example so here so so this is a service right the charges customers when an amount currency and source or source is the actual card and description is provided right so right here so this is actually using stripe API and sometimes you know if you haven't done it before so what I encourage you to do is to go ahead and for example you see this class right here I'm going to click on this method create so now here you can see that there are a bunch of other methods but here you can see that I can start to see the actual URL so this is where they are going to perform a post right so this is the actual request and method so this is the actual API and then I can go ahead and click on request and you can see that this is actually calling the response getter let me go inside and you can see that this is an interface and now I can see the actual implementations there and you can see that now the are construction they are constructing the actual request and what they do is simply call this request with the tries so let me click on that and now you can see that this is for example how they are implementing the retry mechanism right so how to example if you wanted to implement is on some retry logic for example you can base your implementation based off of this right so you can see that they are using thread slip but this is just one option this is just an option so learning how to read other people's code it's very important so the next skill that you need to know in order to improve your coding skills is data structures well I know you know it's a topic that you know can be confusing for a lot of people right but you know just just bear in mind that there are a lot of data structures out there and waiting to realize is you know are going and we need to realize is there are a few that you have to know how to use them inside out right and are and there are the actual list so knowing how to use the list effectively and map so once you know those then you can pretty much solve almost every single problem out there right so knowing how to use the list and map inside out will help you to solve pretty much 19 out say 95 probably % of all the problems out there right so make sure that you understand and learn how to use them right because you know coding is all about data right so in manipulating data so you've got some data how do you manipulate that data to perform whatever you're trying to achieve right so basically taking your data putting it inside of a data structure right knowing how to manipulate that data you should know how to do that inside out so learn lists and maps and obviously you've got you know stacks and queues and you know binary trees and you know all the other good ones which you also should have you know you should know basically how to work with them but you know house you start you should know lists and maps right so once you know the how to use these structures this this now allows me to move to my next point which is solving programming challenges right so let me actually show you so there is this website called leak code so you've got the code you got a crank and you've got many other ones basically what these platforms allow you to do is to you know increase your level of programming in a way of how you think about solving problems right how do you think so for example if you're applying for Google or Facebook or any of these top tech companies you should start using you know hacker rank leaked code and be familiar with how to solve programming challenges because they're it's all about algorithms big or notations and you know this is what you should know right but not just for Google as well but you know in general if you are into programming knowing how to solve problems or challenging problems will help you to become a better engineer because you will start to think in a different way and approach problems from various different angles right so you should start you know using these platforms to solve coding challenges so next I think it's very important for you to also build your network right so build your network know people from different backgrounds know people that know different technologies right and the best way for you to do that is to you know attend to Agathon right or you know events right meetups so be involved right because you will find in your career as you as you progressed right these people will be the ones that will help you some way or another right so you might you know meet someone in that person might be your mentor for example or it might help you to get job at this company or you know if you are doing a project and you know that that person is really good using a certain technology then you know building and building the network is amazing right you should build your network right and also as I said if you haven't joined a private Facebook group or the discord group go ahead and join because you know the community is growing and we are always engaging in helping one another and you should be part of it so the next thing that I'm going to do is to go and create a cab account if you haven't got one right so when you create a github account what I wanted to do is every single problem that you solve right or every single project I have put them on a repository and make it public right so this way what is good about it is you can showcase your work so I remember once I went for an interview and I printed out you know you know screenshots of web applications and desktop apps that I done in the past and I was like you know what um you know I'm not being able to work with these technologies but I go out to myself and I try and implement these things and this is how I keep on learning right so that way I've showed an interest right and then they've even asked me you know what should be epic ount and like literally right there in front of me they went and and then they search for for my github account and this all the projects and they said that they saw that I wasn't actually lying right so make sure to have a github account and then the final two things that I want to touch on is that don't stick to one language right so you might you might learn for example Python or C sharp or go for example or a Java and you might think that you know that's the language that you're gonna stick with it forever but let me tell you right now if you are a software engineer you should be able to program in any language right so once you master one language then the rest will be fairly easy right for example if you master Java well enough or C sharp or C++ then the rest will be easy enough because all the other languages they've took away all the complexity of these you know other languages and they made it easier right so don't stick with one language and finally and go ahead and learn how to use your terminal so time you know you know knowing how to use your terminal will help you some way or another trust me like if you remote ssh into servers and you know you definitely should know how to use the terminal and the basics of bash right so I've got course that I've released the thing was to three weeks ago teaching you how to use this effectively if you have never used it before right so know how to use your terminal properly right and bash commands and I think I've missed something here so I wanted to show you that also you see on github right so I was I was saying that you know you should know data structures right but right here so this is actually this is the actual trending repositories on git so right here you can see that there is this the algorithms Chavan so right here and basically you can see that they have like lots of algorithms let's click on so for example and you can see like quick sort selection sort she'll sort and comps or you know heap sort so let's click on heap sort and this is where for example if you were to attempt your implementation then you can go and see oh this is how they do it right so if you don't quite understand how they do it you can clone this open up your IDE and then you know deeper step-by-step and inspect the code and that's that's how you're going to learn right so knowing how to read other people's code is very important and finally and I almost forgot so knowing how to use your IDE will take you a long way right so just imagine you know how to code but you don't know how to use your IDE right so it might take you 10 minutes just to do something whereas with me if I know actually I know my IDE inside out it will just take me one minute right so you see the advantage there right so knowing how to use your IDE efficiently is a tool or it's not - it's a skill that you should have so I've got a course on how to use IntelliJ here on YouTube and on my website so if you're interested go ahead and check it out because you should not usually and your IDE and full stop so this is how you are going to improve your coding skills so let me know you know what you thought about this video and if there is something that I missed go ahead and comment down below and maybe I can you know make another video on the things that I've actually missed right but from experience these are the things or the skills that you should have to improve your coding skills so this is all for now if you enjoy this video go ahead and subscribe also smash the like button share the video and if you haven't joined a private Facebook group join because the community is growing as I said and this is all for now I'll catch you on the next one I said my later
Channel: Amigoscode
Views: 68,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn programming, programming for beginners, how to improve your coding skills, how to improve your coding logic, how to improve coding skills, how to improve coding skills in java, coding bootcamp, coding bootcamp vs college, coding advice, coding advice for beginners, coding interview advice, why coding advice, how to be a software developer, how to code an app, how to get started programming, how to learn code, how to start coding, what language to learn code
Id: r7HgKBZm4cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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