My Mom ROASTS AND GRADES My Art! (Mother's Day)

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- Hey, guys. Welcome to another episode of Ross Draws. And today is Mother's day, which is why- - Hello, everybody! - My mom is here! - I'm here again. (Ross laughs) - How are you doing? - Glad to come down to LA to visit you. And so far I'm having good time. - Well, we have a Mother's day tradition where you draw whatever you want and then I have to redraw it. So, you ready? - [Mom] Well, this time we're not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. - Wait, why? - I'm not gonna draw, but I will grade your arts to see if you improve and how you improve. - You wannna grade my art? You're supposed to love everything I make. You know, everything is beautiful. - No, not really, so. (man sobbing) I wanna do it and lets do it. - Alright. My mom grades my art. - Okay, Mom. First one. - Okay. - One, two, three. - Beautiful. - Really? - I see the love, the connection, and the vibe. Eye to eye. - Mhm. Oooh. (indistinct) All right, so one to a hundred. - I grade this eight. - Eight? Eight out of a hundred? - Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - Mom, eight? Like- - I'm sorry. Eighty out of a hundred. - That's a B minus. Pretty good. - That's fine. That's fine. - Thank you, Mom. - At school, C is good, right? (both laugh) - Yes. - Oh, amazing! - Really? - Amazing. I love, I love this. - This was a commission for the game Overwatch. - [Mom] Oh, okay. You did it well. - [Ross] Really? - [Mom] Yeah. A lot of layer. I can see. Very powerful and I love her hair, like very random. And I love the color. - Okay, so one to a hundred. - Maybe 85. Okay. That's good, that's good. - So nice today. Wow. - I told you C is good, right? - Yes. - You ready? - No. - Oh, Mulan. - Yes! - Wow. She have long hair, huh? She's beautiful. A lot of detail, especially fur here on the horse part. Beautiful, I love it. Ninety out of a hundred. - Ninety! Aw, A minus. Thank you, Mom. Thank you. It looks like you, though. I never ride a horse. (both laugh) (water squirts) (Mushu thuds) (creature growls) Ooh! Oh, my God. - It's ... (Ross laughs) - Oh, wow. - It's the game Among Us. (ominous tone strikes) - He looks like, angry, huh? But I love the detail that you have in there. So many layers and very creative. Ninety. - Ninety?! - Ninety because very creative, very powerful. And the energy in there. - A minus, very nice. Thank you, Mom. Next one. - [Childish Voice] Wow! (Mom gasps) Summer, huh? You're ready for summer. (both laugh) She has a beautiful ... figure. I think she exercises a lot. With the figure, she's 100 out of 100. But I'm a little bit tradition, so let's go 95. - What? Oh, man. Ugh, all right. Thanks, Mom. Two, three! (Mom gasps) - Uh, Hanzo, right? - Mom! How'd you remember that? - He's a hundred. - A hundred? - Yeah. - Yay, a hundred! Oh my gosh. - And especially you don't draw men more often, so I give you a hundred. - Oh, my gosh. - Yeah. - One, two, three! - Oh, so cute! - Yeah? What do you think? - Really cute. A lot of detail. - Yeah. And it looks like she have six fingers, huh? - What? No, it's five. It's one, two, three, four, five. - Oh, but she looks like six fingers. Let's say 80 out of 100. - Oh, a B. Thank ... A B minus. - Three! - [Deep Voice] Hey. - Oh! Oh, my god. (Ross laughs) No, I'm not a fan of this. - What? Why? - No, I'm not a fan of this. - Why not? It's Teadore. He's like a maid, but he's like a powerful maid. - The design is fun, but I have my own opinion. - Okay. All right, that's fair. One to a hundred. - 65. (Mom laughs) - Here we go! - Oh, so cute. (Ross laughs) Technical wise, there's not much in there, but I know that you improve a lot. - All right, one to a hundred. - It's cute, but it's just like the beginner. So how about forties? - 40? Oh, okay. - Because I don't see much in technical skill in there too. - One, two, three! - Oh, shoot. (Ross laughs) I don't want it to look at it. Oh, take it away. - Mom, this is my old art. - Okay, so I don't want to take a look. 10, 10 out of 100. - Oh, no! 10! - Oh! Beautiful, of course Look at her hair and detail. Wow. I can't count how many layers. She's 105 out of 100. (angelic choir sings) Let me explain why, because it's not the picture. It's not a painting, a style, but a story behind it. - Aw, thank you so much, Mom. If you want to check out Nima, go to (both laugh) - Ah! (both laugh) - It's your dream man. I thought you loved him. - People marry fast to get their dream love. I am still manifesting, so I don't want to grade right now. - Uh huh. - Give it in the future then. How about that? - Oh, a future score. Future score. (voice yelps) - Who is that? - That's me! It's my third self portrait that I've drawn high school. (Mom laughs) - You really capture yourself and your eyes. That's your eyes and your hair. I will give you a hundred and, over a hundred for this. (angelic choir sings) You capture the expression. - Oh, this is over a hundred? - Yeah. - Wow, Mom. - Very real. Very real. - Ugh, ugly. No. (Ross laughs) - This is my high school art. - She looks like she's dead. - I was trying to practice light and shadow. - Okay. I don't like it still. - Oh, well- - 30. - Not bad, you know? 30 out of 100. - Or maybe 20. - What? - Oh, beautiful. I love it, I love it. - Remember this? - This one, I drawed a girl sitting on the tree. I really love this one. She's so cute. Look at her. (Ross laughs) Enjoying herself. 85 out of 100. - Oh, wow. That's pretty good, Mom. B, a B. - It's beautiful. Oh, okay. Yeah. This one you painted when you were in college. - How do you remember this? - I remember every art that you- - You remember every single art? - Yeah. A lot of detail. I really like it because you paint like landscaping and the water's so real. - If this were the real movie, what would the title be? - Um, uh, um. The Jungle, maybe. - The Jungle? - Yeah. - Oh, The Jungle coming out in 2022! - So I give it 100 out of 100. - Oh, my gosh. Mom, you give me so many A's! Thank you so much! - Any more, any more? - You want to grade more? - Okay. I think that's enough for today. (Ross laughs) - Okay, sounds good. - Mhm. - Hey, guys. Welcome back. Thank you so much, Mom. Happy Mother's Day. - Thank you, thank you. What are you going to give me the gift for Mother's Day today? - I gave you my new sky dye hoodie from my new color dodge collection! Now live at Also thank you everyone for joining the bootcamp. It's been so fun helping you guys become better artists. - And I hope you enjoy bootcamp, art bootcamp. To design what you love to is like the dream or like heaven, living in heaven, right? - If you want to visit our art heaven, head to to learn more about the bootcamp. Don't forget to subscribe. Remember ... - Every day is a color dodge day. How about Milo? Milo! - Oh! - Milo! - Every day is a color dodge day. (mouse clicks) (choir sings) (upbeat music)
Channel: Ross Draws
Views: 160,691
Rating: 4.9733539 out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, art, digital art, tutorial, Digital art Tutorial, drawing, Drawing Tutorial, anatomy, anatomy Tutorial, Character Design, Character Design Tutorial, Anime, Anime Tutorial, Sketch, Sketch Tutorial, Anatomy, Anatomy Tutorial, Speedpainting, rossdraws, tablet, portrait, hand, hair, master course, masterclass, anime, wacom, concept art, digital art tutorial, photoshop, mom, roasts, my, mothers, day, mothersday, holiday, mama, review, grade, school, teacher, asian, concept, overwatch, hanzo, ana
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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