Top 5 Tips For Drawing Clothing (ft. Reiq & SozoMaika)

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hey guys welcome to another episode of ross draw and i'm finally out of my kitchen yes today i brought two that's four two very special guest artists to draw with me today rake and sozo yay sozo and rake who is also part of my niva live stream they're amazing artists and in honor of my anniversary color dodge collection coming out we are going to teach you guys how to draw and paint clothing while they are not me because all i draw capes if you have my book capes capes everywhere joel well ross model top 5 tips on how to draw and paint clothing [Music] hi my name is ray and i'm going to start with the tip number one or should i say number year so we're gonna start with four look at us get into the pose all right that's a good pose before drawing any jay perry or any clothes we have to make sure that we are drawing our form our body just draws something very simple match the pose of ross or of our character okay we're gonna throw the hand something very simple nothing too difficult use the main body and don't forget the signature hairstyle when i draw clothes sometimes i start you know with the clothing because it's what i see why are you starting with the form because if it's gonna be a piece of clothes that is tied to the body you want to know where the falls are coming or are originating so having that structure will help you to establish easier flow and rhythm you like a lego shade you're you're a lego on my lego shape oh god okay lego head like all right so for the next step now that ron has this amazing hoodie now we can start working on our clothing and to start i would like to look at the model look at ross and try to figure out where is the flow of lines and as the first lines that i see in terms of gesture i can see like these lines flowing from the shoulders and also flowing down from the elbow to the wrist so we have to think about how the flow or the close and where where it starts and where is it going so that will help us to create a nice rhythm in our shapes and forms also notice how some of the lines are originating from the armpit down to the torso so everything is wrapping around we can also include the pockets and we can have some fun with some good shapes at the very bottom to create that puffy soft and very comfortable feeling that this clothes is giving me so it draws where i can get this amazing hoodie you get this amazing hoodie on april 26 at 11 a.m pacific time yeah and don't forget to add details like the strings coming here i think there's a good way to have a shortcut when drawing clothes instead of like being overwhelmed and think about the shape of the form but then also think about where in which areas is the clothes compressing right so the gravity is going down and then we're going to have a flow and then we're going to have a triangle start getting that start forming because all these falls are being created and being compressed okay well uh before i move forward i decided to clean up a little bit the construction lines the form now that i have this already established i can move forward to the next piece of drapery we're gonna have and what is this ross it is uh my garment well it looks awesome just perfect for what i need to explain now my next point is gonna be attention points and wire attention points i'm going to show you so i'm going to reduce the opacity a little bit of these the first things i want to do before doing any lines is just to identify where are the extension points and looking across i can see there's one specifically here there's one here in the elbow area and there's one coming from the wrist okay i guess the neck as well it's good work as a tension point so once i have this established i can create some connections right so from here i'm gonna start bringing some of that clothes flow so now we have some gravity and the falls everything's gonna start flowing down [Music] direction and then gravity we can start adding more pieces of clothes to a character especially if your character design is more complicated you want to have the shape simple and well designed so that makes sense so the point is just to keep it as simple as possible uh simple shapes and it means a good design and after this you can move to rendering and adding more details and having fun hey guys it's josomica we're stepping away from the tablet for a second just to talk about fabric in application it's important to consider the kind of fabric you may imagine your character is wearing because it's going to influence a lot the shape design the impression that the character has on you and even sometimes the color believe it or not if the fabric is heavier or thicker it's going to make more harsh shapes which can affect the silhouette of your character which is really important when we need to know information about the character themselves maybe you have a menacing character like ganondorf and he's got really thick cloak on and it maybe has harsher wrinkles in it that creates sharp shapes and kind of inform us about his prickly nature some of your characters for example they look very light and airy so maybe they have a lighter free or flowing fabric this piece of fabric notice how it creates almost geometric shapes because it's super folded over and thick versus this one you might get more organic shapes out of it it needs to be ironed but look at this oh yeah it's very lightweight right now yes all right guys so we just covered ross in fabric quite literally and reynaldo covered the general shapes aspect of painting so i'm going to actually flesh out the shapes of the fabric and actually show you where you can place highlights and things to keep in mind as you work on your paintings i will be using finer lines because i intend to actually fully render out the fabric more [Music] so i know ross usually waits to use color dodge at the end no do not use colored on if that's my thing but it's actually really good when you're trying to differentiate textures and materials maybe if you realize that you use the same color or the wrong tone it's nice but since ross doesn't want me to use it i'll use overlay instead just darken this one since i can't color dodge the lighter fabric because i've been given these fresh constraints i'm gonna darken the other fabric okay so so i will lend you you only you only you oh individual license do you color gosh for 30 seconds oh snap okay so i'm just going to lighten this a little bit because i want to you know draw some attention here because this fabric is well i'm drawing you so i should be able to do that yeah let's like make it a little shinier you know push that out a little bit more despite the fact that i'm putting all these details in here you still want to try and think about the overall shapes like ronaldo pointed out that stuff is very crucial for anything i'm doing here because you need a good foundation before you can just start putting wrinkles everywhere i'm going to talk about those tension points really quick because ross's elbow is coming out here just a general tip that can apply in a lot of situations is wherever the fabric is pulled taut the highlight is going to be stronger especially on a fabric like this one i could kind of just do this you know just to kind of like simplify the shape but it's kind of like stylized this is something you see in comics all the time so it's like a really lazy like highlight but it looks super shiny right so it's just something fun you can do well ross i think you master the drapery and clothing yeah what do you think micah yeah he sure took it to another level i definitely mastered painting and johnson alright it's my turn guys what time is it it's no what no you gotta give a real tip ross kardash is a real tip no it is not give them some real advice that they can follow all right fine i will give a real tip tip number five is personal stylization yeah sometimes we forget that we are artists you know we're not robots sometimes we get lost in the reference and trying to capture it but never forget to add your own flair to add your own voice and so i love using the mixing brush how i would use the mixer brush here is to blend some of the pigments together to give it a nice material indication of sheen nice yeah note that i am not trying to fix sozo's initial drawing i'm just simply using it as inspiration using it as a foundation and having some fun with it this is before and after she did such a great job with the initial drawing and i'm just kind of adding my own personal flavor this is a full departure from the [Music] reference hey guys welcome back and thank you so much i hope you learned a lot about drawing folds and clothes and thank you so much rake and sozo for joining me on this video rake where can they find you well guys you can find me at iq dot art and about my sketchbook volume 5 80 pages a lot of artwork and extra stuff oh hold on let me miss a sneak peek oh look at this oh my god oh oh no oh no oh i i've already said it with a proof but yes if you guys want to check out rake's amazing sketchbook volume 5. a go follow social i'm so sorry oh my god also so though i know you have a stock pack and you take all these amazing reference photos where can they find you oh you can find me at on the site you can find my resources tab i actually have a lot of photographs of fabric in case you don't have a ross sitting around in your house willing to model for you and remember every day in a color dodge [Music] day [Music] [Applause] [Music] is
Channel: Ross Draws
Views: 93,771
Rating: 4.9849024 out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, art, digital art, tutorial, Digital art Tutorial, drawing, Drawing Tutorial, anatomy, anatomy Tutorial, Character Design, Character Design Tutorial, Anime, Anime Tutorial, Sketch, Sketch Tutorial, Anatomy, Anatomy Tutorial, Speedpainting, rossdraws, tablet, portrait, hand, hair, master course, masterclass, anime, wacom, concept art, digital art tutorial, photoshop, fabric, clothing, folds, wear, apparel, kimono, soft, hard, woven, textiles, sozomaika, reiq, how to draw, step by step, csp, clip
Id: rXtfX09p2i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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