Top 5 Fortnite FREAKOUTS Caught on Camera!

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everybody's got those moments where you want to grab the nearest controller near you or Mouse and whip it out the window and then it might hit some innocent old elder walking down the street and then you might get detained or arrested and you know you might feel like a giant you-know-what but these kids on the other hand have done something much worse these kids are taking things too far these are five kids that went ballistic over four night and it's time to Daddy up here at top five gaming where today we'll be showing you how not to act when the game makes you wanna well you know but first I want to remind you guys to use code t5g in the item shop when purchasing any new skins or emotes as it helps us out but above all else it helps out Fred number five never turn off your brothers TV it's a pretty classic and small-time prank I'm fairly sure a lot of us have done two sibling or friend at some point or another using the remote to mess with the TV or console you can do whatever you like to make them think something glitched are not working properly randomly bring up the menu or suddenly increase the volume it all works in the end the pranks victim is going to be completely distracted from whatever they're trying to watch sometimes they may begin to figure out that they're being messed with but if they don't know anyone's in the actual house then it's no surprise if they're left thinking it's a technical issue after all who else could it be well on this occasion it's Nate who's hid in previous to his brother Nick going home from a taekwondo ready and waiting with the TV remote [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys I don't know what enough if he broke my thinking wrong with Hess I've ever been his control his throwing but he for wreaked he may be a red belt in Taekwondo but Nick must learn to clear his mind if he is to conquer for tonight and his prankster brother Nate this wasn't just like a normal slow build-up to one single rage that broke the controller he threw that thing at least four times before he finally gave up not only that but he almost went for the TV and the console there's a big difference between getting a new controller and a whole new console its lucky he managed to hold back when he went for it I'm gonna be honest me and my friends have done this to each other before but I don't think I've seen someone go this insane over the pressure lis you're gonna realize something was up when the screen would turn off every time Nick got into a fight I mean that's a bit suspicious in the first place but in a number four we've got a kid who breaks his phone after winning a four night game so who remembers their first win or just a feeling of getting your first win for me I refuse to give up until I got my first victory way out and after eight painstaking hours I got that epic victory royale now I'm not gonna lie I kind of loved with the enthusiasm in this next clip but at the same time you've got to learn how to hold back whether you're really angry or really happy nice thing [Music] [Music] let's go just break your [ __ ] phone cuz we won a game a fortnight are you kidding me there you broke your phone's we want to [ __ ] match right this little dude goes full-on Hulk smash mode starts pounding it's just that throwing things around even go too far as to pick up his phone and throw it a tad too enthusiastically at a fairly solid floor like I've dropped my phone plenty of times and it's okay but there's no way that was gonna survive I mean you could tell before it even hit the floor that screen was a goner although to be fair he does seem like he'd make a pretty good drill instructor just don't let him near the expensive stuff number three kid goes insane if you don't think it's been insane enough for you then just wait for this one I'm fairly surprised this blob didn't come down sooner but this kid has got some pipes on him don't worry he's not getting pranked or laggy he just seems to be having a few issues when it comes still working with his team now you guys are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know I'll record you the whole time what stop it so I think it's safe to assume that he needs to calm down a bit this little guy is going off the rails throwing tables slamming the poor innocents die Stander's all over the room like they're nothing it's inhumane I thought he might go quiet when mom showed up but he spoke to her like it as well fairly sure he isn't going to be playing for a while but in number two we've got slappy so something we commonly see with streamers is a way for them to take their stress out without causing any real damage to important or expensive stuff I mean let's be honest I'm sure a lot of us had to learn to control ourselves at some point or another when you want it to rage at the game maybe you'd punch a pillow or even had a boxing bag it's a simple way to release that energy on the other hand some streamers are known for breaking equipment enraging take Deller for example he's known for smashing keyboards on his desk but that's only because you get afford to keep a whole box of cheap keyboards that he purposely uses for smashing for this streamer slappy though it's the cheez-it box that falls victim to the rake I love how slappy attempts to take his rage out on cheez-its instead of his desk and ends up spilling them all over the floor instead the Jesus said no more given this is quite a common occurrence I wondered just how smashed up those things must be can we get a rip in the chat for the cheez-its or my boy honorable mention number one Carlos after losing in fortnight sometimes your game before tonight doesn't feel like he could be going any better it's your game you've got every kind of gold weapon you could want all the traps heels and items you could possibly need and you may even already have over 10 kills everything seems to be going just the way you want and even the circle keeps spawning on you so you don't have to run just feels like it's gonna be a guaranteed win and that is when the for tonight try hard soccer skin God's decide to pay you some attention and screw over your whole thing like Carlos here you might be a little bit frustrated on how you got sent back to the lobby apparently he could hack if Carlos had to go and wake the whole house up seems like he just burst in there out of nowhere she thought it was a laugh though and you can definitely feel what he was going through although I doubt most of you would go that insane I mean if I woke my family up like that I'd probably not be able to play for tonight for at least a month honorable mention number two he's mad when his friend turns off his console now something we've seen throughout pretty much all of history is siblings messing around with each other it might be small light-hearted jokes or full-on arguments about who started it in the first place you don't even need to have a brother or sister to know this it's just a known thing we see it every day in films and on the streets but sometimes kids can go a little bit too far this one is similar to the first prank except his brother is doing it right in front of him without a care in the world [Music] [Music] please you a place bro bro it will be a shame so my turn Xbox off dude what's up bro your I think it sort of gave leave you gotta fill out the game why would you do that why can't you wait till a different match till it was perfect time now I get sibling play pranks as I said I've done my share but you've got to also respect their boundaries if somebody says stop you got to stop not that person just won't have much trust in you on the long run unsure if you'll actually listen when it's a serious moment and I'm sure we'd all want family we can trust you just got to show a little respect unfortunately for this group of friends it seems like porn is somehow turned them into mini gangsters oh yes your boy CeeLo special video I salute you for this new boy Tyler we cool now prank number 1 slams controller when you first start playing a game you know you're most likely gonna make a whole bunch of mistakes that you'll learn from you know you're gonna die a whole bunch and that's part of the learning curve unless you're someone like shroud or ninja who can just somehow turn a new game on and their aim just makes up for any lack of knowledge shredding everyone but for the rest of us it's all about being patient and going through that learning process until the game feels smooth and you're working based more on instinct than having to stop and think for Knights definitely got a unique learning curve with its building feature that is being constantly updated making you have to constantly readapt although some people don't seem to have that level of patience [Music] you can tell pretty much right off the bat from the way this guy's playing that he's fairly new looks like he hasn't quite learned how to run yet and he's also trying to take his opponent down with the tactical shotgun at a range that will barely do anything he then attempts to flank using only his gun and no building definitely this guy's first day but that's okay we were all there at one time or another but I don't think his controller deserved to go out with such little game time in it for thing but that has been our list of the top five kids gone insane over fortnight be sure to click that like button if you enjoyed the video or you enjoy the videos in general subscribe the channel if you're new push notifications on be sure to use code t5g whenever you pick something up in the item shop and keep it here on top 5 gaming [Music]
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 3,868,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite top 5, top 5 fortnite kid freakouts caught on camera, top 5 fortnite kid freakouts, fortnite freakouts, fortnite rage, fortnite rage moments, fortnite freakout, fortnite kid rage, fortnite kid freakouts, top 5 fortnite, fort, nite, battle royale, new, video
Id: fKuVzm3z0es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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