i quit ... 👋🏿

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it's crazy so i wanted to record a video where there was no noise no helicopter uh just before astr but there's a guy there they're chasing uh it's basically this is live news from amigo's coach oh my goodness he must be suffering this is crazy man live news for you guys you got the police cars london is crazy man fudge she stopped it's people doing exercise beautiful day in london mashallah but yeah so it just got to a point where i decided to quit because you know if you don't work then you have to enjoy what you do right and then not everybody has the skills to manage a team or to take things forward right so i want to basically um create content for you guys i want to inspire you guys i want you to be a software engineer that will inspire others a software engineer that will teach others a software engineer that will be successful a software engineer that'll create the next big thing a software engineer that knows how to communicate a software engineer that is a full package so this is what i believe right so yeah so basically i've quit my job and i haven't decided yet what i'm going to do so i think you know overcovered over the last year and a half it's been really really stressful and working from home especially you know there's no distinction between uh work and and home right because you know most of you guys or the majority of software engineers out there especially in london i'm talking in london because london is so crowded and the houses are really small but the majority of people in london they work from their bedrooms right you can imagine working from your bedroom um you know nine to five or nine to six um and even even outside nine to five but still nine to five you are doing more hours working from home right so there's no this distinction between work and home and life right because you're just living and working at home which is which is uh it's been tricky and then on top of that dealing with uh nonsense at work you know where people are not willing to learn where people are not willing to take new ideas um and yeah so i tried my best but it's not meant to be so i decided to basically just just um just take a break and to be honest i wasn't the only one so whenever when i was actually leaving uh i think like five or six people also left uh i don't know if it was like um a chain reaction of kovid maybe i don't know i'm not going to i'm not going to um uh you know making any exceptions but like what i would say to you is you are amazing on what you do don't be someone that will just settle for money right so if you are making lots of money then you know aim for more right don't just you know wait for the paycheck and then go and spend and then work and then leave the weekend no try and be someone that will inspire someone that will serve an example for others right and this is what makes like really really good software engineers and also like dealing with people is a skill that not everybody has um and yeah hopefully i'm gonna be giving you guys like lots of insight i hope you enjoyed the video by the way because the views is insane right here um yeah so i want to give you guys insight and um more tips more tips in order for you to grow as a person right i know like a lot of people from amigos code community and if you're not part of it join right now so join right now um uh thiago from mozambique he managed to secure a job recently at maya from serbia she managed to secure a job as well gabriella from brazil uh juve from america uh he basically is a spotify engineer and he learned tons of stuff from my content and from the community right so this is why this is why um i wanna inspire you guys you see i wanna i wanna get the best out of you right i i want seriously like the best out of you and this is why oh boy have a look uh did i get it uh is it there the lighting is bad but it's like a helicopter um so yeah so um i even forgot what i was saying but guys um yeah so i've decided to keep my job it's been two months already this might be a surprise to a lot of you guys but i had to do it i had no choice i had no no choice you know i love the company i love the people that have worked there but some people weren't just willing to learn from others and listen and you know take new ideas so um it just got to a point where i wasn't enjoying the work anymore so if it gets to a point i would say to you and to anyone else right like you either find somewhere somewhere within the company and then try something new or just just completely leave and have new oh boy this is serious man so yeah so basically leave i don't know why i'm here but basically leave the company and um and yeah just just find a better place i think that's um that's a fair advice you know if people are not willing to learn people are not willing to um take new ideas then yeah um so if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe give me a thumbs up let me know what you think about this view right i'm thinking on doing more videos around here because the view is amazing um yeah let me let me know especially right now the weather is amazing um and it's so nice so nice to have a break from from work and all the stress uh yeah i just have to um thank allah you know for giving me this chance to be able to record this video on the top roof and again i'm not crying um on the top roof and giving you guys this advice and basically just just try and reflect on my life and what i want to do next because yeah it was really stressful and um i decided to quit my job uh it's crazy so i wanted to record a video where there was no noise no helicopter uh just before asser but there's a guy there they're chasing uh is basically um just down down there on the railway and all the trains are stopping stuff so this is mental so yeah so if you enjoyed this video go ahead and give me a thumbs up comment down below let me know whether it was a sensible thing that i did i don't even know i just felt like you know um i was in a position where i could do it i was in a position where i could do it um so yeah um i'll see you in the next one i'll see you next one i know this will surprise a lot of you guys but i think he was the best of the best decision and my heart was telling me to just just give up um there are tons of jobs out there tons of jobs out there um yeah just uh i want to make you a request actually before i end this video so please make dua for myself and for my family so that um you know what comes next for me um goes well basically assalamu alaikum and i'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Amigoscode
Views: 150,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software engineer, software development, computer programming, working from home as a software engineer, amigoscode, i quit my job as software developer, why i quit coding, why i quit programming, computer science for beginners, computer science vs computer engineering, web development tutorial for beginners
Id: 3J2W-ZGVQn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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