10 Sneaky Loud House Relationship Theories That Make Sense

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[Music] amongst the chaos that is the loud house stand a family that will go to extreme lengths to protect each other this hilarious and friendly gang never fails to seize the moment but they aren't exactly honest when it comes to their feelings watch until the end to find out which thought house characters are rumored to have been dating since the get-go new around here don't forget to hit that subscribe button and give this video a big thumbs up now let's find out which southouse characters are quietly crushing on each other Ronny Anne and Liam Ronny Anne is a tough cookie which is why Lincoln can't keep his eyes off of her while Lincoln doesn't care much for getting bullied he endures whatever Ronny Ann throws his way because well he loves her do you guys remember when a kid named Liam first started attending Lincoln school if so you might recall how Lincoln tried to befriend him and how things didn't work out in the episode overnight success Lincoln invites Liam for a sleepover and the two pals seemed to hit it off but before long Lincoln and Liam have a major falling out but that doesn't stop Lincoln from trying to land Liam a date in Lincoln loud girl guru girl you should get her chocolate all my sisters love it oh cool so why would Lincoln go out of his way to help out Liam is it because Liam has a crush on Ronny an and Lincoln can Barrett's this could explain why the two buddies had a falling-out could it be that Liam came out about his feelings for Ronny Anne and Lincoln had to put his foot down well he might have a charming southern accents this isn't enough for Ronny Anne but that won't stop the redhead from admiring her from afar Carl and low allowed tongues of loud house fans would love to see Carl and Lola get together however Carl might have some other plans at the sleeve no maybe that you want that gotten my video let me explain about the juju this character enjoys being the best he never fails to tell other people that they're not living up to his standards despite all of this it looks like Lowell aloud has a big fat crush on him in fact some loud house fans think that these characters would make such a good match that they've taken to writing love stories about them on fan fiction well it's quite obvious that Carl has a crush on Laurie the loudest loud sister would never even consider dating him but Lola sure would these two characters are much those are an age and even have a similar personality but it looks like Karl has an eye for the unattainable hopefully this will change as he gets older while it's true that Lola has a little thing for her classmate Winston there's no way of knowing if she'll ever make a move regardless of this mini loud house fans believe that Lola and Karl should be together and secretly are do you think these two characters will eventually hit it off norm and Miss Agnes norm might be your everyday normal guy but he does have a lot to offer to the world not only does he keep his school's hall clean but he's also keen on helping students whenever the opportunity arises while it's uncommon for teachers and janitors to fall in love something about Miss Agnes Johnson took norms breath away it may look like Norman Agnes first met at the end of absent-minded but we think that the two royal would elementary school workers have been together for a lot longer than that Agnes is a great teacher but she has a dark side that her students can't begin to understand this makes us wonder just what Norman Agnes had been up to norm the janitor applies for emergency leave of absence thought she might enjoy wearing turtlenecks and little stockings Agnes isn't one to stand down from a challenge in fact the teacher admits to having broken her leg while riding a mechanical bull in the study muffin episode although little is known about the school janitor we do know that Agnes is a spontaneous and secretive person so knowing this we wouldn't put it past her to already be dating him the principal and his secretary it's a tale as old as time the one that we're going to discuss nonetheless as many of you know Cheryl is the secretary at Royal woods elementary school and she's very good at what she does thanks to Cheryl's abnormally large hairdo and preppy personality spotting her out in a crowd is a breeze all in all she's the perfect woman for her job but we suspect that she and principal Huggins are more friendly than they appeared to be despite being a strict and angry character principal Huggins has a soft side and we think that Cheryl is one of the few people who can bring it out of him this character tends to butt heads with the loud children however he does have a special bond with Lincoln aunt Ilana for the most part though the Louds have only brought misconduct to his halls when were first introduced to principal Huggins he's evil beyond belief after some time though his icy walls begin to melt and he starts to reform his personality well we don't have much to go on we believe that he and Cher have been together for a long time we also think that she's one to thank for his huge personality change tabby and Liam tabby might be on the tomboy side but that doesn't make her any less of a woman sure she might enjoy playing air guitar and turning it up to 11 but she hates being lied to or ridiculed just like anyone else in the episode dance dance resolution Luna finds out that her brother doesn't have a date to the Sadie Hawkins dance so she does what any good sister would she sets him up with her friend despite thinking that top he was amazing Lincoln had bigger fish to fry so he asked Liam to stand in for him and pretend that he had an emergency to tend to despite feeling a little let down tabby end up hitting it off with Liam and by the end of the night dorky little Liam seems to be dancing on a cloud in the end tabby ended up liking Liam a whole lot more than Lincoln which made her feel awful but after finding out that Lincoln's emergency was a farce she stopped feeling sorry about her actions well we haven't seen much of tabby and Liam since this dance we're sure that these two characters have yet to bury the hatchet so do you approve of this loud house couple or is it a little too shocking well we sure hope it isn't because if this couple surprised you you won't be able to handle number one on this list Agnes and mix wagger mick