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last week ChatGPT just made a big storm literally  a big storm around the world So within a week   they had more than one million subscribers onto  their platform which was insane and with this a   lot of people are literally scared ChatGPT is  a prototype AI chatbot developed by OpenAI   which specializes in dialogue and this tool is  so powerful so powerful and people are scared   so I've posted on Instagram poll asking whether  you are scared and majority of people said yes   I'm so scared and I just thought maybe let  me just record this video to calm you down   yo yo yo yo listen um I'm I'm worried about you  man try gbt you said that it's gonna take your job what was the process of the AI doing the job of  the developer you know how like you you uh ordered   it to create a API to do with the customer  and he was there it was just making it right   it just shows you it shows you the potential I see  I see literally as you saw with Sally he's scared   because you know he's coming into the field he's  brand new he doesn't know much about it and you   are missing the point with ChatGPT literally you  are missing the point now the fact that ChatGPT   can chat GPT chat it seems like I'm saying B oh  ChatGPT literally can write code   for you like you can say you know what write me  a credit rest API in springboard using Services   repositories um you name it and it will go and  basically write the code for you now Tyler was   saying you know what that took me like a week  to write and this thing is is just writing it   within seconds that is insane right now I'll say  yes it's absolutely insane but it's not going to   replace your role as a developer there's a bunch  of people recording videos saying oh she's going   to replace you as a developer and whatnot and you  are missing the point of chat gbt activity is your   assistant think of it as a tool that will speed  up your development so the same with IntelliJ or   an IDE why do we need Ides we need Ides because  it helps us to write code faster the integration   the tools the debugger all that stuff helps us  as an engineer to be more productive the same   thing with chat gbt literally is the same thing  the fact that you could just say you know what   how do you do this in Python how do you do this in  go or how do you do XYZ in a certain programming   language the fact that you can do that and it  will speed out some code for you is just mind   blown because now here I'm thinking about all  the possibilities of putting software out there   without actually having to one ask start overflow  so you've seen that even stack Overflow they've   banned answers from chat gbt which is insane  so instead of me going on stack Overflow and   reading blogs and whatnot I could just use the  tool to give me some code and let's be honest   software Engineers we do still a bunch of code  whether it's from stack Overflow GitHub You Name   It We Still a bunch of code from the internet now  having a system that will help us in writing code   is just Wallah is amazing I'm telling you  one thing which I was actually impressed   was terraform I used to do a bunch of their  reform when I was a devops engineer and I   was like you know what write me some terraform  code that will give me an easy tool inside of   um ASG Auto scaling group and what I actually  did was it created the EC2 it put inside of   the ASG it gave me the Ami it gave me the launch  configuration it gave me the whole thing now for   that like it's amazing because we know that the  terraform is just configuration it's not it's not   something that you memorized so there's a bunch of  resources and you don't memorize yamo literally no   one does it right so if you need it then you just  go to documentation and you get what you want you   customize it according to your needs now chat  gbt it's amazing at doing that it's it's it's   just think about it right so chat gbt it's Ai and  AI as uh Marcus brownie was was saying the other   day he said that AI doesn't have something  that we humans have and that is imagination   and when we build software there's a bunch  of stakeholders involved we've got back-end   developers front-end developers who got devops  we've got keyway analysts we've got testers we go   um scrum Masters the whole shebang really in terms  of building software is amazing there's a lot of   people involved now obviously you can't really  trust an AI to build you you know an Enterprise   application that makes millions and it just  doesn't it doesn't work like that right so it's   just an assistant to help you in your development  workflow it is just amazing and even though   chatibility spits out some code you as an engineer  you need to understand exactly what has been given   out to you so imagine that chatibility is giving  you malicious code like you can't just trust the   code that is given to you so you still have to  read the code you still have to make sure that   indeed does what it's supposed to do and as an  engineer you need to know what are the edge cases   that chat GPT didn't manage to solve so you still  need to understand the code yourself you are not   Irreplaceable don't think that you're just going  to lose your job because of charge gbt seriously   stop now one thing which I couldn't get it to do  was to actually fix bugs so a lot of people were   saying oh you know you can throw a a bug and  it will fix some code for you now if it's like   something really simple like if and then you've  missed the the less or greater than sign then   probably yes but if it's something more complex  so add an example where I forgot to close the   Stream So I was doing something with golang and it  just said you know I'm not qualified to fix bugs   right so your job is not at risk I can guarantee  you I don't know what this thing will look like   in about 5 to 10 to 15 years because we've just  seen what it's been able to do and obviously it   can become smarter and the more data that we feed  into it the better it gets I literally don't know   what is the full potential of this tool but one  thing for sure that I will tell you is that this   is the perfect time for you to start to make money  literally like go on Fiverr you'll see a bunch of   people paying to write maybe blogs or talk about  product or literally just anything that has to do   with copywriting maybe like you could use this to  help you make money YouTube automation maybe you   wanted to talk about something a topic and it  will go off and basically talk to you and it's   like having a conversation and that's that is the  beauty of it it's like you're talking to it and   it's it's giving you like real answers and you're  like you know what it's insane right so I think   that you shouldn't really Panic at this point  because obviously as I said building software   it's a huge process so this is my view on ChatGPT I think that you shouldn't really panic and yeah   comment down below and let me know you know what  what do you think about this tool are you excited   are you still scared like hopefully you're not  scared at this point and yeah if you enjoyed this   video literally take one second and smash that  like button and um I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Amigoscode
Views: 97,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, openai, openai chatbot, openai chatbot gpt, software engineering, the future of software engineering, the future of software development
Id: m4QF65bibKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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