I DREW FOR 30 DAYS to see how much I would improve

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you know what i don't believe it because i finally finished it i never thought it is so extremely difficult to be a painter and an artist [Music] [Applause] before we start please do not scroll till the end to see the result i really really want you to watch the whole video until the end because i worked so hard for that and it was extremely um stressful for me so thank you in advance also i'm hamster and welcome to my channel let's start the video [Music] starting from the day one you could probably think well she draws pretty well why does she do this challenge actually i do not draw well this was redrawing and i cannot redraw good either this picture is from the artist whose name on tech talk is charwick i really recommend you to go on her page and look at her style because i still want to draw like her but i can't and i try so hard but i still can't and uh i just recommend you to go there joey is not the only artist i hope i pronounce this nickname correct from whom i took the drawings and words to redraw there are many artists and the best source of inspiration is the pinterest of course because i don't think the google is the best option and i think there are two reasons why my re-drawings looked pretty well not bad during the first three or four days first of all because i redrew and secondly because i didn't have a lack of inspiration during the four first four or five days i drew five days straight no pauses and i felt not bad however i couldn't film myself that good during following 26 days and as you can see the quality of my drawings drastically dropped probably i think it's because i drew their body and it is more difficult than drawing the face but whatever that is the reason i started to make some research on the youtube and some tips and advices from the artists how to develop the skills for the beginners and uh i eventually found one artist who said that the most stupid advice other artists can give to the beginners is just to draw every day non-stop and i also think that is stupid because beginners don't know what to do and as a beginner i can say that first of all it just because of the lack of inspiration they draw every day and they do not have any results so they quit drawing and secondly because they do not have any program to follow under the program i mean some basic steps which you will follow and that will eventually build in your drawing skills i mean starting from the face eyes nose which any beginner can do and then starting to learn some anatomy which is very essential and many beginners want to skip this part i'm not an exception i also wanted to skip but it didn't because otherwise how can i develop and i don't know why i made such a big emphasis on women's butt but i think women's bodies are so beautiful and i like drawing their bodies really much um even more than men's but let's just keep this part and let's continue with the program i just follow some basic steps i started from learning how to draw the faces and hair then i learned the anatomy which is the most stressful part and i think anybody can agree with me and then the most important part and my favorite is learning how to draw some clothes i followed these tops because i thought well if you can draw the hair the face the body and the clothes you can draw pretty much anybody but it isn't as easy as it sounds on the part of the re-drawing you think well you're not that bad because it more or less looks like human body but eventually you will have to start to draw for yourself and that is the most difficult part because when i started to draw for myself all the bodies and figures i drew looked very odd and non-proportional the reason for that is because i don't have much information and the references in my head in my database to make the redrawing from my thoughts not from the image i see that is why i followed the next thing when i drew something i looked for my mistakes after that i redrew the same thing but i tried to make sure i fixed all the mistakes i made and that could be sometimes boring because you'd draw the same thing for the several times but that's totally fine because eventually on the third or the fourth time you will get something much better than you drew for the first time and here is the middle of the challenge the 14th day and i learned how to do some clothes which i found a little bit boring in the beginning but eventually i understood that this is the most fascinating thing i could learn from this challenge because the clothes are so different you can make any character you want and here is the important thing learning how to draw the clothes and hair are the biggest flags you can have as a beginner because when i started to draw for myself i found that well i can draw some eyes the nose the lips the face not a big problem but when it goes to the hair my head looks so unproportional i don't know how to draw it what is the texture how to make it more dynamic and add some volume into that also when it comes to the clothes i just can't draw the shadows i don't know where to add them so if you can that will make your character much more dynamic and i want to pause here for a sec because it is the 19th day and this is the first picture which i drew for myself and which i actually liked because i drew everything for myself and it didn't look as unproportional as it usually looked like in the very beginning i kept learning how to draw the clothes and the bodies but my figures still looked very stiff like power rangers heroes so i found the next step basically you draw some lines the lines of the head line of the body and it shouldn't be straight as you can see then you add some circles triangles rectangles and add more details of the clothes of the hair and eyes and eventually you will have the human body which is not stiff which is not odd and that unproportional it is more dynamic than it was and i haven't ever drawn the bodies like this and finally i had some more results on the 22nd day and that i think is one more evidence why beginners shouldn't just draw you'd better have some plan and make some research on hacks and tips which eventually will help you not every hack and tip can fit your style or develop your skills so that is why research is so important never be afraid of being confident in your drawing i found out that when i drew something and it doesn't look good i started to draw it more confident than when i used to i start to press with the pencil harder and it looks much better not always of course but looked better here is almost the end of the challenge and it is the 24th day and i started the new sketchbook and almost all the characters i drew in the next sketchbook are drawn by myself and i think you can see the results here because look at this character i'm sure this is the best character which i've ever drawn for myself so far and it doesn't look that odd as it was in the very beginning and i'm trying to find my own style here this is the most challenging thing i of course cannot find my own style on the 25th day it is impossible in my opinion but nevertheless i see very big results and i'm absolutely sure that if you try the same challenge you will always have very big results in my opinion i had some results just because i recorded myself but there are some problems with that first of all it is not that comfortable when you record yourself the camera is always above your hands and below your face so sometimes you cannot see what you draw the next thing is that it is more stressful because why you record because you will probably show someone what you've done and that is a big pressure but because of this pressure i pushed myself harder and tried to drop better and better because i didn't want to show you some trash which is done during the 30 days however i also drew sometimes not on camera and it was just so fun it is such a big pleasure to draw for yourself not for somebody so if it doesn't fit you if you don't like the pressure of other people's eyes do not draw it on camera just draw it for yourself i think i'm done talking about tips and hacks which i found during the 30 days challenge so far and if you like this video don't forget to like it don't forget to subscribe on my channel and comment down below anything you want any questions which you're interested in and i will just keep talking about the things which i liked oh no and also i found out that drawing in the squared notebook for the whole challenge was the biggest mistake and only on the last day i bought an album but better late than never i suppose i tried to practice to draw with the markers and brushes but it's not as the same as the pencils however i think the pencil that you choose is also an important thing because i had the heart pencil during this 30 days challenge and it is not the best option in my opinion if i had the soft pencil my drawings would probably look much better because it is easier to make the shadows with the soft brushes and probably paint your lips in the works of the trowee the artist which i was talking about in the very beginning of the video look at the texture of her shadows of her hair i couldn't make the same thing with my pencil because it is hot so probably with the soft pencil it would be easier but not the same so if you know what pencil she uses or what brushes please comment down below and tell me because i'm still looking for it and here is the final picture and as you can see i've used all the basic steps i drew the face i drew the hair i drew the body and the clothes and i think i met a great job thank you for watching the video till the end don't forget to subscribe and like this video and leave a comment down below if you're an artist and you would like to try this challenge together with me anything you want just write down below i'll be happy to answer any questions and any comments you write goodbye see you [Music]
Channel: Huma Humsta
Views: 1,821,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 days drawing challenge, i drew for 30 days, learning to draw, learn to draw, how to draw, how to draw animes, sketchbook tour 2021, Drawing challenge
Id: U2fwAqUkllg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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