swagger isn't your typical character and that's because he's a cartoon celebrity this returning character is a seasoned rock star who always delivers a stellar performance for this reason the musically talented Luna boots him as her biggest hero on more than one account Luna has been spotted copy and mix waggers fashion style and onstage moves despite his fame and fortune Mick swagger has managed to remain a down-to-earth guy so much so that he's often seen given Luna musical advice while we don't know for sure we think that makes swagger and Miss Agnes would be a match made in heaven after all they both have a wild side that can't be tamed or understood while it's true that Lincoln's teacher has a little crush on the school janitor we wouldn't put it past her to keep her options open after all it isn't every day that you get a chance to party with a rock God would you like to see Mick swagger and Miss Agnes get together because we sure would in fact we have a hard time picturing them with anyone else so who knows maybe mix Wagner will pay a visit to Lunas school sometime soon collide and Lucy flag is Lincoln's best friend so you would think that Lincoln sisters would be off-limits to him but that's not the case everyone in the loud house knows that Clyde has a massive crush on Lori in fact his crush is so intense that it's embarrassing hey beautiful you take these stairs often whenever Lori is around Clyde immediately passes out and gets a nosebleed but Lincoln doesn't seem to care about his friends crash because he knows that his oldest sister would never give him the time of day but there's another loud sister who just might lucy is by far one of the most underrated characters this little goth is Lincoln's oldest youngest sister and for some reason she always pops up when Clyde is around could it be that Lucy has a little thing for her brothers friend who we think so and we also think that she's jealous of Lori's good looks despite her hard exterior Lucy is emotional and dramatic so much so that she recites poetry in the dark for the time being Clyde is preoccupied with Lori but we believe that there will come a day when he shifts his focus to Lucy while Clyde and Lucy might be two different people they consider themselves to be allies so we're just waiting for these two characters to come out and admit they have feelings for each other Lincoln and Girl Jordan Ronnie Ann is Bobby's youngest sister and much like Kim she's crushing on a loud member but instead of telling Lincoln about the way she feels she chooses to torment him at school instead while bullying or crush wasn't the brightest ideas she ever had it did help her to get on Lincoln's radar despite flirting with each other for a long time these two characters never ended up dating for real which makes us think that they simply aren't meant to be so if Lincoln doesn't like rowdy Ann who does he like we put our money on girl Jordan and here's why she's Lincoln's only other girlfriend she's nice she's pretty and she's good at sports while this isn't what people usually look for in a girlfriend it's what an 11 year old is attracted to while many of you think that Ronnie Ann and Lincoln will end up together we think that Lincoln will have a change of heart after some time girl Jordan is competitive and wild which is something that Lincoln admires much like Ronnie and girl Jordan bullies the people that she likes and she's been known to hit Lincoln from time to time want to know why we think these two will end up together well it's because Lincoln gave her is pudding Cup at the end of the be Stella my heart episode and let's face it you don't give away your pudding cup to just anybody Luna and Sam Luna is a free spirit who loves her guitar more than anything in the world she's young she's talented and she's feisty making her the perfect candidate for stardom she may only be 15 years old but she knows who she is and isn't afraid to go after what or who she wants it was recently announced in Ella's her love that Luna was indeed bisexual it's definitely the truth came out when she professed her feelings to her bandmate Sam sharp while we were led to believe that Sam was a boy at first it soon became obvious that she's not while the relationship was recently ousted some not house fans saw it coming from a mile away sure some cartoons don't include LGBTQ relationships but loud house is more than happy to broadcasts love in every shape and form this is clearly showcased by the fact that Clyde's parents hail from his same gender relationship while there's no way of knowing if Luna and Sam will start dating exclusively you suspect that they will Bobby and Lenny by now we all know that Bobby and Louie are joined at the hip however we don't think that their teenage romance will last forever Bobby is a sweet person who is always there for the people he loves however Laurie tends to put her needs before everyone else's she's jealous bossy selfish and can be incredibly me when she wants to be her attitude issues have often come between her and Bobby which is why we're confident that their relationship won't last despite not being there's a lot of scenes together Bobby and Lenny's seem to get along exceptionally well so much so that Lauri is afraid that you'll fall in love with her in fact it was confirmed that Lauri had the sphere in the butterfly effect episode despite being confident and narcissistic Lauri is a bit intimidated by Lenny's golden personality well we don't think that Lenny would date her sister's ex-boyfriend sometimes feelings don't leave any room for common sense do you think that Bobby and Lenny have liked each other from the get-go because we sure do do you have a favorite loud house couple if so let us know who they are and why you love them in the comments and that's the end of our video thanks for watching and see you next time on the things [Music]
Channel: TheThings
Views: 1,696,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thethings, Sneaky, Relationships, Cartoons, Secrets, Secret Relationships, Theories, Loud House, Loud House Relationships, Loud Family, Loud Family Secrets, Loud House Cartoon, Loud House Characters, Fall in Love, Has a Crush On, Crushing, Loud House Crushes, Loud House Theories, Make Sense, Obvious Crush, Likes Her, Likes Him, Couple, Dating, 1118
Id: JdBnyUpaiO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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