Top 5 The Loud House Deleted & Banned Scenes

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there are some deleted scenes in the lettuce that never made it on the air today we're taking a look at that some of these things are pretty crazy I can't believe this is all in a kid's cartoon however on the storyboard at the last minute someone somewhere they just pulled the plug and never showed these episodes or at least they never showed the scenes in the episodes today we'll be taking a look at a couple of them together now the first one is a censored scene and it's pretty notorious so I would be pretty surprised if you guys didn't catch this already but let's take a look at this Lin loud one of the sisters one of the goofballs we all know her but guys take a look at this scene now usually an anime or TV or whatever cartoon it is sometimes they do censor out blood for whatever reason I don't know maybe it's because it's too much for kids to see but in this scene alone I mean why would they do that I mean why would they censor it it's not like there was any violence or anything but of course they did censor it and of course this was redone the animation was redone by another individual a fan I believe kod ROM so you know it's not even official and so we were even lucky to see that guys let's take a look at another one in the April Fool's rules now take a look at this throughout this episode they were doing a whole bunch of pranks on each other everyone in the family and it got pretty intense I mean Lin loud Lincoln left I mean everyone was pranking each other and a whole bunch of stuff wasn't happening I mean they even got into an argument confrontation just a whole bunch of stuff happened you know in the family with this episode and you guys are not gonna believe what I found that they deleted in this scene Oh guys I'm gonna go ahead and show you it but I'm just you're not gonna believe what what this is just just take a look [Laughter] Wow dude I can't believe they were drinking in a kid's cartoon ow you may be saying well you can be drinking water or he could be drinking just normal juice but that does it you know just look at the I mean if you've ever played the game okay I'm not gonna say this but if you ever play the game beer pong you know that's the exact same Cup and so you know maybe they censor this scene because you know it's a kid's cartoon they don't want to give the kids ideas you know drinking's bad you know all that good stuff and you know they didn't want to confuse the kids but kind of weird that they did censor it because I mean when they censor this stuff it's a lot of work that goes into this animation and then you just got to delete it because you know kids cartoon but there have been war stuff in other shows I mean just take a look at spongebob a whole bunch of weird stuff happens in spongebob on a day to day basis you know no one ever really argues but there have been deleted seeds in spongebob you guys you got to make sure to subscribe this channel we're gonna be doing a deleted scenes also for spongebob because there are some scenes that people just don't know about but there have been instances it's actually been many instances where they just completely remove scenes under spongebob and this happens with every show it happens in multiple shows and um what can you do about you can't do really do anything about it but yeah it is the way that it is and it is what it is for a reason now it allowed us a particular it's a kids cartoon we all know that but you know anyway we're getting sidetracked guys let's get back to the focus let's get back to the main ideas let's get back to the point of the video so guys I can't believe he had all these cups out and they just removed it I mean look it's on the storyboard I mean I wonder what it would look like if it was animated and I wonder why they decided to remove it in the first place now guys we're gonna move on to a different and this one you know this one is the icing on the cake I just cannot believe they show this in this cartoon guys I mean look at this I mean what in the world is happening how is she holding that why is she holding that how did this get in I mean is this fake is this real you know what is the true answer I mean it's almost as if we don't have a chancer so much as if we really don't know why they decided to put this one in I mean it could be a number of reasons why this I mean what is this I mean how is this in a cartoon so innocent as the loudness I mean we've seen the other you know the the other lists you know what the Lynn brushing your teeth with the blood we've seen you know beer bottles I mean beer cups whatever you want to call it but this one is the extreme I mean all of this is in the loud house I mean if you were showing this to someone they would probably be confused as the thinking how is this in a kid's cartoon dude is this even can I show this to my kids guys your parents are probably gonna ban you from watching the loud house if they ever saw anything like this and thus the decision was made to censor it out and to never show it so never you know no one had any idea this even happened guys a lot of us as a new show I mean it's not it's not like it's been out for decades or anything no it's a fairly new show it's been out for like what three years two years and so you know the whole premise and the whole idea you know it's a kid's cartoon but you know adults can watch it too so maybe I mean they would leave these in but the same time they wouldn't leave this and I don't know there's a messy situation so it doesn't really make any sense I don't know what to tell you all I know is that they're trying to protect people or they're trying to protect themselves I don't know these things just never got into the loud house and it just never happened now I know shows like The Fairly OddParents you know these shows have also had their fair share of criticism in the past and have there been deleted scenes yes there's also been deleted scenes I pretty much think it's been delete the scenes in every cartoon at this point but you know I don't know for sure I know there's been scraps not necessarily deleted scenes there have been scenes where things have just gotten removed completely whether it's censorship or just it's just too graphic now things are gonna be removed now I know this happens a lot with anime but with cartoons cartoons how could this happen with cartoons dude it's hard to believe anyway thank you guys for making it this far into the video like I said can't believe this stuff happened it's just crazy it's a crazy idea it's a crazy notion but these things did happen now there are some moments in the loud house that are not necessarily ritual but they are you know you can actually hear the you know the censorship now cursing in a cartoon what do you guys think about cursing in a cartoon I think it's pretty you know sometimes they actually I think they literally curse in cartoon sometimes or maybe it's just my ears hearing something else but you know sometimes in the loud house they say something that sounds like they're cursing now I don't know if it's me or maybe it's just me maybe it's just my my messed up mind and I'm just hearing something that just does not make it just sounds like is they are they cursing are these children on the cartoon actually truth is Lincoln loud cursing is Lynne is Lily is Reed Ella is their mom who is cursing the guy sometimes I just think it's in err I think we just hear stuff that we want to hear in these cartoons I mean how many times has happened to you like you're watching a cartoon then you just hear a curse word ain't just like was that really a swear word did they really curse in this cartoon or did I hear a word that sounded like a curse or a mumble I don't know dude but I'm pretty sure like most cartoons when they do stuff like this they usually make it really subtle like if they were gonna curse in a cartoon they'd be like what the you know what the and then it would switch to something else you know it switch scenes before they say the word so at least it's implied you know what they're saying but you don't really know what they're saying I don't know dude it's kind of weird so weird theory too weird what did this happen in my opinion in some cartoons they try to you know sweep it under the rug and try to pretend like it didn't happen but um sometimes it feels like this does happened in the loud house or I'm just crazy who knows dude who knows maybe one guy thank you for making as far as video this is the end of the video guys it's been a while I've been gone where have I been I've been working on some stuff for you guys it's gonna come out in the future if you guys are just gonna have to hang on some cool stuff cool projects a loud house animation spongebob sort of and then I'm working on a project on the side so you guys are just gonna have to wait but I'm gonna try to make some videos you know I'm gonna try to come back in come back into the world of YouTube the world of videos be gone for a while my bad dude slacking dude been slacking dude but your boys back and you know we're gonna be trying to get these videos and we're gonna be pumping out some cool videos got some cool animations who's ready for some freaking parodies dude a set time of the year again but now I'm just kidding guys anyway guys welcome back I'm back you know thank you for being as for the video if you're new go and subscribe we've got some cool content the loud house come if you like cartoons you like animations that's a traverse channel I want to miss out what we got to say so we got to say here it's pretty important I mean what we say here affects the world it affects everyone so go ahead and subscribe this channel thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Calobi Productions
Views: 5,258,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, the loud house, brush, brush faster than you, calobi productions, calobi, cartoon, the loud house deleted scene, Top 5 The Loud House Deleted & Banned Scenes
Id: kl5K31xO4iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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